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Sizing Stages of Weir High Pressure

Grinding Rolls Mills, Based on Pilot Tests

Felipe Navarrete
Stages: Scale-up Procedure
Basis: Previous test work on similar ores
Congruity Evaluation to determine relevant feed size distribution
Work Tests Pilot Plant
Dedicated Test Work Scale-Up Iteration for:
selection of roller press size
re-calculation of specific throughput, energy,
gap opening, anticipated edge %
correction for edge effect and roll speed
Modeling and Simulation for specification of product size
distribution and circulating load
HPGR Description Basic


Movable Roll Fixed Roll

Material Pressure Competency
The physics of the process depend on the material pressure

Material pressure competency as balance between press

force and material resistance
Congruity Evaluation

Different roll diameters

- Different operating gap sizes
Effect of ratio top feed size to roll diameter on nipping conditions
- Dimensional similarity
Different breakage conditions for very small and larger particles
- Pilot HPGR of certain size required for reliable scale up
Pilot HPGR for Design Test Work
Pilot scale tests are a reliable
approach to confirm preliminary
expectations and determine
criteria and parameters needed
for scale-up to industrial level,
for equipment design and to set
the parameters of this operation

Roll Diameter 0.8 m

Roll Width 0.25 m
2 x 150 kW (Hydraulic Drive)
Process parameters Pilot Plant

Roll Speed
Hydraulic Press Force
Zero GAP
Moisture Content
Feed Top Size; Bulk Density
Feed Size Distribution
Circulating Load
HPGR Operating Parameters

HPGR Performance Parameters

Specific Throughput: SPT

Specific Energy: SPE

Specific Pressure: SPP=F/(D x W)

Product Size: PSD= % Pass v/s Size

HPGR Capacity Definitions
Specific Throughput : SPT = Q / ( D x W x S ) [ts(hm]

Specific Pressure: SPP = P / (D x W) [N/mm]

(Net) Specific Energy: SPE = E / Q [kWh/t]


P = pressure applied, N
Q = throughput, t/h
W = roll width, m
D = roll diameter, m
E = net power consumption, kW
S = roll peripheral speed, m/s
HPGR Capacity Definitions
Continuity formula: Q = g x W x S x x 3.6
Specific Throughput (M-dot) formula: Q = SPT x D x W x S

Q = capacity, t/h
g = gap opening, mm
W = roll width, m
D = roll diameter, m
S = roll peripheral speed, m/s
= material density in gap, t/m3
SPT = specific throughput, or m-dot, ts/hm3
3.6 = translation factor seconds to hours
Particle Size Distribution Feed

A truncated feed can also be used

Pilot Test Results: Pressure Effect

A higher pressure increases energy consumption and product

fineness, but lowers throughput.
Pilot Test Results: Roll Speed Effect

A higher roll speed does generally not significantly affect energy

consumption or product fineness, but lowers throughput.
Scale-up: Speed Effect

Capacity = Specific Throughput x Roll Speed x Roll Diameter x

Roll Width, where Specific Throughput is (Roll Speed)
Scale-Up: Edge Effect

Correction of edge effect on specific throughput, specific

energy consumption, gap opening and product size
Scale-Up: Edge Effect on Specific Energy

Pilot Test: Edge 14%

SPEe: 0.5 kWh/t
SPEc = (SPEt x 100 SPEe x %e) / (100 %e) = 2.1 kWh/t
Scale-Up: Edge Effect on Specific Energy

SPEp = {SPEc x (100 %Borde) SPEe x %e} / 100

= {2.1 x (100 5) 0.5 x 5} / 100
= 1.97 kWh/t
Scale-Up: Edge Effect on Specific Throughput

SPPt: 4.0 N/mm

SPPe: 0.50 N/mm
SPPc: 4.72 N/mm

SPPp = {SPPc x (100 %B) SPPe x %B} / 100

= 4.51 N/mm
Scale-Up: Edge Effect on Specific Throughput

Relationship: SPTc / SPTe = c / e,

SPTt = SPTc x (100 - %e) / 100 + SPTe x %e /100

SPTc= SPTt x c / { %e x e + (100 - %e) x c}

SPTe= SPTt x e / { %e x e + (100 - %e) x c}
Density Data Specific Throughput Data
S.G. 2.7 g/cc Testing
r e 0.60 x S.G 1.6 g/cc SPTt (test) 300 ts/hm
r c 0.85 x S.G 2.3 g/cc %e (test) 20 %
SPTc 319 ts/hm
SPTe 225 ts/hm Plant
%e (plant) 6%
SPT Plant 313 ts/hm
Modelling Product particle Size
Standard energy split Size Distributions of
function parameters test feed, edge, and
(Breakage & selection centre material,
functions, more or less experimental %
similar as in ball mill edge,
simulation) A 3. CALCULATION
A 4. OUTPUT By iterative
Breakage parameters recalculation of
Fitting parameters for breakage and
selection parameters
energy distribution for
and curve fitting of
each particle size class particle size
Specific energy for distributions. With
pre-crushing, correction for
interparticle crushing, pre-breakage, edge-
and edge breakage breakage and bypass
Simulation Product particle Size
B 1. INPUT Size distribution of
Breakage parameters plant feed,
as determined in the predicted edge
modelling stage proportion,
predicted gap
B 4. OUTPUT opening and inter-
Specific energy for particle crushing
pre-crushing, kWh/t as
inter-particle crushing, determined by the
and edge breakage modelling,
Total energy consumption; B 3. CALCULATION
Proportion real edge by applying breakage
material, bypass material parameters to plant
feed size classes.
Predicted particle size
Scale-Up of Product Particle Size

Comparison of test achievements and closed circuit plant prediction

10/27/2015 22
Scale-Up: Necessity of Iteration
Basic Test Series Definition of Basic Relationships
Open Circuit HPGR Specific Data as a function of Operating Parameters
for each Ore type Sp. Throughput Roll Speed
Testing the Sp. Energy Press Force
Effects of
Pressure Selection of
Product Size
Gap Opening
Moisture Content
Closed Circuit Effect
Iteration is required to
for example:
validate process
Flake Competency
Bond Wi
4.5 N/mm
2.8 mm screening
Test Series
Closed Circuit Pre-Scaling
parameters against
Wear Rate Index 1.7 % Moisture for each ore type Iteration to define:
(3 x 4 tests) RP Size
confirm: Gap Opening Feed size
4.4 N/mm Roll Speed
10 RPM Tak ing into acount the Effects of: Pressure conditions
1.7 % Moisture Congruity
1.90 kWh/t Roll Speed Roll dimensions
Roll Speed
Modeling & Press Force
4.4 N/mm Re-Evaluation
Edge Effect
Gap opening
19 RPM
4 % Moisture
of Conditions
4 % Moisture
Final Selection
of HPGR Size

63 mm Gap 4.4 N/mm and Operating Conditions
1.95 kWh/t Feed Size Options for example:
Recycle % -40 mm, - 50 mm RP 20-210/180
Tak ing into "Base Case" for Worst Case, Design Case:
Account the 18 RPM, 1.95 kWh/t 18.9 RPM, 2025 t/h wet
Effects of "Soft Ore" 1.95 kWh/t net
Screen Aperture 16 RPM, 1.92 kWh/t 60 % circ.load on 6 mm.
Screen Efficiency "Hard Ore" RP Discharge:
14 RPM, 2.05 kWh/t 59 % < 5 mm
16 % < 125 m

10/27/2015 23
Sizing Stages of Weir High Pressure
Grinding Rolls Mills, Based on Pilot Tests
Felipe Navarrete

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