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Ragtime Set movements:

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Pre-set: Stairs at sides with rails onstage, piano at centre.
Piano - Josh and Mitchel move off.
Journey on
Stage right stairs Mitchel, Josh, and Nina
Stage left stairs Georgia Mario Cecilia
Crime of the century
swing Mitchel and Josh set before and take up after
Stairs - Judges on stage move to centre
A Shtetl iz Amereke
Cart Emiliano take on
Stairs Mitchel, Nina, John, Te, Brendon, Loraine
Cart Emiliano take off
His Name Was Coalhouse Walker
Stage right stairs Josh and Te to side
Stage left stairs Nina Bridget to side
Piano Ken and Mitchel take on to centre
Gettin Ready Rag
Piano Ben and Ken move to stage right
Piano Ben and Ken take off (end)
Henry Ford
Stairs Nicky, Brendon, James, John move downstage
Stairs Nicky, Brendon, James, John move downstage left and upstage right,
for next scene
Willie Conklin scene
Stage left stairs Oliver and Jack
Stage right stairs James and Daniel angle stairs

New Music
Piano Michael move downstage
Piano changes to Car Albany before Wheels of a Dream
The Night That Goldman Spoke at union Square
Car Mitchel and Josh take off
Stairs Jesse, Greta, (others?)

Stairs Georgia, Bry, Jesse to end of balcony.
The Trashing of the Car
Car Mitchel and Josh on
Car James, Daniel, and John off
Act 2
Pre-set: stairs Jared and Jed rails against platform
Coalhouses Soliloquy
Piano Ken on
What a game
Stairs Nicky, Ken, Jesse, Daniel, Oliver, John, James, and Brendon move to
downstage centre
Stairs Baseball folk move to house position
Piano Brendon and Mitchel move off for
Atlantic City
Stage right stairs Georgia move parallel
Our Children
Stage left stairs Georgia and Casey set
Look what youve done
Stairs Ben, Josh, Mario, and Mitchel to move to centre
Wheels of a Dream (reprise)
Piano James and Brendon on
Swing Greta and Annie taken down
Piano Brendon downstage before bows

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