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Earthquake Engineering: Problems and Prospects

Editorial as Guest Editor of Special Issue on Earthquakes in India

Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.68, No.11, November 1994

Sudhir K. Jain
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Three moderate-sized, but enormously disastrous earthquakes hit India during period 1988-
1993: Bihar earthquake of August 21, 1988 (magnitude 6.6; about 282 deaths in India and 722 in
Nepal); Uttarkashi earthquake of September 30, 1993 (magnitude 6.4; about 10000 deaths). The
maximum shaking intensity in these earthquakes was VIII-IX on Modified Mercalli Intensity
(MMI) scale. Comparable to these Earthquakes in India, the Northridge Earthquake of January
17, 1994, in California, USA, was of magnitude 6.6 and maximum shaking intensity could be
more disastrous in a developing country and this is due to differences in the types and quality of

India has also witnessed many great earthquakes of magnitude larger than 8.0. During the
period 1897 to 1950, the country was hit by four such earthquakes: Assam Earthquake of 1897
(magnitude 8.7); Kangra Earthquake of 1905 (magnitude 8.6), Bihar-Nepal Earthquake of 1934
(magnitude 8.4), and the 1950 Assam-Tibet Earthquake (magnitude 8.7). The maximum intensity
of shaking experienced during these earthquakes was also higher than what we have experienced
in the recent years : MMI of XII in the Assam earthquakes of 1897 and 1950 and X in the
Kangra and Bihar-Nepal Earthquake disasters which may be far worse than those experienced in
the 1988, 1991 and 1993 events.

Earthquakes, though tragic, also provide the momentum to the process of improvements in
seismic design codes and construction practices. A spurt in the related professional activities in
India in the last one year shows that the recent Killari Earthquake has significantly enhanced the
awareness of Indian Engineering community towards the earthquake problem. However, there is
a need to channelize this interest towards better construction practices, and it must be done
before interest fades away.

In the task of Earthquake-disaster mitigation, acquiring the state-of-the-knowledge is only the

first step; the most important and perhaps the more difficult step is to translate that knowledge
into state-of-the-practice. Unfortunately, for several reasons, we in India have not been very
successful in translating the knowledge into better earthquake-resistant construction practices.

To ensure aseismic construction, Earthquake Engineering knowledge needs to spread to a

broad spectrum of professional engineers within the country, rather than confining it to a few
organisations or individuals as if it were a super-speciality. While we do require "specialists" to
tackle many aspects of Earthquake Engineering, it is also essential to popularize basic
Earthquake Engineering practices widely enough so that the professional engineers themselves
can carry out good aseismic construction, without having to seek the advice of "specialists".
Earthquake-resistant construction requires seismic considerations at all stages: from architectural
planning to structural design to actual construction and quality control. Such an overall approach
to aseismic construction will not develop until Earthquake Engineering is integrated with the
mainstream Civil Engineering and the professional engineers (and architects) are drawn into the
process. In fact, too often we tend to equate aseismic design and construction with simply a
dynamic analysis of structure.

Seismic design codes are important tools by which knowledge in Earthquake Engineering is
transferred to the practice and we can not afford to be complacent with regard to seismic codes.
Unfortunately, our seismic codes have had numerous shortcomings, including conceptual
errors1. Though the situation has improved somewhat in the recent years, we still have a long
way to go. Even today, there are no provisions available in Indian codes for design and detailing
of steel structures to make then ductile for seismic regions. We have yet to develop good
commentaries and handbooks to enable a user apply the codal provisions correctly. Also, the
seismic codes need to be integrated into our general building codes. For instance, to design a
reinforced concrete structure one needs to follow IS: 456-19782 which does not include
provisions for seismic detailing. To carry out seismic detailing, one has to refer IS: 13920-19933
(alongwith IS:456). It would be in the best interest of all if both these codes could be seen in
unison and appropriately tied. It will be far more effective if IS: 456, currently under revision,
were to include the seismic detailing requirements for reinforced concrete.

While we work towards transferring the knowledge to the practice, we also need to absorb in
the country the latest developments in the fast-changing field of Earthquake Engineering, in
areas such as the active and passive control of structures, nonlinear analysis, soil-structure
interaction studies, and Seismic Risk Assesment. There are also a number of research problems
we need to tackle which are unique to our country and for which solutions cannot be sought
from research being conducted in the developed world. Some such problems are strong motion
characterisation of Indian Earthquakes, low-cost earthquake-resistant houses, seismic behaviour
of masonry buildings and the seismic design of framed buildings with brick infills. Many of these
problems require the "engineering" research be given due focus and attention, rather than
combining it with geophysical or seismological research, and the research programmes for
earthquake engineering be developed at several institutions/organisations in the country.

Killari (Latur) Earthquake caused the worst natural disaster since 1934 earthquake in
Bihar. This earthquake has also provided us a great opportunity by focusing attention towards
the earthquake problem in our country. While vigorous research in Earthquake Engineering is
necessary to attend to many problems unique to our country, it is sincerely felt that the
maximum gains towards earthquake-disaster mitigation will be made by improving seismic
codes and by better training and involvement of professional engineers in Earthquake
Engineering. Present issue of the Journal is meant towards these goals.

[1] Patnaik, A.K. and Jain, S.K., Ductility requirements in Indian Codes for aseismic design of
RC frame structures: A review, Bulletin of the Indian Society of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.
26, No. 2, June 1989.
[2] Jain, S.K., Singh B.P., and Gupta, B.K., A study on IS code provisions for seismic design of
tall chimneys, International Journal of structures, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 1990.
[3] Jain, S.K. and Sameer, S.U., A review of requirements in Indian Codes for aseismic design of
elevated water tanks, The bridge structural engineer, ING-IABSE, Vol. 23, No. 1, March 1993.
[4] Murty, C.V.R. and Jain, S.K., A review of IS:1893-1984 provisions on seismic design of
buildings, The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 68, No. 11, November 1994.
[5] Tandon, M.C., Considerations in seismic design of bridges, The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.
68, No. 11, November 1994.
[6] Indian Standard Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, IS:456-1978, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi.
[7] Indian Standard code of Practice for Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces,
IS:13920-1993, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

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