NSTP Essay

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At first, I dont really have any idea about what we are going to do in our NSTP

class. I dont even know what the word NSTP means. But as our class go on, I started to know
what NSTP is about. I think its about rendering service to those who need it, its about helping
others, especially children.

In our NSTP class we had done different activities. One of this is forming our
group and presenting our group logo and cheer. Another activity we had done is ocular
inspection in barangay Tugatog. We went there to interview people living there to know what
their barangay needs and what are the problems their barangay faces. I was a little bit shy to
communicate with people I dont really know. But even though im shy I still try to talk to them
and interview them. Some of them dont want to be interviewed but fortunately there are some
who are willing to answer our questions about their barangay. We also did Barangay Immersions.
To be honest I dont really want to attend barangay immersion because I am not good at talking
and interacting with children. When the day of our immersion came, we prepare some materials
we can use to teach children. Our group gather some children to teach. When some of my group
mates started teaching them, I just watch them since I dont know how I will teach those children.
But after some time I decided to join my group mates in teaching the children. We make them
answer the simple math problems like addition and subtraction we have in our flashcards and im
glad that they participate with us. On our second barangay immersion, we distribute lugaw not
only to children but also to those people in Tugatog who want to eat.

We dont have so much time in our NSTP class but I can say that I enjoy every
activity that we had done.

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