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Numerical simulation is required reproduce true physics by solving mathematic equations,

therefore, many physical parameters and numerical parameters are being used. Some physical
parameters have been provided in the Graphic User Interface to control the simulation and
produce the original physical condition as found in the field.

discharge( cumec) per year

25000 discharge( cumec)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400


Dimensions of the model : Width: 8 Km

Length: 108 Km
Height of mid-channel obstruction : 11 m ( Non erodible ) w.r.t.
Bank elevation: 11 m ( Non erodible ) w.r.t nearest bed level.
Bed Slope: 1 in 8000
Mesh grids: The whole area is covered under the mesh with :-
Number of J lines : 500
Number of I lines : 100
RL Orthogonal Mesh with smoothness controls [1] is used to smooth the mesh near mid-channel
initial obstruction.

Initial flow conditions:

Initial water surface > Upstream: 17 m
Downstream: 15 m
Bed roughness is taken as .025 for complete channel.
Timesteps is taken as 100 sec and mixing length model is taken for the flow parameter.

Sediment parameters :
1) suspended load:This load moves in suspension, which physically occupies the flow depth
above the bed load layer . Suspended load varies from 0.08 Kg/m^3 during lean period to 1.4
Kg/m^3 in flood period.
2)Bed load : The bed load is that part of the sediment moving on or near the bed by rolling,
saltation or sliding. Bed load varies from 0.014 Kg/m/s during lean period to 0.24 kg/m/s in
flood period.

D50 value: 0.000172 m

Flow final results : After the completion of simulation the flow parameters expected to be
obtained from the CCHE2d model are:
1. Water surface
2. Water depth
3. Velocity
4. Specific discharge
5. Shear stress
6. Eddy viscosity
7. Froude number

Sediment final results : The following sediment parameter can be obtained after simulation
1. Bed elevation
2. Bed change
3. D50 Distribution
4. Suspended load concentration
5. Bed load transport rate

In the this text the governing equations used in CCHE2D Numerical model are presented.
The details and requirements of CCHE2D model setup which consists of different geometries
used in simulation, boundary conditions and various data used in simulation are discussed in

CCHE2D mathematical model is finite element based depth-integrated two dimensional

designed for simulating turbulent, free surface flow in open channels, sediment transport,
channel morphological change, bank erosion, water quality evaluation, and chemical transport.
The CCHE2D numerical modeling is an integrated system which consists of a mesh generator
and Graphical user interface. CCHE2D model is also able to simulate total load, bed load and
suspended load for sediment transportation. The model can be used to evaluate the effects of the
hydraulic structures, such as grade control structures, dikes, etc. both on river morphology and
water quality for habitat around the river.

CCHE2D Components


CHE2D Mesh Generator To generate the topological Topography data, bed elevation
mesh for simulation data
CCHE2D Graphical User To enter the Initial and Discharge/hydrograph
Interface Boundary conditions data
Model Parameter Stage/rating curve data
Run simulation Sediment data
Visualization results


1.1.1 Hydrodynamic Model:

The depth integrated two dimensional momentum and continuity equations are solved
using the CCHE2D model.

Continuity Equation:

Z ( h u) ( h v )
+ + =0 (1.1)
t x y

Momentum Equations:

( xy)

( xx)
+ (1.2)

bx + f cor v
u u u Z 1
+u +v =g +
t x y x h

( yy )

( yx )
+ (1.3)

bx +f cor u
v v v Z 1
+u +v =g +
t x y y h

Where u, v are depth integrated velocities along x and y directions,

Z =water surface elevation.

g =acceleration due to gravity.

h =local water depth.

=density of water.

f cor = Coriolis parameter.

xx , xy , yx , yy = Depth integrated Reynolds stress

bx , by =Shear stresses on the bed surface.

The Reynolds stresses are approximated based on the Boussinesqs assumption which
states that the Reynolds stress tensor ( ij ) is proportional to the mean strain rate tensor
(S ij ) , illustrated in equations 1.4 to 1.5.3

Ui U j
ij =v t ( +
x j xi ) (1.4)

xx =2 v t ( U
x )

xy = yx=v t ( Uy + vx ) (1.5.2)

yy=2 v t ( vy ) (1.5.3)

Where v t is the eddy viscosity

In CCHE2D, eddy viscosity can be calculated by using three models. They are depth integrated
parabolic eddy viscosity, mixing length and k- models.

1.1.2 Shear stress acting on the bed:

There are two methods by which the bed shear stress can be calculated in CCHE2D from the
shear velocity:

i. Depth integrated logarithmic law:

U 1 z0
u z h
z0 ( )] (1.6)

Where U= u2 + v 2 (1.7)

The velocity components, u and v are the previous results obtained from the numerical results of
the time stepping scheme. The variable z0 is calculated from different formulae for different flow
conditions of the hydraulic smooth, rough and transition.

v t u k s
z 0=0.11 5 (1.8.1)
u v t

u k s
z 0=0.0333 k s 70 (1.8.2)

vt u k s
z 0=0.11 +0.0333 k s 5< <70 (1.8.3)
u vt

Where k s is the roughness height and v t is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Since u
is implicit, the above equation is solved iteratively. Darcy-weisbach coefficient fc can be
conveniently obtained after the calculation of shear velocity u .

fc u k s
( )
=3+2.5 ln
( uv h ) for

t vt
5 (1.9.1)

fc u k s
( )
=6+2.5 ln
( kh ) for
s vt
70 (1.9.2)

fc u k s
( )
=6+2.5 ln
k s +3.3
) for 5<
The bed shear stress components are finally obtained

bx = f c uU (1.10.1)

by = f c vU (1.10.2)

ii. In this method shear velocity and shear stress is calculated by using mannings

bx = 1
g n2 uU (1.11.1)

by = 1
g n2 vU (1.11.2)

The shear velocity is obtained using:

u2 = = 2bx + 2by (1.12)

Since mannings coefficient n is a local constant, which does not change with flow condition
and calculation needs no iterations, the second approach is to more efficient than the first one.
For practical applications the second method is recommended because it is easier to add effects
of bed form, channel geometry, sediment size and vegetation, etc. into this coefficient. But for
detailed simulation where roughness height is known it is better to use the first approach.

1.1.3 Sediment transport model:

Sediment transport in the CCHE2D model is based on equilibrium bed load transport of
uniform materials. Non uniform sediment, non-equilibrium transport, and the suspended
transport are included in the model. Bed form change due to bed load transport can also be
calculated and the influence of the secondary flow on the sediment in curved channel has also
been considered.

1.1.3 (A) Bed load transport model

The bed load transport formula developed by van Rijn (1993) is adopted,

q b=0.053 [( ) ]

1 g
1.5 0.3
d 50 D T

Where D =d 50 ( s1 )
[ g
v2 ] 3

T= (1.13.3)

s= (1.13.4)

cr =( s ) g d 50 cr (1.13.5)

And where D is the dimensionless particle size parameter, T is the bed shear stress
parameter, s is the ratio of the density of the sediment to that of the water, and cr is critical
shear stress according to shields.

The critical shear stress is calculated according Yalins suggestion (1972) which is modified the
shields curve.

cr =0.24 D1
for 1< D 4 (1.14.1)

cr =0.14 D for 4 < D 10 (1.14.2)

cr =0.04 D for 10< D 20 (1.14.3)

cr =0.013 D for 20< D 150 (1.14.4)

cr =0.055 for D >150 (1.14.5)

The shear stress in this formula is evaluated from

( )
' (1.15)

' 12 h
Where C =7.8 ln ( ) (1.16)
3 d 90

Here C' is the chezys coefficient due to particle friction. Bed load at solid walls and outlet
boundaries satisfies the condition
=0 (1.17)

And at the inlet boundary condition is required, q b = constant.

1.1.3 (B) Suspended Sediment Transport model

Suspended sediment transport in natural rivers, lakes are common, and the impact of the
suspended sediment on reservoirs and water quality in the river system is significant. The
CCHE2D can simulate suspended sediment transport. The depth integrated convection diffusion
for the suspended is solved.



] [
] (1.18)
t x y x y

Where c is the depth integrated sediment concentration, u and v are flow velocity
components, v t is the eddy velocity, is the coefficient to convert the turbulence eddy
viscosity to eddy diffusivity for sediment. S represents source term.

Statistical Analysis of historical flood events

Historic Stage Record Analysis

Typical stage hydrograph of a river with large catchment size during a monsoon period (rainy season) is

depicted in Fig. 3.1. During the monsoon period, number of flood waves can be noticed in the hydrograph

due to several clustered storm events or antecedent wet condition. Among them, a few flood waves with

distinct characteristics can be identified. The hydrograph characteristics are found to be similar over the

years and can be separated into two components, namely flood waves and monsoonal response. The flood

waves are the fast response due to occurrence of the severe and clustered storm event in the river basin.

The other component is the part of the average response of monsoonal rainfall system. As the monsoon

progresses part of the river basin becomes saturated and its runoff response then become more

(Chattopadhyay and Dutta, 2006). This approximation helps to identify the duration of the individual
flood events. The period in between the monsoon onset to the end of monsoon can be identified as shown

in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1 Conceptual diagram of the different components of the synthetic hydrograph

Next, the monsoonal response is approximated using Maxwell distribution (Spiegel, 1992). The

distribution suggested by Maxwell (1960) gives better approximation of the flood wave as it considers the

correlations with peak flows with length ratios (Howard, 1990). The generalised Maxwell distribution

function used for this approximation is given by the following expression:

t t

h(t ) = hb + hs exp

ks ks

hb the initial stage, hs the seasonal lift of monsoonal response, t the base time, k and r are the
where, s s

fitting parameters depending on the time to peak and base period of the seasonal response, respectively.
For a single flood wave, we can approximate their characteristics using Maxwell distribution:

t t
hi (t ) = h if i exp
1- i

k k toi t (toi + tr )
f f
when, (3.2)

where, h (t ) the height of lift of the i th flood wave at time t, hf the maximum lift of the i th flood

k if rfi
wave, and are the fitting parameters, to the time of occurrence and tr the response time period

For n numbers of flood waves and superimposing them with the monsoonal response, we get:

rs rfi
t t t n t

h(t ) = hb + hs 1- + h f i exp

ks k if
i =1 k f


The lift of monsoonal response can be computed from its relation with total seasonal rainfall (Rs)

at the basin level. Then we can write:

hs = f1 ( Rs ) (3.4)

(h mf )
Similarly, annual maximum flood lift, can be computed using frequency analysis. For a

given return period (T), it becomes:

h mf = f 2 (T )

k if rfi
For simplification of the equation (3), the fitting parameters, and can be substituted with

the most frequently occurring values, kf and rf. Finally, the equation (3) can be written after substitution of

h mf
hs and :

r rf rf
t t
t t n -1 i
t t

h(t ) = hb + f1 ( Rs ) exp
1- 2 + f (T ) 1-
k + h f


ks ks

k f f

i =1
k f f

A brief description of the different parameters used in this equation is presented in Table 3.1.

Two random variables listed in Table 3.1 are computed by random number generation techniques

which require the mean and standard deviation of a random variable and its best probability distribution.

Random number generation for different probability distribution is well described by Wang, (2006). The

required parameters in the random number generation technique are computed from characteristics of

flood waves of the historical stage records. For this, the individual flood waves are fitted with the

Maxwell distribution function by minimising the summation of absolute errors using Microsoft excel

optimisation routine, which follows generalized reduced gradient method. Some minor fluctuations if

required are filtered out from the hydrograph to reduce the absolute error. Fig. 3.2 shows a flow chart for

the stepwise analyses and generation technique followed in the present study.

Guwahat Tezpur
avg. (std
Parameters range avg. (std dev) median range dev) median
hf 0.47-3.13 1.52 (0.63) 1.33 0.65-3.35 1.63 (0.62) 1.55
rf 0.10-14.0 3.86 (2.64) 3.2 0.45-25 4.71 (4.35) 3.3
kf 0.25-21.5 6.17 (4.15) 5.6 1-21 8.00 (5.28) 7
Flood Time of
wave occurrence 15-165 82.73 (42.03) -- 15-160 --
tme period 5-50 15.7 (8.88) 20.1 7-58 20.1
(t) (days)
Table 3.2a Range of parameters for flood waves

Table 3.2b Range of parameters for monsoonal response

Guwahat Tezpur
Parameters range avg. (std dev) median range avg. (std dev) median
2.39-3.60 3.08 (0.33) 3.05 1.6-2.80 2.26 (0.31) 2.25
Monsoonal (m)
response rs 1.00-5.00 2.27 (1.16) 2.1 0.65-10.0 2.29 (2.44) 1.38
ks 58.0-100.0 76.10 (11.44) 75 33.5-97.0 68.08 (17.12) 67

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