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Subject : English Language

Class : 4
Time :
Theme / Topic : A Healthy Lifestyle
Learning Outcome: In this unit, students will learn :
To recognize different aspects of health- physical, mental, social, emotional
To understand various tips about leading a healthy lifestyle
To write an article about A healthy lifestyle
Key Vocabulary Healthy, Lifestyle, Recreational, Disease
Time allocation for Activity 1 :
activities Teacher shows pictures on powerpoint
Students to guess the lifestyle diseases
Matching activity
Activity 2 :
Teacher shows a short excerpt as introduction
Students to guess ways to a healthy lifestyle by guessing the second part of the photos
Students to make sentences guided by teacher for every picture
Students to fill up the mind map
Activity 3
Students to write up a short article on healthy lifestyle


Subject : English Language

Class :
Time :
Theme / Topic :
Learning Outcome:
Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :
Success Criteria Studens can :
Key Vocabulary
Moral Values
Time allocation for Starter activity:
activities Main activity:
Plenary activity:
Reflection Progress Learning Objectives:
Follow up:
Lesson Improvements:
Subject : English Language
Class :
Time :
Theme / Topic :
Learning Outcome:
Learning Objective:
Success Criteria
Key Vocabulary
Moral Values
Time allocation for Starter activity:
activities Main activity:
Plenary activity:
Reflection Progress Learning Objectives:
Follow up:
Lesson Improvements:

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