Pesticide Residue Removal From Vegetables by Ozonation

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Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411

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Pesticide residue removal from vegetables by ozonation

J.Y. Chen a, Y.J. Lin b, W.C. Kuo b,
Great Eastern Resin Industrial Co., Ltd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A novel machine was developed to remove pesticide residues from vegetables using ozone. This domestic-
Received 12 March 2012 scale vegetable cleaner consists of a closed cleaning chamber, an ozone generator, a water recirculation pump,
Received in revised form 25 August 2012 and an oxidationreduction potential (ORP) electrode. Two vegetables, Chinese white cabbage and green-
Accepted 29 August 2012
stem bok choy, and three pesticides, permethrin (trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropane-
Available online 6 September 2012
carboxylate), chloruazuron (1-[3,5-dichloro-4-(3-chloro-5-triuoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy)phenyl]-3-(2,
6-diuorobenzoyl) urea), and chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) were used in tests. Cleaning for
15 min with pump recirculation removed 51% of chloruazuron and 53% of chlorothalonil. When the ozone
Pesticide residue
Ozone treatment
production rate was 250 mg/h, removal efciencies were 60% for chloruazuron and 55% for chlorothalonil,
Permethrin increases of 29% over pump recirculation only. When the ozone production rate was 500 mg/h, removal ef-
Chloruazuron ciencies were 75% for chloruazuron and 77% for chlorothalonil; increases of 24% over pump recirculation
Chlorothalonil only. After the ozone treatment, all the pesticide residuals met the Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits
in Foods.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and UV photolysis (Wu et al., 2009). However, these techniques

have some disadvantages; for example, catalytic treatments
The worlds population is estimated to be 9.22 billion in 2075 produce secondary pollutants. Ozone was rst used to disinfect
(UN, 2004). Along with this rapid population increase, worldwide water supplies in France in the early 1900s. Well over 1000 ozone
demand for food will increase, as will pesticide use. China applies disinfection installations now exist worldwide. Ozone, a powerful
an estimated 1.3 Mt of pesticides to agricultural lands annually oxidant (EH > 2.0 volts), has an oxidation capability exceeded by
(Wu et al., 2007). Taiwans subtropical climate renders many crops uorine only (EH = 3.06 V). Ozones solubility in water at 20 C is
susceptible to damage by diseases and insects, resulting in the use 12.07 mg/L. The stability of ozone in air exceeds that in water; how-
of large amounts of pesticides to prevent smiting. According to sta- ever, both stabilities are within the order of minutes (Metcalf and
tistics from Taiwans Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Eddy, 2003; Eckenfelder, 2000). Ozone is also used to remove pes-
and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, 34,709 tonnes of formu- ticide residues from vegetables or aqueous solutions (Benitez et
lated agro-pesticide were sold in 2010. Notably, Taiwanese farmers al., 2002; Wu et al., 2007; Chelme-Ayala et al., 2009; Ikeura et al.,
are not the only farmers who spray extremely high pesticide con- 2011). Ozone decomposes in water to produce free radicals, and
centrations (Zhou and Jin, 2009). Additionally, some harvests are high pH values are favorable for pesticide degradation (Ong et al.,
rushed to market, leaving large amounts of pesticide residues on 1996; Eckenfelder, 2000; Xiong et al., 2011). Based on ozones
plants, vegetables and fruit. Although humans are exposed to small strong oxidation capability and its reaction with other inducer
amounts of pesticide residues after pesticides are metabolized by (e.g. OH and hydroxyl radicals (OH)), with high oxidation power
plants or decomposed by environmental agents, trace amounts of will be produced; these inducers can decompose most organic com-
pesticide residing in the human body for long periods can cause pounds. As ozone decomposes into oxygen, it does not produce sec-
chronic diseases and can lead to cancer (Carrozza et al., 2009). ondary pollutants. The prevailing ozone treatment method for
Residual pesticides in water can be destroyed by, say, Fenton removing pesticide residues on vegetables is to pump ozone into
oxidation, electrochemical oxidation, TiO2 catalytic treatment, water in a vessel via an ozone generator. Ozone then oxidizes con-
taminants via ozone molecules or its derivatives and removes resi-
dues. The effectiveness of ozone treatment is limited by ozones
poor solubility and the high cost of ozone generators. Increasing
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Environmental Science and
ozone solubility and reducing the cost of ozone production are
Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung
91207, Taiwan. Tel./fax: +886 8 774 0261.
key problems associated with ozone treatment. The goals of this
E-mail address: (W.C. Kuo). study are as follows.

0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411 405

(1) Develop a novel domestic-scale ozone cleaner for (7) The Tox Tracer Toxicity test used the following devices.
vegetables. (i) Tox Tracer Luminometer photodetectors (Skalar, Nether-
(2) Establish the relative concentration curves for liquid ozone lands) used a photomultiplier tube, isothermal reaction tank
concentrations and ORP. (15 0.1 C), and a digital screen that displayed% inhibition.
(3) Conduct experiments to determine the effectiveness of the (ii) The Tox Tracer cooling block constant temperature incu-
proposed ozone vegetable cleaner in removing pesticide res- bator held 30 tubes and 2 microbe index tubes for
idues from vegetables. microbes cultivation, with automatic temperature con-
(4) Evaluate the toxicity of aqueous pesticide solution before trol (15 0.1 C).
and after ozone treatment using the Tox Tracer biological
toxicity test. 2.4. Analytical reagents

2. Materials and methods (1) Indigo reagent

The Indigo Colorimetric Method was used to determine
2.1. Field tests for pesticide residues on vegetables liquid ozone concentrations (Hoigne and Bader, 1982).
(2) Pesticides
This experiment had three stages. The rst eld experiment was Three pesticides, permethrin, chloruazuron, and chlorot-
conducted during JuneAugust 2004. The planted vegetables were halonil, were chosen based on farmer use and seasonal
Chinese white cabbage and green-stem bok choy (foliole vegetables variations.
with short growing periods). Pesticides applied were 10% permeth- (i) Standard pesticide solutions, 1000 ppm permethrin,
rin emulsion and 5% chloruazuron emulsion. Pesticide doses were 1000 ppm chloruazuron, and 867 ppm chlorothalonil,
classied into the following three groups: none (no spraying); were prepared for calibration curves. These standards
standard doses (spraying following plant protection criteria of were obtained from the Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic
50 ppm permethrin and 25 ppm chloruazuron); and, twice the Substances Research Institute, Council of Agriculture,
standard dose (over-spraying). The second eld experiment was Taiwan. Suppliers and purities of permethrin, chloru-
conducted during February-April 2005. The planted vegetable was azuron, and chlorothalonil were Dr. Ehrenstorfer GmbH,
Chinese white cabbage, and pesticides applied were 10% permethrin 94%; R.D.H., 99.4%; and R.D.H., 98.5%, respectively.
emulsion and 5% chloruazuron emulsion. Pesticide doses were (ii) Commercial pesticide products: 10% permethrin emul-
classied into the following two groups: standard doses of 50 ppm sion, 5% chloruazuron emulsion, and 75% chlorothalonil
permethrin and 25 ppm chloruazuron; and 1.5 times the standard powder were used as aqueous pesticide solutions for
doses (over-spraying). The third eld experiment was conducted in eld tests and pesticide removal experiments.
November and December 2005. The planted vegetable was Chinese (3) Reagents for pesticide residue determination: acetone, NaCl
white cabbage, and pesticides were permethrin, chloruazuron, and (30%), dichloromethane, petroleum ether, n-hexane, car-
75% chlorothalonil powder (i.e., 50 ppm permethrin, 25 ppm chlor- bonic acid sodium hydride (12%), and anhydrous sodium
uazuron and 100 ppm chlorothalonil). Pesticide doses were 1.5 sulfate (all were analytical grade).
times the standard dose, simulating general farmer practices. (4) Reagent for the Tox Tracer Toxicity Test.
(i) Fluorescence biological reagent: a patented Vibrio sheri
2.2. Experimental setup was adopted (luminous bacteria were used in this study).
These bacteria were made into biological agent after being
The proposed domestic-scale ozone vegetable cleaner consists of dried and frozen. Each bottle contained about 1 billion
an airtight cleaning tank, a vegetable basket, an ozone generator, an bacteria stored at 20 C. Notably, analysis was completed
ozone concentration controller, a recirculation pump, and a timer. within 4 h after a bottle was opened.
The cleaner generates and controls the liquid ozone concentration (ii) Bacteria activator: a kind of distilled water which can be
during the cleaning process for removing pesticide residues. Fig. 1 added to the biological agent and activate the bacteria.
shows a schematic diagram of the proposed pesticide cleaner. (iii) Diluent: 2% NaCl solution.
(iv) Osmotic pressure modulation liquid: 22% NaCl solution for
2.3. Analytical instruments adjusting the NaCl concentration of sample to 2% to balance
the osmotic pressure among biological agents and samples.
Analytical instruments used in this study were as follows.
2.5. Analytical methods
(1) The ozone generator, a Fischer ozone generator (Model 500),
was used in liquid ozone determinations. (1) Preparation of aqueous pesticide solutions.
(2) The ozone gas analyzer was a Seki electronic ozone UV pho- Human tolerances of pesticide residues are 2 mg/L for per-
tometric analyzer (SOZ-6000, Japan). methrin, 2 mg/L for chloruazuron, and 1 mg/L for chlorot-
(3) The ORP electrode was a pH/ORP controller (Model PC-310, halonil. Initial concentrations were twice the strength of
Suntex, Taiwan). pesticide residue concentrations, i.e., 4 ppm permethrin,
(4) A UVvisible spectrophotometer (Model UV-160A, Shimadzu, 4 ppm chloruazuron, and 2 ppm chlorothalonil.
Japan) was used to determine liquid ozone concentrations. (2) Analysis of aqueous pesticide solutions.
(5) The following devices were used in pesticide residue The initial pesticide concentration was based on Taiwans
analyses. Safety Tolerance Criteria of Pesticide Residues on Farm Prod-
(i) Blender: Osterizer (10 speeds). ucts, Department of Health, Republic of China (2012). To
(ii) Rotary evaporator: Eyela Model N-1000 (Eyela, Japan). simulate farmer practices in controlling pests within short
(6) The GC Electron Capture Detector (ECD) used for sample periods, doses 1.52.0 times the standard dose were
analysis of pesticide residues and aqueous pesticide solu- adopted. Therefore, twice the safety tolerance was used as
tions was an HP-6890 equipped with an ECD. The carrier the initial pesticide concentration. The safe tolerance for
gas was N2 and the analytical column was an HP-5 packed permethrin, chloruazuron, and chlorothalonil is 2.0 mg/L,
with Crosslinked 5% PH ME Siloxane. 2.0 mg/L, and 1.0 mg/L, respectively. Analytical methods
406 J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411


5 4

7 6

1. Cleaning chamber ; 2.Chamber cover; 3.Vebetable basket; 4.Recirculation pump; 5.

Recirculation pipe; 6.Ozone generator; 7.Ozone discharge tube.; 8.Vent.

Fig. 1. Experimental setup of the the pesticide residue cleaning machine.

followed those recommended by Taiwans Council of Agri- Sample extraction and purication procedures were modi-
culture (2011). These tests were applied to investigate the ed from those in previous studies and are described
effects of ozone oxidation and decomposition on a pesticide. briey. Roughly 50 g of a vegetable sample was mixed with
Experimental procedures were as follows. (1) In total, 4 ppm 80 mL acetone for 1 min in a high-speed blender. In total,
permethrin, 4 ppm chloruazuron, and 2 ppm chlorothalonil 80 mL acetone was added and then mixed for 1 min at high
were combined into an 8L aqueous solution, and poured into speed. The resulting mixture was then poured into a
the ozone reaction tank. (2) The initial pesticide solution Buchner funnel with a lter paper for ltration. The residue
concentration was then determined. (3) The ozone generator was rinsed with acetone and acetone was added to a nal
output was adjusted to the pre-set value and ozone was then volume of 160 mL. Then 40 mL of the sample mixture
pumped into the reaction tank. (4) Timer settings were was added with 50 mL petroleum ether in a separating
15 min, 30 min, and 45 min and GC analyses were conducted funnel. This study then used 50 mL dichloromethane to
at these time intervals. extract the mixture twice; each extraction took 1 min.
Determination of pesticide residue from aqueous solutions The dichloromethane layer was collected and 20 g anhy-
followed the method promulgated by Council of Agriculture, drous sodium sulfate was added to the dehydrate and l-
Republic of China (2011). tered. A rotary evaporator was used to dry the sample at
Preparation of working solutions of permethrin, chloruazu- 40 C. The sample was further dissolved in 5 mL acetone.
ron and chlorothalonil followed procedures described In total, 1 mL sample from the previous step was obtained
below. A volume of 10 mL sample was added to acetone and injected into a Florisil cartridge pre-rinsed with 10 mL
and the nal volume was increased to 100 mL. The sample n-hexane followed by rinsing with 5 mL n-hexane/dichloro-
was vibrated in an ultrasonic oscillator for 10 min and methane = 1:2 (v/v) three times; all ltrates were then
10 mL was obtained, mixed with 10 g anhydrous sodium collected. Nitrogen gas was utilized to purge the sample
sulfate, and then ltered through a 0.2 lm membrane lter; until almost dry; 1 mL acetone was added for GC-ECD
1 mL was used for nal analysis. analysis.
(3) Analysis of pesticide residues on vegetables. (4) Tox Tracer Toxicity Test (Lin et al., 2006).
Determination of pesticide residue on vegetables followed The Tox Tracer toxicity test was applied to determine
CNS Method of Test for Pesticide Residues in Food-Multi-res- biological toxicity before and after ozone treatment of
idue Analysis (I), Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic of aqueous pesticide solutions. Test procedures were as
China (2012): follows.
J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411 407

(i) Sample preparation. y = -74.668x2 + 402.06x + 508.38

a. In total, 8 L of 4 ppm permethrin and 4 ppm chloruazuron
were prepared. Pesticides solutions were then poured into 1200
the ozone reaction tank. 1000
b. A pre-treatment sample was obtained before the ozone gen-

ORP (mV)
erator started.
c. The ozone generator and water recirculation pump were 600
then started and ozone output rate was set at 250 mg/h or
500 mg/h. The ozone generator was preheated for 1 min to 400
stabilize the output concentration before connecting the 200
gas and reaction tank.
d. Ozone treatments lasted 15 min, 30 min, and 45 min; a 0
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
sample was taken at the end of each duration.
e. The pH of samples was 6.08.0. Liquid ozone concentration (mg/L)
f. In total, 100 lL osmotic pressure modulation liquid (22% Fig. 2. Relationship between liquid ozone concentration and ORP.
NaCl) was added to 1 mL sample and mixed.
g. At minimum 50 mL diluent was used to dilute samples.
(ii) Reagent preparation (bacterial activation). The liquid concentration of ozone dissolved in water is related
a. A bottle of reconstituted solution was stored in a refrigera- to pH, gas ozone concentration (mg/m3), airow, the diffuser, and
tor at 4 C. aqueous solution volume; the gas ozone concentration is the most
b. In total, 12 mL diluent was poured into a special tube, which critical factor. Commercially available ozone generators determine
was then placed in a constant-temperature incubator ozone output (mg/h) by multiplying gas ozone concentration (mg/
(15 0.1 C) until its temperature stabilized. m3) by gas ow rate (m3/min). Under a constant ozone production
c. A bottle of Microtox Reagent was removed from the refrig- rate within a given period, as gas ozone concentration increases,
erator and mixed with 1 mL reconstituted solution at 4 C. airow decreases, and vice versa. Therefore, the key tasks in ozone
d. The mixture was poured into the tube (step (b)) and incu- applications are to control the gas ozone concentration, ow rate,
bated for 20 min. and diffuser (as the size of bubbles decreases, the surface area of
(iii) Sample analysis followed the operational step of the Tox ozone bubbles contacting water increases, and ozone solubility in
Tracer toxicity analyzer. water increases). When the ozone concentration in unit time can
be increased and distributed evenly in water within a short period,
3. Results and discussion treatment effectiveness is enhanced.

3.1. The proposed ozone vegetable cleaner and ozone-orp calibration

3.2. Ozone treatment of aqueous pesticide solutions

In pesticide analyses, the R2 value of calibration curves were

As shown in Fig. 1, the ozone concentration controller deter-
higher than 0.99. The standard curves were recalibrated every other
mines the ozone concentration in water during the cleaning process,
week. The PCB congener 209 (1 mg/L) was spiked as the internal
and then transmits a signal to the controller, whose output terminal
standard with the detection limit of 0.1 lg/L. The recovery rates
is connected to the ozone generator that is functioning or stopped
of 100 10% were typically observed, including the errors of extrac-
according to concentration variance to maintain ozone solubility
tion and GC analysis. Table 1 shows experimental results. At an
in the optimal state in the water tank, and reduce energy usage.
ozone production rate of 250 mg/h, pesticide removal efciencies
Ozone in water generally reacts with OH and H2O to generate
improved over time. Taking 15 min as the time a household would
OH, which has a high oxidation power. ORP is a common indicator
likely use the proposed ozone vegetable cleaner, average removal
to show the oxidation reduction status of a solution. Thus, we ar-
efciencies for the three pesticides were poor at roughly 10%.
gue that ozone decomposition in liquid changes the ORP of water.
Furthermore, average time-weighted removal efciencies for per-
Therefore, the ORP is utilized to detect potential change by ozone
methrin, chloruazuron, and chlorothalonil were 24.5%, 12.7%,
decomposition in water. A sample of an aqueous solution is ob-
and 14.2%, respectively. When ozone production rate was
tained and its ozone concentration is determined using the Indigo
500 mg/h (Table 2), removal efciencies by ozone treatment for
Method. The ORP (mV) is plotted on the x-axis and liquid ozone
the three pesticide solutions increased as treatment time increased.
concentration (mg/L) is plotted on the y-axis, such that the rela-
We conclude that removal efciency for these pesticide solutions
tional curve after regression can be obtained as y = ax2 + bx + c,
improved as ozone treatment time increased. Further, average
where a, b, and c are constants. By replacing the liquid ozone con-
time-weighted removal efciencies for permethrin, chloruazuron,
centration, ORP can represent variations in ozone concentrations in
and chlorothalonil were 33.0%, 15.0%, and 24.2%, respectively.
water. Measurement results were used when developing the pro-
posed ozone cleaning device. A Fischer Ozone Generator 500 was
used to produce ozone using pure oxygen as the feed gas rate of 3.3. Effects of ozone treatment on pesticide residues on vegetables
850 L/min; the produced ozone concentration was 24.3 g/m3.
Experiment duration was 20 min and the liquid ozone concentra- Chinese white cabbages sprayed with excessive amounts of per-
tion and gas-phase ozone concentration were determined every methrin were harvested in the rst stage of the eld experiment.
3 min. With measurement time on the x-axis and liquid ozone con- Samples were picked on day 5 (safe harvest day is day 4) after
centration (mg/L) on the y-axis, the calibration curve between time spraying for a preliminary two-group comparison. Samples were
and liquid ozone concentration was obtained. Again, with mea- soaked for 15 min, followed by operation of the ozone generator
surement time on the x-axis and ORP (mV) on the y-axis, the rela- and water pump recirculation for 15 min under an ozone output
tionship between time and ORP was established. Through rate of 160 mg/h. This test compares the removal efciency of
regression analysis, a relational curve between liquid ozone conventional water cleaning and the proposed ozone vegetable
concentration and ORP was calibrated (Fig. 2). cleaner. Vegetables in the soaking group were cut into pieces and
408 J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411

Table 1
Ozone treatment of aqueous pesticide solution (250 mg/h).

Test Permethrin Chloruazuron Chlorothalonil

Conc. (ppm) Removal eff. (%) Conc. (ppm) Removal (%) Conc. (ppm) Removal (%)
Before treatment 3.76 4.59 2.05
15 min treatment 3.15 16 4.23 8 1.92 7
30 min treatment 2.93 22 4.15 10 1.81 12
45 min treatment 2.66 29 3.84 16 1.69 18

Table 2
Ozone treatment of aqueous pesticide solution (500 mg/h).

Test Permethrin Chloruazuron Chlorothalonil

Conc. (ppm) Removal eff. (%) Conc. (ppm) Removal (%) Conc. (ppm) Removal (%)
Before treatment 3.46 5.29 1.92
15 min treatment 2.76 20 5.03 5 1.61 19
30 min treatment 2.45 29 4.55 14 1.56 21
45 min treatment 2.07 40 4.29 19 1.43 28

soaked in a water tank to investigate dissolution efciency of water In the second stage, two pesticides, permethrin and chloruazu-
for pesticide residues on vegetables. The proposed ozone vegetable ron, were sprayed on Chinese white cabbage in March 2005 at the
cleaner was applied for the group with the ozone generator and dosage typically used by farmers (1.5 times the standard dose).
pump recirculation. Un-rinsed vegetables in the group were cut Samples were picked on day 5 after spraying (safe harvest day is
into pieces and placed in a cleaning tank with 8 L water. Ozone out- day 4). Cabbage sprayed with permethrin underwent ozone treat-
put rate was 160 mg/h and pump water ow rate was 12 L/min to ment. Cabbage sprayed with chloruazuron was picked on day 8
recirculate water in the tank, facilitating removal of impurities on after spraying (safe harvest day is day 9). Samples were classied
vegetables and distributing ozone evenly in the water, thereby into the following three groups: rinsed; treated with ozone for
improving removal efciency for pesticide residues. Table 3 shows 15 min; and, treated with ozone for 30 min. Cabbage was washed
experimental results. The background concentration (before treat- under owing water uncut; the cabbage was then cut into pieces.
ment) of pesticide residue on Chinese white cabbage was The proposed ozone vegetable cleaner was used for ozone treat-
3.98 ppm, and was reduced to 2.65 ppm when the cabbage was ment groups. Unwashed vegetables were cut into pieces and placed
cut into pieces and soaked in water for 15 min, resulting in a per- in a cleaning tank lled with 8 L water, ozone output rate was
methrin removal efciency of 33.5% by water soaking. When vege- 500 mg/h with a recirculation ow rate of 20 L/min for 15 min
tables were treated with ozone for 15 min, the concentration of and 30 min. Table 4 shows experimental results. The removal ef-
permethrin declined to 1.92 ppm for a removal efciency of ciencies for permethrin and chloruazuron were 6% and 4%, respec-
51.8%, below the Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods tively, by rising under water. Another study obtained very low
of 2.0 ppm. Thus, the permethrin removal efciency of the proposed removal efciencies for pesticide residues by washing (for
ozone vegetable cleaner was 18.3% higher than that of conventional 20 min) under tap water 17.6%, 17.1%, 19.1%, and 15.2% for chlor-
water soaking for the same period. Samples of green-stem bok choy, pyrifos, p,p-DDT, cypermethrin, and chlorothalonil, respectively
which were picked after they were sprayed with chloruazuron, (Zhang et al., 2007). When treated with the proposed ozone vegeta-
were not analyzed due to an improper analytical process, resulting ble cleaner for 15 min and 30 min, permethrin removal efciencies
in an unsuccessful calculation of ozone treatment efciency. To were 51% (residue = 1.51 ppm) and 58% (residue = 1.29 ppm),
compensate, green-stem bok choy was replanted in a pot in Novem- respectively, and chloruazuron removal efciencies were as high
ber 2004, and permethrin was applied as the pesticide. To simulate as 46% (residue = 0.31 ppm). We conclude that under a 500 mg/h
overdosing by farmers, the green-stem bok choy was sprayed with ozone output rate, permethrin and chloruazuron removal efcien-
permethrin at twice the standard dose and harvested 1 day before cies increased as ozone treatment time increased, and ozonation
the safe harvest day (day 4). Permethrin residue removal efciency with water recirculation improved the pesticide removal efcien-
was not calculated in this experiment due to a lack of a background cies signicantly and all could meet the Standards for Pesticide Res-
concentration value for permethrin. However, analytical results idue Limits in Foods.
demonstrate that ozone treatment outperformed water soaking In the third experimental stage, chloruazuron and chlorothalo-
for removal of permethrin on green stem bok choy. nil were sprayed on Chinese white cabbage in November 2005 at

Table 3
The rst stage ozone treatment on pesticide residue (Permethrin).

Test 1st time (Aug., 2004) 2nd time (Nov., 2004)

Permethrin-cabbage Permethrin-green stem bok choy
Conc. (ppm) Rem. eff.(%) Conc.(ppm) Rem. eff. (%)
Before treatment 3.98 NA NA
Soaking for 15 min 2.65 33.5 7.18 NA
O3 treatment for15 min 1.92 51.8 4.79 NA
(O3 output @160 mg/h)

NA: due to experimental errors that no results were available.

J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411 409

Table 4
The 2nd stage ozone treatment on pesticide residue (O3 output @500 mg/h).

Test Permethrin Chloruazuron

Conc. (ppm) Rem. eff. (%) Conc. (ppm) Rem. eff. (%)
No rinse (before treatment) 3.10 0.57
Tap water rinse (whole pack) 2.90 6 0.55 4
15 min O3 treatment 1.51 51 0.31 46
30 min O3 treatment 1.29 58 N.D. >91a
The chloruazuron residue on the Chinese cabage, after 30 min ozone treatment, was found to below detection limit (0.05 ppm). Based on this, removal efciency was
calculated to be greater than 91%.

Table 5
The 3rd stage ozone treatment on pesticide residue.

Test Chlorothalonil Chloruazuron

Conc. (ppm) Rem. eff. (%) Conc.(ppm) Rem. eff. (%)
No rinse (before treatment) 6.37 0.51
Tap water rinse (whole pack) 5.13 19 0.42 18
Pump recirculation for 15 min 3.00 53 0.25 51
250 mg/h 15 min treatment 2.85 55 0.20 60
30 min treatment 2.32 64 0.17 67
500 mg/h 15 min treatment 1.47 77 0.13 75
30 min treatment 0.84 87 0.09 83

the dosage typically used by farmers (1.5 times the standard). Sam- was 77% for chlorothalonil and 75% for chloruazuron. Removal
ples were subjected to ozone treatment on day 6, 1 day before the efciency increased to 87% for chlorothalonil and 83% for chloru-
safe harvest day to simulate a rushed harvest. Cabbage samples azuron when ozone treatment duration was increased to 30 min. In
sprayed with chlorothalonil and chloruazuron were picked on both ozone production rates, the pesticide residues were all below
day 6 (safe harvest day is day 7), while cabbage samples sprayed the Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods of chlorothalo-
with chloruazuron were picked on day 8 (safe harvest day is nil (5.0 ppm) and chloruazuron (2.0 ppm).
day 7) after spraying. Overall, removal efciency by pump recirculation washing ex-
In this experiment, recirculation cleaning with a pump for ceeded 50%. When ozone treatment was combined with an ozone
15 min (without ozone) was utilized to investigate the removal ef- production rate of 250 mg/h, removal efciency increased by
ciency of the ozone vegetable cleaner, recirculation pump, and roughly 10% (range, 216%). When the ozone production rate
ozone treatment for pesticide residues on vegetables. Moreover, was increased to 500 mg/h, removal efciency increased an addi-
ozone treatment of aqueous pesticide solutions indicates tional 20% (range, 2434%). We conclude that increasing the ozone
that ozone oxidation and decomposition efciency of pesticide production rate increases removal efciency for pesticide residues
increased as the ozone output rate increased. Therefore, ozone out- on vegetables.
put rates of 250 mg/h and 500 mg/h were applied under the same
condition to determine whether an increased ozone output rate im- 3.4. Toxicity of wastewater from pesticides after ozone treatment
proved removal efciency for pesticide residues on vegetables.
Experimental samples were classied into the following six The primary function of the proposed ozone vegetable cleaner is
groups: rinsed with water; pump recirculation wash for 15 min; to remove or oxidize the pesticide residues on vegetables. Pesticide
250 mg/h ozone treatment for 15 min; 250 mg/h ozone treatment residue is removed from the leaf surfaces into water and oxidized
for 30 min; 500 mg/h ozone treatment for 15 min; and 500 mg/h or decomposed via pump recirculation and ozone oxidation by the
ozone treatment for 30 min. Table 5 lists experimental results. generator when ozone is injected into the reaction tank. From an
The removal efciency for pesticide residues on vegetables was environmental protection perspective, pesticides are toxic com-
low with whole-pack rinsing at 19% for chlorothalonil and 18% pounds that can be decomposed by ozone, and partially trans-
for chloruazuron. Only pesticide residue on leaves was removed, formed into wastewater or dissolved into water (depends on
while pesticides in leaves were not removed. pesticide solubility), or oxidized by ozone into another derivative.
When the proposed cleaner was used without ozone injection The Tox Tracer test was selected as the biological toxicity test to
for 15 min, pesticide removal from leaf surfaces by water recircu- determine whether the toxicity of wastewater increased after
lation was effective because the leaves were cut into small pieces ozonation. Table 6 shows Tox Tracer biological toxicity test results.
and soaked in water; pesticide residue was removed from leaves The principle of the Tox Tracer biological toxicity test is similar
via pump recirculation. Therefore, pesticide residue removal ef- to that of the Microtox biological toxicity test; that is, both take
ciencies of 53% for chlorothalonil and 51% for chloruazuron by advantage of the fact that toxicity makes the indicator organisms
pump recirculation were higher than those by rinsing alone. When light weaken. A photomultiplier tube was used to detect light var-
the ozone production rate of 250 mg/h was combined with pump iance and calculate the percentage light inhibition and 50% effect
recirculation and ozone treatment for 15 min, removal efciencies concentration (EC50). When a toxic compound reacts with uores-
improved slightly to 55% for chlorothalonil and 60% for chloru- cent bacteria, their metabolism is inhibited or terminated, making
azuron. When ozone treatment duration was increased to uorescence decrease or disappear. Variance in uorescent light
30 min, removal efciencies increased to 64% for chlorothalonil intensity can reect the toxicity of a toxic compound to uorescent
and 67% for chloruazuron. When the ozone production rate was bacteria (Sotelo et al., 1989).
increased to 500 mg/h under the same experimental conditions The test index of the Microtox toxicity test is light intensity and
and combined with a 15 min ozone treatment, removal efciency its unit of toxicity is EC50, which is the effective concentration of a
410 J.Y. Chen et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 114 (2013) 404411

Table 6 (1) Gas-phase production capacity is the critical factor when

Toxicity test of wastewater after ozone treatment. dissolving ozone in water, and is the most important factor
O3 output Test Permethrin (%) Chloruazuron (%) during ozone treatment of pesticides. When ozone produc-
250 mg/h Before treatment 57.1 49.3 tion rate increased, ozone injected into water dissolved
15 min treatment 32.7 12.4 instantly and evenly, and the optimal treatment efciency
30 min treatment 44.7 56.7 was achieved.
45 min treatment 49.8 57.6 (2) The liquid ozone concentration increased rapidly within
500 mg/h Before treatment 57.1 49.3
15 min treatment 48.8 31.8
1 min after ozone was injected into water, and the ORP lev-
30 min treatment 47.0 49.3a els increased rapidly. When ORP peaked, it then decreased
45 min treatment 52.1 45.6 slightly and stabilized at the ozone saturation concentration.
a A proportional relationship existed between liquid ozone
Due to a broken vial in the analytical process, with a possibility of contami-
nation the result was for reference only. concentration and ORP in this study.
(3) Ozone treatments of liquid permethrin, chloruazuron, and
chlorothalonil solutions indicate that removal efciency
toxic compound when light intensity is reduced by 50%. The EC50 of improved as ozone production rate increased. Under the
uorescent bacteria is represented by a Gamma (c) function, which same ozone production rate, removal efciency increased
is the ratio of lost uorescence to residual uorescence (Eq. (1)). as treatment duration increased.
c Loss of fluorescence=Residual of fluorescence (4) Soaking for 15 min removed 33.5% of permethrin residue on
vegetables; whole-pack rinsing removed roughly 6% of per-
Initial fluorescence
methrin, 18% of chloruazuron and 19% of chlorothalonil.
 Residual fluorescence=Residual fluorescence The proposed ozone vegetable cleaner removed over 50%
Io  Ir=Ir Io=Ir  1 1 of these pesticides with water recirculation for 15 min. After
adding ozone treatment with an ozone production rate of
where, Io is the Initial uorescence, Ir is the Residual uorescence 250 mg/h for 15 min, removal efciency for pesticide residue
after testing time t increased by about 10%. When ozone production rate
When c is 1, i.e., uorescence loss equals residual uorescence increased to 500 mg/h for a 15 min ozone treatment,
(or Ir = Io/2), uorescence is reduced by 50%, and the correspond- removal efciency improved by an additional 20%. Removal
ing toxic compound concentration is EC50. efciency of the proposed cleaner for pesticide residue was
Toxicity variance of a pesticide solution with illumination be- 18.3% better than that of soaking alone, and 4252% better
fore and after ozone treatment is expressed as% inhibition, indicat- than that of whole-package rinsing.
ing that as the value increases, toxicity increases. (5) Under the ozone production rate of 250 or 500 mg/h, all pes-
The toxicity inhibition percentage of the permethrin solution be- ticide residues of the Chinese white cabbage after ozone
fore ozonation was 57.14% under an ozone production rate of treatment could meet the Standards for Pesticide Residue
250 mg/h (Table 6). However, after ozonation for 15 min, 30 min, Limits in Foods.
and 45 min, the toxicity inhibition percentage of the permethrin
solution declined to 32.7%, 44.7%, and 49.8%, respectively. Toxicity
inhibition percentages for the permethrin wastewater after ozona-
tion were all lower than those before ozonation. However, this per-
The authors would like to thank the National Science Council of
centage increased as ozonation duration increased, likely resulting
the Republic of China, Taiwan, for nancially supporting this re-
from derivatives in pesticide oxidation or decomposition processes.
search under Contract No. NSC 93-2622-E-020-006-CC3. The
As ozonation duration increased, the concentration of derivatives
authors are also grateful for the technical assistance in the gas
also increased, causing the inhibition percentage to rst decrease
ozone analyses provided by Professor Young Ku, Department of
and then increase. Overall, the toxicity inhibition percentage of per-
Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and
methrin wastewater rst declined and then increased as ozone
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
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permethrin solution. We conclude that permethrin biological toxic- References
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