Vocabulary - Weather 2 PDF

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Bi 2

Jennifer: Its freezing outside! What happened to the weather report? I thought this cold front was
supposed to pass.
Gabriela: Yeah, I thought so too. Thats what I read online this morning.
Jennifer: I guess the wind chill is really driving down the temperature.
Gabriela: Can we go inside? I feel like my toes are starting to go numb.


Hi, I'm Randall. If you like semi-arid climates with plenty of sunshine and low humidity, Utah might be
the place for you here in the United States.
The summer temperatures average around 26 degrees celsius; winter temperatures around minus 1. Uh,
snow in the valleys from November until March, but there's plenty of snow skiing, and if you like summer
activities, there's hiking, water skiing, but you have to be careful in the summer because there are plenty
of thunderstorms that cause sometimes flash floods.
But if you like great weather, Utah is the place for you.

1. Utah has a relatively ____________ climate.

A. dry
B. humid
C. harsh
2. There is about a _________ degree celsius range difference in temperature during the year.
A. 25
B. 26
C. 27
3. One possible weather danger during part of the year is ______________.
A. heavy rain
B. strong wind
C. dense snow


Well, weather is a very neutral topic of conversation its the perfect subject to talk about when you dont
want to have a serious or meaningful conversation with someone. You can talk about the weather to
anyone, anywhere with a stranger at a bus stop, with your friends on the phone or when you bump into
your boss in the office kitchen!
However, talking about the weather can mean more than just trying to make conversation with a stranger.

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It is also used as an ice-breaker in difficult situations (for example, a job interview) or it can be used to
find out more about someones personality. If there is heavy rain one day and someone says to you,
wow, its been raining all day, how would you reply? If youre thinking, I know, I really hate rain. I
wish it would stop, its possible that youre quite a negative person. But, if youre thinking, oh well, at
least its good for my garden, there is a high chance youre an optimistic person!
The weather is everywhere and it affects everyone so if you meet a stranger or if you are introduced to
someone, it is the perfect way to start a conversation! It also changes every day so there is always
something to mention. Imagine that youre in a park and you spot a girl or boy that you like. Do you think
its better to start a conversation with, your eyes are really beautiful. Do you want to go on a date? or,
its a lovely day today, isnt it??
So, how can you start a conversation about the weather? Well, its actually quite easy. Just remember a
few of the phrases below and try them out on a stranger next time youre waiting for a bus or in your next
job interview!
Its a beautiful day today, isnt it?
What strange weather were having!
Theres not a cloud in the sky!
The suns come out!
We had a lot of rain this morning.
Were having a heatwave!
Or a very typical idiom that is used a lot in England to describe heavy rain:
Its raining cats and dogs!

BI HT: Rhythm of the Rain

1 We like studying in our new classroom because in the morning we get a lot of ________ .
A sun-time B sunshine C sunny D sunnyness
2 I think there is a storm coming. I can hear _______ about two or three kilometres away.
A lightning B downpour C thunder D flashes
3 On Wednesday it was quite bright and sunny but on Thursday it was more ______ .
A cloud B cloudy C clouded D clouding
4 The rain was only for a few minutes but it was very _____ so now everything is very wet.
A strong B large C loud D heavy
5 In Japan in spring, the weather is not very hot but it feels hotter because the ________ is high, so there
is a lot of water in the air.A humour B humid C humidifier D humidity
6 It was very hot in the morning, but in the afternoon there was cool, gentle ______ from the sea and it
felt more comfortable.A gale B gust C breeze D whirlwind
7 There are a few spots of rain on the ground. I think it's ________ and maybe it will really rain in a few
minutes.A spotting B spitting C dropping D dripping

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8 In the morning it started raining, then stopped about five or six times and in the afternoon it was
_______ too.A showers B showery C showering D showered
9 I hate the weather we have just before a storm, when it's really hot and ______ and everybody is
sweating so much.A sticky B tricky C drippy D slimy
10 Last night it was really freezing in Bristol. Somebody told me that it was ___________ degrees. It
was definitely below zero.A under eight B eight below C minus eight D eight negative
11 Tomorrow you can expect bright sunshine all day and temperatures in the low ________ .
A thirty B thirties C thirty-somethings D thirty-ish
12 This morning it was sunny and the sky was _____ .A empty B open C clean D clear


1 B sunshine 2 C thunder 3 B cloudy 4 D heavy 5 D humidity 6 C breeze 7 B spitting

8 B showery 9 A sticky 10 C minus eight 11 B thirties 12 D clear

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