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Purchasing Departement / CEO Office

2G & 3G RFQ Amendment
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2G & 3G RFQ Amendment

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1. Project Scope......................................................................................................................... 5
2. GENERAL HIGHLIGHTS.....................................................................................................6
3. Commercial Guidelines........................................................................................................7
-3.2 License Pooling 10
-3.3 Equipment Price Variation 10
-3.4 Prices validity 10
-3.5 RAN specific requirements 11
3.5.1 All inclusive bundle SW:..........................................................................................11
3.5.2 Purchasing KPI Commitment.................................................................................11
-3.6 Transport specific requirements 12
3.6.1 Data Equipment........................................................................................................12
-3.7 Support specific requirements 12
3.7.1 Spare Parts Management (SPMS)............................................................................12
-3.8 Training 13
-3.9 RAN Proffessional Service 14
4 Terms..................................................................................................................................... 14
-4.1 Cost of Response Preparation 14
-4.2 Response Ownership 14
5 Presentation of proposals..................................................................................................15
6 Evaluation of proposals.....................................................................................................16
7 Terms of presenting proposals.........................................................................................16
8 Milestones............................................................................................................................ 18
9 Disputes................................................................................................................................ 18
10 Termination and Assignment............................................................................................18
11 Network Model for Scenario 1.........................................................................................19
-11.1 General requirements 19
-11.2 2G Network model 21
11.2.1 BTS.......................................................................................................................... 21
11.2.2 BSC.......................................................................................................................... 30
11.2.3 TC............................................................................................................................ 31
11.2.4 TRX upgrade.......................................................................................................... 33
-11.3 3G network Model 33
11.3.1 Node B.................................................................................................................... 33
11.3.2 RNC......................................................................................................................... 37
11.3.3 CE............................................................................................................................ 37
11.3.4 HSPA....................................................................................................................... 38
12 Network Model & requirement for Scenario 2.............................................................38
-12.1 General Requirements 38
-12.2 2G RAN network model 40
12.2.1 General Requirements.........................................................................................40
12.2.2 Radio Parameters.................................................................................................41
12.2.3 Coverage polygon and site data base...............................................................42
12.2.4 2G Radio capacity parameters and traffic mix...............................................43
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12.2.5 Deliverables:.......................................................................................................... 45
-12.3 3G RAN network model 50
12.3.1 General Requirements.........................................................................................50
12.3.2 Radio Parameters.................................................................................................51
12.3.3 Coverage polygon and site data base...............................................................53
12.3.4 Number of subs per Year:...................................................................................54
12.3.5 CS and PS Traffic..................................................................................................54
12.3.6 CE & HSPA............................................................................................................ 55
12.3.7 RNC requirements...............................................................................................56
12.3.8 Deliverables:.......................................................................................................... 56
-12.4 CW network model 60
12.4.1 2G swap and 3G site collocated with 2G.........................................................60
12.4.2 New sites................................................................................................................ 63
13 Hardware specification and Software features.............................................................65
14 OMC & network performance tool..................................................................................68
15 Project Implementation Plan.......................................................................................................68
16 Services Scope.................................................................................................................... 70
-16.2 Service classification 71
16.2.1 Calibration............................................................................................................. 72
16.2.2 Planning................................................................................................................. 72
16.2.3 Dimensioning.........................................................................................................73
16.2.4 Site acquisition.....................................................................................................74
16.2.5 Site Survey............................................................................................................. 74
16.2.6 Installation & CW.................................................................................................74
16.2.7 Commissioning and Configuration....................................................................75
16.2.8 Integration............................................................................................................. 75
16.2.9 Drive test................................................................................................................ 75
16.2.10 Optimisation.......................................................................................................... 76
16.2.11 Maintenance Level 2 and Level 3 Support:.....................................................76
16.2.12 First Line Maintenance (FLM):..........................................................................76
16.2.13 Network Operations (NOC)................................................................................77
16.2.14 Supervision:........................................................................................................... 78
16.2.15 Spare Parts Management....................................................................................78
16.2.16 Events handling and capacity extension/Reduction......................................78
16.2.17 Customer complaints...........................................................................................79
16.2.18 Warehousing.......................................................................................................... 80
16.2.19 Dismantling, Packing and Transportation.......................................................80
17 Rollback................................................................................................................................ 80
18 System Acceptance and Penalties...................................................................................80
-18.1 Acceptance procedure80
-18.2 KPI acceptance 81
-18.3 Penalties 81
19 Transmission........................................................................................................................ 81

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20 HUMAN RESOURCE.................................................................................................................... 85
21 Training.................................................................................................................................... 85
22 On job training.......................................................................................................................... 85
23 Exit management plan................................................................................................................ 86

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1. Project Scope
Djezzy has amended the RFQ for Tender for Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution
sent on 3rd of November 2011 and Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent
on the 21st of March 2012. Tendering parties are requested to offer two separate
proposals and quotations for 2G SUPPLY/SWAP and 3G/HSPA+ implementation based

Scenario 1:

CAPEX based modernization; normal quotation approach using fixed BoQ approach
delivered by Djezzy in BoQ Annex 01- 2G modernization BOQ, Annex 02- 3G
RAN & CW BoQ and Annex 03-TX BoQ.

Bidder shall provide dimensioning of necessary network elements as per the defined
network model.

The tendering party shall be responsible for delivering the 3G project in turnkey for
year 1.

Scenario 2: (Free design):

CAPEX based modernization using vendor own design based on modular

approach including Supply part, implementation part, professional services
part and support part, each in separate module with clear independent
pricing rules.

The Tendering Party shall provide their own network design for both 2G and
3G for 48 wilaya as per the defined area polygons over the five years.

The tendering party shall be responsible for delivering the 2G project in

turnkey basis per wilaya starting from first site swap till the final acceptance
of the wilaya.

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The tendering party shall be responsible for delivering the 3G project in

turnkey basis per wilaya for 48 wilaya.

The 2G coverage of south road will be delivered in turnkey basis starting

from design till the acceptance of the last site and adding 3 months handover
for FLM

Following the provided traffic mix, tendering party will present a proposal
with required number of sites, configuration per site, and site location so as
to satisfy required coverage and capacity needs.

The Tendering Party is requested to provide a BOM per wilaya.

Tendering Party may propose to utilize all or part of the provided site list
according to the defined network model

Tendering Party should provide a complete radio design report including

coverage plots, Link budget calculation and all related calculation
methodology and assumptions.

In case of shutting down any 2G site the tendering party should present the
plots and how traffic of this site will be carried.

The Tendering Party shall provide their own MW backhaul network design for
both 2G and 3G for 48 wilaya over the five years.

The tendering party should fill Annex 21- Compliance Matrix with all
individual clauses, indicating the level of compliance with each clause, and
providing related explanation.

All the quoted equipment must be single RAN capable starting from day one.

The provided solution should be ready to support Full IP.

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Network is further split into 6 zones as indicated in Annex 04- Network zone
split, the Evolution of the zones over the years, considering new roll-outs,
has to be done with Djezzy consent. Djezzy reserves the right to change the
zonal definition up on Djezzy requirements.

The 6 zones are aggregated into 2 areas:

Area 1: Zone 1,2 & 3

Area 2: Zone 4,5 & 6

If the winner is an existing 2G vendor, he will have to modernize himself, and

if the winner is a new 2G vendor, he has to swap the existing 2G equipments.

The supporting documents section shall include all supporting documents

used in the technical requirements and Tendering Party services, as well as
product description, brochures and manuals for the proposed equipment.

The Winning party shall provide a live trial of at least 1 BSC, 1TC, NMS and
Two BTSs of configuration (Macro (S222 G + S222 D), Micro S220) within
one month of the tendering party selection date.

The Winning party shall provide a live trial of at least NMS, 1 RNC and Two
NodeB (indoor & DBS) of configuration (S111, CE 256) within One month of
the tendering party selection date.

The wining party should commit on having half of the needed 2G and
3G equipment for year 1 (both scenarios) ready for shipment within
one month of the tendering party selection.

The supplier must ensure the confidentiality of all the data within this RFQ,
the tendering party shall take all the necessary measures to protect and
forbid any security hazard that may affect the confidentiality of the data.

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3. Commercial Guidelines
Tendering parties are requested to use the lowest price catalogue exists in
Vimpelcom group including 2013 contractual discounts as a base line for the
quotation per subsystem in response to this RFQ, keeping in mind that equipment
sub-items that already exist in Vimpelcom Catalogue should be quoted with exactly
similar item codes and description. However if the price used in the last submission
of Tender for Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011
and Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of March are more
economical, the bidder must applied it (linked to the price list) including all
incentives and discounts. The tendering party should add on top of it the new
discounts and incentives in order to be commercially competitive in this RFQ.

Any new item that will be provided by the vendors needs to be highlighted in the
quotation/BoQ shopping list, and the tendering party to provide within one week
after technical/commercial submission a benchmarking exercise for all new line
items to explain/justify the offered price level for these new line items in comparison
to the corresponding items in the catalogue that were providing similar/close
functionality and capacity

For the bidders that have existing group catalogue with VimpelCom in Euro and will
be used in part or in total to answer the scope of this tender, a conversion rate of 1
Euro=1.26USD to be used when submitting the commercial proposal.

The prices for the services part must be quoted in Algerian local currency.

The prices will be fixed for the 2 areas, but the tenders are encouraged to offer
additional incentive flat discounts to be applied on the different areas indicated in
the TCO annex 01- 2G modernisation BoQ, Annex 02- 3G RAN & CW BoQ and Annex
03- TX BoQ.

Bidders commit themselves to quote all interconnection ancillaries and installation

materials needed to connect the nodes to each other within the same physical site,

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to add any kind of missing items or services that it finds necessary to have a full
complete workable solution. The forgetfulness of this quotation will imply the
acceptance of these costs in charge of the winning bidder.

The tendering party commits and declares that its offered products will work
perfectly, also in terms of integrity, in Djezzy operations HW & SW environment and
that, in every case, the same Vendor wont ask additional payments, nor will be
considered excluded from the commitments of this Contract or POs, pleading
misinterpretation, lack, or inadequacy of information relating to Djezzy HW & SW

For commercial compliancy, bidders are requested to submit a list of Commercial

Noncompliance listing only the list of items that the Bidder is either Non or Partial
complaint stating the RFQ wording, the compliance status and the reason for non-
compliance, this applies to all requirements in all tender document chapters, all
requirements outside this list will be considered as Fully Complaint from the
Bidders side towards Djezzy.

For Economical offers submissions (TCO Sheets), Tendering parties are requested to
abide to such templates and formulas, other kinds of format will be rejected, any
update required or errors discovered in such templates need to be reported to
Djezzy procurement during the Q&A window for correction and re-distribution.

Discounts mechanism

Discounts: includes yearly flat aggregated discounts offered on Top of the catalog
base line unit price List and shows the overall discounts for HW & SW per year per
unit item.

Discounts behavior per year should be based on homogenous incremental manner

and does not fluctuate for one year to another (i.e. discounts should be of
incremental slope). No discounts are allowed to be applied elsewhere in TCO file

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unless its clearly linked with the Discounts sheet.

The proposed discounts by the bidders over the TCO life time shall not be linked to
the calendar year of such TCO sheet rather being applicable taking into account the
effective date of the contract as a starting point for TCO discounts application.

Vouchers and Special discounts will not be considered into the commercial
evaluation rather might result into losing scores due to commercial requirements
noncompliance from the bidders side, the Tendering Parties should not offer any
types of discounts beyond the below categories:

Price Book : discounts that have incremental slope one year after the

All the quantity either forecasted per year or will be calculated by the bidders in
line with the requested traffic profiles in the entire RFQ scope and responses, are
only for illustration purposes and will be used to develop the overall commercial
evaluation and ranking for the bidders, meaning that such quantity are not
committed from Djezzy.

3.2 License Pooling

Djezzy will have the full freedom to decide where and on which base station (either
2G or 3G) to implement/relocate the purchased all inclusive S/W bundle remotely by
means of NMS with no extra fees charged by the tendering party except if there is
extra professional services requested to be performed from the tendering party side
and acknowledged/accepted by Djezzy.

Tendering party will have the full freedom to monitor the entire active number of
Cell carriers/TRXs on the network level to make sure that it doesnt exceed the
purchased licenses.

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3.3 Equipment Price Variation

Tendering Party is requested to confirm that the price for any HW and SW that is
available now or will be available in the future, shall for equivalent functionality and
capacity be the same as the prices provided today to Djezzy, Djezzy shall not bear
any additional costs for such a new HW (including the corresponding Spare Parts
needed in relation to such Equipment) & SW above those costs that would have
occurred in case Djezzy had purchased the same capacity and functionality based
on the prices provided in this tenders catalogue.

The above commitment applies on the tendering Partys 2G RAN HW & SW

(including BTS HW, BSC HW,TC HW, BSS SW and OSS SW for GSM) , 3G RAN HW
& SW (including Node B HW, RNC HW, UTRAN SW and OSS SW for 3G), Transport
subsystem (IP-MW,..etc)

3.4 Prices validity

The Prices resulting as an outcome to this tender shall survive the expiry of the
contract and shall not be subject to any variation due to increases in production
costs, fluctuations in exchange rates and the living expenses or any reason, or
inflation indicator, even in case of contract renewals.

Vendors to commit in general that the prices in Djezzy moving forward for all
technologies included into the scope of this tender will not be subjected to any price
increase regardless of the expiry of any contractual agreement that includes the
discounts and incentives mutually agreed between Djezzy and the winning supplier

In the presence of significant price reductions in the market, the Prices set out in
the contractual agreement following this tender, although they had not to rise,
however, must be renegotiated downward if Djezzy requested it, in other words,
Djezzy reserves the right to re-negotiate the prices set forth as an outcome to this
tender and its related contractual agreement on annual basis and based on
benchmarking process with fair market price.

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3.5 RAN specific requirements

3.5.1 All inclusive bundle SW:

RAN Basic and Optional Software Licenses / Features and SW upgrade including its
related implementation/testing and integration services are to be quoted according
to ALL INCLUSIVE BUNDLE defined as follows:

The all-inclusive bundle is a maximum fixed amount of $ value that Djezzy will pay
per Cell Carrier for 3G or Active TRX for 2G for purchasing any type of H/W
activation S/W ( i.e. LTU, RTU,..etc) or SW features and covers all known and
unknown RAN and OSS S/W for the current and all future SW release, including the
S/W upgrade fee itself from one Version to another.

3.5.2 Purchasing KPI Commitment

In the Free design BoQ templates, Annex 01- Network modernisation BOQ
021212_Free Design.xlsx, Annex 02- 3G RAN CW BoQ 021212_Free Design.xlsx
and Annex 03- TX BoQ 021212_Free Design.xlsx, the vendor shall provide a yearly
purchasing KPI for CapEx, CapEx Maintenance and OpEx as detailed in the sheets.

3.6 Transport specific requirements

3.6.1 Data Equipment

For suppliers having a Global Price List (GPL); the submission should clearly indicate the provided
discounts granted off the Cisco and Juniper Global Price Lists (GPL)

3.7 Support specific requirements

Support fees to be provided Free of Charge for first 3 years starting acceptance
date for any new purchased equipment.

The support should include only the SW support part (As H/W is covered under

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SPMS part) including but not limited to help line, software update, Technical
Support, report handling and on-site support. Detailed support description and SLA
is explained in the technical/Support document

The support cost should not include the R&R cost as it is part of the SPMS

For Support pricing rules, the tendering party should provide the following:

A clear pricing rule to be provided starting year 4 and 5 (for 2G to be based

on $/TRX, for 3G $/Cell and for MW to be $/Link)

Yearly cap fee for OpEx cost starting year 4.

If the pricing rules in a year resulted is hitting the CAP value, the cap value will
apply, otherwise, the pricing rule applies for the support calculations

3.7.1 Spare Parts Management (SPMS)

The bidders are requested to quote for spare parts management program (SPMS),
with the following guide lines:

- Each vendor will own the spare parts needed for the provided subsystem

- It is the vendor responsibility to dimension the needed spares in a way to

comply with the product availability and support SLA (as defined in the
technical documents)

- Each vendor will be responsible of keeping the spare log updated and repaired
and provide the needed warehousing facility in way that is coherent with the
SLA requirements if any

- The SPMS pricing rule should be $ value for :

o $/TRX for 2G complete subsystem including OSS

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o $/Cell for 3G complete subsystem including OSS

o $/Link for IP-MW complete subsystem including OSS

3.8 Training

Tendering Party is requested to provided Free Of Charge training all over the RFQ
period and recommended by the tendering party as mandatory know how skill to be
gained by Djezzy personnel to be able to get familiar with the technoclogy offered
by the vendor either from design, planning, operation and maintenance,...etc

For additional training that might be requested, the tendering parties are requested
to classify the training and the corresponding tariff into the below category:

Price/Trainee Per day in case training is located in tendering parties training

institute premises, and in this travel and accommodation expenses for the
trainees will be handled by Djezzy

Price/Trainer Per day in case training venue is managed by Djezzy; and such
fee to be inclusive of all travel/living and accommodation expenses for the

3.9 RAN Proffessional Service

In the free design scenario, tendering party is requested to quote for the following
professional services and to use such pricing rules in developing the cost needed for
the design module (build phase) and optimization module (Run Phase)

- Cell Planning based on $ value for:

o $/Site for 2G only site

o $/Site for 3G only site

o $/Site for 2G/3G co-located site

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- Optimization based on $ value for:

o $/Site for 2G only site

o $/Site for 3G only site

o $/Site for 2G/3G co-located site

4 Terms

5.9 Cost of Response Preparation

The Operator shall not be responsible for any costs (expenses or investments)
associated with the preparation or any presentations or any other costs incurred by
the Recipients as direct or indirect result of this RFP. In case any such delivery or
other costs for Djezzy arise the Operator on its discretion may decide not to accept
the response or disqualify the Recipient from the tender process.

5.10 Response Ownership

Regardless of the ultimate outcome, all Responses submitted become the property
of the Operator, and the Operator reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
Responses without explanation to any Recipient. The Operator reserves the right to
distribute any Response to third parties who are bound to the Operator under
contract(s), which include non-disclosure provisions, or Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Response Errors

Recipients are solely responsible for any errors or omissions contained in their
responses. If the Recipient identifies a misstatement, the Recipient may at its effort
and expense submit a replacement Response provided the replacement Response
fully complies with the RFP and provided the replacement Response is delivered
within the Closing Date and Time. Recipients will not be allowed to alter Response
after the Closing Date and Time. However, if a Recipient identifies a material
misstatement after the deadline for submission, the Recipient must notify the

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Operator in writing. In the event the Response contains an error in cost, time or
other calculations, quoted items shall prevail. In case of inconsistencies between
various sections in the response the Operator retains the right to select the option,
which shall be applied and valid for the Response.

6 Presentation of proposals
The Recipients proposals should enclose the following documents signed and
sealed by the Recipient on all papers:

General Part:

A copy of the RFP initialed on all its pages

All Responses shall be in English language.

The envelope with the Response should contain:

2 sets of complete RFP Technical responses in Hardcopy

2 sets of complete RFP- Financial responses in hardcopy

2 CDs with the complete RFP, Price list is MS Excel, Response in WinWord,
Compliance matrix in MS Excel. Supporting Technical documentation in WinWord or
PDF format.

02 CDs with the complete RFP separating the financial part from technical part,
Price list isMSExcel, Response in WinWord, Compliance Matrix in MS Excel.
Supporting Technical documentation in WinWord or PDF format,2 detailed BOM
files ,one unquoted (addressedto the technical )and another one quoted (to the
procurement ).the file format should be in Excel.

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7 Evaluation of proposals
The present RFP does not bind the Operator in any way whatsoever. The Operator
for the latter reserves itself the right to study the different files submitted by the
Recipients and to

conclude contract negotiations for the object of this RFP in its totality or parts
thereof, with any, several or no company, as it sees fit. The Operator also retains the
right to only enter a contract for parts of the offered solution.

In view of what is above-mentioned, no Recipient may advance any claim against

the Operator or may claim compensation from the latter on account of rejection of
his proposal.

The technical and commercial documents are opened sequentially, so that

the evaluation of the technical part will precede the evaluation of the
commercial one.

8 Terms of presenting proposals

Every Recipient is bound to present his complete proposal along with all the
required and additional documents, to the Operator, latest on 17/12/2012 at 17:00
pm for the attention of :

Orascom Telecom Algeria


Technical Purchasing Manager

Rue Mouloud Feraoune, lot n8 A, Dar el Beida,Alger.


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Algeria Email:

Office: + 213 770 85 33 15

The package shall be marked:

RFP for 2G & 3G modernisation (Supply/Swap)

Mr : Moncef Ahlouche

Technical Purchasing Manager

Rue Mouloud Feraoune, lot n8 A, Dar el Beida,Alger.


Algeria Email:

Office: + 213 770 85 33 15

Additional information

Clarifications needed by the bidders to prepare the proposals should be

consolidated and submitted to Djezzy in 1 set by e-mail.

The Application for any inquiries shall be made up by maximum the 05 of

December 2012 to:

Moncef. AHLOUCHE (

Samir TAKH ( ) cc\


Medhat.ElHusseiny ( ) and

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Djezzy answers will be submitted to all bidders by maximum the 07 of December


9 Milestones

Milestone Dates

RFQ Launch 03/12/2012

Questions from Participants 05/12/2012

Answers from Djezzy 07/12/2012

Response Date 17/12/2012

10 Disputes
The Parties shall attempt to amicably resolve any dispute in connection with this
Agreement. If the Parties cannot resolve any dispute by mutual agreement within
sixty (60) days following a Partys reception of a written dispute notification by the
other Party, then the dispute shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation
and Arbitration.

11 Termination and Assignment

At any time, the Operator shall have the right to immediately cancel the RFP
process or terminate the agreement with the Recipient without any legal procedure
and compensation or indemnity whatsoever.

The Operator shall have the discretionary right to assign at any time and with
immediate effect the agreement with the Recipient to any other person or entity,
public or private.

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The Operator shall have the right to disqualify any vendor immediately if the
submitted offers didnt comply with any of the above terms and conditions.

12 Network Model for Scenario 1

12.1 General requirements

a. The network Model defined below should not be considered as a volume
commitment to the tendering party.

b. The tendering party shall stock 5% of each phase equipments (this is 5%

equipment are free of charge), In case of Performance problems, the
tendering party shall be given 48 hour to resolve all the issues and rectify any
design or parameters mis-adjustments, after which the tendering party shall
use this Extra 5% in order to comply immediately with Djezzy requirements at
no extra cost on Djezzy.

c. Critical boards for all quoted equipments must be redundant. (BSC, RNC &

d. For spare, tendering party should consider 10% from BSC/RNC equipment
and 7% from BTS/NodeB equipment.

e. 25% additional software licences for all dimensioning elements should be

provided FOC for purpose of re-homing activities.

f. The Tendering party should provide a dynamic License management solution,

that is to say: the purchased licenses can be used or moved dynamically
between BSCs/RNCs (for example: in case of BTS re-homing).

g. Djezzy has the right to deploy the CE pooling on RNC basis.

h. In the below section, the network model is provided for each zone. The zones
are defined in Annex 04- Network zone split Site type definition mentioned
in the network model is provided in Annex 05- Site type.
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i. The tendering party is requested to quote only the extra needed equipment
or services for 2G in case of:

Existing 2G which is collocated with 3G

For more details, please refer to Annex 05- Site type

j. The tendering party is requested to quote only the extra needed equipment or
services for 3G in case of:

- 3G collocated with modernized 2G

- 5G starting from day 1 (from Year 4)

For more details, please refer to Annex 05- Site type

k. For TRX upgrade, the tendering party should assume 4 TRX per module to be

l. For BSC configuration, the tendering party should consider the below details

Abis TC
TRXs Traffic Cells BHCA (PDCH
connection connection
<=180 <=27 348
Low <=400 <=100 <=480000 30
<=320 <=32 686
Medium <=800 <=200 <=680000 60
High >1000 >4500 >200 >960000 >60 >45 1024

m. For RNC configuration, the tendering party should consider at least 2010
Mbps and 21100 Erlang simultaneously.

n. The tendering party should consider 80% utilization as dimensioning rule for
RNC, BSC, TC and OSS. (Extra 20% should be considered as margin to

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accommodate traffic peaks)

12.2 2G Network model

12.2.1 BTS

The table below includes the incremental number of sites to be swapped over five

Zone Type Topology Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Zone Indoor 6 86 0 39 52
Existing 2G Micro 2 2 8 15 50

Outdoor 13 9 0 12 23

Indoor 0 0 28 20 0

Outdoor 0 0 8 7 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
DBS 0 0 2 0 0

Indoor 141 20 0 0 0

Outdoor 54 7 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 0 3 0 0 0

5G starting from Indoor 0 0 0 127 114

Outdoor 0 0 0 39 35
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DBS 0 0 0 8 7
day 1
DBS 0 0 0 1 1

Total 216 127 46 268 282

Zone Indoor 11 21 0 56 73
Existing 2G Micro 26 0 8 48 84

Outdoor 2 2 0 15 22

Indoor 0 153 16 27 0

Outdoor 0 18 3 6 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 8 0 0 0
DBS 0 1 1 0 0

Indoor 102 27 0 0 0

Outdoor 29 6 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 0 4 0 0 0

5G starting from Indoor 0 0 0 128 108

day 1
Outdoor 0 0 0 27 23

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DBS 0 0 0 5 4

DBS 0 0 0 3 3

Total 170 240 28 315 317

Zone Indoor 4 18 0 40 50
Existing 2G Micro 53 3 8 90 153

Outdoor 6 0 0 14 7

Indoor 0 237 95 21 0

Outdoor 0 86 31 8 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 15 0 0 0
DBS 0 2 6 3 0

Indoor 39 21 0 0 0

Outdoor 16 8 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 0 0 0 0 0

5G starting from Indoor 0 0 0 73 94

day 1
Outdoor 0 0 0 24 32

Indoor 0 0 0 4 6

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DBS 0 0 0 1 1

Total 118 390 140 278 343

Indoor 3 133 0 40 33

Existing 2G Micro 21 0 4 22 50

Outdoor 0 32 0 26 22

Indoor 0 0 175 0 0

Outdoor 0 0 73 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 0 6 0 0
DBS 0 0 7 0 0

Indoor 95 15 0 0 0
4 Outdoor 47 8 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 0 1 0 0 0

Indoor 0 0 0 78 123

Outdoor 0 0 0 34 52

5G starting from Indoor

day 1 DBS 0 0 0 5 8

DBS 0 0 0 1 1

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Total 166 189 265 206 289

Indoor 74 11 0 66 40

Existing 2G Micro 18 0 4 25 50

Outdoor 20 8 0 19 7

Indoor 0 69 110 24 0

Outdoor 0 7 23 5 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 2 4 3 0
DBS 0 2 3 0 0

Indoor 8 22 0 0 0
5 Outdoor 3 5 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 0 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 0 0 0 0 0

Indoor 0 0 0 160 135

Outdoor 0 0 0 35 29

5G starting from Indoor

day 1 DBS 0 0 0 8 8

DBS 0 0 0 2 1

Total 123 126 144 347 270

Zone Existing 2G Indoor 25 57 0 41 20

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Micro 15 0 5 18 31

Outdoor 16 6 0 11 5

Indoor 0 0 64 24 0

Outdoor 0 0 17 7 0
Existing 2 G wich
is collocated with
DBS 0 0 3 0 0
DBS 0 0 1 0 0

Indoor 35 24 0 0 0

Outdoor 8 6 0 0 0
Existing 2 G wich
will be collocated
DBS 0 4 0 0 0
with 3G
DBS 1 0 0 0 0

Indoor 0 0 0 164 147

Outdoor 0 0 0 42 38

5G starting from Indoor

day 1 DBS 0 0 0 4 8

DBS 0 0 0 7 2

Total 100 97 90 318 251

The table below includes the incremental number of 2G sites to be swapped from
Indoor to outdoor over five years:

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Zone Type Config Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Swap from
Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 5 2 10 8 8
1 G 44

Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 5 2 10 8 8
2 G 44

Swap from
Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 5 2 8 5 5
3 G 44

Swap from
Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 6 2 8 10 5
4 G 44

Swap from
Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 5 2 5 12 10
5 G 44

Swap from
Zone Existing 2 S4
Indoor to 5 2 10 8 5
6 G 44

Total 31 12 51 51 41

The table below includes the incremental number of the new sites over five years:

Zone Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Zone 1 Indoor 95 86 25 35 32

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r 34 35 1 12 10

Indoor 56 61 8 19 16

Zone 2 Outdoo
r 83 74 14 25 23

Indoor 33 32 5 19 15

Zone 3 Outdoo
r 58 38 12 25 23

Indoor 29 30 7 12 11

Zone 4 Outdoo
r 55 46 13 19 18

Indoor 48 53 6 19 16

Zone 5 Outdoo
r 65 63 9 22 18

Indoor 31 34 8 9 8

Zone 6 Outdoo
r 56 62 20 21 21

Total 643 614 128 237 211

12.2.2 BSC

The table below shows the incremental number of BSCs (new and to be swapped)
over five years:

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Zone Config Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Low 1 1 1 1 1

BSCs Mediu

Zone 1 Existing m 1 1 2 2 1

High 3 5 4 4 4

BSCs New High - 5 2 - 2

Low - - - - -

BSCs Mediu

Zone 2 Existing m - - - - -

High 6 6 6 7 6

BSCs New High 7 5 2 - 2

Low - 1 1 1 1

BSCs Mediu

Zone 3 Existing m 4 5 4 4 4

High 2 5 5 5 5

BSCs New High 1 7 - 3 2

Low 1 2 2 2 1

BSCs Mediu

Zone 4 Existing m 4 6 5 5 6

High 1 2 2 2 2

BSCs New High 1 3 2 4 2

Zone 5 BSCs Low - - 1 - -

Mediu 1 2 1 2 1

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Existing High 5 6 5 5 6

BSCs New High 1 7 1 - 2

Low 1 2 1 1 2

BSCs Mediu

Zone 6 Existing m 1 2 2 2 1

High 3 4 3 3 4

BSCs New High 2 7 1 4 2

12.2.3 TC

The table below shows the incremental number of TCs (new and to be swapped)
over five years

Zone Type Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Swap (Ater) 135 199 177 185 164

Zone 1 (Ater) 195 61 66 30 28

Locations 6 6 6 6 6

Swap (Ater) 190 234 212 233 203

Zone 2 (Ater) 285 75 81 22 26

Locations 6 6 6 6 6

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Swap (Ater) 148 255 232 245 245

Zone 3 (Ater) 121 73 87 13 80

Locations 4 4 4 4 4

Swap (Ater) 155 246 223 224 220

Zone 4 (Ater) 121 20 50 21 11

Locations 7 7 7 7 7

Swap (Ater) 173 230 210 203 218

Zone 5 (Ater) 349 53 68 14 19

Locations 6 6 6 6 6

Swap (Ater) 120 193 162 165 174

Zone 6 (Ater) 136 18 18 1 4

Locations 7 7 7 7 7

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12.2.4 TRX upgrade

The table below includes the incremental number of the TRX upgrade over five

Zone Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 1828 2016 456 814 622

Zone 2 2852 3180 742 978 774

Zone 3 1614 1810 422 954 730

Zone 4 1082 1210 296 536 404

Zone 5 2512 2802 664 908 746

Zone 6 1070 1202 276 266 216

Total 10958 12220 2856 4456 3492

12.3 3G network Model

12.3.1 Node B

The table below includes the incremental number of the nodeB over five years

Zone Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 Indoor 28 20 0 0

3G collocated with current Outdo

existing 2G or 8 7 0 0

DBS 2 0 0 0

3G collocated with Indoor 0 141 20 0 0

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modernized 2G
or 0 44 7 0 0

DBS 0 10 3 0 0

or 0 0 0 127 114

5G starting from day 1 Outdo

or 0 0 0 39 35

DBS 0 0 0 9 8

3G pure new site DBS 0 0 4 1 1

Total 0 233 61 176 158

or 153 16 27 0 0
3G collocated with current
existing 2G
or 18 3 6 0 0

DBS 9 1 0 0 0

Indoor 0 102 27 0 0

3G collocated with Outdo

Zone 2
modernized 2G or 0 22 6 0 0

DBS 0 7 4 0 0

Indoor 0 0 0 128 108

5G starting from day 1
or 0 0 0 27 23

DBS 0 0 0 8 7

3G pure new site DBS 0 0 4 2 2

Total 180 151 74 165 140

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or 237 95 21 0 0
3G collocated with current
existing 2G
or 86 31 8 0 0

DBS 17 6 3 0 0

or 0 39 21 0 0
3G collocated with
Zone 3 modernized 2G
or 0 13 8 0 0

DBS 0 3 0 0 0

or 0 0 0 73 94

5G starting from day 1 Outdo

or 0 0 0 24 32

DBS 0 0 0 5 7

3G pure new site DBS 0 0 5 2 2

Total 340 187 66 104 135

Zone 4 Indoor 175 0 0 0

3G collocated with current Outdo

existing 2G or 73 0 0 0

DBS 13 0 0 0

3G collocated with Indo

modernized 2G or 0 95 15 0 0

Outdo 0 40 8 0 0

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DBS 0 7 1 0 0

or 0 0 0 78 123
5G starting from day 1 Outdo
or 0 0 0 34 52

DBS 0 0 0 6 9
3G pure new site DBS 0 0 4 2 2
Total 0 403 28 120 186
Indoor 69 110 24 0 0
3G collocated with current existing
Outdoor 7 23 5 0 0
DBS 4 7 3 0 0
Indoor 0 8 21 0 0
3G collocated with modernized 2G Outdoor 0 2 5 0 0
Zone 5
DBS 0 1 0 0 0
Indoor 0 0 0 160 135
5G starting from day 1 Outdoor 0 0 0 35 29
DBS 0 0 0 10 9
3G pure new site DBS 0 0 4 2 2
Total 80 151 62 207 175
Indoor 29 24 0 0
3G collocated with current existing
Outdoor 9 7 0 0
DBS 3 0 0 0
Indoor 0 35 24 0 0
3G collocated with modernized 2G Outdoor 0 8 6 0 0
Zone 6
DBS 0 1 4 0 0
Indoor 0 0 0 164 147
5G starting from day 1 Outdoor 0 0 0 42 38
DBS 0 0 0 11 10
3G pure new site DBS 0 0 4 1 1
Total 0 85 69 218 196

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12.3.2 RNC

The table below includes the incremental number of the RNC over five years

Zones Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 0 1 1 0 1

Zone 2 1 0 2 0 0

Zone 3 1 0 2 0 0

Zone 4 0 1 1 0 1

Zone 5 1 0 1 0 1

Zone 6 0 1 1 0 1

Total 3 3 8 0 4

The tendering party need to calculate the needed RNC according to their capacity
considering the provided data in section 3.1.

12.3.3 CE
- All supplied CE Hardware should support HSPA+.

- HSPA+ software activation as below table

- All NodeB S111, should have in terms of HW 256 CE for Uplink and 256 CE
for Downlink, SW 128 CE for uplink and 128 CE for downlink.

- All NodeB S222, should have in terms of HW and SW 256 CE for uplink and
256 CE for downlink.

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- All NodeB S333, should have in terms of HW and SW 356 CE for uplink and
356 CE for downlink.

- All above CE configuration are for R99 and for HSPA CE should be considered

12.3.4 HSPA

The HSPA will be deployed starting from year 1 as indicated in below table, and it
represents the HSPA activation for total cumulative installed Node B per year.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Year Year Year Year Year
HSDPA 7.2 80% 70% 60% 50% 30%
10% 20% 20% 30% 40%
HSDPA 21 8% 8% 17% 17% 25%
HSDPA 42 * 2% 2% 3% 3% 5%
HSUPA 1.4 80% 70% 60% 60% 50%
(*) HSUPA 5.8 18% 28% 37% 37% 45% Regarding
HSUPA 11 * 2% 2% 3% 3% 5%
activation, the tendering party should use dual carrier solution.

13 Network Model & requirement for Scenario 2

13.1 General Requirements

The below requirement are applicable for 2G and 3G.

The Tendering Party should consider the network model given in this section as a guideline for the
Djezzy quotation of his response to this RFQ.

Vendor is free to propose any or all enhancements in the design to optimize the investment &

In case of shutting down any 2G site the tendering party should present the plots and how traffic

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of this site will be carried.

All the supplied plots should be based on updated digital maps with a release of at least 2011 and
a resolution of 5m (dense urban), 20m (urban), and 50m (rural).

Propagation model should be accurate and tuned model from similar clutter/market.

DJEZZY withholds the rights to review/change the design requirement and inputs at any time and
the tendering party must comply and provide the complete design as per new Djezzy
requirements and inputs.

For spare, tendering party should consider 10% from BSC/RNC equipment and 7% from
BTS/NodeB equipment.

Critical boards for quoted equipment must be redundant (BSC, RNC & OSS) 25% additional
software licences for all dimensioning elements should be provided FOC for purpose of re-homing

The Tendering party should provide a dynamic License management solution, that is to say: the
purchased licenses can be used or moved dynamically between BSCs/RNCs (for example: in case
for BTS re-homing).

The tendering party shall stock 5% of each phase equipments (this is 5% equipment are free of
charge), In case of Performance problems, the tendering party shall be given 48 hour to resolve all
the issues and rectify any design or parameters mis-adjustments, after which the tendering party
shall use this Extra 5% in order to comply immediately with Djezzy requirements at no extra cost
on Djezzy.

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13.2 2G RAN network model

13.2.1 General Requirements

The tendering party should capitalize on the existing 2G base.

For the link budget and coverage calculation the tendering party should not
consider the TRX power sharing feature.

The tendering party is responsible for complete design including Frequency


The tendering party is requested to commit to the coverage plots (provided

by him and approved by Djezzy, design levels provided by him and approved
by Djezzy) service levels, coverage requirements defined in the below
sections and the KPIs defined in System Acceptance and penalties and
Annex C - 2G new site KPIs definitions submitted within the Tender for 2G
Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of March 2012.

Acceptance test agreed upon (in Chapter 7 provided within the Tender for
Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 and in section
System Acceptance and penalties and Annex C - 2G new site KPIs
definitions submitted within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap)
sent on the 21st of March 2012) and between DJEZZY and the Tendering
Party shall be carried out by the tendering party under DJEZZY supervision
and control to accept the technical/functional specifications (HW/SW),
features, capacity and coverage requirements.

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13.2.2 Radio Parameters

Radio parameters Dense urban Urban Suburban Rural Road

For 900:Okumura- Hata For 900:Okumura- Hata For 900:Okumura- Hata For 900:Okumura- Hata For 900:Okumura- Hata
Propagation Model For 1800: cost 231-Hata For 1800: cost 231-Hata For 1800: cost 231-Hata For 1800: cost 231-Hata For 1800: cost 231-Hata
Channel Model (As in
TU-3 TU-3 TU-50 RA-120 RA-120
3GPP 25.943)

Probability of
95% 95% 95% 90% 90%
Standard Deviation
8 dB 8 Db 8 dB 7 dB 7 dB
Interference Margin 3 3 3 3 3
Minimum Desired
-65 dBm -65 dBm -75 dBm -75 dBm -89 dBm
Signal strength
Frequency band 900/1800 MHz 900/1800 MHz 900/1800 MHz 900/1800 MHz 900/1800 MHz

GSM : 1 to 40 GSM : 1 to 40 GSM : 1 to 40 GSM : 1 to 40 GSM : 1 to 40

Frequency channels
DCS: 682 to 741 DCS: 682 to 741 DCS: 682 to 741 DCS: 682 to 741 DCS: 682 to 741

Antennas height (*) 25 m 25m 25m 30m 30m

Antennas Gain (*) 17 dBi 17 dBi 17 dBi 17 dBi 17 dBi

Diversity Gain 3 3 3 3 3

Cable Loss 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB

UE Antenna height 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m 1.5 m

UE Antennas Gain 0 0 0 0 0

GSM 900 : 33 dBm GSM 900 : 33 dBm GSM 900 : 33 dBm GSM 900 : 33 dBm GSM 900 : 33 dBm
Mobile power
DCS 1800: 30 dBm DCS 1800: 30 dBm DCS 1800: 30 dBm DCS 1800: 30 dBm DCS 1800: 30 dBm

MS RX Sensitivity -102 dBm -102 dBm -102 dBm -102 dBm -102 dBm

Body loss 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB
Penetration loss 20 dB 18 dB 15 dB 8 dB 5 dB

(*) these values will be used for link budget calculations, for coverage simulation,

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refer to site data base

The required coverage Type in each Clutter is as follows:

DU (Dense Urban): Deep Indoor ( -65dbm).

U (Urban): Deep Indoor ( -65dbm).

SU (Sub Urban): Indoor Day Light ( -75dbm).

RU (Rural): Indoor Day Light ( -75dbm).

Road : Incar ( -89dbm)

13.2.3 Coverage polygon and site data base

- The Tendering Party is requested to commit for coverage requirements and

KPIs provided in coverage polygons and road as indicated in below annexes:

- Annex 06-2G coverage polygon

- Annex 07-Road site data base

- Annex 08-Road polygone.rar

- Annex 09-Djezzy Radio site DB

- The tendering party shall design the below south road (defined in the above
file) on turnkey basis from design till the acceptance of the last site.

- RN1-South

- RN3_South-1

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- RN3_South-2

- RN6_South

- RN47

- RN50

- RN51

- RN52

On the top of the current coverage/capacity/quality Sites, The tendering party shall
consider below additional requirement.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Incremental coverage site (S222) 93 67 90 90 90

13.2.4 2G Radio capacity parameters and traffic mix

The tendering party will use the following traffic forecast and radio capacity
parameters for network design and dimensioning:

The NBH Traffic forecast is to be used to BSC & TC dimensioning.

2G NBH traffic (Erl) Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

Zone 1 104 900 110 786 113 151 119 993 125 410
Zone 2 139 289 146 693 149 667 158 274 165 080
Zone 3 119 440 126 616 129 498 137 840 144 457
Zone 4 121 675 124 014 124 953 129 661 133 396
Zone 5 140 504 147 611 150 467 158 730 165 274
Zone 6 96 894 98 204 98 730 101 159 103 086

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The RBH Traffic forecast is to be used to Cell capacity calculation

2G RBH traffic (Erl) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 112 036 118 334 120 864 128 185 133 981
Zone 2 147 955 155 815 158 973 168 111 175 337
Zone 3 128 564 136 267 139 361 148 316 155 419
Zone 4 128 422 130 994 132 028 137 068 141 069
Zone 5 145 683 153 052 156 013 164 581 171 365
Zone 6 105 574 106 891 107 421 110 011 112 067

2G Volume BH (MBits) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 677 439 719 413 739 724 785 133 825 478
Zone 2 863 422 916 919 942 807 1 000 682 1 052 104
Zone 3 1 857 714 1 972 818 2 028 518 2 153 040 2 263 677
Zone 4 608 208 645 892 664 128 704 896 741 118
Zone 5 967 374 1 027 312 1 056 317 1 121 160 1 178 773
Zone 6 460 417 488 945 502 749 533 611 561 031

The detailed traffic forecast per cell is given in the Annex 10-2G Traffic forecast

2G radio capacity parameters Threshold

Cell GoS 2%
Target cell utilisation (80% HR usage) (*) 95%
BSC (Traffic/TRX) Load 80%
Minimum dedicated TS for PS per cell 1
Mean Processor Load 80%
CS/PS Ater utilisation 80%
Gb utilisation 80%
GSL congestion 0.2%
Paging load 80%

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RBH cell traffic forecast

(*) Cellutilisation=
Cell full rate capacity 1.8

- The tendering party has full flexibility in the split of extra capacity needs,
considering all associated constraints and cost (number of antennas per cell, load
on the mast ...). Historically, Djezzy has used, for extra capacity need, 40 % new
sites and 60% upgrade TRX.

For BSC dimensioning, additional to the above inputs, the tendering party shall
consider below BSC average traffic profile

Abis TC
TRXs Traffic Cells BHCA (PDCH
connection connection
<=180 <=27 348
Low <=400 <=100 <=480000 30
<=320 <=32 686
Medium <=800 <=200 <=680000 60
High >1000 >4500 >200 >960000 >60 >45 1024

13.2.5 Deliverables:

- The Tendering Party is requested to perform the design only for all polygons
as specified in Section Coverage polygon and site data base.

- The tendering party shall deliver the list of all proposed network elements
(BoM) including detailed description of configurations for 5 year.

- The used features/equipments should have been used and field proven for at
least 3 Months.

- The Tendering Party shall carry out the simulation of coverage and generate
prediction maps of the coverage polygons that have been specified.

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- The tendering party should provide the references for used digital maps with
their resolution per wilaya.

The tendering party is requested to provide the propagation model coefficient used

- The Tendering Party should clearly state the benefits and give the gain in terms of cost of the
introduction of any feature.

- The Tendering Party should share all design assumptions and parameters on the planning tool
with DJEZZY.

- The Tendering Party should share all dimensioning assumptions used for TRX upgrade and
capacity sites.

- The tendering Party should provide in excel format the Longitude and Latitude of the proposed
sites (swap and new) and the Radio Configuration for every sites in terms of: Antenna type,
Antenna Azimuth, Antenna Height, Antenna Tilt, output power and different Channels power,

- The Tendering Party should provide cell configuration (equivalent TRX not module) over the five
years indicating also number of Time slot dedicated for PS traffic.

- The Tendering Party shall provide an UL and DL (900/1800 MHZ) Link-budget detailed calculations
excel sheet format with all formulas and for all morphologies and all available configurations
(1TRX, 2TRX, 3TRX ...).

- The tendering party shall deliver complete calculations capacities (TRX, BSC, TC, Abis, Ater, A,

- The tendering party should commit to the below coverage probabilities:

Clutter type Standard Deviation () Coverage Probability

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Dense Urban 8 95%

Urban 8 95%
Suburban 8 95%
Rural 7 90%
- The Tendering Party shall provide the below data for the different clutter based
on the given radio parameters.

MAPL (dbm)
Cell range (m)
Design level (dbm)

- The tendering Party shall provide the number of designed BTS, BSC per

Number of BTS/BSC per wilaya

Wilaya BTS BSC

- The tendering Party shall provide the number of designed BTS, BSC for
roads coverage

Number of BTS/BSC per Road


- The tendering Party shall provide the number of TRX upgrade (equivalent
TRX not module), BTS (all proposed configuration), BSC, Ater, Gb and TC to
absorb the forecasted traffic wilaya per year.

Number of NE per wilaya

NE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

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TRX upgrade

Required coverage Plot & requirements:

- The tendering part should use the following representation

- Presentation (a) four colors presentation

Blue Color DU level or higher

Green color <=DU level & >= U level

Yellow color <=U level & >= SU level

Red color <=SU level & >= RU level

- Presentation (b) seven colors presentation

Blue Color -65 dBm or higher

Green color Up to-75 dBm

Cyan color up to -81 dBm

Magenta color up to -86 dBm

Yellow color up to -89 dBm

Orange color up to -92 dBm

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Red colour Less than -92


- The tendering party should supply the below plots

- Effective service area (Best server plot)

- RxLEV plot

- C/I plot

- For each covered area the tendering party to provide a separate Morpho plot
(with no coverage) for each of the required areas.

Each of the above plots should be submitted for the 48 wilayas and for all
requested roads.

In addition to the soft copy in Mapinfo format, all plots should be submitted in
A1 format.

The Coverage by Signal level plots only should be submitted in 2 versions: 1 st

version with sites and the 2nd version without the sites.

The name of the plot, name of the Wilaya/Road, service levels and borders
should be clear in all plots.

All plots should be signed by the Tendering Party officer empowered to bind
the Tendering Party to the provisions of this RFQ and any contract awarded
pursuant to it.

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13.3 3G RAN network model

13.3.1 General Requirements

The tendering party will use the antenna models defined in Annex-E provided
within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 for his design
and implementation.

The tendering party should use one carrier (5 MHz) for the designs provided
for year 1.

In case of 3G implementation in non swapped 2G area, the tendering party

should not consider redesign or modifications in existing sites i.e. antenna
tilt, antenna azimuth, HBA..

The tendering party is requested to commit to the coverage plots (provided

by him and approved by Djezzy, design levels provided by him and approved
by Djezzy) service levels, coverage requirements defined in the below
sections and the KPIs defined in Chapter 7 within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+
Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011. This also applies for all provided polygons.

The tendering party shall maximize 3G co-location with 2G existing base.

Acceptance test agreed upon (in Chapter 7 provided within the Tender for
Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011) between DJEZZY and the
Tendering Party shall be carried out by the tendering party under DJEZZY
supervision and control to accept the technical/functional specifications
(HW/SW), features, capacity and coverage requirements.

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13.3.2 Radio Parameters

The tendering party shall assume the following radio parameters in the network

Radio Parameters Dense Urban Urban Suburban Rural

DL cell Load 75% 75% 50% 50%
UL cell Load 50% 50% 50% 50%
Penetration 20 dB 18 dB 15 dB 8 dB
Shadowing Margin 7,8 7,8 7,8 4,1
SHO 3 3 3 3
Propagation Model cost 231-Hata cost 231-Hata cost 231-Hata cost 231-Hata
SHO Overhead 30% 30% 30% 30%
Interference margin
Uplink Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
Interference margin
Down link Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
Process Gain [dB] Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
Antenna height (*) 25 m 25m 25m 30m
Antenna Gain
(NodeB) (*) 17 dBi 17 dBi 17 dBi 17 dBi
Antenna Gain (UE) 0 0 0 0
NF TMA Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
GAIN TMA Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
LOSS TMA Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
DL shadowing Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
UL Rayleigh Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
UL F factor Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
DL Orthogonality
factor Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
Morpho factor Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party Tendering party
Cable Loss 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB
21 dBm for 21 dBm for 21 dBm for 21 dBm for
Voice , 21 for Voice , 21 for Voice , 21 for Voice , 21 for
Mobile Power Data Data Data Data

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Body loss for Voice

Only 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB 3 dB
Probability of
Coverage 95% 95% 95% 90%
Standard Deviation
Margin 8 dB 8 dB 8 dB 7 dB
Channel Model (As in
3GPP 25.943) TU-3 TU-3 TU-50 RA-120
Frequency Band 2100 MHz 2100 MHz 2100 MHz 2100 MHz
CPICH Power (of max
power) 10% 10% 10% 10%
TCH Power (of max
power) 20% 20% 20% 20%
Max Output Power
(per carrier) 20 Watt 20 Watt 20 Watt 20 Watt
Voice 10-fvr 10-fvr 10-fvr 10-fvr
CS64 5*10-4 5*10-4 5*10-4 5*10-4
PS 5*10-2 5*10-2 5*10-2 5*10-2
Voice 1% 1% 1% 1%
CS Services 2% 2% 2% 2%
90% quantile - 1 90% quantile - 1 90% quantile - 1 90% quantile - 1
PS Services Second Delay Second Delay Second Delay Second Delay

(*) This value will be used for link budget calculations, for coverage simulation,
refer to site data base

The tendering party shall provide the following technical Radio parameters for the
network dimensioning:

UL & DL Eb/No for each bearer supported and for Both pedestrian (urban
environment) and vehicular model (rural environment).

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SHO DL&UL gain for each environment

Power Control margin for each environment

The required coverage Type in each Clutter is as follows:

DU (Dense Urban): Deep Indoor ( -65dbm)

U (Urban): Deep Indoor ( -65dbm)

SU (Sub Urban): Indoor Day Light ( -75dbm)

RU (Rural): Indoor Day Light ( -75dbm)

The Tendering Party shall provide an UL and DL Link-budget with the above Radio
Parameters for the 4 environments with:

The usage of a Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA) (*)

The Limiting Service to be considered by the tendering party (Guaranteed at

cell edge) would be PS UL 128, PS DL 384 coverage.

(*) Regarding TMA, the tendering party is free to propose the adequate
solution (with or without) and should clearly state the benefits from the
proposed solution compared to the other.

13.3.3 Coverage polygon and site data base

- The Tendering Party is requested to commit for coverage requirements and

KPIs for the polygons provided in Annex 11-3G polygon.

- The GSM site database for the existing GSM sites that can be used for site co-
location is provided in Annex 09-Djezzy Radio site DB

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13.3.4 Number of subs per Year:

The number of subs indicated is the Total number of subs by the end of the
corresponding Year

Total 3G Subs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 - 87 330 166 504 615 301 1 066 067
Zone 2 44 353 123 686 228 802 744 907 1 205 267
Zone 3 83 778 197 898 336 406 913 787 1 412 369
Zone 4 - 151 047 244 093 721 342 1 251 101
Zone 5 19 713 86 580 165 938 654 575 1 145 852
Zone 6 - 31 859 87 216 487 004 964 214

13.3.5 CS and PS Traffic

The tables below indicate the CS and PS high level traffic forecast.

3G Voice NBH Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
Zone 1 1 775 2 881 4 476 5 984
Zone 2 1 020 2 513 3 959 5 418 6 766
Zone 3 1 926 4 022 5 820 6 647 7 928
Zone 4 0 3 069 4 223 5 247 7 023
Zone 5 453 1 759 2 871 4 761 6 432
Zone 6 647 1 509 3 542 5 413

3G RBH traffic (Erl) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 2 067 3 353 5 185 6 926
Zone 2 1 133 2 765 4 327 5 845 7 243
Zone 3 2 250 4 613 6 633 7 518 8 890
Zone 4 3 270 4 538 5 630 7 510
Zone 5 470 1 833 2 984 4 929 6 625
Zone 6 774 1 733 3 955 5 971

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3G Volume BH (MBits) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Zone 1 360 978 785 517 3 260 648 10 786 729
Zone 2 164 520 511 256 1 079 418 3 947 465 12 195 187
Zone 3 310 760 818 010 1 587 065 4 842 409 14 290 699
Zone 4 624 352 1 151 557 3 822 590 12 658 948
Zone 5 73 120 357 879 782 845 3 468 775 11 594 016
Zone 6 131 687 411 461 2 580 768 9 756 150

The tendering party will use traffic forecast per polygon provided in Annex 12-3G
Traffic Forecast Polygon to determine the needed BoQ over the five years.

13.3.6 CE & HSPA

- All supplied CE should support HSPA+ in terms of Hardware.

- All nodeBs should be hardware ready to support a minimal configuration of S222 and HSPA+
through software upgrade only.

- HSPA+ software activation as below table

- All NodeB should support at least in terms of HW 256 CE for Uplink and 256
CE for Downlink, SW 128 CE for uplink and 128 CE for downlink, these are
R99 CE. Tendering Party should specify and add the additional CE to support the provided
traffic mix and below HSPA deployment.

- The HSPA will be deployed starting from year 1 as indicated in below table,
and it represents the HSPA activation for total cumulative installed Node B
per year.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Year Year Year Year Year
HSDPA 7.2 80% 70% 60% 50% 30%
10% 20% 20% 30% 40%
HSDPA 21 8% 8% 17% 17% 25%
HSDPA 42 * 2% 2% 3% 3% 5%
HSUPA 1.4 80% Page 55 60%
70% 60% 50%
HSUPA 5.8 18% 28% 37% 37% 45%
HSUPA 11 * 2% 2% 3% 3% 5%
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(*) Regarding HSPA+ activation, the tendering party should use dual
carrier solution.

13.3.7 RNC requirements

The RNC dimensioning shall be made according to the following assumptions:

- The number of RNC cannot decrease from year to another.

- 25% additional software licences for all dimensioning elements should be provided FOC for
purpose of re-homing activities.

- The traffic at RNC level is to be calculated from users traffic derived from
the traffic mix defined for each year, the Node B site BoQ and the subscriber
number per site with a security margin of 20%, i.e.: the Max RNC traffic load
is 80%.

- Djezzy has the right to deploy the CE pooling on RNC basis

13.3.8 Deliverables:
- The Tendering Party is requested to perform the design only for all polygons
as specified in Section Coverage polygon and site data base.

- The tendering party shall deliver the list of all proposed network elements
(BoM) including detailed description of configurations over 5 years.

- The Tendering Party shall carry out the simulation of coverage and generate
prediction maps of the coverage polygons that have been specified.

- The tendering party should provide the references for used digital maps with
their resolution per wilaya.

- The tendering party is requested to provide the propagation model coefficient


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- The used features/equipments should have been used and field proven for at
least 3 Months.

- The Tendering Party should clearly state the benefits and give the gain in
terms of cost of the introduction of any feature.

- Regarding HSPA+ activation, the tendering party is free to propose the adequate solution (Dual
carrier or MIMO) and should clearly state the benefits from the proposed solution
compared to the other.

- The Tendering Party should share all design assumptions and parameters on
the planning tool with DJEZZY.

- The tendering Party should provide in excel format the Polygon_ID, Longitude
and Latitude of the sites used and the Radio Configuration for every sites in
terms of: Antenna type, Antenna Azimuth, Antenna Height, Antenna Tilt,
output power and different Channels power, EIRP

- The Tendering Party should provide a complete radio design report including
the UMTS coverage plots defining the different service levels in dBm and
UMTS simulations according to the coverage plots requirements.

- The Tendering Party shall provide an UL and DL Link-budget detailed

calculations excel sheet format with all formulas and for all morphologies.

- The tendering party shall deliver complete calculations capacities (carriers,

Node B, RNC, CE, Iub, IuCS, IuPS.).

The tendering party should commit to the below coverage probabilities:

Clutter type Standard Deviation () Coverage Probability

Dense Urban 8 95%
Urban 8 95%

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Suburban 8 95%
Rural 7 90%

- The Tendering Party shall provide the below data for the different clutter based
the given radio parameters.

Limiting service (UL or DL)
MAPL (dbm)
Cell range (m)
Design level (dbm)
- The tendering Party shall provide the number of Node B per wilaya and per

Number of node B per wilaya


- The tendering Party shall provide the Calculated Cell Load and number
of subs per Node B for the different morphology and based on the
traffic mix/number of subs:

Cell load
Number of subs per node B per

Required coverage Plot & requirements:

- The tendering part should use the following representation

- Presentation (a) four colors presentation

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Blue Color DU level or higher

Green color <=DU level & >= U level

Yellow color <=U level & >= SU level

Red color <=SU level & >= RU level

- Presentation (b) seven colors presentation

Blue Color -65 dBm or higher

Green color Up to-75 dBm

Cyan color up to -81 dBm

Magenta color up to -86 dBm

Yellow color up to -89 dBm

Orange color up to -92 dBm

Red colour Less than -92


- The tendering party should supply the below plots

- Effective service area for each service/Bearer

- Pilot Channel Coverage (Eb/No)

- Subscribers simulations and statistics of the simulation

- MS Required Transmit power plot.

For each covered area the tendering party to provide a separate Morpho plot (with
no coverage) for each of the required areas.

Each of the above plots should be submitted for the five years for the 48

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In addition to the soft copy in Mapinfo format, all plots should be submitted in
A1 format.

The Coverage by Signal level plots only, should be submitted in 2 versions: 1 st

version with sites and the 2nd version without the sites.

The name of the plot, name of the Wilaya, service levels and borders should
be clear in all plots.

All plots should be signed by the Tendering Party officer empowered to bind
the Tendering Party to the provisions of this RFQ and any contract awarded
pursuant to it.

13.4 CW network model

13.4.1 2G swap and 3G site collocated with 2G Site Acquisition

a. For all action on existing sites ( Access, equipments add, equipments swap,)
for swap 2G project or 3G sharing project, the responsibility belongs to
Djezzy in term of site acquisition

b. The intervention requests on the sites should be submitted to Djezzy 72H

before the scheduled action, no intervention allowed without prior Djezzy

c. If any problem occurs with the site owner during the intervention, the
tendering party should solve it 24 h max after the complain notification.

d. After the site works finishing, the tendering party should provide to Djezzy a
duly signed report by a judicial officer ( Huissier) with the site owner witch

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prove that there is no pending issue.

e. The tendering party has to consider that any additional space out of the
actual occupied one may generate an extra rent budget. Civil Work (CW)

a. Site preparation civil works for 2G swap and 3G collocated on 2G are in

charge of the tendering party.

b. All Civil works should be supervised by civil engineering office approved by

Djezzy, the acceptance sheets for each phase and the final report have to be
provided during the finale acceptance.

c. The tendering party has to provide the details of the Site preparation civil
works for 2G swap and 3G collocated sites with clear explanations,
calculation criteria and work assumptions for each part of the CW per site
based on the data provided from Djezzy in the Annex 13 -Djezzy global DB,
it must include but not limited to:

1. Antenna Swap (with methodology explanation)

2. Add antenna on site with a calculation check of the support capacity

3. Power supply system ( capacity calculations for the existing power

supply system Indoor & Outdoor), it have to include the following

Swap power supply system (AEG, Emerson, Eltek,


Power supply rectifier modules add (AEG, Emerson) &

circuit breaker add

Batteries ( autonomy calculations for existing batteries

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bank, Indoor & Outdoor)

4. Air Conditioning system (cooling capacity calculation).

Swap air conditioning ( Split + Free cooling system

or Telecom Air conditioning system)
Air conditioning add ( Split + Free cooling system or Telecom Air
conditioning system)

5. Check the space availability for new equipments installation

Add shelter with a clear justification.

Add metallic structure support for Outdoor equipments

with a clear justification

Add support or reuse the existing one for distributed

equipments with its calculation.

6. Add or swap of feeders with its justification.

7. Other necessary actions and Suggestion

a. The tendering party should submit the technical specifications of all

equipments to be used, it has to be approved by Djezzy, if not the
tendering party will use the recommended equipments short listed
within Djezzy.

b. A detailed project management plan should be submitted

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13.4.2 New sites Site Acquisition

a. The tendering party will take in charge the acquisition of the new sites
designed and needed by him during the Swap period, or the 3G
implementation, with one year warranty after the acceptance of the site.

b. The tendering party has to provide commercial power for any new site designed before the final
acceptance of the site.

c. The tendering party should obtain all the legal necessary authorizations including but not limited
to ANF authorization, MPTIC authorization, construction permits, APC declaration, before
proceeding with the construction of the site.

d. Djezzy provides in the Annex 13 -Djezzy global DB list of sites very close to be acquired, named
in acquisition process, its recommended to use these points in the design if needed.

e. For those new designed and acquired sites, the rental amount should be approved by Djezzy, if
the proposed amount is not accepted, the payment of the acquisition service will not be granted
by Djezzy.

f. The sites acquisition process should be conducted according to the attached procedure in Annex
14- Djezzy acquisition process

g. The site candidates rejected for rental amount and/or site property documents non conformity
regarding the law, the payment of the acquisition service will not be granted by Djezzy.

h. The site is under tendering party responsibility till the acceptance. In case of failure site during
this cycle, it will be on tendering party charge.

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i. The tendering party should provide to Djezzy a duly signed report by a judicial officer ( Huissier)
with the site owner and still responsible of any complain during one year, action plan to be sent
to Djezzy 24 H after the notification of the complain.

j. The tendering party has to consider the project South Road as a special project and will be on full
turnkey bases for all the aspects, as per the following items but not limited to:

Sites acquisition

Sites permit (ANF, construction permits, PTIC, special governmental

authorizations, power connections.)

Power connection to commercial power or equivalent solution. Civil Work (CW):

a) The tendering party will have the responsibility of the new sites construction.
b) All Civil works should be supervised by civil engineering office approved by
Djezzy, the acceptance sheets for each phase and the final report have to be
provided during the finale acceptance.
c) Civil works acceptance will be done on two phases:

First acceptance before the equipments telecom delivery.

Final acceptance after KPI acceptance.

d) The sites designed and proposed by the tendering party should be defined by
typology :

Roof top indoor ( with antennas support 3-6-9-10-12-15 m).

Roof top outdoor ( with antennas support 3-6-9-10-12-15 m).

Greenfield indoor (with antennas support 20-25-30-40-50-60-70-80-


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Greenfield outdoor (with antannas support 20-25-30-40-50-60-70-80-90m,..)

e) The proposed sites should be constructed as per Annex 15- Djezzy Technical

f) The proposed sites should respect the environment in term of visual impact, as
per Annex 16- Site environment integration process.

g) A detailed project management plan should be submitted

h) The tender party has to consider the project South Road as a special project
and will be on full turnkey bases for all the aspects, as per the following items
but not limited to:

Sites construction

Guarding the sites till the handover to Djezzy

All the necessary protections from the sand.

i) The sites design for the south road has to be detailed by the tendering party
for all the materiel proposed with the data technical sheet and the calculation
notes per site.

14 Hardware specification and Software features

a. All the quoted equipment must be single RAN capable starting from day one.

b. The provided solution should be ready to support Full IP.

c. The tendering party is requested to consider as a base for the products

offering in this RFQ amendment the same products submitted in the Tender
for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 and Tender for
2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21 st of March 2012. The product
offering need to be updated, if necessary, in order to be compliant with RAN

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2G/3G products officially submitted to VIMPELCOM group in response to RFI

issued on 16/04/2012

d. The tendering party should quote all the required 2G and 3G features that
have been requested in the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on
3rd of November 2011 and Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on
the 21st of March 2012.

e. The proposed equipment (SW & HW) should support LBS functionality for
both 2G & and 3G.

f. The tendering party should indicate its references where LBS is deployed for
both 2G and 3G.

g. The power system should be fully compliments with Annex M submitted

within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3 rd of November

h. All the provided equipments including 3rd party equipments proposed by the
tendering party should be available for purchasing order for the coming five
(05) years and should not come to the end of support within the coming ten
(10) years.

i. The Tendering Party shall provide his hardware (RNC, NodeB, BSC, BTS, TC,
TRX) and software roadmap.

j. The tendering party shall provide in details the end of production and end of
support for all provided equipment including 3rd party equipment

k. The Tendering Party shall provide a description of all network elements (BSC, TC, BTS, RNC and
nodeB) including but not limited to:

Hardware architecture

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Software architecture

Configuration alternatives

Foot print



Power consumption (avg and max load)

l. The Tendering Party shall provide information about the different

configuration of the RNC, BSC & TC and their respective capacities (for one
Foot print), including the minimum and maximum configuration in terms of:

TRX BSC capacity

BHCA BSC capacity

Maximum traffic in Erlang

Maximum data throughput

Maximum number of sites

Maximum number of cell

Maximum number of CE

Number of stages

No. of PDCHs

m. The tendering party shall provide all the dimensioning rules and methodology

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of the different Network elements (RNC, NodeB, CE, BSC, TC, PCU) and
interfaces (Iub, IuCS, IuPS, Abis, Ater, Gb)

15 OMC & network performance tool

The tendering party should provide a complete NMS solution and
performance tool.

The tendering party NMS and Performance tool must comply with the
capacity and Functionality required by Djezzy, Number of supported RNC,
NodeB, BSCs, BTSs, Cells and TRXs mentioned in the network model, and it
should be fully compliant with Annex 17- NMS solution.

The tendering party shall provide the dimensioning rules of the NMS.

16 Project Implementation Plan

The below requirement should be provided for scenario 1 and 2:

a. High level roll out plan explaining the strategy of the 2G and the 3G for the
next five years should be submitted in excel format or PDF format.

b. Roll out plan should be submitted in MS Project file

c. The rollout plan should be submitted per year, wilaya and for both projects,
2G and 3G.

d. The rollout plan must include and indicate but not limited to:

- 2G & 3G IOT test (Lab test) with related details ( equipment

manufacturing, delivery, installation and tests plan)

- 2G & 3G implementation rollout including all the below details but not
limited to:

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- Equipment manufactory.

- Equipment shipment.

- Equipments delivery to harbor.

- Customs clearance.

- Delivery to warehouse.

- Site survey.

- Solution implementation to be approved per Djezzy.

- Drive test before.

- Installation and swap dates for all network elements.

- Drives test after by site, cluster & zone


The link between the 2G and 3G should be defined.

a. The tendering party should provide details of the deployment team and link
them with the rollout plan; these teams have to be clearly identified with
official commitment from the proposed subcontractors.

b. The tender party should have a rollout management tool and provide access
to Djezzy in real time. All the rollout action must reported on this tool and
updated on spot.

c. Djezzy minimum accepted time plan related to number of sites per year is as
indicated in the Scenario 1 network model tables; however the tendering
party may offer a more aggressive plan.

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d. The rollout plan should be approved by Djezzy and can be subject to

modifications according to Djezzy requirements.

17 Services Scope

The tendering party shall be responsible for all the services mentioned below
section Service classification for both 2G and 3G.

a. Scenario 1

For 2G service implementation, the tendering party should refer to below

section Service classification.

For 3G, The Tendering party shall be responsible for delivering project in
turnkey basis for year 1.

A period of 6 months following year 1 will be used to handover the 3G

network to Djezzy. During this period; the six months, the tendering party is
still assuming full accountability for all network performance, KPIs, support
for network operation from the OMC (NOC) and FLM. The Tendering Party
shall provide separate quotations for the 6 month handover period. Djezzy
may/may not apply for this service.

b. Scenario 2

The tendering party shall be responsible for delivering the 2G project in

turnkey basis per wilaya starting from first site swap till the final acceptance
of the wilaya.

The tendering party shall be responsible for delivering the 3G project in

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turnkey basis per wilaya.

The South road coverage will be delivered in turnkey basis starting from
design till the acceptance of the last site and adding 3 months handover for

17.2 Service classification

The tendering party shall take responsibility for all below services as per their
related scenario.

The Tendering party should provide a separate quotation for each service in the below list.

- Calibration

- Planning

- Dimensioning

- Site acquisition

- Site Survey

- Installation & CW

- Commissioning and Configuration

- Integration

- Drive test

- Optimisation

- Maintenance Level 2 and Level 3 Support

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- First Line Maintenance (FLM)

- Network Operations (NOC)

- Supervision:

- Spare Parts Management

- Events handling and capacity extension/Reduction

- Customer complaints

- Warehousing

- Dismantling, Packing and Transportation

17.2.1 Calibration

The Tendering party shall provide calibration for propagation model.

The Tendering party should provide the propagation model report per city

17.2.2 Planning

a. Scenario 1

The Tendering Party shall be responsible for 3G planning related issues, this includes
but not limited to:

Prepare the required Database for the planning tool as indicated (Digital
maps, clutter height and types).

Importing Djezzy Database into the planning tool

Running the coverage maps and setting all the required radio parameters.

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Preparing the Nominal coverage plan

b. Scenario 2
The Tendering Party shall be responsible for all the 2G and 3G planning related
issues, this includes but not limited to:

Prepare the required Database for the planning tool as indicated (Digital
maps, clutter height and types).

Importing Djezzy Database into the planning tool

The Tendering party shall provide calibration for propagation model

Running the coverage maps and setting all the required radio parameters.

Preparing the Nominal coverage plan to meet coverage and capacity


The tendering party shall be responsible for setting the transmission plan,
routes and all the transmission related issues as per bellow section

17.2.3 Dimensioning
a. Scenario 1
The dimensioning will be under Djezzy responsibility, the tendering party should
ensure the required support, dimensioning rules and documentations.

b. Scenario 2

The tendering party shall be responsible for all the dimensioning related issues that
includes but not limited to:

BTS and NodeB configuration.

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Required Transmission Capacity for each network elements.

BSC and RNC capacity required.

All the required interfaces.

Required quantities of fiber optic, feeders, Jumpers, Side arms, Antennas,

duplexers, triplexers, RET, TMA, rectifiers and Batteries.

17.2.4 Site acquisition

a. Scenario 1
The site acquisition will be under Djezzy responsibility.

b. Scenario 2
The tender party will take in charge the acquisition as defined in section CW
network model

17.2.5 Site Survey

For both Scenarios, the tendering party should submit site survey Reports with all
Radio/Transmission, environment and civil work requirements of the site according
to Djezzy survey report format.

17.2.6 Installation & CW

a. Scenario 1
The civil work will be under tendering party responsibility for 3G only for
year 1.

For site material installation requirement refer to:

- For 3G, please refer to Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of
HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011.

- For 2G, please refer to section Service Scope and Classification submitted
within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of

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March 2012.

b. Scenario 2

The civil work will be under tendering party responsibility for both 2G and

For site material installation requirement refer to:

- For 3G , please refer to Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of
HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 .

- For 2 G, please refer to section Service Scope and Classification submitted

within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of
March 2012.

17.2.7 Commissioning and Configuration

The commissioning and configuration requirements for both scenarios are as below

For 3G, please refer to Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of
HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011

For 2G, please refer to section Service Scope and Classification submitted
within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of
March 2012.

17.2.8 Integration
The integration requirements for both scenarios are as below

For 3G, please refer to Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of
HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011.

For 2G, please refer to section Service Scope and Classification submitted
within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of

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March 2012.

17.2.9 Drive test

The Drive test requirements for both scenarios are as below

For 3G, please refer to Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of
HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011.

For 2G, please refer to section Service Scope and Classification submitted
within the Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of
March 2012.

17.2.10 Optimisation
a. Scenario 1
The tendering party will be responsible for the 3G network optimization as described in Chapter
6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of
November 2011 for the first year.

Then tendering party will be responsible for the 2G network optimization starting from first site
swap till the final acceptance of the wilaya.

b. Scenario 2

Then tendering party will be responsible for the 3G network optimization as

described in Chapter 6 submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+
Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 till the final acceptance of the

Then tendering party will be responsible for the 2G network optimization

starting from first site swap till the final acceptance of the wilaya

17.2.11 Maintenance Level 2 and Level 3 Support:

For both scenarios, the tendering party should provide level 2 and level 3 support

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according to Annex 19-Service Level agreement SoW for level 2 and level 3

17.2.12 First Line Maintenance (FLM):

a. Scenario 1

For 2G, the tendering party shall provide FLM for all supplied equipment
from first site swap till the final acceptance of the wilaya. Additionally, the
tendering party should add 3 months for year 1, and 1 month for remaining
years after the final acceptance per wilaya.

For 3G, the tendering party shall provide FLM for all supplied equipment till
final acceptance for year one and during 6 months handover period.

For FLM Services, the tendering party shall follow the Scope indicated in
Annex 18-Operation and Maintenance SoW.

For non supplied shared third party equipments that includes Batteries, Rectifiers, Antennas
and feeders, generators and Power supplies, Djezzy shall take the maintenance responsibility
for them.

b. Scenario 2

For both 2G and 3G, the tendering party should provide FLM for all supplied
equipment till the project end.

For FLM Services, the tendering party shall follow the Scope indicated in
Annex 18-Operation and Maintenance SoW.

For non supplied shared third party equipments that includes Batteries,
Rectifiers, Antennas and feeders, generators and Power supplies, Djezzy shall
take the maintenance responsibility for them.

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17.2.13 Network Operations

For both scenarios, the tendering party shall provide all the required tools
accompanied by the required experts to support Djezzy NOC team for all supplied
equipment. This includes but not limited to (refer to Annex 18-Operation and
Maintenance SoW).

Providing the necessary experts to handle all the needed operations.

Setting the required parameters for the network elements.

Checking and correcting any Operation and Maintenance Unit failures or/and

Rectifying any Inconsistencies (i.e. Neighbor inconsistencies, Parameters

inconsistencies, configuration inconsistencies).

Fault detection and resolution.

17.2.14 Supervision:
The network supervision will be under Djezzy responsibility for both

17.2.15 Spare Parts Management

For both scenarios, the tendering party shall offer SPM services. Djezzy may/may
not apply for this service.

The tendering party shall handle the aspects of the spare parts on a SPM
style (Spare Parts Management). The tendering party shall propose his plan
for all the items related to the spare parts managements to Djezzy. Djezzy
withholds the right to ask the tendering party to add/remove or modify some
parts of his proposal.

All the aspects of the spare parts management has to comply with the rules

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mentioned in Annex 18-Operation and Maintenance SoW and Annex 19-

Service Level agreement SoW for level 2 and level 3 support regarding the
SLAs and penalties.

17.2.16 Events handling and capacity extension/Reduction

a. Scenario 1
The network event handling will be under Djezzy responsibility.

b. Scenario 2

The tendering party shall be responsible for the handling of any event that is
reported by Djezzy and that needs a special coverage or capacity solutions, this
includes but not limited to:

Drive test prior to the event to select the most appropriate solution

Taking the necessary actions after Djezzy approval (i.e. Mobile shelter, adding
extra capacity to the existing 2G/3G site .).

Monitoring the network performance using two teams:

i. one will monitor the event using his drive test tool and report any problems
or errors
ii. second team will be working from the office to monitor the KPIs and
respond to any errors reported by the team in the field.

17.2.17 Customer complaints

For both scenarios, The Tendering party shall be responsible for all the aspects
related to customer complaints delivered to him by Djezzy customer care center,
this includes but not limited to:

Assigning a single point of contact for customer complaints.

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Analyzing the Customer complaints and identifying the problem causes and
taking the suitable actions to resolve them.

Delivering a final documented report for every Customer complaint including

the cause of the problem, the action taken to solve it and the time span from
its occurrence till its finalization.

The table below states the time span allowed between the instant where the
complaint was reported till it was resolved

95% 100%

Normal Customer
complaints resolution time 48 Hours 72 Hours

VIP/ BIG customer

complaints resolution time 8 Hours 24 Hours
(Phone call Update on hourly

Djezzy withholds the right to classify which complaint is VIP and which is not.

The tendering Party shall provide a weekly summary report of all treated
customer complaints, following a format to be agreed upon with Djezzy prior
to the commencement of project execution.

17.2.18 Warehousing
For both Scenarios, the tendering party shall provide the warehousing for the
supplied equipment. The warehousing operations must comply with Djezzy
procedures. Djezzy may/may not apply for this service.

17.2.19 Dismantling, Packing and Transportation

For both scenarios, the tendering party should provide a separate quotation for
equipment dismantling (BSC, TC, BTS, TRX, and Power supply), packing and
transportation. Djezzy may/may not apply for this service.

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18 Rollback

a. The BTS swap should be done during the operation window

confirmed by Djezzy. If any troubles exceeding this window a
rollback shall be considered.
b. If any quality of service degradation is noticed after swap
execution, a rollback shall be considered.
c. The tendering party should provide the qualified experts and
required tools to bring up services of existing vendor equipment in
case of rollback.
d. In case of rollback failure, penalties will be applied. Rollback is
Djezzy decision,
e. Tendering party must do the rollback without any condition and
free of charge.
f. The tendering party should provide a complete procedure for

19 System Acceptance and Penalties

19.1 Acceptance procedure

The detailed acceptance procedure, interoperability and respectively

found in Chapter 7 submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+
Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011.

19.2 KPI acceptance

The tendering party must comply on KPI basis without any reserves or
For 3G KPI acceptance, please refer to Chapter 7 submitted within the
Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011.
For 2G KPI acceptance, Please refer to section System Acceptance and
penalties submitted within the Tender for 2G Equipment

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(Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of March 2012. Additionally for

Scenario 2, the tendering party must comply with:
- The tendering party must comply with provided coverage plots and
must clearly shows with drive test the compliance with provided
design for each polygon and road.
- The tendering party must show through the drive test log files his
compliance to the coverage level required per polygon and road
(i.e. Deep indoor ...inCar.etc).

19.3 Penalties

The tendering party must comply with the penalties indicated in the
Annex I submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution
sent on 3rd of November 2011. Additionally for Scenario 2, the tendering
party must comply with:
In case the tendering party fail to acquire required new sites as per
his proposed design or to satisfy the target KPIs and traffic within
the wilaya 2G swap project period, the tendering party should
consider like to like swap and any new need for additional site will
be with no additional cost on Djezzy.
In case the designed capacity site fails to achieve capacity
objectives (absorb 50% traffic from target cells to densify), the
tendering party shall take all necessary action to achieve the target
without additional cost on Djezzy.
In case the drive test shows that the 2G coverage is not as it was
designed and approved, then the tendering party shall take all the
necessary actions to resolve the problems at no extra cost on

20 Transmission
For the General Transmission specifications and scope, please refer to Chapter 5
submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on the 3rd of
November 2011.

The Tendering party should consider for product offering the microwave equipment

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officially submitted to VIMPELCOM group in response to RFI issued on 16/04/2012

Note the following updates on Chapter 5:

A) In Section: CH5/ I-Generalities/ 3. RfP Scope & Scenarios/ 3.2. Services and Deliverables:
Scenario 1: Annex-D2 was updated by Annex 03-TX BoQ.
Scenario 2:
- Free Design scope (described in Chapter 3 in the initial document) is amended
as per Section Network Model & requirement for Scenario 2 in this
amendment document to cover 5 Years and 48 Wilayas.
- Scenario 2 Free design will aim to aggregate the calculated traffics to the
nearest Core Transport sites as indicated in Annex 20-Djezzy transmission DB.
- All deliverables (Designs, Link Budgets, Topologies, Configurations...) must
comply with the relevant ITU-T/R standards in force and to be organized per
As per the initial document, the MW planning and the engineering work will comply to
the guidelines set described below:

1. There are two main types of objectives, namely, Quality and Availability. The
parameter usually used for the Quality Objective is SESR measured in seconds over
a period of 1 month in the worst conditions. Availability or Unavailability, whichever
preferred is calculated in terms of minutes, over a span of 1 year.
1.1. Quality Objective for MW hops
SESR = (0.002 (A+0.002) x 50/100) x 2.6 x10 seconds
A = 1% = 0.01
Quality Objective is always related to the Multi path propagation
All the hops in the network must have an SESR value up to 130 seconds per
1.2. Unavailability objective
All the Hops must have an Availability above >99.995%.
2. Rain factor to be considered as per the submitted Backhaul Links DB in Annex 20-
Djezzy transmission DB.

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3. Objectives for Hops in a Chain:

In case there is a cascade of two, three or more hops, then the cumulative values of
SESR and Availability should be considered. As per ITU recommendation about "end
to end" path and never about single radio hop, therefore we should limit our
investigation to the radio stations, where Add or Drop of the signal takes place. If
this connection is composed by only one radio hop or by a cascade of n hops, the
overall objective is the same and therefore we have to dimension each hop
accordingly. The same considerations to be applied to the unavailability.
4. Acceptable Values of Fade Margins: 30dB for all links.
5. MW links redundancy:
Any chain of MW links involving more than 3 sites should be protected either HW
protected 1+1/2+0 or ring protected.
6. Interference Criteria:
- Coordination distance: 200Km
- Default Minimum interference level for Calculation: -115.0 dBm
- Margin For Planning Tool Calculation: 10.0 dB
- Threshold degradation-multipath: 1.0
- Threshold degradation acceptable value is 3Db
7. Utilization KPI max 80% need to be considered as one of the required KPIs to be
considered through the free design scenario
8. The proposed solution should be capable enough to support future bandwidth and
technological requirements particularly LTE with software upgrades only
9. Power on Ethernet ports (if needed) should be provided within the same product
not through external nodes
10. The supplier should define the requirements in terms of capacity & interfaces per
each aggregation site
B) Section: CH5/ II-Networking Rules/ 2. NMS/ 2.2. Dimensioning:
5. The NMS connectivity of the existing links need to be maintained through the new provided
MW links as its the new Supplier responsibility to support and carry the NMS traffic of
existing MW links

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C) Services and Deliverables:

- Transport Solution Executive Summary

- Detailed Transport solution description and design document including:
network diagrams, design parameters, capacity planning etc
- Migration plan for the Transport Network, including swap strategy, cutover
- Detailed Roadmap of the offered equipment
- Detailed product lifecycle including both end of sale and end of support of
the offered/ reused equipment Hardware and Software release
- Detailed PIP for the MW proposal only
- Un-priced TCO for all offered Transport subsystems components including
the detailed BoQ
- Detailed Compliance to the different sections mentioned within this
documents : (RFP-Chapter 5 - Transmission Requirements.docx & Annex J -
- Detailed Compliance to different paragraphs mentioned within the Tx
section in this document (2G 3G RFP amendment document)
- Transport Network evolution Roadmap
- Time plan of any software upgrade required for OTA transport network
- Transport References for MW subsystem
- Un-priced Detailed BOQ for all the MW subsystems for Both scenarios
- Fulfil all the provided TX excel sheets in Annex 20- Djezzy Transmission DB
a. Vendor Name Transport Design Summary Template
b. Vendor Name Transport Suppliers Responses
- Detailed compliance to Transmission Scope of work in Annex20- Djezzy
Transmission DB & Annex-03 TX BoQ
D) For spare, tendering party has to consider 7% from supplied MW equipment.
E) All the other document terms, deliverables, services and technical specifications that were not
listed here will remain unchanged.

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F) All the necessary databases for Scenario 2 Design are provided in Annex 20- Djezzy
Transmission DB.
J) Transmission Scope of work in Annex20- Djezzy Transmission DB

a. The Tendering party shall provide all the required highly qualified experts to handle
all the aspects of the deployment and to manage any required interoperability with
the 2G/3G network element, as well as to make sure of the good continuation of the
existing network operation.
b. The Tendering party may hire a certified subcontractor to finalize and speed up the
rollout, however the Tendering party shall be responsible for the quality of the
delivered work by such Subcontractors.
c. Djezzy shall have the right to request the change of any project team member or
sub-contracted party if the quality of deliverables of that party consistently fails to
meet Djezzy requirements.

22 Training
Please refer to Chapter 6 and annex J submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+
Solution sent on 3rd of November 2011 and section Training submitted within the
Tender for 2G Equipment (Supply/Swap) sent on the 21st of March 2012.

23 On job training

.The tendering party should share with Djezzy team its knowledge and procedure

The Tendering Party shall commit to answer all Djezzy quires and supplying all the necessary
technical documents and explanation including but not limited to: planning, dimensioning,
optimization, implementation and Network operations & maintenance

24 Exit management plan

The tendering party should consider to the exit management plan as part of the delivery process
and should ensure a smooth and efficient transfer back of the in-scope services, along with people,
assets and 3rd party agreement which will provide them, essentially ensure continuation of the

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service levels in an interrupted manner for the duration of the disengagement. The process of the
exit is described in Annex_K submitted within the Tender for Supply of HSPA+ Solution sent on
3rd of November 2011.

End of Document

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