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Accessing Gantt Chart Views


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Accessing Gantt Chart Views
Advanced Supply Chain Planning

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Guided Demonstration Accessing the Gantt Chart Views
Please mention guided demonstration identifier 3EB0 in course evaluation

In this practice you accomplish the following tasks:

Access Gantt chart views.

Set Gantt chart preferences.

Review information available from different views.

Accessing the Gantt Chart

1. There are three methods for accessing the Gantt Chart:

From a resource node in the Navigator,

Right click the node, and then select Resources > Gantt Chart
Highlight the node, and then click the Gantt Chart icon.

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From the Supply window
Right click an Item.
Select Gantt Chart from the right-click menu.

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From the Resources window.
Highlight a resource.
(B) Click Gantt Chart.


Touring the Gantt Views

2. Orders View
The Orders view shows a list of orders (supplies), operations within the
supply and activities within the operation. It shows all supply types
(including buy and transfer orders as well as on hand). It also shows end
demands if the user chooses to see how supplies peg to demands or if the
user navigates to this view from a demand.
The user can control display preferences such as the color to be used to
display the bars and the text to be displayed within the bars.

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Activitie Configurabl
s e text within


3. Orders View Selecting Attributes

The left pane of the Gantt chart allows for the display of a number of
attributes of supply orders and resource requirements. The user controls
the displayed and hidden columns as well as the relative order of
placement. This setting can be saved to the current folder by the user by
using the Save Layout right click option.

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menu displays


4. Orders View - Rescheduling Activities

The left pane of the Gantt chart allows users to edit some attributes such
as dates and resource hours. Editing the dates in the left pane is
equivalent to performing a drag and drop in the right pane. Mouse over
functionality for the bars or arrows also shows more information about
that supply, resource requirement, or pegging relationship.


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Reschedule activities
by using the editable
columns in the left
pane or by drag and
drop in the right
pane. Mouse over
bar details

5. Orders View Filtering the List of Supplies

The user can enter Find criteria to pull up a list of orders in the Orders
View. These orders will be displayed as a flat list independent of any
pegging relationship. This find condition can be saved as part of the

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6. Pegging
The Gantt chart provides a set of controls for users to navigate pegging
relationships in the supply chain.
Peg Up and Down: (Top icon) Has the combined effect of a Peg Up and
a Peg Down. The user can choose to Peg Up and Down after selecting
a supply. This will cause all the downstream supplies and end demands as
well as all the upstream supplies that peg to the selected supply to be
Peg Up: When selecting a Supply and Pegging up, the Gantt chart will
display all the downstream supplies all the way to the end demand that
the selected supply pegs to. If the selected supply pegs to multiple
demands all of these demands will be shown.
Peg Down: You can select either a supply or an end demand and hit Peg
Down. The Gantt chart will show all the upstream supplies relative to the
selected supply or demand.
Back / Forward: Each Peg Up, Peg Down, Peg Up/Down action made
within the Gantt chart results in a fresh query and new results being
displayed. The Back/Forward buttons can be used to navigate back and
forth between these different sets of results (just as in the
Supply/Demand Window).

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7. Controlling the display of arrows
There is a set of actions that the user can take to control the display of
arrows to illustrate material flows in the supply chain.
Show Pegging for Selected: (top icon) The user can select a specific
supply or a demand and show the pegging (both inbound and outbound
material flows) only for the selected supply / demand
Show Pegging for All: Displays pegging relationships between all of the
currently displayed supplies and demands (this is not recommended if you
have more than 5-6 rows of data being currently displayed or if you have
complex many-to-many pegging, since it will cause a very busy display of
arrows on the screen)
Hide Pegging: Turns off all of the currently displayed pegging arrows
Show/Hide Intra Routing flows: Displays the flow of material between
operations within a routing. This is specifically useful when looking at OPM
complex routings or OSFM network routings

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8. Commonly performed actions
There are some convenient tools to save user clicks on commonly
performed actions.
Select All: (top icon) Selects all of the displayed supplies
Note: This will not work if you have a mix of supplies and demands in your
current display.
Collapse All: If the user has expanded some of the supplies to operations
and activities, this action will refresh the screen and show all supplies
collapsed back to the highest level.
Expand Selected Supplies to Operations: All of the selected supplies
will be expanded to the operation level in the display.
Expand Selected Supplies to Operations and Activities: All of the
selected supplies will be expanded to the resource activity level in the

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9. Highlighting critical activities
When pegging down from an end demand, if the end demand is late,
these display options can be used to highlight the critical activities that
are main reasons for the demand being late. The display can also be
filtered so that only the critical activities are displayed.
Show only critical activities (top icon).
Show all activities and highlight critical activities.

10. Displaying diagnostic information

ASCP calculates some useful diagnostic information that can be displayed
in the Gantt chart.
These are:

Constrained Earliest Possible start and end times (third icon)

Unconstrained Earliest Possible start and end times

Unconstrained Latest Possible start and end times

11. Resource Activities View

As in the orders view the user can choose what columns they would like to
display in the left pane. These columns represent information about the

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For each resource shown, the right pane shows the resource availability
(as a backdrop) and the resource activities scheduled on the resource (in
the foreground). The changeover time is displayed in a distinguishing
color as controlled by user preferences.
Overlapping bars could either mean that the resource is overloaded or
that the resource has more than one available unit. If the row being
displayed is that of a resource instance, then overlapping bars do mean
that the instance is overloaded.

Information Shaded Bars represent

about the background scheduled activities.
resource indicates resource Distinguishing color
uptime for setup and

Users can control the coloring scheme to be applied to distinguish

activities with certain characteristics such as:

Late Orders

Early Orders

Firm Orders

Orders causing overloads

None (the default which does not visually distinguish any of the
Note: The user can only select one of these options at a time.

12. Resource Activities - Viewing an alternate resource.

When the user right clicks an activity and selects the View
Alternate/Primary Resource option then a list of possible alternates
appears. These are derived from the routing definition for this activity.
When the user selects one of these alternates, it will be added as a row in
the Resource Activities view, along with any of its resource instances, if it
is a Sequence Dependent Setup resource scheduled to the instance level.

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13. Resource Activities - Loading an alternate resource.
The user can also load an alternate resource, by right clicking the activity
and selecting Load Alternate/Primary Resource. If the alternate
resource is scheduled to the instance level, the user can choose to just
move the activity to the resource and leave the instance unselected or
specify an instance to offload to.

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14. Resource Activities - Viewing a simultaneous resource
The user can right click on an activity and select View Simultaneous
Resource. The selected simultaneous resource, and all its associated
instances, will be added to the list of displayed resources in the Resource
Activities view.

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15. Resource Activities - Viewing a Batchable resource
A batchable resource is one in which multiple activities can be
scheduled together as batches. From a display perspective, users may
want to either see just the batch or all the activities within the batch as
separate bars. The Gantt chart allows either mode of display.

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View batches consolidates
activities that are part of the
same batch on a batchable
resource on a single bar.

16. Resource Activities - Resource activity split

In Oracle Process Manufacturing, users can specify resources as
Chargeable resources. For activities scheduled on such resources it is
possible to display the constituent charges of a single resource
requirements within the activity. The start and end dates of each charge
are shown as thin white lines within the bar that represents the resource

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17. Resource Activities - Rescheduling Actions
There are various types of rescheduling actions that users can perform
from within the resource activities view:

Drag and drop activities across time within the same resource or
resource instance

Move activities from:

One resource to another (only if they are defined in the routing as

valid alternates)

One instance of a resource to another instance of the same resource

(only for Sequence Dependent Setup resources)

A right click option Reschedule brings up a window where the user

can enter specific dates to reschedule activities to. This is another
way to perform the manual reschedule.

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Drag and drop.
Pull in.
Push out.
Move to another

Right-click reschedule
option to edit activity

18. Resource Activities - Firming activities

Users can firm activities from within the resource activities view. There are
seven possible combinations of activity attributes that can be firmed.
Once firmed, the activity will be shown in a different color, according to
user preference.

19. Accessing Other Functionality

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A right click on each activity from within the resource activities view
presents a set of choices to the user.

Navigation to other windows in the Planner workbench: Information

shown in these windows will be in the context of the selected
resource activity

Properties: Opens a window that shows more attributes of the

selected activity than displayed on the mouse over

Hide/Show Resource: Used to temporarily Hide and Unhide a resource

from the display

Save Layout: Saves the list of displayed columns and their relative
order to the current folder

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20. Resource Hours View
The bar representing availability is shown on the right. The runtime and
setup time bars are stacked one on top of the other and shown relative
to the availability.

Each component of
hours displays in a
different color.

Mouse over on a time

bucket shows the
values for Available
Hours, Setup Hours
and Run Hours.

It is possible to further breakdown the runtime hours the amount spent


Late Orders

Early Orders

Firm Orders

Orders overloading resources

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Run hours split
to show hours
late and not

21. Resource Units View

This view is useful if there are a large number of available units per
resource, which is common for labor resources, and if the units available
vary with time (shift-specific units).

Continuous time
display of
available, used
and overloaded
resource units.

22. Supplier Capacity View

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The slider scale controls the maximum value of the vertical scale. It is
useful because supplier capacity accumulates over time and could
increase to very large numbers by the end of the horizon. If all display is
scaled to the value of supplier capacity at the end of the horizon the view
will become very difficult to use. To address this issue, the user has been
provided with a slider scale that they can use to control the scale along
the vertical dimension.
Note that the bars represent capacity usage. They do not necessarily have
to match up with the dock dates of supply orders. For example a single
purchase order of quantity 1000 can use up supplier capacity from Day 1
to Day 10 if the capacity is 100/day. In such an example, all 10 days will
show capacity consumption although the order is placed only on the tenth
Suppliers with infinite capacity modeled from a planning perspective are
identified using a specific background color.

Line graph of
available capacity.

Slider for Available

dynamic vertical capacity
scaling. compared with
capacity used.

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indicates infinite

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