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Synergistic Interaction between Fentanyl and

Bupivacaine Given Intrathecally for Labor Analgesia

Warwick D. Ngan Kee, M.B., Ch.B., M.D., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.H.K.A.M.,
Kim S. Khaw, M.B.B.S., M.D., F.R.C.A., F.H.K.A.M., Floria F. Ng, R.N., B.A.Sc.,
Karman K. L. Ng, M.B., Ch.B., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.H.K.A.M.,
Rita So, M.B., Ch.B., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.H.K.A.M., Anna Lee, M.P.H., Ph.D.

Background: Lipophilic opioids and local anesthetics are often given intrathecally in combination for labor analgesia. How-
ever, the nature of the pharmacologic interaction between these drugs has not been clearly elucidated in humans.
Methods: Three hundred nulliparous women randomly received 1 of 30 different combinations of fentanyl and bupivacaine
intrathecally using a combined spinal-epidural technique for analgesia in the first stage of labor. Visual analogue scale pain
scores were recorded for 30min. Response was defined by percentage decrease in pain score from baseline at 15 and 30min.
Doseresponse curves for individual drugs were fitted to a hyperbolic doseresponse model using nonlinear regression. The
nature of the drug interaction was determined using dose equivalence methodology to compare observed effects of drug com-
binations with effects predicted by additivity.
Results: The derived doseresponse models for individual drugs (doses in micrograms) at 15min were: Effect = 100 dose /
(13.82 + dose) for fentanyl, and Effect = 100 dose / (1,590 + dose) for bupivacaine. Combinations of fentanyl and bupivacaine
produced greater effects than those predicted by additivity at 15min (P < 0.001) and 30min (P = 0.015) (mean differences,
9.1 [95% CI, 4.114.1] and 6.4 [95% CI, 1.211.5] units of the normalized response, respectively), indicating a synergistic
Conclusions: The pharmacologic interaction between intrathecal fentanyl and bupivacaine is synergistic. Characterization
and quantification of this interaction provide a theoretical basis and support for the clinical practice of combining intrathecal
opioids and local anesthetics. (Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36)

L IPOPHILIC opioids are commonly coadministered

with local anesthetics for spinal and epidural analgesia
in obstetrics and other subspecialties.13 Combining drugs has
What We Already Know about This Topic
Quantitative analysis of drug interactions is commonplace for
general anesthetics and sedatives, but has been little applied
the advantage of reducing the dose that would be necessary if to intrathecal drugs in clinical practice
either drug were used alone, thus potentially decreasing the Addition of fentanyl enhances the analgesic effect of intrathe-
incidence and severity of associated side effects such as hypo- cal bupivacaine for labor, but quantitative analysis of this inter-
tension and motor block.1 However, the nature of the phar- action has not been adequately described
macologic interaction between opioids and local anesthetics
given neuraxially has not been clearly elucidated in a clinical
context. Several studies in animals have reported a synergistic What This Article Tells Us That Is New
interaction.4,5 However, few experimental data examining the In a study of 300 parturients receiving intrathecal fentanyl and
interaction of neuraxial drugs in humans are available. bupivacaine for labor analgesia, these drugs interacted in a
The aim of this randomized, double-blinded study was to clearly synergistic fashion
describe the pharmacologic interaction between fentanyl and
bupivacaine when administered intrathecally in combina- Ethics Committee, Shatin, Hong Kong, China, and the pro-
tion for labor analgesia. We hypothesized that combinations tocol was registered in the Centre of Clinical Trials Clinical
of fentanyl and bupivacaine would produce greater analgesia Registry of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (reference
than that predicted by simple additivity between drugs. no. CUHK_CCT00124).
We recruited 300 women with American Society of Anes-
Materials and Methods thesiologists physical status 1 to 2 who matched the follow-
The study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of ing criteria: nulliparous, singleton pregnancy, gestation of
Hong Kong New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research 36 weeks or greater, in active labor with cervical dilatation
Presented in part as a free article at Obstetric Anaesthesia 2013, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, May 23, 2013.
Submitted for publication August 26, 2013. Accepted for publication November 27, 2013. From the Department of Anaesthesia and Inten-
sive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong, China (W.D.N.K., K.S.K., F.F.N., K.K.L.N.,
R.S., and A.L.).
Copyright 2014, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36

Anesthesiology, V 120 No 5 1126 May 2014

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5cm or less, visual analogue scale pain score 50mm or which contained fentanyl and bupivacaine in a fixed ratio.
greater (scale, 0100mm), and requesting neuraxial analge- Each group was subdivided into six subgroups (n = 10 per
sia. Patients were excluded if they had a known fetal abnor- subgroup) in which the ratio of fentanyl to bupivacaine was
mality, hypertension, a medical contraindication to regional constant, but the mass of drug varied on an approximately
anesthesia, or received parenteral opioid within the preced- log-based scale. Randomization was performed in blocks
ing 2h. Informed consent was obtained from all participants of 30 (one code for each subgroup per block); a member
in two stages. Initially, a research nurse approached patients of the secretarial staff who had no patient contact inserted
who were potentially suitable soon after admission to the coded instruction forms for each of the 30 different solu-
labor ward; an explanation of the study was given, and pre- tions into individual opaque envelopes and then sealed,
liminary verbal consent was obtained. Subsequently, if the thoroughly shuffled, and consecutively numbered them. An
patient requested neuraxial analgesia, willingness to partici- envelope was opened for each patient after confirmation of
pate and patient eligibility were confirmed, written consent consent and participation but before commencement of the
was obtained, and the patient was entered into the study. CSE procedure. The solutions were prepared by one of the
Patients were only recruited during office hours when mem- investigators who was not involved with subsequent patient
bers of the investigating team were available. assessment. All drugs were freshly prepared by careful serial
Upon entering the study, patients were instructed on the dilution with aseptic precautions, diluted to a total volume
use of a 100-mm visual analogue scale ruler (0mm = no pain of 2.5ml with saline in identical syringes, and maintained
and 100mm = worst pain imaginable) for assessment of pain under sterile conditions until use. In the event that the CSE
scores, a baseline measurement of pain score was recorded, procedure was unsuccessful (failure to correctly place epi-
and intravenous prehydration of 500ml lactated Ringers dural needle, failure to correctly place spinal needle, or acci-
solution was given. Combined spinal-epidural (CSE) analge- dental dural puncture with epidural needle), the patient was
sia was then administered by using a needle-through-needle withdrawn from the study, and the randomization envelope
system. The anesthesiologist was free to choose the patient was reused for the subsequent patient recruited.
position. Under full aseptic precautions, an 18- or 16-gauge After completion of the CSE procedure, visual analogue
Tuohy needle was inserted into the epidural space at what scale pain scores were assessed by a research nurse (F.F.N.),
was estimated to be the L3-4 or L4-5 vertebral interspace who was blinded to the patients group, at the peak of the
using a loss-of-resistance technique with either air or saline uterine contraction nearest to consecutive 5-min intervals,
according to the anesthesiologists preference. A pencil- for 30min. At the same times, the upper level of sensory
point spinal needle was then inserted through the epidural block was recorded by assessing changes in sensitivity to
needle with intrathecal placement confirmed by free-flow ice, and motor block was assessed using a modified Brom-
of cerebrospinal fluid. The study solution was then injected age scale (0 = able to lift extended leg at the hip, 1 = able
intrathecally followed by removal of the spinal needle and to flex the knee but not lift extended leg, 2 = able to move
placement and fixation of an epidural catheter. the foot only, and 3 = unable to move even the foot). If the
The study solution was 1 of 30 different combinations level of sensory block differed between the left and right
of fentanyl and bupivacaine (table1). Drug combinations sides of the body, the highest level was recorded and used for
were divided into five groups (n = 60 per group), each of analysis. During the study period, standard monitoring of

Table 1. Combinations of Fentanyl and Bupivacaine in Study Groups


Group A (n = 60) A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
Fentanyl dose, g 2 5 10 15 25 40
Bupivacaine dose, g 0 0 0 0 0 0
Group B (n = 60) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
Fentanyl dose, g 1.5 3.75 7.5 11.25 18.75 30
Bupivacaine dose, g 50 125 250 375 625 1,000
Group C (n = 60) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Fentanyl dose, g 1 2.5 5 7.5 12.5 20
Bupivacaine dose g 100 250 500 750 1,250 2,000
Group D (n = 60) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
Fentanyl dose, g 0.5 1.25 2.5 3.75 6.25 10
Bupivacaine dose, g 150 375 750 1,125 1,875 3,000
Group E (n = 60) E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
Fentanyl dose, g 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bupivacaine dose, g 200 500 1,000 1,500 2,500 4,000

All drug combinations were diluted to a total volume of 2.5ml with saline. There were 10 patients in each subgroup.

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1127 Ngan Kee et al.

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Intrathecal Fentanyl and Bupivacaine Synergism

arterial pressure, pulse rate, oxyhemoglobin saturation, and determine the equivalent dose of bupivacaine. The sum
cardiotocography was continued. Any occurrences of hypo- of this equivalent dose and the actual dose of bupivacaine
tension (defined by systolic arterial pressure <90 mmHg), given in the combination was then substituted into the
nausea or vomiting, pruritus, and new nonreassuring fetal doseresponse equation for bupivacaine to determine
heart rate tracing were noted; these were managed according the predicted effect from the combination. This proce-
to the standard practice. dure is summarized by the following equation12:
After 30min, the study was terminated, further analge-
sia was provided if required by epidural bolus, and patient- E max ( fD50 B + bD50 F )
E( f + b ) = (3)
controlled epidural analgesia was provided for maintenance fD50 B + bD50 F + D50 B D50 F
of analgesia according to usual clinical practice.
where E(f + b) is the predicted additive effect from a com-
Statistical Analysis bined mixture of fentanyl and bupivacaine in doses f and b,
Sample size was determined using the previous recommen- respectively, and D50F and D50B are the respective doses of
dation by Tallarida et al.6 who suggested that for efficient fentanyl and bupivacaine giving half-maximal effects, from
design of studies designed to compare interactions of drug equation (2).
combinations, six doses be administered with a minimum of Because E(f+b) is derived from experimental data, it has
10 subjects per dose; in our study, we regarded each of the a variance; this was estimated by the delta method,14 using
five doseratio groups as equivalent to a single drug, there- the following equation, as described by Tallarida and Raffa12:
fore a total sample size of 300 patients were chosen. 4
D50 F
Univariate intergroup comparisons were made using
ANOVA or the KruskallWallis test. Categorical data were
( )
Var E( f +b ) = (bE max )

Var ( D50 B )
compared using the chi-square test and the chi-square test 4 (4)
2 D
for trend. Data for pain scores were analyzed in several steps, + ( fE max ) 50 B Var ( D50 F )
repeated for the two main assessment times of 15 and 30 min:
1. Doseresponse curves were first determined for the indi- where Var(E(f + b)) is the variance of E(f+b), Var(D50F) and
vidual drugs using the data for patients who received Var(D50B) are the respective variances of the estimates of D50F
fentanyl only (group A) or bupivacaine only (group E). and D50B derived from nonlinear regression, and T = fD50B+
As previously described,7 normalized response (effect) bD50F + D50FD50B.
was calculated according to the following formula:
3. Predicted additive effects for a full range of combina-
Initial VAS Measured VAS tions of fentanyl and bupivacaine were calculated using
pain score pain score equation (3) and a three-dimensional response surface
Response = 100% (1) plot was constructed with axes X = bupivacaine dose, Y
Initial VAS pain score
= fentanyl dose, and Z = predicted additive effect, using
Data were then fitted to a standard rectangular hyperbolic Sigmaplot 2001 for Windows 7.0 (Systat Software Inc.,
model according to the following formula: Chicago, IL).
4. Observed (measured) effects were graphically compared
E max Dose with predicted effects by superimposing the means of
Y = (2)
Dose + D50 the observed effects from each experimental fentanyl
bupivacaine combination group upon the predictive
where Y = normalized response, Emax = maximum response additive response surface graph. Points above the surface
which was constrained to equal 100, and D50 = dose giving a indicate responses that are greater than that predicted
half-maximal response. by simple additivity and are indicative of synergism.
This analysis was performed using nonlinear regression 5. Observed and predicted effects were compared statis-
using GraphPad Prism 5.01 (GraphPad Software, Inc., La tically. For this analysis, because predicted values were
Jolla, CA).
derived from curve-fitting procedures rather than
2. Using the doseresponse models for fentanyl and bupi- enumerated data, simulated datasets for compari-
vacaine determined above, the predicted additive effects son were generated based on the derived parameters.
of combinations of fentanyl and bupivacaine were cal- This was achieved by programming syntax using the
culated by using the principle of dose equivalence, using RV.NORMAL function in IBM SPSS Statistics ver-
previously described methods.813 First, the predicted sion 20 (IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL);15 for each
effect from the dose of fentanyl in each combination fentanylbupivacaine combination group, a dataset
was calculated using the doseresponse equation for of 10 was generated from a normal distribution based
fentanyl. This effect magnitude was then substituted on the individual parameters (mean and SD) for that
into the doseresponse equation for bupivacaine to group. Observed effect data were then compared with

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1128 Ngan Kee et al.

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predicted effect data using two-way ANOVA. For the The doseresponse curves are shown in figures2 and 3.
latter analysis, the dependent variable was effect and the The predicted effect surfaces as functions of fentanyl
independent variables included were (1) dose group, (2) bupivacaine combinations, with superimposed mean
observed or predicted, and (3) the interaction of factors values of observed experimental effects for 15- and
(1) and (2). If the interaction between independent vari- 30-min data, are shown in figures4 and 5, respectively.
ables was not significant on initial analysis, the analysis Analysis of 15-min data showed that the observed effects
was repeated with interactions excluded. Bootstrapping were greater than the predicted effects (P < 0.001),
was applied with 1,000 replications to derive two-way with a mean difference averaged across all dose com-
ANOVA final results. bination groups of 9.1 units (95% CI, 4.114.1) of
6. For illustrative purposes, response surfaces for the the normalized response. The interaction between the
observed effects were derived by modeling using meth- independent variables was not significant (P = 0.74).
ods described in appendix. Analysis of 30-min data also showed that the observed
effects were greater than the predicted effects (P =
Analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel 2010
0.015), with a mean difference averaged across all dose
(Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA), GraphPad Prism
combination groups of 6.4 units (95% CI, 1.211.5)
5.01 (GraphPad Software, Inc.), IBM SPSS Statistics version
of the normalized response. The interaction between the
20 (IBM SPSS Inc.), and Stata 12.1 (STATA; StataCorp LP,
independent variables was not significant (P = 0.15).
College Station, TX). P values less than 0.05 were consid-
These results indicate that the interaction between fen-
ered significant.
tanyl and bupivacaine is synergistic.
The response surface derived from modeling of observed
Results effect data is shown in figure6. Details of the model are
Patient recruitment and flow are summarized in figure1. provided in appendix.
Twenty-one patients were excluded after entry into the study Upper levels of sensory changes and side effects that
(unsuccessful CSE procedure [n = 19], protocol violation occurred during the study period are summarized in table3.
[n= 2]) and were replaced. Patient characteristics were simi- Two patients had hypotension, both of whom were in group
lar among groups (table2). E6 (largest dose of bupivacaine: 4,000 g, without fentanyl);
The derived doseresponse models for individual drugs both patients responded to standard treatment without
were: sequelae. Two patients (one in group B1 and one in group
15 min: E6) had nausea or vomiting. Four patients had motor block,
100 Dose
Fentanyl: Y = (5) all of whom were in group E6 (three with Bromage scale 1
Dose 13.82 and one with Bromage scale 2); one of these patients also
D50: 13.82 g had hypotension. Pruritus occurred in 46 patients (15.3%)
Standard error of D50: 3.10 and was significantly associated with increasing dose of fen-
95% CI of D50: 7.61 to 20.00 g tanyl in the combination (P < 0.0001, chi-square test for
trend). New nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings occurred
100 Dose in three patients (one in group B2, one in group B4, and one
Bupivacaine: Y = (6)
Dose + 1590 in group E5); these were all transient decreases in fetal heart
rate of duration of 1min or less that resolved spontaneously
D50: 1,590 g without sequelae.
Standard error of D50: 299
95% CI of D50: 993 to 2,188 g
30 min: Discussion
The results of our study provide evidence for a synergistic
100 Dose
Fentanyl: Y = (7) interaction between fentanyl and bupivacaine given intra-
Dose 19.83 thecally in combination for labor analgesia. These find-
D50: 9.83 g ings are consistent with the results of previous studies in
Standard error of D50: 2.11 animals. For example, Maves et al.16 used isobolographic
95% CI of D50: 5.61 to 14.10 g analysis to demonstrate antinociceptive synergism between
morphine and lidocaine given as intrathecal boluses to
100 Dose rats that were tested with both somatic and visceral nox-
Bupivacaine: Y = (8)
Dose + 2184 ious stimuli. Saito et al.5 also confirmed synergism when
D50: 2,184 g the same drugs were given intrathecally by infusion to rats
Standard error of D50: 421 g over 6 days. Synergism has also been shown for epidural
95% CI of D50: 95% CI 1,341 to coadministration of opioids and local anesthetics in ani-
3,026 g mals. Kaneko et al.4 administered morphine and lidocaine

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1129 Ngan Kee et al.

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Intrathecal Fentanyl and Bupivacaine Synergism

Fig. 1. Patient recruitment and flow.

Table 2. Patient Characteristics

Group A (n = 60) Group B (n = 60) Group C (n = 60) Group D (n = 60) Group E (n = 60) P Value

Age, yr 29.3 (4.7) 28.9 (4.6) 30.1 (4.3) 29.5 (4.8) 29.2 (4.2) 0.70
Weight, kg 68.4 (4.7) 66.8 (8.1) 67.4 (7.5) 70.0 (14.8) 66.4 (12.3) 0.49
Height, cm 156 (12) 159 (6) 157 (5) 157 (14) 159 (6) 0.32
Cervical dilatation, cm 2 [12] 2 [12] 2 [12.8] 2 [1.2] 2 [12] 0.90
Induction of labor, n 37 (62%) 42 (70%) 42 (70%) 36 (60%) 42 (70%) 0.60
Oxytocin use, n 27 (45%) 27 (45%) 25 (42%) 26(43%) 25 (42%) 0.99

Values are mean (SD), median [interquartile range], or number (%).

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1130 Ngan Kee et al.

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Fig. 2. Doseresponse curves at 15min for (A) fentanyl and

Fig. 3. Doseresponse curves at 30min for (A) fentanyl and
(B) bupivacaine derived by nonlinear regression using a
(B) bupivacaine derived by nonlinear regression using a
hyperbolic model. The derived doseresponse models for
hyperbolic model. The derived doseresponse models for
individual drugs (doses in micrograms) were: Effect = 100
individual drugs (doses in micrograms) were: Effect = 100
dose / (13.82 + dose) for fentanyl, and Effect = 100 dose /
dose / (19.83 + dose) for fentanyl, and Effect = 100 dose /
(1,590 + dose) for bupivacaine.
(2,184 + dose) for bupivacaine.

epidurally to rats and, also using isobolographic analy- is uncertain. It is possible that the interaction between
sis, showed a synergistic interaction for both visceral and opioids and local anesthetic may differ between intra-
somatic antinociception. thecal and epidural administration. Alternatively, the
Several previous studies have reported on the inter- difference could be explained by methodological dis-
action of neuraxial opioids and local anesthetics in similarity between studies or by differences between the
humans with equivocal results. Some studies have sug- specific opioids and local anesthetics studied.
gested the presence of a synergistic interaction but The underlying mechanism by which intrathecally
without supporting experimental evidence.17,18 In administered fentanyl and bupivacaine interact to pro-
obstetrics, Camann et al.19 investigated the combina- duce synergism remains to be determined. Previously, it
tion of intrathecal sufentanil and epidural bupivacaine has been suggested that the interaction between drugs that
given together for labor analgesia. Isobolographic analy- are agonists at the same receptor is expected to be addi-
sis based on ED50 doses was performed, and although tive, whereas drugs that act at different receptors are more
this was suggestive of synergism, the 95% CIs for the likely to show a synergistic interaction.21 Our results are
estimate of ED50 of the combined dose overlapped the consistent with this, because the primary site and mode
line of additivity, and therefore an additive interaction of action of intrathecally administered opioids and local
could not be excluded. McLeod et al.20 used updown anesthetics are different. It is also possible that phar-
sequential methodology to determine the median effec- macokinetic factors might also have contributed to our
tive concentrations of levobupivacaine and diamorphine observed results.4 For example, changes to pH or other
given epidurally for labor analgesia followed by investi- characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid induced by intrathe-
gation of the interaction of combinations of the drugs. cal injection of one drug might influence the disposition
By using isobolographic analysis, they concluded that of the other drug. Further investigation is required to
the interaction was additive. The reason for difference determine whether this possible mechanism is important
between the findings of the latter study and our results in the context of our study.

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1131 Ngan Kee et al.

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Intrathecal Fentanyl and Bupivacaine Synergism

Fig. 5. Predicted and observed effects at 30min for com-

Fig. 4. Predicted and observed effects at 15min for combi- binations of fentanyl and bupivacaine. The surface plot
nations of fentanyl and bupivacaine. The surface plot shows shows predicted effect as a function of drug combinations
predicted effect as a function of drug combinations when the when the interaction between drugs is additive. Superim-
interaction between drugs is additive. Superimposed points posed points show mean values of observed effects for
show mean values of observed effects for experimental drug experimental drug combinations. Points above the surface
combinations. Points above the surface are shown as black are shown as black circles. (A) Standard representation.
circles. (A) Standard representation. (B) Graph rotated 80 (B) Graph rotated 80 counterclockwise to reveal points
counterclockwise to reveal points under the surface. under the surface.

In our study, we investigated the interaction between the analysis is required if one drug is a partial agonist.12
drugs by comparing observed experimental effect mag- In our study, we considered both drugs to be full agonists,
nitude with predicted additive effect magnitude. This as evidenced by the observation that some patients who
method of analysis based on comparisons on the effect received either drug alone achieved a complete relief of
scale is an alternative to traditional isobolographic analy- pain (normalized response of 100%). However, it should
sis and has been described previously in the pharmacology be noted that fentanyl may not capable of producing a
literature.813 The method is based on the same principle full response in other clinical circumstances, for example,
of dose equivalence which is used with isobolographic when given for analgesia in advanced or second-stage
analysis. However, it has the added advantage of allowing labor or when given as part of spinal anesthesia for sur-
analysis at multiple effect levels, it provides a useful visual gery. In these circumstances, the nature of the interac-
representation, and it is more suited to statistical analysis tion between opioids and local anesthetics remains to be
than isobolographic analysis. When using the principle of determined.
dose equivalence, a number of assumptions are made, for Our study specifically examined the interaction of fen-
example that both drugs are full agonists; modification of tanyl and bupivacaine given in combination as single boluses

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1132 Ngan Kee et al.

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with the largest dose of bupivacaine and the dose-related

incidence of pruritus with fentanyl. Together, reduc-
tion of side effects and improvement in analgesic effect
seem compelling reasons to recommend combining the
drugs in routine clinical practice. Of note, this advan-
tage would also be present if the interaction between
fentanyl and bupivacaine were simply additive. None-
theless, our demonstration of a synergistic interaction
reinforces the practice and provides quantitative infor-
mation and a theoretic basis that informs the common
practice of combining opioids and local anesthetics for
neuraxial administration. In theory, the optimal combi-
nation dose of fentanyl and bupivacaine would balance
the relative risks of side effects from the local anesthetic
and opioid components; this is likely to vary according
to clinical circumstances and patient population and is
not addressed by our study.
Finally, we modeled the observed effects to generate
response surfaces for the data at 15 and 30min. These were
superimposed on the predictive additive surfaces for illus-
trative purposes as previously described.11,13 Of note, the
modeled response surfaces were irregular and not positioned
uniformly above the additive surfaces as shown in previous
examples of superimposed synergistic and additive response
surfaces.11,13 However, the latter depictions were made
with the assumption of a constant value of the interaction
index between experimental drugs. This may not be a valid
assumption, and furthermore, experimental and individual
variation in the clinical setting may explain the irregularity
of our modeled surfaces.

Fig 6. Modeled response surfaces for observed data, super-

imposed on predicted additive response surface, for data at The authors thank the midwives of the Labour Ward,
15min (A) and 30min (B). The modeled surfaces are shown Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong, China, for
in color to differentiate them from the predicted additive sur- their assistance and cooperation. The modeling of the
faces, with color of shading changing according to vertical response surfaces detailed in appendix was performed
height above horizontal plane. by Jack Lee, Ph.D., Division of Biostatistics, Jockey Club
School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, China.
using the CSE technique for labor analgesia. Although we The work described in this article was substantially sup-
have demonstrated a synergistic interaction in this clini- ported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the
cal context, further investigation is required to delineate Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project
the interaction in other circumstances, for example, when No. 473409).
the drugs are given in repeated doses, by infusion, by
the epidural route, and for other acute and chronic pain Competing Interests
indications. The authors declare no competing interests.
In our study, the magnitude of the mean difference
between the observed and predicted effects was modest Correspondence
(<10 units of the normalized response), and the clinical Address correspondence to Dr. Ngan Kee: Department of
significance of this might be questioned. However, our Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University
results (figs. 1 and 2) show that the doses of fentanyl and of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong
bupivacaine required to provide complete or near-com- Kong, China. Information on pur-
plete analgesia in this clinical context are relatively large. chasing reprints may be found at
or on the masthead page at the beginning of this issue.
Large doses of individual drugs are likely to be associated Anesthesiologys articles are made freely accessible to all
with a greater risk of adverse effects, as evidenced in our readers, for personal use only, 6 months from the cover
study by hypotension and motor block that was observed date of the issue.

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1133 Ngan Kee et al.

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Intrathecal Fentanyl and Bupivacaine Synergism

Table 3. Sensory Levels and Side Effects

Fentanyl Upper Sensory Upper Sensory New Fetal

Dose Bupivacaine Level at 15min Level at 30min Nausea or Motor Heart Rate
Group (g) Dose (g) (Dermatome) (Dermatome Hypotension Vomiting Block Pruritus Changes

A1 2 0 L2.5 [L5 to T10] L2 [L4 to T10] 0 0 0 0 0

A2 5 0 T11.5 [L5 to T6] T9 [L4 to T6] 0 0 0 0 0
A3 10 0 T7 [L4 to T6] T7 [L4 to T4.5] 0 0 0 3 (30%) 0
A4 15 0 T9 [T11.5 to T9] T8 [T11 to T4.5] 0 0 0 3 (30%) 0
A5 25 0 T8 [T10 to T7] T7.5 [T11 to T5] 0 0 0 3 (30%) 0
A6 40 0 T9 [L4 to T3.5] T6.5 [T11 to T1] 0 0 0 4 (40%) 0
B1 1.5 50 T10 [L5 to T8] T10 [L5 to T7] 0 1 (10%) 0 0 0
B2 3.75 125 L2 [L2 to T10] L2 [L3 to T11] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 1 (10%)
B3 7.5 250 T12 [L4 to T8] T10 [L3 to T7] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 0
B4 11.25 375 T11 [L2 to T8] T10.5 [L2 to T7.5] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 1 (10%)
B5 18.75 625 T6.5 [T8 to T4] T4.5 [T8 to T4] 0 0 0 5 (50%) 0
B6 30 1,000 T7 [T11 to T4] T6 [T12 to T4] 0 0 0 5 (50%) 0
C1 1 100 T12.5 [L3 to T8] T12 [L3.5 to T8] 0 0 0 2 (20%) 0
C2 2.5 250 T10 [L3 to T6] T10.5 [L3 to T6] 0 0 0 0 0
C3 5 500 T10.5 [L3 to T7.5] T11 [L3 to T7.5] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 0
C4 7.5 750 T7 [L2 to T5] T8 [L1 to T5] 0 0 0 4 (40%) 1 (10%)
C5 12.5 1,250 T8 [T10 to T5.5] T6.5 [T11 to T4] 0 0 0 3 (30%) 0
C6 20 2,000 T7 [T10 to T4] T6 [T9 to T2] 0 0 0 5 (50%) 0
D1 0.5 150 T10 [L1 to T6] T10 [L2 to T6.5] 0 0 0 0 0
D2 1.25 375 T12.5 [L3 to T12.5] T11 [L3 to T9] 0 0 0 0 0
D3 2.5 750 T12.5 [L2 to T6.5] T11.5 [L1 to T6.5] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 0
D4 3.75 1,125 T9 [L2 to T5] T10 [L5 to T5] 0 0 0 3 (30%) 0
D5 6.25 1,875 T7 [T10 to T5] T6 [T10 to T4] 0 0 0 0 0
D6 10 3,000 T6.6 [T11 to T5] T6 [T10 to T5] 0 0 0 1 (10%) 0
E1 0 200 L3 [L3 to T10] L1 [L3 to T10] 0 0 0 0 0
E2 0 500 L1 [L5 to T9] L2 [L4 to T9] 0 0 0 0 0
E3 0 1,000 L2 [L3 to T10.5] T12 [L2 to T10] 0 0 0 0 0
E4 0 1,500 T8.5 [T11.5 to T7] T8 [T12.5 to T7] 0 0 0 0 0
E5 0 2,500 T7.5 [T12 to T4.5] T6.5 [T10 to T4] 0 0 0 0 1 (10%)
E6 0 4,000 T4.5 [T10 to T2] T4.5 [T9 to T2] 2 (20%) 1 (10%) 4 (40%) 0 0

Data are presented as median (interquartile range) or number (%). Patients classified as having motor block are those with modified Bromage scale 1.

Appendix b22 are estimated coefficients, X1 and X2 are the coded inde-
To obtain estimated response surfaces for the observed data, pendent factors (bupivacaine dose and fentanyl dose, respec-
models were derived from the data using regression analy- tively), and is the random error (noise).
sis.22 Mathematical equations were fitted to the data, and The coefficients of the equation were estimated from
by substituting the full range of drug doses as independent quadratic model fitting techniques with a generalized linear
variables, the response surfaces were generated. model using the software Matlab R2013a (The MathWorks,
The response surfaces are represented by the generic sec- Inc., Natick, MA).
ond-order polynomial equation as follows23: ANOVA was used to determine the interactions between
the process variables and the responses. The quality of the
Y = b0 + j =1 b j X j + i < j bij X i X j + j =1 b jj X 2j + (1) fit of the polynomial model was expressed by the coefficient
m m

of determination R2, and its statistical significance/model

For the current particular data, equation (1) transforms to adequacy was checked by Fisher F test. Model terms were
generic equation (2) below: evaluated by the P value (probability) with 95% confidence
level. Homogeneity of the variance and significance of the
Y = b0 + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2 + b12 X 1 X 2 + b11 X 12 + b22 X 22(2) polynomial coefficients were tested by the G-test and coef-
ficient significance index-test, respectively.
Where Y is the predicted response (normalized reduction The estimated coefficients of the models are detailed
in visual analogue scale pain score), b0, b1, b2, b12, b11, and below:

Anesthesiology 2014; 120:1126-36 1134 Ngan Kee et al.

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A. 5-min Data

Estimate Standard Error tStat P Value

b0 (intercept) 7.6237 0.9618 7.9265 3.7146e-08

b1 0.03324 0.0015483 21.469 3.5663e-17
b2 3.6766 0.15483 23.745 3.5238e-18
b12 0.00094189 7.0323e-05 13.394 1.2441e-12
b11 4.3561e-06 4.0016e-07 10.886 9.1356e-11
b22 0.050864 0.0040016 12.711 3.7634e-12

Number of observations: 30, error degrees of freedom: 24. Root mean squared error: 2.22. R-squared: 0.991, adjusted R-squared: 0.989. F-statistic vs.
constant model: 528, P value = 1.03e-23.

ANOVA Results for Model

SumSq DF MeanSq F P Value

Total 13,169 29 454.11

Model 13,050 5 2,610.1 527.56 1.034e-23
Linear 11,688 2 5,844.2 1,181.2 1.0702e-24
Nonlinear 1,362.1 3 454.04 91.772 2.7385e-13
Residual 118.74 24 4.9475

B. 30-min Data

Estimate Standard Error tStat P Value

b0 (intercept) 8.6429 1.2736 6.7861 5.1005e-07

b1 0.025376 0.0020503 12.377 6.576e-12
b2 4.5188 0.20503 22.04 1.9551e-17
b12 0.00090739 9.3122e-05 9.7441 8.1356e-10
b11 2.8519e-06 5.299e-07 5.3821 1.5846e-05
b22 0.069667 0.005299 13.147 1.8456e-12

Number of observations: 30, error degrees of freedom: 24. Root mean squared error: 2.95. R-squared: 0.985, adjusted R-squared: 0.982. F-statistic vs.
constant model: 319, P value = 4.04e-21.

ANOVA Results for Model

SumSq DF MeanSq F P Value

Total 14,033 29 483.9

Model 13,825 5 2,765 318.71 4.0434e-21
Linear 12,123 2 6,061.5 698.69 5.3708e-22
Nonlinear 1,701.9 3 567.32 65.393 1.0752e-11
Residual 208.21 24 8.6755

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