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GenStat Release 12.

1 ( PC/Windows Vista) 11 July 2011 13:24:40

Copyright 2009, VSN International Ltd.
Registered to: VSNi


GenStat Twelfth Edition

GenStat Procedure Library Release PL20.1

1 %CD 'C:/Users/Naveendra/Documents'
2 "Active Sheet set to Spreadsheet [Book;1]*"
3 "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
4 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
5 READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
8 PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Data imported from Clipboard

on: 11-Jul-2011 13:25:30

9 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] site,C2,Location,Sample,soil_ph,soil_tem,\

10 organic_content,salinity_ppt,moistue,bulk_density_g_cm3

Identifier Values Missing Levels

site 54 0 3



Identifier Values Missing Levels

C2 54 0 3

20 TEXT [NVALUES=54] Location

21 READ Location

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Location 54 0

26 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] Sample

27 READ Sample

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Sample 1.000 3.500 6.000 54 0

30 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] soil_ph

31 READ soil_ph

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

soil_ph 4.500 5.948 6.800 54 0

35 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] soil_tem

36 READ soil_tem

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

soil_tem 26.90 28.96 31.20 54 0
41 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] organic_content
42 READ organic_content

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

organic_content 0.2180 2.311 5.106 54 0

48 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] salinity_ppt

49 READ salinity_ppt

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

salinity_ppt 1.673 8.993 55.00 54 0 Skew

55 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] moistue

56 READ moistue

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

moistue 24.05 52.75 81.17 54 0

62 VARIATE [NVALUES=54] bulk_density_g_cm3

63 READ bulk_density_g_cm3

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

bulk_density_g_cm3 0.1960 0.7918 2.069 54 0

70 %PostMessage 1129; 0; 78026120 "Sheet Update Completed"
71 "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
72 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
73 READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
76 PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Data imported from Clipboard

on: 11-Jul-2011 13:25:30

77 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Site,Location


Identifier Values Missing Levels

Site 54 0 3


84 READ Location; FREPRESENTATION=ordinal

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Location 54 0 3

88 %PostMessage 1129; 0; 78026120 "Sheet Update Completed"
89 "Two-way design"
90 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
91 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,effects,means; TREATMENTS=Site,Location;
92 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,means; PLOT=fitt,norm,half,hist; EXIT=_ibalance]
93 SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: organic_content

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Site 2 7.431 3.716 3.18 0.051
Location 2 31.700 15.850 13.56 <.001
Site.Location 4 9.394 2.349 2.01 0.109
Residual 45 52.618 1.169
Total 53 101.142

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 26 2.71 s.e. 0.99
*units* 49 2.52 s.e. 0.99

Tables of effects
Variate: organic_content

Site effects, e.s.e. 0.255, rep. 18

Site 1 2 3
-0.46 0.02 0.44

Location effects, e.s.e. 0.255, rep. 18

Location 1 2 3
-0.33 -0.73 1.06

Site.Location effects, e.s.e. 0.441, rep. 6

Site Location 1 2 3
1 -0.14 -0.32 0.46
2 -0.49 0.27 0.22
3 0.63 0.05 -0.68

Tables of means
Variate: organic_content

Grand mean 2.31

Site 1 2 3
1.85 2.33 2.76

Location 1 2 3
1.98 1.58 3.37
Site Location 1 2 3
1 1.38 0.79 3.37
2 1.51 1.87 3.61
3 3.06 2.07 3.13

Standard errors of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
e.s.e. 0.255 0.255 0.441

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
s.e.d. 0.360 0.360 0.624

94 AGRAPH [SAVE=_a2save[2]; METHOD=means; PSE=differences] X=Site;

95 SET [IN=*]
101 "Two-way design"
102 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
103 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,effects,means; TREATMENTS=Site,Location;
104 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,means; PLOT=fitt,norm,half,hist; EXIT=_ibalance]
105 SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: organic_content

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Site 2 7.431 3.716 3.18 0.051
Location 2 31.700 15.850 13.56 <.001
Site.Location 4 9.394 2.349 2.01 0.109
Residual 45 52.618 1.169
Total 53 101.142

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 26 2.71 s.e. 0.99
*units* 49 2.52 s.e. 0.99

Tables of effects
Variate: organic_content

Site effects, e.s.e. 0.255, rep. 18

Site 1 2 3
-0.46 0.02 0.44

Location effects, e.s.e. 0.255, rep. 18

Location 1 2 3
-0.33 -0.73 1.06

Site.Location effects, e.s.e. 0.441, rep. 6

Site Location 1 2 3
1 -0.14 -0.32 0.46
2 -0.49 0.27 0.22
3 0.63 0.05 -0.68

Tables of means
Variate: organic_content

Grand mean 2.31

Site 1 2 3
1.85 2.33 2.76

Location 1 2 3
1.98 1.58 3.37
Site Location 1 2 3
1 1.38 0.79 3.37
2 1.51 1.87 3.61
3 3.06 2.07 3.13

Standard errors of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
e.s.e. 0.255 0.255 0.441

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
s.e.d. 0.360 0.360 0.624

106 AGRAPH [SAVE=_a2save[2]; METHOD=means; PSE=differences] X=Site;

107 SET [IN=*]
113 "Two-way design"
114 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
115 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,effects,means; TREATMENTS=Site,Location;
116 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,means; PLOT=fitt,norm,half,hist; EXIT=_ibalance] moistue;
Analysis of variance
Variate: moistue

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Site 2 1780.9 890.4 6.91 0.002
Location 2 5924.9 2962.5 22.98 <.001
Site.Location 4 7279.3 1819.8 14.12 <.001
Residual 45 5800.0 128.9
Total 53 20785.0

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 36 -31.6 s.e. 10.4
*units* 42 -26.3 s.e. 10.4
*units* 54 25.8 s.e. 10.4

Tables of effects
Variate: moistue

Site effects, e.s.e. 2.68, rep. 18

Site 1 2 3
-8.0 5.2 2.8

Location effects, e.s.e. 2.68, rep. 18

Location 1 2 3
3.3 -14.2 10.8

Site.Location effects, e.s.e. 4.63, rep. 6

Site Location 1 2 3
1 -13.6 -4.4 18.0
2 12.4 -9.6 -2.8
3 1.2 14.0 -15.2

Tables of means
Variate: moistue

Grand mean 52.7

Site 1 2 3
44.7 57.9 55.6

Location 1 2 3
56.1 38.6 63.6
Site Location 1 2 3
1 34.4 26.2 73.6
2 73.7 34.2 66.0
3 60.1 55.4 51.2

Standard errors of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
e.s.e. 2.68 2.68 4.63

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
s.e.d. 3.78 3.78 6.55

117 AGRAPH [SAVE=_a2save[2]; METHOD=means; PSE=differences] X=Site;

118 SET [IN=*]
124 "Two-way design"
125 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
126 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,effects,means; TREATMENTS=Site,Location;
127 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,means; PLOT=fitt,norm,half,hist; EXIT=_ibalance]
128 SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: salinity_ppt

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Site 2 183.73 91.86 1.66 0.201
Location 2 102.38 51.19 0.93 0.403
Site.Location 4 174.21 43.55 0.79 0.539
Residual 45 2486.67 55.26
Total 53 2946.99

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 24 40.4 s.e. 6.8

Tables of effects
Variate: salinity_ppt

Site effects, e.s.e. 1.75, rep. 18

Site 1 2 3
-0.5 2.5 -2.0

Location effects, e.s.e. 1.75, rep. 18

Location 1 2 3
0.6 -1.9 1.3

Site.Location effects, e.s.e. 3.03, rep. 6

Site Location 1 2 3
1 -3.1 0.3 2.8
2 2.6 -0.7 -1.9
3 0.5 0.3 -0.8

Tables of means
Variate: salinity_ppt

Grand mean 9.0

Site 1 2 3
8.5 11.5 7.0

Location 1 2 3
9.6 7.1 10.3

Site Location 1 2 3
1 6.0 6.9 12.6
2 14.6 8.9 10.8
3 8.1 5.5 7.5

Standard errors of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
e.s.e. 1.75 1.75 3.03

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
s.e.d. 2.48 2.48 4.29

129 AGRAPH [SAVE=_a2save[2]; METHOD=means; PSE=differences] X=Site;

130 SET [IN=*]
136 "Two-way design"
137 DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _ibalance
138 A2WAY [PRINT=aovtable,information,effects,means; TREATMENTS=Site,Location;
139 FPROB=yes; PSE=diff,means; PLOT=fitt,norm,half,hist; EXIT=_ibalance]
140 SAVE=_a2save
Analysis of variance
Variate: bulk_density_g_cm3

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Site 2 2.8577 1.4289 12.51 <.001
Location 2 3.5364 1.7682 15.48 <.001
Site.Location 4 1.6526 0.4132 3.62 0.012
Residual 45 5.1412 0.1142
Total 53 13.1880

Information summary
All terms orthogonal, none aliased.

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 20 1.376 s.e. 0.309

Tables of effects
Variate: bulk_density_g_cm3

Site effects, e.s.e. 0.0797, rep. 18

Site 1 2 3
0.325 -0.174 -0.152

Location effects, e.s.e. 0.0797, rep. 18

Location 1 2 3
0.108 0.245 -0.353

Site.Location effects, e.s.e. 0.1380, rep. 6

Site Location 1 2 3
1 0.189 0.107 -0.296
2 -0.034 0.042 -0.008
3 -0.155 -0.149 0.303

Tables of means
Variate: bulk_density_g_cm3

Grand mean 0.792

Site 1 2 3
1.117 0.618 0.640

Location 1 2 3
0.900 1.037 0.439

Site Location 1 2 3
1 1.414 1.469 0.468
2 0.692 0.905 0.257
3 0.594 0.737 0.591

Standard errors of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
e.s.e. 0.0797 0.0797 0.1380

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Site Location Site
rep. 18 18 6
d.f. 45 45 45
s.e.d. 0.1127 0.1127 0.1951

141 AGRAPH [SAVE=_a2save[2]; METHOD=means; PSE=differences] X=Site;

142 SET [IN=*]

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