Mahabharat Parva

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The 18 parvas or books

The division into 18 parvas is as follows:

Parva Title Contents

How the Mahbhrata came to be narrated by Sauti to

the assembled rishis at Naimisharanya, after having
been recited at the sarpasattra of Janamejaya by
Adi Parva (The Book of
1 119 Vaishampayana at Takail, modern-
the Beginning)
day Taxila, Pakistan. The history and genealogy of
the Bharata and Bhrigu races is recalled, as is the birth
and early life of the Kuru princes(adi means first).
Maya Danava erects the palace and court (sabha),
at Indraprastha. Life at the
Sabha Parva (The Book
2 2028 court, Yudhishthira's Rajasuya Yajna, the game of dice,
of the Assembly Hall)
the disrobing of Pandava wife Draupadiand eventual
exile of the Pandavas.
Parva alsoAranyaka-
3 parva, Aranya-parva 2944 The twelve years of exile in the forest (aranya).
(The Book of the
Virata Parva (The Book
4 4548 The year spent incognito at the court of Virata.
of Virata)
Preparations for war and efforts to bring about peace
Udyoga Parva(The
5 4959 between the Kaurava and the Pandava sides which
Book of the Effort)
eventually fail (udyoga means effort or work).
The first part of the great battle, with Bhishma as
Bhishma Parva(The commander for the Kaurava and his fall on the bed of
6 6064
Book of Bhishma) arrows. (Includes the Bhagavad Gita in chapters 25[27]-
The battle continues, with Drona as commander. This is
Drona Parva (The Book
7 6572 the major book of the war. Most of the great warriors
of Drona)
on both sides are dead by the end of this book.
Karna Parva (The Book The continuation of the battle with Karna as
8 73
of Karna) commander of the Kaurava forces.
The last day of the battle, with Shalya as commander.
Shalya Parva (The Also told in detail, is the pilgrimage of Balarama to the
9 7477
Book of Shalya) fords of the river Saraswati and the mace fight between
Bhima and Duryodhana which ends the war, since
Bhima kills Duryodhana by smashing him on the thighs
with a mace.
Sauptika Parva(The Ashvattama, Kripa and Kritavarma kill the remaining
10 Book of the Sleeping 7880 Pandava army in their sleep. Only 7 warriors remain on
Warriors) the Pandava side and 3 on the Kaurava side.
Gandhari and the women (stri) of the Kauravas and
Stri Parva (The Book of Pandavas lament the dead and Gandhari
11 8185
the Women) cursing Krishna for the massive destruction and the
extermination of the Kaurava.
The crowning of Yudhishthira as king of Hastinapura,
and instructions from Bhishma for the newly anointed
Shanti Parva (The Book
12 8688 king on society, economics and politics. This is the
of Peace)
longest book of the Mahabharata. Kisari Mohan
Ganguli considers this Parva as a later interpolation.'
Anushasana Parva (The
13 Book of the 8990 The final instructions (anushasana) from Bhishma.
The royal ceremony of the Ashvamedha (Horse
sacrifice) conducted by Yudhishthira. The world
14 Parva (The Book of the 9192
conquest by Arjuna. The Anugita is told by Krishna to
Horse Sacrifice)[29]
The eventual deaths of Dhritarashtra, Gandhari and
Ashramavasika Kunti in a forest fire when they are living in a
15 Parva (The Book of the 9395 hermitage in the Himalayas. Vidura predeceases them
Hermitage) and Sanjaya on Dhritarashtra's bidding goes to live in
the higher Himalayas.
The materialisation of Gandhari's curse, i.e., the
Mausala Parva(The
16 96 infighting between the Yadavas with maces (mausala)
Book of the Clubs)
and the eventual destruction of the Yadavas.
The great journey of Yudhishthira, his brothers and his
wife Draupadi across the whole country and finally
17 Parva (The Book of the 97
their ascent of the great Himalayas where each Pandava
Great Journey)
falls except for Yudhishthira.
Yudhishthira's final test and the return of the Pandavas
18 Parva (The Book of the 98
to the spiritual world (svarga).
Ascent to Heaven)
Harivamsa Parva(The This is an addendum to the 18 books, and covers those
khila Book of the Genealogy 99100 parts of the life of Krishna which is not covered in the
of Hari) 18 parvas of the Mahabharata.

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