Esri Mug Fall 2014 Newsletter

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FALL 2014



GIS HUMOR By Andrew R. Kuder
Some good news for those nation, and efficiency of geo- Upon reviewing the legisla-
geospatial users and advo- spatial policy and technology tion, it appears the main
Why does west cates in Pennsylvania who issues among federal, state, goal of creating the geospa-
longitude need to have been trying to establish and local government agen- tial board is consistency.
be cheered up? a geospatial advisory board - cies, academic institutions, This consistency begins with
Senate Bill 771 creates a and the private sector (SB creating statewide data
State Geospatial Coordinat- 771). standards and reviewing
ing Board. The bill was sent possible ways to incorporate
to Governor Tom Corbetts The advisory board will con- geospatial technology to
office on October 16, 2014 sist of 27 members, both disseminate information to
for his signature; on October voting and non-voting, and citizens and increase effi-
22, 2014, Corbett signed include public sector, private ciency in government.
the bill into law, making it sector, academic, and non-
Act 178 of 2014. profit representatives. Vot- The advisory board will also
ing members include a monitor national trends in
Because its always Prior to the bills passage, broad range of state govern- geospatial technology to
negative! Pennsylvania was one of ment appointees, represent- identify potential areas of
only three states without a atives from county and mu- interest for further research.
geospatial advisory council. nicipal levels of government, This broad array of geospa-
This legislation, once signed, and non-profit, professional tial technology advocates
will provide advice and rec- organizations such as the PA participating on the advisory
MUG-TIVITIES ommendations to the Gover- Mapping and Geographic board will likely be beneficial
nor and the citizens of the Information Consortium in further expanding the use
Esri-MUG 2014 Annual
Conference to be held Commonwealth on geospa- (PAMAGIC) and the PA Socie- of GIS technology through-
December 1-4 2014 at tial issues and provide uni- ty of Land Surveyors. out the Commonwealth.
the Baltimore Hilton form data standards, coordi-
Elections for Esri-MUG
2015 Officers will be held For additional information, including a full list of voting and non-voting members,
during the Annual Confer-
ence. Remember to vote!
as well as administrative descriptions and responsibilities, review the full bill here:
Esri-MUG is planning an
Education focused meet-
ing for February, details Without geography, youre nowhere.
Jimmy Buffett, Singer

The upcoming Mid-Atlantic wastewater as well as ings. The user sessions the parking fees in the city,
User Conference (MUC) some user stories. Im will give you the Why and you can drive to BWI or
promises something for looking forward to hearing What of important and Hunt Valley, park your car,
just about every GIS practi- from some of my col- innovative projects in our and take light rail to your
tioner. Workshops, ses- leagues at WSSC on Mon- region, and the workshops hotel and the conference. I
sions, interest group meet- day. will provide the How to came in from Hunt Valley
ings, and speakers will fill enable you to advance last year, and will be tak-
four days of early Decem- The Educators SIG will your own projects. Thurs- ing MARC to BWI and then
ber in Baltimore. We will start at 2:00 on Thursday, day will wrap things up light rail again this year.
hear from Allen Carroll, and is free of charge to with a special Peer-to-Peer
Esris Storytelling Program those in the education session, followed by the The Conference will be a
Manager, and we will also community. The MUG Educators SIG meeting. great time to learn, net-
have a special lunchtime Board has been discussing work, and socialize among
session on GIS certifica- education-specific initia- Some of you may be ask- old and new friends. If you
tion. tives for much of this year, ing Why Baltimore for the havent been to the MUC
and we hope to use this as MUC? The MUG attempts yet, please plan on trying it
Several pre-conference momentum for a special to move our other meet- out; you wont be disap-
workshops are planned for February meeting. We will ings around the Mid- pointed.
Monday afternoon, provid- be providing more details Atlantic region, to provide
ing a deep-dive into topics on this meeting during and some local convenience at If youve attended before,
such as the new WebApp after the MUC. least some of the time. there are some new things
Builder and ArcGIS Online. to try out. Carve out as
I hope you will be able to User paper sessions and For the MUC, Baltimore much time as you can in
attend this information- technical workshops fill presents a great conver- the first week of December
packed week. the schedule on Tuesday, gence of facilities and ac- for a special blend of train-
Wednesday, and Thursday. cessibility. The Down- ing and professional ad-
There is a new start and The user presentations town / Inner Harbor area vancement.
end to the MUC this year. cover a wide range of dis- provides several suitable
The Conference sessions ciplines and topics, and venues to choose from
will be bookended by a you should be able to find each year. Baltimore has
pair of Special Interest several sessions that will rail options from Amtrak,
Group (SIG) meetings. The directly apply to your use MARC, and light rail,
Water/Wastewater SIG will of GIS. providing direct access to
kick things off Monday most of the metro areas.
morning. All of you work- In addition, Esri has ex- Interstates 95, 70, and
ing in this vital discipline panded the number of 83, and the highways they
are invited to attend this technical workshops dur- connect to, spread out
SIG meeting at no charge. ing the Conference, provid- throughout the MUG cover-
There will be lots of good ing everyone an opportuni- age area.
Chris Markel, GISP
information on the Esri ty to learn about the latest
Esri-MUG President
offerings for water and technologies and offer- If you dont want to pay to register today!!

FALL 2014 Page 3


ness executive cant seem every year to share, dis- During the Summit, Esri
to get past the overwhelm- cover, provide technical and its partners discuss
ing feeling of being sur- information and meet with ways that location analyt-
rounded by almost 15,000 partners and clients. ics has affected their busi-
of your closest GeoF- ness. Speakers from nu-
riends. We also attend special merous industries discuss
interest group meetings in their success with location
We always look forward to our respective business analytics and how GIS has
rubbing elbows with Esris areas and participate in changed the landscape of
finest, innovative compa- industry summits. Every what and how they do
nies, and brilliant individu- year that I attend I try to business.
Brendan Wesdock, MCP., GISP
als who all live, breathe, focus on a different indus-
GeoDecisions President
and eat Geospatial. try sector that our firm All in all, the Esri UC is well
This past July, I was fortu- serves. worth my time and energy.
nate enough to spend an- But why do we expend the Next year, come join more
other week in beautiful effort and cost? The Esri This year I had the oppor- than 15,000 of your clos-
downtown San Diego, Cali- UC is best described in a tunity to attend the Esri est GeoGeek friends in
fornia, with thousands of few simple words - net- Business Summit, which discovering, sharing, and
other GeoGeeks. Yeah, work, share, meet, speak, took place on the Satur- innovating.
we all love this stuff, and and learn. Our diverse day and Sunday before
even the most stuffy busi- team travels to San Diego the Esri UC kicked off.


GIS Day provides an inter- president and co-founder to everyone to participate. light GIS and their efforts
national forum for users of Jack Dangermond credits in utilizing GIS.
geographic information Ralph Nader with being GIS Day is celebrated the
systems (GIS) technology the person who inspired Wednesday of National Two such events are orga-
to demonstrate real-world the creation of GIS Day. Geography Awareness nized by the Delaware GIS
applications that are mak- He considered GIS Day a Week (which is itself cele- Day Committee in Dover,
ing a difference in our so- good initiative for people brated the third full week Delaware, and Penn State
ciety. to learn about geography of November). Hundreds University, in University
and the uses of GIS. He of GIS Day events are Park, Pennsylvania.
The first formal GIS Day wanted GIS Day to be a planned this year across
took place in 1999. Esri grassroots effort and open the globe on nearly every See the article on Page 5
continent. Many agencies for more details on the
and organizations through- local events mentioned
out the Esri-MUG area above as well as a listing
observe GIS Day by host- of events registered on
ing local events that high-

Find out more!



tions, each providing a
different GIS experience.
Some of the stations in-
clude: a hands-on GIS lab
exercise illustrating how The Penn State University Sciences Library, 208 Pat-
Magellan crossed the At- Libraries and the Depart- erno Library, with refresh-
lantic Ocean; entering into ment of Geography are co- ments and an opportunity
the world itself, a 20-foot sponsoring a GIS Day to meet and greet each
The Delaware GIS Day diameter Earth Balloon to event to raise awareness other. This is an opportuni-
Committee (http:// learn something special of geospatial information, ty to meet and greet the about each continent; get- the many possibilities and GIS services team for the
-events/de-gis-day) will ting soil savvy with Dela- opportunities of geograph- Data Learning Center.
host 300 5th grade stu- ware soils; a GIS Scaven- ic information systems
dents registered for a GIS ger Hunt; Map Jeopardy; (GIS) and activities related Groups represented at
field trip event at the Air Watersheds and GIS; how to GIS at University Park. this years event will in-
Mobility Command (AMC) Sussex Paramedics (DE) clude Pennsylvania Spatial
Museum in Dover on No- use GIS, and; tracing dif- The days activities will be Data Access (PASDA), Ge-
vember 19, 2014. These ferent layers over aerial held in Pattee and Paterno ographic Information Anal-
students, from five differ- photography. Libraries (at Penn States ysis (GIA), Core of the So-
ent schools, throughout Campus) and include: cial Science Research
the state, will get to expe- The AMC museum is also Institute (SSRI), geodesign
-- Information Fair, 1 to 4
rience GIS in a variety of included offering instruc- graduate degree pro-
p.m., in the Mann Assem-
activities. tion on flight simulation grams, Office of the Physi-
bly Room, 103 Paterno
which uses digital map- cal Plant (OPP) and groups
Library, with demonstra-
Groups of students will be ping to teach new pilots, a from the Department of
tions of real-world applica-
escorted by GIS Profes- trip up the control tower, Geography, such as the
tions of GIS that make a
sionals acting as tour as well as a tour of the Gould Center, GIS Coali-
difference in society.
guides to different sta- museum. tion and the Online Geo-
-- Poster Display, 1 to 5 spatial Program.
The DE GIS Day couldn't
p.m., Franklin Atrium, first
hold this event without The program is free and
floor Pattee Library, a
their sponsors: Air Mobility open to the public, and
showcase of GIS research
Command Museum, Arte- students, staff and faculty
activities at Penn State.
sian Water, Delasoft, KCI are urged to attend to
Technologies, Inc., Dela- learn about GIS and its
-- GIS Networking Recep-
ware Electric Cooperative, many applications.
tion, 4 to 5 p.m., Social
University of Delaware,
Department of Geography,
GeoDecisions, JMT Tech-
nology Group, and Tide-
Students inside the Earth water Utilities, Inc.
Balloon at DEs GIS Day
FALL 2014 Page 5


dents in Alaska, NJ hydrol- Road, New Brunswick, NJ)

ogy, Jamaica Bay ecosys- Free parking will be availa-
tem services, ecological ble in lots: 97, 98A and
planning and more! 98B. Everyone is wel-
Speakers will represent a come to attend!
variety of regional organi-
zations including: NJ DEP, The event is organized by
USGS, USDA, Rutgers Uni- RU Intermediate Environ-
Attendees at the Rutgers University 2013 GIS Day!
versity and private compa- mental Geomatics stu-
Rutgers University is posters, networking oppor- nies focusing on geospa- dents.
pleased to be celebrating tunities...and refresh- tial analysis.
For additional information:
their fourth annual GIS ments!
Awareness Day 2014 at The event will be held
h t t p s : / /
their New Brunswick, NJ Learn how maps, GPS and from 5-7 pm at Rutgers
campus! The event will satellite imagery are used University, IMCS building,
feature lightning talks, for things like: moose acci- Alampi Room (71 Dudley


The following is a list of Bucknell University Morgan State University Wise County Virginia
additional GIS Day events Lewisburg, PA Baltimore, MD Wise, VA
that are currently regis- Clarion University Maryland Department of Granby High School
tered on For Clarion, PA the Environment Norfolk, VA
additional information, Baltimore, MD
Seneca Resources Chesapeake Public
please contact the individ- Pittsburgh, PA University of Maryland, Schools
ual organization or agency Baltimore County - Shady Chesapeake, VA
sponsoring the event. California University of PA Grove
California, PA Rockville, MD Virginia DOT
Richmond, VA
County of Burlington, NJ Harbor Creek Junior HS City of Falls Church
Mount Laurel, NJ Erie, PA Falls Church, VA Reynolds Community Col-
Philadelphia Gas Works Allegheny National Forest Greenbriar West Elemen- Richmond, VA
Philadelphia, PA Warren, PA tary School
Fairfax, VA West Virginia Water Devel-
Lancaster County City of Dover, opment Authority
Manheim, PA Dover, DE George Mason University Charleston, WV
Fairfax, VA
Harrisburg Area Communi- Coppin State University West Virginia DOT
ty College Baltimore, MD Prince William (VA) County Charleston, WV
Harrisburg, PA Woodbridge, VA


One of the priorities identi- the GIS Certification Insti- to the profession, and at local schools and tutor
fied in President Obama's tute (GISCI) to recruit Cer- commitment to competent teachers on ArcGIS Online
ConnectED Initiative is the tified GIS Professionals and ethical practice since use and administration.
support of teachers to (GISPs) to serve as Ge- the certification institute Esri will provide training
advance digital learning. oMentors, who will work was founded in 2004. and other educational
With Esri's recently an- with local schools to help resources to prepare Ge-
nounced commitment to them set up and learn to GISCI is urging current and oMentors for their work
donate ArcGIS Online ac- use their ArcGIS Online aspiring GISPs to volun- with local schools.
counts to every public and accounts. teer as ConnectED Ge-
private K12 school in the oMentors. Through this Esri established the Ge-
United States, GIS profes- GISCI is the leading certifi- volunteer project, they will oMentor program in col-
sionals are needed to help cation body for the GIS earn points toward initial laboration with the Nation-
local teachers learn the profession. Over 5,500 GISP certification or re- al Geographic Society in
foundational science. GISPs have demonstrated newal. GISP GeoMentors 2009. For more infor-
the requisite education, will be required to help set m a t i o n , v i s i t
Esri has joined forces with experience, contributions up ArcGIS Online accounts

For more information on the Esri ConnnectED program, see

For more information on the GIS Certification Institute, see:


looking for volunteers to During the Annual Confer- The existing officers are:
be moderators. ence in Baltimore this De- President:
cember, elections will be Chris Markel, GISP
Moderators responsibili- held for the four officer
ties include helping set up positions of the Esri-MUG. Vice-President:
for their respective tech- All current officers have Thomas J. Schweitzer, PE,
nical sessions, introducing declared their intentions GISP, CFM
the presenters, monitoring to run for their individual
and keeping the session position for the 2015 Secretary:
on schedule, and facilitat- term. Sue Hoegberg, CFM
ing the question and an-
swers portions of the ses- If you are interested in Treasurer:
sion. running for one of the of- Mario Field
With a full schedule of ficer positions, please con-
workshops and technical If you would like to volun- tact Sue Hoegb erg
sessions for the upcoming teer as a session modera- (
Esri Mid-Atlantic Users tor, please contact Kathie m) to submit your name to
Conference in Baltimore, McDougall at: the ballot.
Maryland, the Esri-MUG is


By Susanna K. Jackson, PMP

Perched on a crumbling through the lenses of jazz, learn to connect different tions." The topics of stu-
coastline, shaped by four history and civil engineer- intellectual methods and dents' final GIS-based pro-
centuries of dramatic re- ing, and with GIS. ways of learning. jects ranged from the his-
versals of fortune, New tory of New Orleans cui-
Orleans might be the most Private funding from the GIS is a natural tool for IP sine to the culture of voo-
complex city in the United Andrew W. Mellon Founda- courses, faculty noted. doo. View maps, blogs,
States. Can its culture tion helped support faculty "First, it helped the stu- student projects and other
and challenges be cap- work on GIS for the dents organize their resources from Bucknell in
tured in a three-week course. The teaching thoughts and notes in a New Orleans.:
course? team also received an spatial way. It also al- h t t p : / / g i s -
Integrated Perspectives lowed them to uncover
Three Bucknell University- (IP) grant for development events and cause and ITECShowcas e/
faculty members decided of the class, which will be effect through the differ-
to try. They teamed to cre- offered regularly as an IP ent lenses through which
ate the first domestic selection. A core curricu- we taught, and that's one
"Bucknell In" course an lum requirement at Buck- of the main goals of the IP
interdisciplinary summer nell, IP classes are team- requirement". "It's a very
class in which students taught, interdisciplinary effective way to show in-
examined New Orleans courses that help students terdisciplinary connec-


The Esri-MUG 2014 Golf 17 players attend the Prizes were given for the 64, 8 under par. The
Outing was held on August event, pairing off into 5 mens and womens Long- team consisted of Bren-
21, 2014 at Compass teams. Dewberry, Stantec, est Drive and two Closest dan Ford, Eric Erlendson,
Pointe Golf Course in Pas- and Atkins supported the To The Pin on two select Tom Chittenden, and
adena, Maryland. The event with donations, get- par 3s. Charles Gerlach, all cur-
weather cooperated with ting a sign with their logo rent or former Fairfax
sunny skies, and not too at several of the tee box- Eric Erlendson had the County employees. The
hot temperatures. We had es. mens Longest Drive with outing also netted $340 to
Nancy Takeichi with the support the MUG student
City of Bowie capturing the scholarship fund.
womens Longest Drive.
Bret Schrey with Stantec We hope to continue the
grabbed one of the tradition next year with a
Closest To The Pin larger turnout. Nancy
awards, Brendan Ford Takeichi noted that she
with Fairfax County zeroed would like to see some
in on the second award. more women come out
The winning team shot a next year.

The Esri-MUG 2014 Officers are Feel free to email the newsletter staff with article sug-
eager to hear from you! gestions, general comments and feedback!

Contact via their email below. Michael J. Hanna

Middlesex Water Company
Chris Markel, GISP, Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission Consultant Susanna K. Jackson, PMP Bucknell University
Tom Schweitzer, PE, GISP, CFM, Atkins Global Andrew R. Kuder AK Environmental, LLC
Sue Hoegberg, CFM, Dewberry
We are on the web!

Mario Field, City of Washington, DC

Find Esri-MUG on LinkedIn and Twitter!


is committed to assisting benefits of GIS. We hold industry trends to assure
members within its one (1) annual confer- that our knowledge base
121,000 square mile ence for all users, as well is as current and practi-
geographical extent as local meetings each cal as possible. We wel-
(Pennsylvania, Delaware, year in partnership with come all interested
New Jersey, Maryland, Esri, our sponsoring or- members with a focus
District of Columbia, Vir- ganization. towards those using, or
ginia, and West Virginia) planning to use, Esri
to identify and educate These meetings, as well products as part of their
users regarding GIS as our web site, serve to overall information sys-
trends, Esri product de- bring together our mem- tem design and applica-
velopment, local/ bers in an interactive tion.
The Esri Mid-Atlantic Us- regional applications, environment to see
er Group (Esri-MUG) is a and events of interest. demonstrations of Esri Board of Directors meet-
multi-disciplinary organi- product developments ings are held via confer-
zation with a member- We are receptive to part- and demonstrate local ence call the second
ship base of users apply- nerships with other or- applications of GIS tech- Thursday of each month.
ing Geographic Infor- ganizations (both GIS as nology. Please join us and get
mation System (GIS) well as IS oriented) at involved. Contact Sue
technology and applica- the formal and grass- Our goal is to foster col- Hoegberg at 703-849-
tions in both private and roots level in our effort to laboration among all 0419.
public areas. Esri-MUG convey the uses and user entities and monitor

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