Course Guide: 5 Grading & Rubrics Grading

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5 Grading & Rubrics

Passing grades

1.0 highest possible grade

3.0 lowest passing grade (0.25 increments in between)

Below passing

EXT (Extension = Incomplete)

EXT will only be granted at the discretion of the instructor, including the option to scale down the final
grade upon completion of the course. Typically, the instructor expects to find partial, satisfactory outputs
as a basis for Extension over other possibilities for a Final Grade that is below Passing:


Conditional = student needs to earn more points to remove the grade, earn a 3.0 and pass the course

5.0 (Fail)

Unauthorized Drop

Insufficient attendance/ participation to earn credits




Independently integrates ideas into efficient, noteworthy solutions or innovations.

Proficient Uses strong understanding of the context and holistic grasp of relationships to consider some
(1.26-1.5) doable alternatives. Makes progressive and automatic adaptations.

Integrated &
Uses analysis and synthesis. Makes adjustments to novel contexts. Links and pattern are
established using a holistic perspective.
Able to recognize patterns and internalize most essential concepts. Ease and automaticity in
Internalized establishing connections to personal experiences or novel contexts is evident, but tends to be
(1.76-2.25) disjointed or needs to be more holistic and consistent. (May fail to expand views to consider
important aspects).

Self-conscious; Begins to demonstrate recognition of some patterns. Attempts to establish connections to novel
constrained situations tend to be superficial, insignificant, or inconsequential. Still dependent on rules and
(2.26-2.75) standard answers. Cognitive processes are inclined to be shallow.

Emergent Dependent on rules & models; tends to echo or mimic text or more proficient models. Remains
(2.76-3.0) mostly unoriginal or bound in the context of the resource material studied.

(4.0, Insufficient manifestation of understanding.

Failed (5.0) Inadequate indicators to merit credit

Participation in Discussions/ eJournal

Theoretical Clarity/ Elaboration / Practical Eloquence; Reader

Integration Connections impact

Weight 30% 30% 20% 20%

Distinguished; REFRESHING. RICH and EXPANSIVE. Posts on time or Inspiring.

Well- Ideas are well- Provides many good even ahead of Eloquent.
integrated integrated and connections to encourage time Poses challenges.
(1.0-1.25) personally further learning
synthesized. Posts explorations & practical Stimulates
help to enhance innovations, noteworthy reflection and
understanding of solutions. further exploration.

Competent; Demonstrates good Sufficient elaboration. Highly useful Concise without

Proficient comprehension & Practical connections help despite some prejudice against
(1.26-2.0) contributes much to clarify concepts. (occasional) clarity. Ideas are
the clarification of Demonstrates deep delays. well-articulated.
theoretical understanding and a
concepts. holistic grasp of
Expresses ideas in relationships to explain
original ways. events and situations.

Elementary Superficial Provides only basic/ direct Mostly delayed Poor grammar,
processing. responses to questions as posts. Needs mechanics. and/or
Demonstrates basic mere compliance to the much prodding organization affects
(2.01-2.75) understanding of task. Bound in the and reminding the effective
key concepts but context of the resource communication of
tends to echo (or material studied. ideas.
sound like) text from
learning resources.

Marginal Personal Responses are Posts are too late Poorly articulated.
(2.76-3.0) comprehension minimalistic; lacks to be beneficial to Difficult to read/
cannot be theoretical elaboration. readers comprehend. May
ascertained due to Ideas may be anchored on not invite
ambiguity or lack of popular knowledge or readership.
originality (copy- practice with little or no
paste). theoretical elaboration.

Insufficient Offers personal Concepts are not Sparse Lacks logical

opinion that lacks integrated into contributions too organization.
(4.0) theoretical basis or explanations or solutions late to be Inconsistent.
is inconsistent with of practical situations. beneficial. Incoherent.

Insufficient indicators to merit credit

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