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SeEconpary ENTRANCE AssEsSMENT (SEA) 2012 PRACTICE TEST ( SYLLABUS TESTED ) This TEST is divided into THREE SECTIONS: 1 Creative Writing = - 40 Minutes - 1 Choice of Three Questions either 3 Stories or 3 Letters 2. Mathematics - 75 Minutes - 46 Items 3. Language Arts - ~~ 75 Minutes, - 50 Items Make sure you read and understand the instructions before you start to work on any section. Write your answers and show all workings on the question paper. © & Bene) Copyright © g Bence) Allrights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission in writing from the publisher. ‘The publisher has made every effort to trace the copyright holders, butt has not been possible to contact all of the authors, their dependants or their publishers by the time of going to press. They will be pleased tomake the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. @ Bence PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY 1312 S.S. Erin Road, Penal, Trinidad, West Indies. 1-868-647-7651 / 8322 CREATIVE WRITING INSTRUCTIONS You have 40 minutes to plan and write an essay on ONE of the following topics. Marks will be awarded for proper construction of sentences, use of grammar, spelling, punctuation and striking reader appeal Make sure you leave a few minutes to edit your essay. AStory Your favourite artiste is having a concert in your country. You won two tickets to the show. Write a story describing how you won the tickets and your experience at the concert. AStory There is an old house in a remote area of your village. Nobody goes there. You are curious but afraid to go because of the story that is told about that house. One day your dog went into the compound and did not return. You went in to get him. Write a story describing your experience. AStory Abush fire is approaching your neighbour's house. They are not at home. Write a story describing the incident and the role you played in saving the house TEST 8 (2012) Paget MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONS You have 75 minutes to answer all the questions in the Mathematics Section of the test. There are Three Sections with a total of 46 items. You must do alll your working in the working column Do not spend too much time on any one question. Page 2 SECONDARY ENTRANCE ASSESSMENT Mathematics Answer ALL questions 75 Mins. - 46 Items boner NO. ITEMS SPACE FORWORKING ONLY "0H" Juncus 1. | Round off 25.79 to the nearest whole number. i 1 2. | Calculate the difference between 7? and{25. 1 3. Name the type of angle shown. S es — 1 4. | Which of the letters has no line of symmetry. ae 1 5. | Reduce *®/,, to its lowest term. — — 1 6 Shade 12.5% of the shape. 1 TESTS (2072) Page 5 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE, DONT No. ITEMS ‘SPACE FOR WORKING ONLY — |.,7#5,,[waris| Ifthe perimeter of the triangle is 28cm, calculate the length 3, of BC 8. | Write 19 thirds as a mixed number. 9. 86953 Whats the sum of the value of the 6 and 5 in the number above? 10.| Divide 0.48 by 0.2. 11.| t60litres The tank has a total capacity >> of 160 litres. How much water isin the tank at level A? 12.| IfN=8, then (N-4)?= 13.| Find the product of 4.8 and 6. a 1 TEST 8 (2012) Page 4 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE No. ITEMS were SPACE FOR WORKING ONLY | |. 1H5,, usr 14. 1 3 Cis equal to 15. | Whatis the mean of 9, 16 and 11? Questions 16 and 17 are based on the table which shows data John collected showing the shoe size of his friends. Size et e2h |e uaala) Frequency | 0 | 1| 4] 6| 2 16. | Howmany friends does John have? 17.| Whatis the modal shoe size? reach home? 18, The clock shows the time Jerry left for home. Jerry took 25 minutes to reach home. What time did he ‘TEST 8 (2012) Page 5 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE Bove No. items SPACE FORWORKINGONLY |i Jura 19, 7.0 Name the solid showr os = 1 Tom's Pencil 9.5cm 20. = Gary's Pencil Estimate the length of Gary's pencil a 1 21. | Rose bought a pair of shoes for $65.00 | Section 11 | anda shirt for $23.00. Calculate the change if she paid with $100.00. 2 22. | Howmany minutes are there from 7:25am to 9:10am? ei 2 23, | The vaawus of a circular field is 70m. Calculate the circumference of the field. 2 24. | If 30% of number N is 40, what is the value of N? 2 25. | Inacinema there were 500 p6ple. If218 were children and 76 were ow many women were in the ciner 2 TEST 8 (2012) Page 6 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE poner No. TEMS SPACEFORWORKINGONLY |". aces 26 — 2 27. | Jimworks every day at a daily rate of $120.00. How much will he earn if he works 3 weeks and 3 days? — ee 2 28. | Bob worked for $900.00 weekly. He got an increase to $1200.00. Calculate his percentage increase. ee 2 29, 20m The width of the rectangle is Sem shorter the length. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle, —e 2 30. | Find the sum of 967, 4895 and 26.4. a 31. | Avendor bought 150 oranges for $60.00 and |. _ | Sold them in heaps for 3 for $2.00. Calculate his profit as a percentage. . 3 ‘TESTS (2017) Page 7 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE NO. TEMS SPACE FOR WORKING ONLY _|,2H5,, Juss 32. | Randyis 11 years 4 months old. He is older than his brother by 3 years 9 months. Calculate his brother's age. = 3 33.) Ken had 24 bags with 10 mangoes. He repacked them equally into bags of 15 and sold each bag for $25.00. a, | Howmany bags of 15 did he get? ~ 2 b. | Howmuch money did he collectif he sold all 7 the mangoes? 1 34a|_Drawa quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides that are not equal. b. | Name the quadrilateral. = = 3 36. | Mr. James rented a car for 3 days at $275.00 per day. He spent $450.00 on food items. Calculate his expense for the 3 days —~ 3 ‘TEST 8 (2012) Paget PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE NO. ITEMS Donor baer SPACE FORWORKING ONLY |... Juans) |counm 36, The table shows how points were awarded for placing first, second or third at a racirig event. Place Points tat 10 2nd 5 3rd 3 Joey had 38 points after 6 events. Complete the table to show the number of races Joey came ‘st, 2nd or 3rd and the points gained, Number ofraces Place Points Ast 2nd 3rd ‘TOTAL 38 37, Rotate triangle ABC at point C pe and label the triangle in its new posi 38. $1.00 US = $6.40 TT How much TT dollars can | get if| have $40.00 US ?. 3 TEST 8 (2012) Page 5 PLEASE GO ONTO THENEXT PAGE ner NO. ITEMS ‘SPACE FOR WORKING ONLY learn |MARKs| 39. | Fred began work at 8:30am and finished at 12:00 noon. He spent 75% of this time fixin~ car. How much time did he take to fixie. car? a 3 40. | The average of 6 numbers is 70. Ifanew number N is added the average is 72. What is the newnumber N? ee 3 Ata. 4ocm__y, The cuboidholds [Section 111 &, 36000cm* water. Calculate the height of {|__| the cuboid? — 2 b. | Howmuch water will the cuboid hold ifthe water level is at a height of 206m? a 3 42. a. Fillin the missing numbers in the box to complete the pattern 2 b. | Complete the statement below based on the pattern above. The difference between two consecutiv ‘square number results in an 1 a number. c IFN? +67= 100 Find N 2 TESTE OID Page 10 PLEASE GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE boner NO. ITEMS SPACE FOR WORKING ONLY leovu [Mares 43. ep Name Score “Shane pS Ram 6 Joey 48 Kelly 2 Aan 65 Pat 59 a. | Calculate the mean score of the students. —— ee 1 b. | What fraction of the students scored less than themean? 2 c. | The pass mark in the test was 60. What percentage of the students passed? 2 Ada. om Calculate the distance around the rectangular 3 plot of land 5 _ _ 1 b. | Mr. Khan wants to fence the land. Fence poles are to be placed 3m apart. How many poles will be needed? c. | Arollof fence wire is 60m. How manv sofis will be needed to fence the land? — 2 TEST # (2012) Page 7 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE jae No. ITEMS SPACE FORWORKING ONLY | |,,25,, [warns] 45,| Devon's bicycle wheel has a radius of 286m How many times will his wheel spin to travel a distance of 1.76km? ne 5 = p | 46.| Sherry spent ‘/, of her money on transport, '/,,0n food, */, of the remainder on snacks and saved $90.00. Complete the table which shows how Sherry spent her money. Item) Fraction “Amount Transport ‘, —_ 1 Food Ig ee Snacks seve $90.00 __ TOTAL 5 ‘TEST 8 (2012) Page 12 PLEASE CHECK OVER YOUR WORK SECONDARY ENTRANCE ASSESSMENT (SEA) Language Arts Time: 75 minutes SECTION 1 : GRAMMAR SKILLS AWMrite the SINGULAR FORM of the underlined nouns in brackets to complete each sentence. EXAMPLE: The boy did not hear. (boys) nes ___is onthe table. (chetfies) 2. The police captured the ___ near the supermarket. (thieves) 3. Marsha threw the __ down and it broke. (scissors) (6 mks) ] B. Underline the PRONOUN in the following sentences EXAMPLE: He is a good boy. 4. Their father asked her for directions to Mr. Jones’ house. 5. Darion didn’t have his mother will have tq buy. 6. This house is ours but their house is next to the fire station. Gms) [_] TEST 8 (2012) Page 14 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE LANGUAGE ARTS INSTRUCTIONS * You have 75 minutes to answer the 50 questions The Test has 3 Sections Section 1 - Grammar Skills Section 2 - Spelling / Vocabulary / Punctuation Section 3 - Comprehension Make sure to read the instructions given for each part of the test. Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing your answers. Page 13, E. Join the following sentences to form one sentence. EXAMPLE: He was hungry He ate my sandwich He was hungry so he ate my sandwich. 12, Michaelis thin Michael is tall Michael lives on our street. 13. Ben plays football Ben plays for Milan Ben is the goal keeper. EXAMPLE: (PLAY) Randy is playing on the road. 14. FALL The groundsmen had covered the cricket pitch before the rain, 15. BEGIN Theraceis_ at the school gate. 16. SHAKE Rawlin _my hand firfny, (6 mks) C= TEST 8 (2012) Page 16 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE C. Each of the following sentences has TWO errors. Rewrite each sentence in its correct form. EXAMPLE: Yous the knew boy. You are the new boy. 7. Hedon'thave to by a gift forme. 8. __ Karenis the most best singer in we church. 9. ‘There father did not give us none. (8 mks) D. Write a question for each answer, EXAMPLE: 10. Question’: _. Answer: I shall take Ray and Julia with me to the mall 11. Question: Answer: Brandon took me to the airport. (2 mks) TEST 8 (2012) Page 15 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, SECTION II : VOCABULARY/SPELLING/PUNCTUATION ‘A. Use the clue given to supply a word to complete the meaning of each sentence. EXAMPLE: Ruth was happy when she saw Kim but became sad when she left. The flight is expected to depart Piarco at 6:00 pm and ____in Toronto atten o' clock tonight. The prisoner denied that he killed the man but thathe stole the money. (4 mks) | B. Underline the word that is incorrectly spelt in each sentence. Write the correct spelling on the line provided. EXAMPLE: The children were excited to meet their un! The tourist admitted that visitors are warmly treated in ayonegn country. ‘The guest thought that he had catered sufficient food butitwas not ennough. The religous leaders met with the government minister to discuss the problems of our country. (6 mks) ‘TEST 8 (2012) Page 18 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE G. State whether the underlined verbs are TRANSITIVE or INTRANSITIVE EXAMPLE: We got anew car. Transitive 17. The couple will be married on Sunday. 18. The song played twice on the radio, this morning, 19. The tour guide showed us the famous cave. (3 mks) H. Form the PART OF SPEECH required from the root word given EXAMPLE: peace 20. company (noun) 21. favour — : (aaverby 22. ivtely (adjectivey ii, power (adverb) peaceful (adjective) (4 mks) | Write a word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word. EXAMPLE: Molly is afatgirl. thin 23. _Wewere surprised when they revealed the secret. 24. _Allofthe items were made out of synthetic material 25. The landlord could not offer us the vacant room, TEST 8 (2012) Page 17 (6 mks) PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31. 32. 33. 35. D. Insert the TWO missing punctuation marks or capital letters to correctly complete EACH of the following sentences. YOU DO NOT NEED TO REWRITE THE SENTENCE. EXAMPLE: where do you live Where do you live? Mother shouted, “don't dothat If youre not sure I'lltell you Do you have any of these a saw, ahammer or arake Yes Kens friends will be there. Mrs. Lewis the nurse visited our school on Friday. (10 mks) TESTS (2012) Page 19 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE SECTION Ill : COMPREHENSION A. Read carefully the passage below then answer the questions that follows. Use complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling, The Intemational Cricket Council (ICC) is the world body responsible for managing and organising activities to promote cricket around the globe. The most popular tournament is the ICC World Cup. In 2011 the ICC Cricket World Cup was held for the tenth time in the tournament's history. The tournament began in 1975 and is held every four years. 5 The West Indies was the winner of the World Cup on the first two occasions. Australia has won the cup four times. Pakistan and Sri Lanka each won the cup once. In 2011 India won the competition for the second time after twenty eight years. The 2011 tournament was hosted by three nations, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. This year fourteen teams participated. The opening ceremony was held on 17th February, 2011. India won the 10 final game of the tournament which was held on 2nd April, 2011. India’s player, Yuvraj Singh was named man of the tournament. They defeated Sri Lanka. ‘West Indians are hoping that our present team can improve so that we can win the next tournament. 36. Whatis the role of the laternational Cricket Council? 37. _ i. Inwhat year was the first Cricket World Cup held? ji, Who won the cup on that occasion? 38. _ Which line in the passage tells you the number of times the tournament was held? 39. Whowon the 2011 tournament and which team did they play against in the final? 40. _ Inwhat year will the next ICC Cricket World Cup be held? Give a reason for your answer. (15 mks) ‘TESTS (2012) Page 20 PLEASE GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 10 “1 42. 43. 44. 45. B. Read carefully the poem below then answer the question that follow: Use complete sentences. Use correct Grammar and Spelling. How The Little Kite Learned To Fly? “I never can do it,” the litle kite said, 15 Then how the little kite thrilled with pride, ‘As he looked at the others high over his head As he sailed with the big kite side by side! While far below he could see the ground, “Lknow | should fall if | tried to fy.” And the boys like small spots moving round. “Try.” said the big kite, only try! ‘They rested high in the quiet air, Or | fear you never will learn at all.” 20 And only the birds and clouds were there But the litle kite said: “I'm afraid Il fal.” The big kite nodded: “Ah, well, good-bye; “Oh, how happy I am, * the litle kite cried. | am off.” And he rose toward the tranquil sky. “And all because | was brave and tried.” ‘Then the litle kite’s paper stirred at the sight. ‘And trembling he shook himself free for flight, By Katherine Pyle First whirling and frightenend, then braver grown, Up, up he rose through the air alone, Till the big kite looking down could see : The ttle one rising steadily, How was the little kite feeling at the beginning of the poem and why was he fgéling this way? What advice did the big kite give to the little kite? Which line in the poem tells you the material the little kite was made of? Why do you think the kite thought the boysere like small spots moving round in line 187 (15 mks) TEST 8 (2012) Page 21 PLEASE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 46. 47. 48. 49, 50. ¢. Carefully study the graphic below and answer the questions based on it. Use complete sentences, proper grammar and spelling. JULY 2011 Ores" 4 "1 18 25 Whats the diagram above? Mr. Dennis goes to church on Sundays. How many das will he go to church that month? What day would the 1st6f August fall on? Give the exact dav and date of the full moon, i. Kelly's Birthday is on the 3rd Tuesday in July. What is the date of Kelly's birthday? il. Abirthday party was held for Kelly on the Saturday after her birthday. When was the party held? eno oF test 1") =| Please check over your work before TesT 8 2042) : Page 22 handing in your paper

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