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Semiconductors Semiconductors

Conductors Energy Diagrams for Forward and Reverse

Generation and Recombination
PN Junctions
Voltage and Current
Biasing the PN Junction
Current-Voltage Characteristics of a PN
Junction Breakdown

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Conductors Stable Orbits

materials that easily conducts electrical current positive nucleus attracts the electrons
copper, gold, silver and aluminum are the best conductors centrifugal force (outward force) created by their circular
characterized by atoms with a single valence electron that is motion does not pull electrons into the nucleus
very loosely bound to the atom centrifugal force is equal to the inward pull of the nucleus
loosely bound valence electrons easily break away from attraction of the nucleus is smaller when the orbit of an
their atoms and become free electrons electron is larger
a conductive material with many free electrons moving in
the same direction makes up the current

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Core Free Electrons
outside force easily dislodges an electron from the copper
valence orbit (outer orbit) is all that matters when dealing atom when the attraction between the core and the valence
with electronics electron is very weak
defined as the nucleus and all the inner orbits to emphasize flow from one atom to the next due to the slightest applied
the relevance of the valence orbit voltage
core for a copper atom is the nucleus (+29) and the first
three orbits (-28)

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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material that is between conductors and insulators and has
the ability of electrical current conduction
a pure or intrinsic semiconductor can be a good
conductor or a good insulator
Silicon, germanium and carbon are the most common
single-element semiconductors
Gallium arsenide is commonly used as a compound

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Silicon and Germanium Atom

Copper Atom

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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P-Type N-Type

consists of silicon atoms and trivalent impurity atoms such consists of silicon atoms and pentavalent impurity atoms
as boron such as antimony
boron atom adds a hole when it bonds with the silicon impurity atom releases an electron when it bonds with four
atoms silicon atoms

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Basic pn structure at the instant of junction
formation showing only the majority and minority Formation of the Depletion region
free electrons in the n region are randomly drifting in all

at the instant of the pn junction formation, the free

electrons near the junction in the n region begin to diffuse
across the junction into the p region where they combine
with holes near the junction

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Formation of the Depletion region

Formation of the Depletion region
as the electrons move across the junction, the p region loses
before the pn junction is formed, the n region loses free holes as the electrons and holes combine
electrons as they diffuse across the junction
a layer of negative charges (trivalent ions) is formed near
a layer of positive charges (pentavalent ions) is formed near the junction.
the junction
these two layers of positive and negative charges form the
depletion region

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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At the instant of junction formation, free electrons in Barrier Potential
the n region near the pn junction begin to diffuse
across the junction and fall into holes near the any time there is a positive charge and negative charge near
junction in the p region each other, there is a force acting on the charges

the forces between the opposite charges form a field of

forces called an electric field between the positive charges
and the negative charges

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Barrier Potential Energy Diagrams of the PN Junction and Depletion

electric field is a barrier to the free electrons in the n
region and the energy must be expended to move an
electron through the electric field

the potential difference (Barrier Potential, volts) of the

electric field across the depletion region is the amount of
energy required to move electrons through the electric field

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Forward Bias Forward Bias

conduction that allows current through a pn junction Since like charges repel, the negative side of the bias-
voltage source pushes the free electrons, which are the
majority carriers in the n region, toward the pn junction
(Electron Current)
Since unlike charges attract, the positive side of the bias-
voltage source attracts the valence electrons toward the left
end of the p region
The holes in the p region provide the medium or pathway
for these valence electrons to move through the p region.
*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Forward Bias A forward-biased pn junction showing the flow of

majority carriers
electrons move from one hole to the next toward the left
The holes, which are the majority carriers in the p region,
effectively move to the right toward the junction (Hole
As the electrons flow out of the p region through the
external connection and to the positive side of the bias-
voltage source, they leave holes behind in the p region

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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As more electrons flow into the depletion region, the The depletion region narrows and a voltage drop is
number of positive ions is reduced. produced across a pn junction when it is forward-
As more holes flow into the depletion region on the other biased
side of the pn junction, the number of negative ions is
Reduction in positive and negative ions during forward bias
cause the depletion region to narrow.
When forward bias is applied, the free electrons are
provided with enough energy from the bias-voltage source
to overcome the barrier potential and effectively climb the
energy hill and cross the depletion region.

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Reverse Bias
Since unlike charges attract, the positive side of the bias-
condition that prevents current through the pn junction voltage source pulls the free electrons away from the pn
As electrons flow toward the positive side of the voltage
source, additional positive ions are created.
This results in widening of the depletion region and a
depletion of majority carriers.
As the depletion region widens, the availability of majority
carriers decreases.

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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The pn junction during the short transition time
immediately after reverse-bias voltage is applied. small number of free minority electrons in the p region is
pushed toward the pn junction by the negative bias voltage
When these electrons reach the wide depletion region, they
fall down the energy hill and combine with the minority
holes in the n region
conduction band in the p region is at higher energy level
than the conduction band in the n region
minority electrons easily pass through the depletion region
because they require no additional energy

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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The extremely small reverse current in a reverse- Junction Breakdown

biased pn is due to the minority carriers from
thermally generated electron-hole pairs reverse current is so small which can be neglected

if the external reverse-bias voltage is increased to a value

called the breakdown voltage, the reverse current will
drastically increase

high reverse-bias voltage imparts energy to the free

minority carriers so that they speed through the p region

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Junction Breakdown Equilibrium

If one electron knocks only two others out of their valence

orbit during its travel through the p region, the numbers
quickly multiply.

As high-energy electrons go through the depletion region,

they have enough energy to go through the n region as
conduction electrons rather than combining with holes.

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Forward Bias Reverse Bias

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Electron-hole pairs in a silicon crystal
a vacancy formed when an electron jumps to the conduction

Electron Hole Pair

a hole left in the valence band for every electron raised to
the conduction band by external energy

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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cost in energy required moving a unit of positive charge
from the more negative point (lower potential) to the more rate of flow of electric charge past a point
positive point (higher potential)
unit is in Ampere or amp (A)
energy released when a unit charge moves downhill from
current in a circuit is considered to flow from a more
the higher potential to the lower
positive point to a more negative point, even though the
potential difference or electromotive force (EMF) actual electron flow is in the opposite direction
unit is Volts (V)

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Oscilloscope Simple Rules

an electronic instrument used to measure and observe The sum of the currents into a point in a circuit is equal to
voltages and currents the sum of the currents out (conservation of charge). This is
sometimes called Kirchoffs Current Law.
allows you to look at voltages (or occasionally currents) in
a circuit as a function of time Things hooked in parallel have the same voltage across
them. Restated, the sum of the voltage drops around any
closed circuit is zero. This is Kirchhoffs Voltage Law.

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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Gradually increase the

0V across the pn bias voltage: Forward
junction: No forward current and voltage
current across the pn junction
gradually increase

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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I-V Characteristic Curve for Forward Bias

Continue increase the

bias voltage: Current
continues to increase
rapidly: Voltage across
the pn Junction increase
very gradually

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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I-V Characteristic Curve for a Reverse-Bias

Continue to increase the
bias voltage: Current
continues to increase
very rapidly: Voltage
across the pn junction
increases very little
above VBR

*Property of STI J0009 *Property of STI J0009

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The Complete I-V characteristic Curve for a pn

*Property of STI J0009

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