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Overview & Definition
Process-Oriented Performance Based
Product-Oriented Performance Based
Portfolio Assessment
Assessment is most effective when it reflects an
understanding of learning as multidimensional, integrated,
and revealed in performance over time.
Assessment should reflect these understandings by
employing a diverse array of methods, including those
that call for actual performance, using them over time so
as to reveal change, growth, and increasing degrees of
What is Authentic Assessment?
A form of assessment in which students are asked
to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate
meaningful application of essential knowledge and
skills (Jon Mueller, 2014)
An authentic assessment usually includes a task for
students to perform. It can be .
o Process Oriented
o Product Oriented
o Portfolio
Selecting a response Performing a Task
Contrived Real-Life
Recall / Recognition Construction / Application
Teacher-Structured Student-Structured
Indirect Evidence Direct Evidence
Process-Oriented Performance
Based Assessment
is concerned with the actual task performance
rather than the output or product of the activity

learning objectives are stated in directly

observable behaviors of the students
Process-Oriented Learning Competencies
Task: Recite a Poem by Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
Competency: The activity aims to enable the students to
recite a poem entitled The Raven by EAP, specifically:
1. Recite the poem from memory without referring to notes
2. Use appropriate hand and body gestures in delivering the piece
3. Maintain eye contact with the audience while reciting the poem
4. Pronounce the words clearly and with proper diction
5. Create the ambiance of the poem through appropriate rising and falling
Recitation Rubric
Criteria 1 2 3
Number of
appropriate hand x1 1-4 5-9 10-12
Appropriate Lots of inappropriate Few inappropriate facial No apparent
facial expression x1 facial expression expression inappropriate facial
Voice inflection Monotone voice used Can vary voice Can easily vary
x2 inflection with difficulty voice inflection
Incorporate Recitation contains Recitation has some Recitation fully
proper ambiance very little feelings feelings captures ambiance
through feelings x3 through feelings in
in the voice the voice
Product-Oriented Learning
is a performance based task that allow students to
demonstrate multiple levels of metacognitive skills
which require the use of complex procedural skills
for creating authentic evidence, it focuses on
product assessment
The learning competencies associated with products
or outputs are linked with an assessment of the
level of expertise manifested by the product.
Product-Oriented Learning
Example: Learning Competencies:
The desired product 1. Possess the correct dimensions
is a representation of (5x5x5) (minimum specifications)
a cubic prism made 2. Be sturdy, made of durable
out of cardboard in cardboard & properly fastened
together (skilled specifications)
an elementary
geometry class 3. Be pleasing to the observer,
preferably properly colored for
aesthetic purposes (expert level)
Project Rubric
Novice Apprentice Master
The product is The product was The product was made
not durable and properly fastened but using durable material,
did not follow the some specification were within minimum
minimum not followed. Aesthetic specifications and has
specifications. It value is acceptable. excellent aesthetic value.
has low aesthetic
a purposeful collection is an evaluation tool used to
document student learning
of student work that through a series of student-
exhibits the students developed artifacts
efforts, progress and
achievements in one or
more areas
a purposeful collection of student
work that exhibits the students efforts,
Student participation in selecting contents
progress and achievements in one or
more areas
the criteria for selection

the criteria for judging merit

evidence of student self-reflection

Types of Portfolios
Documentation Portfolio:
This type is also known as the "working" portfolio. Specifically,
this approach involves a collection of work over time showing
growth and improvement reflecting students' learning of identified
outcomes. The documentation portfolio can include everything
from brainstorming activities to drafts to finished products. The
collection becomes meaningful when specific items are selected
out to focus on particular educational experiences or goals. It can
include the bet and weakest of student work.
Types of Portfolios
Process Portfolio:
This approach documents all facets or phases of the learning
process. They are particularly useful in documenting students'
overall learning process. It can show how students integrate
specific knowledge or skills and progress towards both basic and
advanced mastery. Additionally, the process portfolio inevitably
emphasizes students' reflection upon their learning process,
including the use of reflective journals, think logs, and related
forms of metacognitive processing.
Types of Portfolios
Showcase Portfolio:
This type of portfolio is best used for summative evaluation of
students' mastery of key curriculum outcomes. It should include
students' very best work, determined through a combination of
student and teacher selection. Only completed work should be
included. In addition, this type of portfolio is especially compatible
with audio-visual artifact development, including photographs,
videotapes, and electronic records of students' completed work.
The showcase portfolio should also include written analysis and
reflections by the student upon the decision-making process(es)
used to determine which works are included.
1. Cover letter
about the author
what my portfolio shows about my progress as a learner
(written at the end, but put at the beginning)
the cover letter summarizes the evidence of a student's
learning and progress
2. Table of Contents with numbered pages
3. Entries
both core (items students have to include) and optional (items
of student's choice)
core elements will be required for each students and will
provide a common base from which to make decisions on
optional items will allow the folder to represent the
uniqueness of each student (students can choose best pieces
of work, but also a piece of work which gave trouble or one
that was less successful, and give reasons why?
4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised version
e.g. first drafts and corrected and revised versions
6. Reflections
can appear at different stages in the learning process (for
formative and summative purposes)
a brief rationale for choosing the item should be included
this can relate to students' performance, to their feelings
regarding their progress and/or themselves as learners
is not a form of assessment but are criteria for making an
a scoring method that list the criteria for a piece of work
it also articulates gradation of quality for each criterion
a guide for assigning scores to alternative assessment
encourage clear assessment targets and clear
Types of Rubrics
1. General rubrics contain 2. Task specific rubrics are
criteria that are general unique to a specific task.
across tasks. Advantage: more reliable
Advantage: can use the assessment of performance
same rubric across different on the task.
tasks. Disadvantage: difficult to
Disadvantage: feedback may construct rubrics for all
not be specific enough. specific tasks
Types of Rubrics
3. Holistic rubrics provide a single 4. Analytic rubrics provide
score based on an overall specific feedback along
impression of a students several dimensions.
performance on a task. Advantages: more detailed
Advantages: quick scoring, feedback, scoring more
provides overview of student consistent across students
achievement. and graders.
Disadvantages: does not provide Disadvantage: time
detailed information, may be consuming to score.
difficult to provide one overall
Example Task: Writing
General Rubric Rubrics: General-Holistic
Can be used across 3 meets expectation for a first draft of a
similar performances Professional Report
You can use the same The document can be easily followed. A
rubrics to all writing combination of the following are apparent in
product such as essays, the document:
letters and or 1. Effective transitions are used throughout
compositions 2. A professional format is used
3. The graphics are descriptive and clearly
support the documents purpose.
Example of a task specific is boat designing
Task-Specific Rubric: Task-Specific

can only be used Novice Apprentice Master

for a single task The boat lost The boat floated for a The boat
its shape or while and then started floated
sank when to leak before the end moved and
place on the of the time trail was air tight
water for at least 5

Example: Recitation Rubric
Holistic rubric does
3 Excellent Speaker
not list separate Included 10-12 changes in hand gesture
levels of no apparent inappropriate facial expression
utilizes proper voice inflection
performance for can create proper ambiance
each criterion 2 Good Speaker
included 5-9 changes in hand gesture
few inappropriate facial expression
have some inappropriate voice inflection changes
almost creating proper ambiance
1 Poor Speaker
included 1-4 changes in hand gesture
lots of inappropriate facial expressions
uses monotone voice
BACK cannot create proper ambiance
Example: Recitation Rubric
Analytic rubric Criteria 1 2 3
articulates levels of Number of
performance for appropriate x1 1-4 5-9 10-12
hand gesture
each criterion
Appropriate Lots of Few No apparent
facial inappropri inappropriate inappropriate
expression ate facial facial facial
expression expression expression

Creating Rubrics Quickly & Easy
you can create rubrics quickly
using pre-formatted templates
modify criteria and levels of
quality according to the need
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