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Complexity Theory and Spatial Simulations of Land Use/Land

Cover Dynamics: The Use of What if Scenarios for Education,

Land Management, and Decision-Making

Christine M. Erlien*, Julie P. Tuttle, Amy L. McCleary, Carlos F. Mena and Stephen J. Walsh
Department of Geography and Carolina Population Center
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
North Carolina 27599-3220, U.S.A.


Land use/land cover (LULC) change occurs through the interactions of people, place, and environment. LULC
simulation models can be used to examine pattern-process relations through the lens of complexity theory, by
incorporating nonlinear relationships such as feedbacks and analyzing resultant emergent patterns. This paper
focuses on the use of LULC simulation models, particularly cellular automata (CA) and, to a lesser extent, agent-
based models (ABM), as a means to engage educators and students, as well as land managers and other decision-
makers, in critical thinking about LULC dynamics. To that end, we detail the importance of systems thinking and
complexity theory as background to the use of CA and ABM and briefly describe how CA/ABM work. We then provide
a case study of current LULC simulation work in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA) and describe plans for
education/outreach. We discuss the benefits and challenges of classroom implementation as well as possibilities for
extension to land managers and other decision-makers.

Introduction & Objectives As one of the human dimensions of global environmental

change, LULC change represents human transformation of
In recent decades, systems thinking and complexity theory the earths surface that is linked to a variety of scientific and
have become important frameworks for understanding policy issues including deforestation, agricultural
pattern-process relations in a wide range of scientific extensification, land degradation, urbanization, and migration.
disciplines. In particular, the characterization of coupled These human-environment relationships are linked through
human-natural systems as complex systems has led to a causal loops across scales, from individual human decision-
focus on how patterns of LULC change at the landscape making to global policies, from local biophysical endowments
scale emerge from local interactions of human decision- to global climate change. Feedbacks in these causal loops
makers and their social and natural environments. Complex influence subsequent human decision- and policy-making
systems approaches in LULC work are often intertwined and, consequently, future trajectories of land use (Lambin et
with spatial simulation modeling techniques, such as cellular al., 2003). Extension of emerging scientific understanding
automata (CA) and agent-based models (ABM), because of of the causes and consequences of LULC change to educators,
their ability to incorporate nonlinear processes, feedbacks, students, land managers, and other decision-makers is,
and dynamic local interactions in a spatially explicit, cross- therefore, an important endeavor.
scale context that can reveal emergent properties, indirect Simulation of LULC change with CA and ABM, as
effects, and pattern-process linkages (Parker et al., 2003; interactive investigative and learning environments, is ripe
Deadman et al., 2004; Manson, 2005). CA have been used to for translation to classrooms and extension to land managers
simulate LULC change in a variety of scenarios ranging and decision makers. CA/ABM are unique, flexible
from urban land use change to tropical deforestation (Messina frameworks with which to develop a deep understanding of
and Walsh, 2001; Soares et al., 2002; Claggett et al., 2004; LULC dynamics, test hypotheses and assumptions about the
Menard and Marceau, 2005). ABM have been used to drivers of LULC change, and explore what if scenarios of
examine land use and human behavior in tropical forests and LULC change, in which model parameters are modified to
elsewhere (Hoffman et al., 2002; Deadman et al., 2004; An explore a change scenario of interest. However, while
et al., 2005; Fernandez et al., 2005). scientific data visualization and decision-support systems

Geocarto International, Vol. 21, No. 4, December 2006 E-mail: 67

Published by Geocarto International Centre, G.P.O. Box 4122, Hong Kong. Website:
have expanded into the educational and decision-making state, and does this self-organized criticality confer
domains (Gordin et al. 1995; Edeleson et al. 1999; Khattak adaptability (Bak and Chen, 1991)?
et al. 2005), CA/ABM have received little attention in these Broad, diverse applications of complexity theory across
realms. In this paper, we (1) describe how systems thinking, the sciences over several decades has produced both
complexity theory, CA, and to a lesser degree ABM, are progressive understanding of coupled human-natural systems
used to examine LULC change and pattern-process relations and a recognition of the need, in both the natural and social
in the context of coupled human-natural systems, (2) highlight sciences, for focused research and framework development
how educational modules addressing systems thinking, around complexity-related concepts (Colwell 1998;
complexity, and CA/ABM analysis environments meet U.S. Malanson, 1999; OSullivan, 2004; Pickett et al., 2005).
science and geography teaching standards for secondary Accordingly, complex systems approaches and concepts
education as well as fill the need for material addressing continue to inform human-environment and related research
complex systems at the post-secondary level, (3) indicate in disciplines such as geography, ecology, and environmental
how CA and associated spatial simulations can be used to science (e.g., Manson, 2001; Richards, 2002; Stallins and
understand the drivers of LULC change by providing a case Parker, 2003; Alftine and Malanson, 2004, Green and Sadedin
study that illustrates how what if scenarios of LULC change 2005). The ability to investigate complex systems concepts
in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA) can be used to has been augmented by recent advances in technology and
challenge students and educators to think critically about related increases in computing power. Developments in
pattern-process relations involving human-environment spatial simulation modeling in the form of CA/ABM, as well
interactions, while enhancing their understanding of science as increasing availability of spatially explicit social and
and technology, and (4) describe how material developed for biophysical data, enhance the study of coupled human-natural
classroom use may also be extended to land managers and systems, particularly LULC dynamics.
decision makers. While CA and ABM differ in exactly how they represent
a system, both model types embody the fundamentals of
Background: Systems Thinking, Complexity complexity theory by constructing the system through the
Theory, and Spatial Simulation Modeling local interactions of constituents (a bottom-up approach)
and incorporating feedbacks and other nonlinear processes
The central concept of systems thinking is most commonly (Wolfram, 1984; Bonabeau, 2002). Both approaches generate
conveyed as the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, spatial and temporal patterns (although ABM do not have to
implying that properties of a system cannot be understood be implemented with a spatial component) that can be
from the structural attributes of system components alone. analyzed at multiple scales to reveal emergent properties,
Contextual thinking focused on relationships, organization, self-organization, and criticality. Both CA and ABM enable
pattern, and process, in addition to structure is necessary to tests of hypothesized LULC relationships (Walsh et al., in
understand how properties not apparent at the local level press). In addition, controlled simulation experiments can
emerge at the system level from a network of local be performed by manipulating model rules or parameters to
interactions. Over several decades, the study of biotic, abiotic, examine how such changes affect outcomes in the modeled
and artificial systems has revealed some remarkable features system (Walsh et al., 2003; OSullivan, 2004). In this way,
now considered indicative of complex systems (Bak and models may be used to address a range of what if scenarios.
Chen, 1991; Capra, 1996; Lansing, 2002, 2003). System- In CA, the spatial extent of the system is modeled as a
level emergent properties/patterns are one such feature, while grid of homogeneous cells that can assume different states.
spatiotemporal feedback loops and other nonlinear processes In the case of LULC change, cell states consist of a finite set
are considered fundamental generators of complexity. of land use or land cover classes. Based on a set of initial
Complex systems also may exhibit self-organization, in conditions and growth or transition rules, LULC change is
which order, in the form of system-level structures and simulated across the landscape on a cell-by-cell basis for
behaviors, may arise (and evolve) spontaneously from local multiple iterations, often annual time-steps. Behavior of
interactions and inputs from the systems environment (Capra, each grid cell depends on the states of cells in a defined
1996). Criticality refers to points of instability, where small spatial neighborhood (Wolfram, 1984). The rules embodied
changes in a systems parameters may result in spontaneous in a CA can be developed to realistically represent the
reorganization to a different system phase or state (Capra, decision-making of multiple actors. Rules may be determined
1996). Central questions include: Do systems exhibit tell- by (1) transition probabilities derived from a remotely sensed
tale threshold behavior or patterns at phase transitions? image time-series of an existing system1, (2) theory, (3)
Conversely, do some systems self-organize to such a critical statistically generated weights and relationships, (4) functions

For highly dynamic land cover types, transition probabilities can be developed that depend on the state of the cell and its surrounding cells, on
its resource endowments (e.g., slope, soils, vegetation, hydrology), demographic characteristics (e.g., population density and number of
households), and its geographic proximity (e.g., roads, markets, water, and other villages).

constructed from data analysis, or (5) an expert system are detailed in Bednarz et al., 1994). Teaching materials
developed through qualitative field techniques involving addressing LULC dynamics, complexity theory, and
knowledgeable local informants. Once rules have been simulation modeling also align with national science
determined, the model runs stochastically to explore the full standards, which aim to use the concepts of systems, order,
range of possible outcomes. Model convergence and variable and organization, as well as evidence, models, and explanation
sensitivities of the analysis tracks can then be compared and to unify study across grade levels (National Research Council,
analyses of system dynamics and uncertainty assessed. CA 1998). In addition, teaching using CA/ABM capitalizes on
results are calibrated and validated by comparing the two important elements of high school science curriculum
composition and spatial pattern of simulated to observed science as inquiry and science as technology. At the university
land cover as depicted in a classified satellite data set for the level, incorporation of material on these topics satisfies the
same annual time periods (Messina and Walsh, 2001). need to address complexity theory in geography and ecology
Summary correlations and pattern metrics can be used to curricula, as complexity theory has transformed research in
assess differences between observed and expected land cover these disciplines (Manson, 2001; Green and Sadedin, 2005).
on the basis of composition and spatial organization. The critical issue is how to link science research and
While CA models are well-suited to the exploration of teaching. The use of systems thinking in the classroom is
pattern-process relations in LULC, ABM may be better- instructive. Draper (1993) noted that systems thinking
suited to the explanation of LULC change by more explicitly develops cognitive abilities including (a) discovery and
representing the interactions of heterogeneous actors in a representation of system feedback processes, (b) identification
heterogeneous environment and incorporating the systems of nonlinearities, (c) understanding the emergence of patterns
human and non-human feedbacks (Berry et al., 2002; Parker from local interactions, and (d) scientific thinking, including
et al., 2003). In ABM, agents consist of autonomous decision- quantifying relationships and hypothesizing and testing
making entities that have unique characteristics, an assumptions and models. Assaraf and Orion (2005), in a
environment in which they interact, learn, and adapt, and review of the systems thinking education literature, reiterate
rules that define the relationships between agents and their the need for systems thinking in the classroom, particularly
dynamic environment. with respect to environmental issues, and identify the
following characteristics of systems thinking:
Science Education in the United States: ability to identify the components of a system and
Current Status and Critical Linkages processes within the system
ability to identify relationships among the systems
U.S. students begin falling behind children from other components
countries in math and science between grades four and eight ability to organize the systems components and processes
(Martin et al., 2000), resulting in a near-bottom ranking in within a framework of relationships
mathematics and science by 12 th grade (U.S. Department of ability to make generalizations
Education, 1998), and leaving children inadequately prepared ability to identify dynamic relationships within the system
to compete in a science and technology-driven global understanding the hidden dimensions of the system
economy. The results of having a lost generation of thinking temporally: retrospection and prediction
American scientists are rapidly becoming clear as the U.S. These characteristics serve as our goals as we prepare lessons
falls behind other countries in producing college graduates addressing LULC change through systems thinking,
in natural sciences and engineering (National Science Board, complexity theory, and spatial simulation modeling. We
2004). also look to recent examples that link critical scientific
Access to high-quality, locally and globally relevant thinking and an understanding of complex systems through
educational opportunities focused on leading-edge scientific hands-on model development (Klopfer et al., 2002; Klopfer,
research, such as LULC dynamics and modeling, may attract 2003; Klopfer and Begel, 2003).
students back to science. This research, therefore, aims to
recruit students to science by exposing them, at both the high Case Study: the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
school and college levels, to cutting-edge research exploring
the intersection of people, place, and environment. Exploring Over the last 40 years, the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
the intersection of people, place, and environment through (NEA), comprising Sucumbios, Napo, and Orellana
LULC dynamics, complexity theory, and CA/ABM has provinces, has experienced dramatic landscape change. With
particular relevance for U.S. geography and science the discovery of oil, attendant road construction, and
classrooms at both the high school and university levels. spontaneous migration of colonists seeking land, the area
Lessons constructed around these topics meet U.S. high has experienced rapid deforestation, agricultural
school geography standards for the spatial analysis of people, extensification, secondary forest succession, and, more
place, and environment, as well as the analysis of how recently, urbanization (Figure 1).
humans modify their environment and how changes in In the early 1970s, as migrants began claiming land for
physical systems affect human systems (Geography standards fincas (farms) along roads recently built by oil companies,

deforestation occurred at the farm or household level, initially through facilitates seeing the impact of land use decisions
squatting that evolved into secured land title, then as fledgling on LULC dynamics. A base model of LULC
communities that developed near oil encampments, at important road change has been developed that is iteratively
intersections, and around newly settled development sectors. In- perturbed relative to various land change scenarios.
migration, high local fertility levels, and formation of increasing numbers Example scenarios include (1) varying population
of new households have sustained deforestation in the NEA and fueled growth rates depending on human fertility levels
agricultural expansion and urbanization. and national and international in-migration, (2)
Fundamental research questions for the NEA include: (1) What are comparing development vs. conservation policies,
the rates, patterns, and mechanisms of forest conversion to agriculture, (3) changing land tenure or rates and patterns of
pasture, secondary plant succession, and urban uses in the NEA and the subdivision, (4) changing geographic accessibility
Amazon Basin more broadly? (2) What are plausible scenarios of through enhancements to or expansion of the road
future LULC change and their policy implications? To address these network, (5) comparing colonist vs. indigenous
questions, we are creating CA and ABM that allow integrative and land uses, with attention to differences in market
synthetic studies of the causes and consequences of LULC change. The integration, and (6) examining the effects of
capability to create alternative LULC change scenarios and to implement additional discoveries of petroleum in and around
them within a graphic-oriented, spatially explicit, what if context conservation and protected areas. The models are
then used to forecast potential LULC change
patterns and to examine pattern-process
relationships for historical, contemporary, and
future periods.
An overview of our base CA model of LULC
dynamics in the NEA is shown in Figure 2.
The CA model is applied iteratively across a
grid of 30-m cells for annual time-steps. Initially,
the land classes are modeled separately. Whether
a pixel is in forest or in agriculture depends on a
stochastic element (to allow for spontaneous
change), the influence of neighboring pixels, and
landscape criteria such as elevation, slope, soils,
access to water, and proximity to communities.
Because the land classes are modeled separately,
it is possible for a given pixel to be allocated to
both. When this happens, the cell is assigned a
given land cover according to preset rules about
crop precedence. The entire grid is then updated,
and the CA model moves to the next iteration.
Example output from the CA model (Figure 3)
shows LULC patterns for a 90,000-ha intensive
study area (ISA) located in the southern portion
of the NEA.

Planning and Implementation of the

Case Study
We plan to implement this case study in both
high school and university classrooms. This will
be accomplished by working with teachers at both
levels to develop materials. An advisory board
consisting of high school science and geography
instructors as well as university instructors
teaching courses in Environmental Systems and
Environmental Conservation will be asked to
provide feedback during development and pilot
testing of the modules. Following classroom beta-
testing, both instructors and students will evaluate
Figure 1 The Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA), with intensive study areas (ISAs) the modules, which will be adjusted accordingly
outlined. The South ISA has been used to focus modeling activities. prior to posting on the web for public access.

choose from a range of parameter settings. In
Compute cell either case, classified time series imagery would
GIS inputs suitabilities
derived from static & be provided for comparison. Pre-run scenarios
START dynamic GIS inputs
have the advantage that each serves as a contained
Year = 1986 case study in which study background and
Satellite Class growth (stochastic + diffusive) information about the modeling choices are
Land cover
included. For classroom use, pre-run scenarios
offer greater detail for the instructor in terms of
Flux classes Resolve class
learning goals for the module. If users are allowed
Separate based on suitabilities to make choices from a range of parameter settings,
classes Class
transition this provides the advantage of drawing them into
For. Succession
the modeling exercise and allowing them to
Merge experiment with a range of possible outcomes.
Using a combination of pre-run and interactive
No Modeled
Final model
year? Land cover Year +1
scenarios to introduce the modeling concepts, then
allow students to explore the outcomes of varying
END parameter settings, may prove most fruitful. This
Figure 2 Diagrammatic flow of the base CA model of LULC change in the NEA. The use of simulations is intended to aid in critical
model is initialized in 1986 using a satellite classification of urban, thinking about changing landscape patterns and
agriculture, pasture, and secondary forest succession, the last three classes associated processes. The spatial simulations will
designated as flux classes as cells can change from or to that LULC type. be linked back to complexity theory concepts
Transition probabilities are used to define the propensity of change from
class to class. Class assignment is linked to site suitabilities for various land through accompanying text addressing how
use types based on geographic site and situation. feedbacks and thresholds influence LULC change
outcomes at the farm level and how patterns
emerge along fronts of deforestation.
Dissemination to educators as well as the public will be accomplished Packaged as such, this material can be used as
through our website (, where an introduction to the region, ongoing population-
the educational modules, including the lectures, datasets, and CA environment interactions, challenges of land
interface will be presented as a package. Access to the materials, change science, and the relevance of complexity
therefore, simply requires internet access and Microsoft Office suite theory in this frontier environment. In addition,
software (Excel and Powerpoint). the models and the associated modules can fuel
Sustainability is achieved through careful selection of the educational discussion and examination of processes
targets. For example, university-level courses were selected for beta- hypothesized to affect LULC change within the
testing the modules on the basis of substantive and methodological region, such as migration or human modification
fit and scientific contribution of our case study context, data, and of the physical environment through road building.
methods to the aims of the course curricula, thereby, contributing to the In their examination of LULC dynamics, educators
likelihood that the modules will enjoy continued use for a number of and students will be compelled to think critically
years. At the high school level, sustainability is based on the alignment about how the interactions between oil
of the modules with science and geography standards. development, road expansion, communities,
The educational modules are conceived as a set that would take 4 population growth among colonists and indigenous
class periods to cover, allowing 1 class period for each module and a 4 th groups, and protected areas have influenced LULC
class to wrap up the section. The first module will couple image change patterns; how feedbacks between pattern
animation of classified imagery with study area background that and process influence these LULC change
addresses (1) factors involved in migration to the Amazon, including outcomes; whether critical thresholds mediate
oil development, the political climate, and the environment, and (2) the system behaviors; and whether model outcomes
settlement and agricultural development that has occurred as described suggest complexity characteristics (e.g., emergent
through Ecuadorian population census data as well as our surveys of patterns at development fronts as a consequence
colonists (1990 and 1999), communities (2000), and indigenous of household decisions at the farm level or path
populations (2001). Complex systems will be introduced through a dependence of LULC change trajectories set by
second module addressing the systems approach to the study of the prior actions of stakeholders and the pattern-
population-environment systems, covering nonlinear relationships such process relations that result).
as feedbacks and thresholds, self-organization, and system criticality.
The third module emphasizing CA (and ABM) will introduce these Discussion
models in theory and practice, through background materials and
simulation scenarios that are either (1) pre-run, with users simply being Spatial simulations provide an interesting and
provided with input rules and the resulting output or (2) pre-programmed engaging format in which LULC dynamics can be
but presented as an interactive simulation environment in which users presented in the classroom. Simulations are helpful

Figure 3 Satellite derived LULC classification (left) and model output (right) for 1999 for our southern ISA.

in examining complex, dynamic systems, because students In addition to broadening students exposure to science
and others are outside the simulated process, thereby allowing and technology, the use of CA/ABM in education/outreach
them to critically review the models and their outcomes serves another potential purpose, that of providing an
(Parush 2002). The development of modules that address opportunity for dialogue between scientists, land managers,
LULC dynamics, complexity theory, and CA/ABM fills two and other decision-makers. The same types of learning
distinct needs: (1) sharing cutting-edge research in the outcomes discussed for students are equally valid for decision-
classroom and (2) providing students and teachers with makers and should promote greater understanding of the
materials that will not only enhance their scientific and human-natural system in question. LULC simulation
technological background, but also expose them to spatial scenarios provide other benefits to decision-makers as well.
analytical methods and new science/technology topics that, First, LULC simulation scenario building provides the
in this case, describe an ecological hot spot and opportunity to engage this group of potential users in
development frontier. developing scenarios relevant to them. In addition, scenario
A number of issues must be considered concerning modeling provides a way in which decision-makers can
integration and successful classroom implementation of confront potential results of various decisions or policy
modules addressing complexity theory and CA/ABM. First, interventions, as generated by simulation models based on
the courses into which these modules are integrated must be those decisions or policies. For example, simulations of
chosen carefully, so that they align with course goals. In defined scenarios allow decision-makers to examine the
addition, for students to fully engage with a simulation spatial implications of growth in population or transportation
exercise, they must be allowed sufficient time for the exercise, routes or of environmental policies on LULC dynamics. CA/
be able to navigate and explore the simulation products ABM offer a unique set of tools for considering these what
easily, and understand the exercises objective (Sims, 2000; if scenarios, linking patterns and processes, testing the
Davies, 2002). Teacher training is also an issue, as some sensitivity of variables used in the model, and engaging and
training will likely need to be provided to help teachers feel empowering a diverse set of stakeholders and decision-
comfortable with covering these topics in their courses. makers in assessing the direct and indirect effects of human
Pedagogical effectiveness of the use of CA/ABM in the activities on LULC change patterns over space and time.
classroom will also need to be measured by pre- and post- These tools must be recognized for what they are, however -
test evaluations of student learning, as few studies document one of many sources of information about the landscape in
the effectiveness of simulations on learning outcomes (Gosen question. Rather than providing the ultimate answer to
et al., 2004). Assessment materials must, therefore, be questions of how landscapes will change, these spatial
developed from a framework in which the learning outcomes simulations will broaden the perspective of decision-makers
have been defined and are objective and appropriate for the as to the range of possible outcomes and the dependence of
exercise being evaluated (Anderson and Lawton, 1997). those outcomes on a variety of factors.

Conclusions Assaraf O.B.Z. and N. Orion. 2005. Development of system thinking
skills in the context of earth system education. Journal of Research
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LULC change is transforming the world at local, regional,
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great promise for increasing our understanding of the systems
undergoing such transformations. Although a number of issues Bednarz, S.W., N.C. Bettis, R.G. Boehm, A.R. DeSouza, R.M. Downs,
need to be resolved, including teacher training and assessment IF Marran, R.W. Morrill, and C.L. Salter. 1994. Geography for
as well as how we as scientists can use these models to begin Life, National Standards in Geography. Washington, DC: National
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dialogue with land managers and other decision-makers, we Society.
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The application of CA/ABM suggested in this paper provides Berry, B.J.L., L.D, Kiel, and E. Elliott. 2002. Adaptive agents,
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We acknowledge the support of the NASA Land Cover/ 786-787.
Land Use Change Program (LBA-ECO Phases 1-3: S.J. Walsh
and R.E. Bilsborrow, co-PIs) as well as support from the NSF Davies, C.H.J. 2002. Student engagement with simulations, a case
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Biocomplexity Program (S.J. Walsh, PI) in the development
of our spatial simulations of LULC change in the Ecuadorian Deadman P., D. Robinson, E. Moran, E. Brondizio. 2004. Colonist
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B 31 (5): 693 -709.
Spatial Analysis Lab, as well as the Carolina Population
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collaborators at Ecociencia, PROFORS (Proyecto Forestal Characterizing location preferences in an exurban population:
Sucumbios), and the Centro de Estudios de Poblacion y implications for agent-based modeling. Environment and Planning
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