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Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with
standard layout techniques
Peterson R. Agostinho a,b,, Odair L. Gonalez a, Gilson Wirth c
Instituto de Pesquisas Avanadas, So Jos dos Campos, Brazil
Instituto Tecnolgico de Aeronutica, So Jos dos Campos, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Electrical Engineering Department, Porto Alegre, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work presents a rail-to-rail operational amplier hardened by design against ionizing radiation at circuit
Received 7 June 2016 level, using only standard layout techniques. Not changing transistor layout, for instance by using enclosed layout
Received in revised form 1 November 2016 structures, allows design and simulation using the standard models provided by the foundry. The circuit was fab-
Accepted 2 November 2016
ricated on a standard 0.35 m CMOS process, and submitted to a total ionizing dose (TID) test campaign using a
Available online xxxx 60
Co radiation source, at a dose rate of 0.5 rad(Si)/s, reaching a nal accumulated dose of 500 krad(Si). The circuit
proved to be radiation tolerant for the tested accumulated dose. The design practices used to mitigate TID effects
CMOS operational amplier are presented and discussed in detail.
RHBD 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hardened by design

1. Introduction use of p + guard rings to avoid the inter-device leakage current of

NMOS-NMOS and NMOS-PMOS devices [5,7].
Operational ampliers are fundamental building blocks in analog/ Techniques of RHBD at circuit level, without changing the layout, are
mixed signal (AMS) systems and are widely used in signal processing an important alternative to mitigate the TID effect in analog circuits
circuits, control circuits, and instrumentation [1]. In radiation environ- with the advantage that the models are more accurate and readily avail-
ments, like space, the abundance of ionizing particles such as protons able, since foundries provide models based on standard rectangular
and electrons is sufcient to deposit energy in semiconductor material. transistors. Among these techniques, the use of transistors within a
The effect of irradiation primarily involves charge deposition in the feedback loop is a powerful way to compensate parameter shifts [8]. An-
oxides and at the SiO2 interface: 1) gate-oxide trapped charge, which other simple technique is by increasing the W and L of the transistors
can have a signicant impact on the dc parameters of the devices, since the radiation effect is much more severe in transistors with
with a negative shift in the dc drain current versus gate-to-source narrow/short channels [9]. The use of PMOS devices in circuits that
voltage for both NMOS and PMOS transistors; 2) Interface SiO2 traps, typically are built with NMOS transistors are also an efcient way to
by the increasing of the subthreshold swing of the device; and 3) thicker mitigate the TID effect for sub-micron technologies (tox b 10 nm), since
isolation oxides (STI) trapped charge, which creates leakage paths, PMOS transistors normally exhibit an increase in threshold voltage
increasing the stand-by current [2]. The accumulation of such charges under irradiation, and therefore a decrease of the leakage current [2].
is referred to as the total ionizing dose (TID) effect. In [10] the most TID robust stages of an op-amp were identied as
Designers must take into account the TID effects, which can perma- the stages that had symmetry and current-matching in an analog
nently degrade the performance of the circuit, potentially leading to a design, suggesting that asymmetric topologies are more sensible for
catastrophic failure of a system. radiation effects and reduce the circuit hardness.
There are various radiation-hardened by design (RHBD) techniques This work presents a rail-to-rail operational amplier (op-amp)
used in analog systems, at circuit or/and layout level. A widely used hardened by design at circuit level, without using enclosed layout
RHBD layout technique that solves the issue of radiation-induced transistors. The paper is organized as follow. Section 2 presents the
source-drain leakage in NMOS transistors is the edgeless transistor lay- three stage op-amp used here and the design considerations to mitigate
out (annular or enclosed) [36]. Another technique at layout level is the TID effects. Section 3 shows the simulations and sensitivity analysis, im-
portant to indentify the critical devices of the circuit. Section 4 presents
Corresponding author. the experimental setup and results and Section 5 the analysis and
E-mail address: (P.R. Agostinho). conclusions.
0026-2714/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: P.R. Agostinho, et al., Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with standard
layout techniques, Microelectronics Reliability (2016),
2 P.R. Agostinho et al. / Microelectronics Reliability xxx (2016) xxxxxx

2. Operational amplier and design concerns Table 2

Op-amp MOS dimensions.

A three-stage rail-to-rail operation amplier based on the topology Transistor W/L Transistor W/L
presented in [11,12] was designed. The circuit was developed in the M1, M2 12u/2u M19 72u/2u
context of Brazilian space program demands [17] and has the specica- M3, M4 36u/2u M20 110u/2u
tions shown in Table 1. M5, M6, M21, M27 6u/2u M22, M24 18u/2u
M7, M8 2u/2u M25 316u/2u
M9, M26 24u/2u M28 106u/2u
Table 1 M10, M23 8u/2u M29 316u/2u
Op-amp specications. M11-M14 68u/2u M30 950u/2u
M15-M18 204u/2u
Performance Value

Power Supply 0.9 V 10%

Maximum Output Current 1.8 mA @ RL = 500
stage, it was used a feedback loop to better control the quiescent cur-
DC Gain N 80 dB
Phase Margin N 45 rent, ensuring stable quiescent current even with the shift on the pa-
GBW N 4 MHz rameters of the transistors due to radiation effects.
Power Consumption b 500 W
Slew-rate N 4 V/s 3. TID sensitivity analysis
THD [%] @ Vin = 500mVpp, 1KHz b 0.5%

In [13] TID results of 14 NMOS and 14 PMOS devices fabricated in

The schematic of the circuit is shown in Fig. 1. The input stage con- AMS CMOS 0.35 m process are presented. The drain-to-source voltage
sists of a NMOS input pair M1, M2 in parallel with a PMOS input pair was kept at 3.3 V during the radiation, for all devices. 8 PMOS and 6
M3, M4. A gm - control circuit M5-M8 was added to the reference circuit NMOS had gate-to-source voltage set to 3.3 V, with maximum electrical
to keep the output currents of the rail-to-rail input stage constant, en- eld through the gate dielectric. On the other hand, 6 PMOS and 8
suring a gm almost constant along all the input common mode range. NMOS transistors had the gate connected to ground, with null electric
The second stage is a summing circuit formed by two current mirrors eld through the gate dielectric. The devices were irradiated up to 500
M11, M12 and M15, M16 with cascodes M13, M14 and M17, M18, krad(Si) TID with a 60Co gamma-radiation beam. Figs. 2 and 3 show
respectively. the average threshold voltage VTH shifted along the radiation for
A compact Class-AB output stage was used in the design. It consists NMOS and PMOS devices, respectively. In our circuit analysis the
of two common source output transistors M29 and M30. To make the curve with VGS biased is considered, since it is closer to real situation.
quiescent current insensitive to supply voltage a oating current source At maximum TID, NMOS and PMOS devices had an average threshold
was used and its value is xed by two translinear loops M11, M19, M27, voltage VTH shifted for +20 mV and 35 mV, which represents a VTH
M28 and M15,M20, M24, M25. Since the oating current source M19, shift on the nominal VTH of + 3.5% and 4.2%, respectively.
M20 has the same structure as the class-AB driver M21, M22, the quies- Other parameters like leakage current, mobility and sub-threshold
cent current is controlled and is insensitive to supply voltage. slope were also affected but with lower impact, so for simplicity, the
For simplicity, the integrated bias circuit is not presented here. Only sensitivity analysis here presented will consider only the effect of VTH
one component, a resistor, was used externally to set the reference cur- shift.
rent. A simple circuit based on current mirrors and transistors in diode During simulations it was found that the performances of the circuit
conguration was used to create internal bias voltages. The circuit sizing were much more sensitive for mismatch of VTH then a uniform variation
is shown in Table 2. of VTH. For instance, 1% VTH mismatch in some critical transistors had
As described, all the stages of the op-amp are symmetric and have greater impact on performances than a 10% VTH variation uniformly
current-matching, improving the radiation tolerance [10]. A sizing on all transistors. Since radiation has impact on mismatch of transistors
criteria were adopted for all transistors, with W and L at least ve [16], it is important to identify the most sensitive transistors for mis-
times greater than minimum geometry devices, contributing to mitigate match at each performance. Thus the VTH of NMOS and PMOS were
the radiation effects [9]. And at the output stage, which is the critical shifted individually for + 5% and 5%, respectively, while all other

Fig. 1. Operational amplier circuit.

Please cite this article as: P.R. Agostinho, et al., Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with standard
layout techniques, Microelectronics Reliability (2016),
P.R. Agostinho et al. / Microelectronics Reliability xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

Table 4
Critical mismatch devices for frequency response.

Stage Transistor GBW/GBW_nominal

Input stage M9 @ VTH-5% 22,5%

M10 @ VTH + 5% 18,8%
M11 @ VTH + 5% 21,5%
M15 @ VTH-5% 29,2%

Table 5
Critical mismatch devices for power consumption.

Stage Transistor IBIAS/IBIAS_nominal

Input stage M9 @ VTH-5% 7,3%

M10 @ VTH + 5% 5,8%
Summing stage M16 @ VTH + 5% 497,4%

Fig. 2. VTH shift of NMOS devices for TID up to 500 krad(Si). Similar analyses were done for the frequency response, power con-
sumption and slew-rate. Table 4 shows the critical devices for the fre-
quency response, considering only one transistor with VTH parameter
changed at a time. The gain-bandwidth product was normalized over
the nominal value without radiation. Only for four transistors a shift
N10% was observed, as shown in Table 4. M9 and M10 are current mir-
rors to bias the PMOS and NMOS input pair, respectively. The VTH shift
for both devices decreases the bias current of the input pair with direct
impact on the gm of input stage and, consequently, on the gain-band-
width product of the op-amp. Similar analysis can be made for M11
and M15, with impact on the oating current source of the summing
stage and direct reection on the bias of the output stage. The reduction
of bias current on output stage reduces its gm and consequently the
gain-bandwidth product of the amplier.
Table 5 shows that M9, M10 and M16 are the critical mismatch de-
vices for power consumption, with increase N 5% with respect to nomi-
nal values, without radiation. A curious result was observed when the
VTH of M16 was shifted by 5% and the power consumption of the
op-amp increased about 5 times. The simulations showed that all the
excess current of the op-amp was in the output transistor M29 and
M30. It can be explained as follow: the quiescent current of M29 is
Fig. 3. VTH shift of PMOS devices for TID up to 500 krad(Si). established by a translinear loop, with VGS29 = VGS27 + VGS28 VGS21.
At the present design the increase of VTH16 resulted in a decrease of
IDS16, which brought M21 to the cut off region. The reduction of hun-
dreds of mV on VGS21 was transferred direct to M29, resulting in the in-
transistors were kept with standard values of VTH. This analysis is im-
crease of power consumption, as presented in Table 5.
portant to identify the critical devices, which the designer must take
For Slew-rate (SR) performance, six transistors were critical on the
special attention during design and layout steps. The change of param-
mismatch analysis, with impact N10% with respect to the standard SR
eters was done on the model card in the CAD tool through the parame-
ter VTH0 of Bsim3v3 le.
Table 3 shows the simulation results of sensitivity analysis for total
harmonic distortion (THD). As can be seen the most sensitive devices Table 6
are M1, M2 from the N input pair and M11, M12 from N current mirror. Critical mismatch devices for SR performance.

The changes of VTH on the others 26 transistors of the circuit had impact Stage Transistor SR/SR_nominal
lower than 1% on the THD.
Input stage M9 @ VTH-5% 19.1%
On a second analysis, it was considered the VTH shifts by the amount M10 @ VTH + 5% 17.5%
of +5% on M1, M2 at the same time, without mismatch. The same anal- Summing stage M11 @ VTH + 5% 24.9%
ysis was repeated for the current mirror M11, M12. This analysis was M12 @ VTH + 5% 38.9%
extrapolated for a VTH shift of 10%, and for both cases the impact on M15 @ VTH-5% 18.4%
M16 @ VTH-5% 33.9%
the THD was lower than 0.2%.

Table 3 Table 7
Critical mismatch devices for THD performance. Simulation results with uniform shift in VTH for all devices of the op-amp.

Stage Transistor THD [%] Devices THD GBW/GBW_nom IBIAS/IBIAS_nom SR/SR_nom

Input stage M1 @ VTH + 5% 2.4 All PMOS @ 0.1% 2.7% 0.2% 1.6%
M2 @ VTH + 5% 2.39 VTH - 5%
Summing stage M11 @ VTH + 5% 5.86 All NMOS @
M12 @ VTH + 5% 16.08 VTH + 5%

Please cite this article as: P.R. Agostinho, et al., Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with standard
layout techniques, Microelectronics Reliability (2016),
4 P.R. Agostinho et al. / Microelectronics Reliability xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Fig. 6. SR values for TID up to 500 krad(Si).

Fig. 4. THD results for TID up to 500 krad(Si).

Atomic Energy of Canadian Limited. The test was performed with a

without radiation effects. All transistors are part of current mirrors from dose rate of 0.5 rad(Si)/s during 12 days until the accumulated dose of
input and summing stage, as shown in Table 6. 500 krad(Si), with the op-amp congured as follower. The chip
To conclude the sensitivity analysis, all the NMOS and PMOS transis- remained biased, with VDD = VSS = 0.9 V, during all the experiment.
tor had the VTH shifted by the amount of +5% and 5%, respectively, The inputs were kept grounded, except during the data acquisition
without mismatch, reproducing a hypothetic scenario where the radia- cycle, which represents around 10% of the time. We expect a degrada-
tion affects all the devices equally. tion of the op-amp transistors lower than the degradation of the devices
The results are summarized in Table 7. The THD and power con- reported in [13], since the op-amp does not operate at maximum elec-
sumption were kept almost the same and can be considered insensible tric eld (due to maximum VDS and/or VGS). But, to be conservative on
for such variation of VTH. Gain-bandwidth product and Slew-rate had the simulations, we consider in this work the worst case of VTH shift.
only incremental reduction of 2.7% and 1.6%, respectively. The data acquisition was done online along all the experiment, with
These results indicate that the topology is robust to radiation effects, data storage at each 20 min. A voltage generator Agilent 32250A, an os-
if TID effect affects the all transistors in a similar way (not causing signif- cilloscope Agilent DSO6054A and a multimeter Keithley 235 were used
icant mismatches). and controlled by a program developed in the platform Agilent VEE. At
With the sensitivity analysis here presented it is clear that the degra- each data acquisition cycle, the following performance metrics were
dation of the performance is greater when the threshold shift results on saved: current consumption, total harmonic distortion (THD), frequen-
mismatch of devices, and the circuit can be considered robust to radia- cy response (GBW), and step response (Slew-rate).
tion effects up to TID = 500 krad(Si) if the shift on VTH were the same Fig. 4 shows the THD performance of the op-amp for accumulated
at all transistors. dose up to 500 krad(Si). The circuit was biased with VDD = VSS =
In [16] the radiation effects upon the mismatch of identically laid out 0.9 V and a sine input signal with amplitude of 0.85 V and frequency
transistor pairs is presented, and the results indicate that the mismatch of 1 kHz was applied. The THD value of the op-amp in inverter congu-
becomes smaller with increasing overdrive voltage gradually moving ration started with 0.46% and decreased down to 0.38% for TID about 30
the transistors operating region from weak to strong inversion mode. krad(Si). After that the THD increased and at the end of the experiment
In the present design the critical transistors were split in four devices the THD reach values similar to the initial value.
each, and the common centroid layout technique was used. It is an im- The current consumption of the op-amp was 120 A at the beginning
portant layout technique, since VTH mismatch is the most relevant issue, of the experiment and remained almost constant along all the TID accu-
with greater impact on the performances. mulation, with a variation lower than 2%, as shown in Fig. 5.
Figs. 6 and 7 show the Slew-rate (SR) and GBW results, respectively.
4. Measurement results For the SR measurement it was used at input a square signal of 1 kHz
and amplitude of 0.9 V and the response remained almost constant
Ground-based total-dose experiments were performed on the Ioniz- up to 200 krad(Si) and increased around 1.3% for the maximum cumu-
ing Radiation Laboratory at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv) lated dose. On the other hand, the GBW decreased, with a behavior close
using a 1 kCi source of gamma radiation 60Co, model Eldorado 78 from to linear, reaching a 2% shift at maximum TID. To get the GBW value, the

Fig. 5. Op-amp current consumption for TID up to 500 krad(Si). Fig. 7. GBW values for TID up to 500 krad(Si).

Please cite this article as: P.R. Agostinho, et al., Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with standard
layout techniques, Microelectronics Reliability (2016),
P.R. Agostinho et al. / Microelectronics Reliability xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

frequency of the sine signal at the input of the op-amp in buffer cong- consumption, Total Harmonic Distortion, Gain Bandwidth Product and
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Please cite this article as: P.R. Agostinho, et al., Rail to rail radiation hardened operational amplier in standard CMOS technology with standard
layout techniques, Microelectronics Reliability (2016),

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