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A)Put the verbs in brackets into either "The Present Perfect" or "The Past Simple" using "FOR",

"SINCE" or "AGO".

1. Lucy (be)................ ... .......... asleep .................................... about eleven hours.

2. 1 (live). .... .. .... .... .... here................................... January.
3. They (not give)............................. their cat meat ............... they (see) .......... that film about
farm animals.
4. My brother (be) .................... .. .. ... married .. ........................... twenty years now.
5. She (have).. .......... .... ..... .. her car ....... .. . .... ..... she (become)........................ .............. a
6. I (study) ............................ English .......................... three years ............... I
(come) .. .. .... ...
7. She (become)................. .. .. more aggressive ... .... .... ... ... she (enter) ....... .. .. ....
8. I (know). ... .... .... .Eleanor.......... ..... ... five years .. ......... she (start) ....................................
this school.
9. I (not, play) ......... ... ... ............................. I (break) .......................................... my kg.
10. I (get).....................married forty years .......... My husband and I (live) ... ..... ....happily together
... ..then.
11. My father (leave) .............. home ten years .............. and he (not, write)....................
us................. then.
12. His appearance (improve) ....... considerably ..... ..... . he (grow) .............................. his
13. I (see).... .... ............ ..... my English teacher half an hour .........................................
14. I (live) Italy ............... six months in 1998, but I (not, be) ...
.....there.......................... then.
15. He is the greatest boxer I (ever, know) .....................................
16. I (teach) ............................ English....... ..... ..... three years when I (be) ..... .. .......... ... in Saudi
17. Someone (build) ..... ...... the house ten years ..... ..... but 1 don't know who (live). .... .... .... in
it ...... then.
18. I (drive)........................................... a car........................................ a long time,
19. Ann (have) ........................... ... a bad cold .. .... .... .... .... the last few days.
20. Bill (be).... .... .. ..... engaged lo Liz ..................... two years and then he (get) ............
....married to Jane.
21. They (setup) .................. this society ten yearsand the membership (grow).............
22. I (write) .......................................... the postcards but I(not, post) ..... ..... .... .... .... them yet.
23. I (not, see) ........................... her ...................... ... . I (graduate) ........ ...... . from the faculty of
24. This is the first time I (tell) ......................... ..... you a lie. (tell)
25. The young man (never, be)... ..... .. ... to Rome, but he (read) .................... a book about this
city last year.

B)) Use THE SIMPLE PAST or THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE to fill in the blanks:

1. What (you / learn) since you . (come) here? How many

friends . (you / make)? I hope you ... (already /
meet) a lot of interesting people.
2. Last night my roommate and I .. (have) some free time, so we ..
(go) to a show.
3. I .. (just / have) lunch, but I (not / have) lunch
4. Who . (write) the play Hamlet?
5. How many games (the team / win) so far this season?
6. I dont know Carols husband. I . (never / meet) him.
7. It (rain) a lot last week, but it (not / rain) much so far
this week.
8. How many letters .. (you / write) since the beginning of the month?
9. When we were on vacation, the weather (be) terrible.
10. In her whole lifetime, Mary (never / see) snow.
11. I dont know where Ammy is. .(you / see) her?
12. When I . (get) home last night, I .. (be) very tired and I
(go) straight to bed.
13. Your car looks very clean. . (you / wash) it?
14. George .. (not / be) very well last week.
15. Mr. Clark (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

C) Rewrite the sentences using SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT TENSE:

Ex: I havent seen her for a long time.

Its ages since I saw her.
1. I last met George two weeks ago.
I havent
2. They have been here for three months.
They arrived ..
3. We started living in Istanbul 12 years ago.
We have .
4. I last saw my girlfriend five days ago.
I havent .
5. Is this the first time you have tasted a kiwi?
(not) you . one before?
6. I last smoked a cigarette ten years ago.
I havent ..
7. I last drank wine two weeks ago.
Its two weeks . wine.
8. I have lived in Istanbul since January.
I (come)
9. They moved to Ankara two years ago.
They . two years.
10. She hasnt been to Rome before.
This is the first time


1. The young man (never / be) to Paris, but he .. (read) a book about
this city last year.
2. you (decide) where to go yet?
3. A: Have some tea, please.
B: No, thank you. I . (just / have) two cups of tea.
4. Susan . (do) her homework before 10 oclock but Jane . .. (not /write) a
word until now.
5. Her mother (buy) her a pair of new shoes yesterday.
6. The Prime Minister . (leave) for the USA an hour ago.
7. A: .. the plane . (land)?
B: Yes, it (land) ten minutes ago.
8. It . (not / rain) for a long time.
9. you (see) my dog? It (run away) this morning.
10. We . (meet) at a party a long time ago, but I .. (not / see) her
since then.
11. I (see) an interesting book in a bookshop yesterday, but I
(not / buy) it.
12. My friend (fall) from the bicycle because he . (not / ride) one
for ages.
13. His father (die) in 1970, but he .. (never / visit) his
fathers grave since that time.
14. They (go) to America years ago, but none of them ... (come) back
since then.
15. A: .. you .. (speak) to an Englishman?
B: Yes, I .. (have) a short conversation with one last night.
16. A: . you ever .. (be) to Tatilya?
B: Yes, I . (go) there two years ago.
17. A: . you .. (see) Jane recently?
B: No, I . (see) her for a long time.

E)Complete the following extract by choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use either
the past simple or the present perfect simple.

Last year our company _____________(report) a small increase in profits. This year we
______________(see) continued improvement and our turnover _______________(rise) by 15 per
cent. This is very good news in a difficult world market. In fact, internationally, the market
_____________________ (fall). Naturally, our costs _______________(go up) and so the rise in
profits is not so great. It is true that our domestic performance ________________(be helped) by
the collapse of our competitor, Capra & Pecora, which __________________(go out of business) in

F). Make the questions for the following answers.

1. _______________________________________________?
She has been the Human Resource Manager for 10 years.
2. _______________________________________________?
He has lived in Santiago for 5 years only.
3. _______________________________________________?
They have visited Madrid many times.
4. _______________________________________________?
I have checked 6 reports so far.


1. I _____________________ (move) to Seattle in January. I _____________________ (live) here

for 3 months now. I _____________________ (live) in Canada from 1978 to 1980.
2. My friend ______________ (live) in Seattle since 1990.
3. My teacher in my country was British. I _________________ (study) with her for 1 year.
4. Now my teacher is American. I _________________ (study) with her since the beginning of the
5. My father __________________ (work) hard all of his life. (he is dead.)
6. My father __________________ (work) hard all of his life. (He is alive.)
7. My friend works at Microsoft now, but before that, she ____________________ (have) a job
with Boeing.
8. Since January, I _________________ (have) a great job. I feel very lucky.
9. My parents ____________________ (like) my girlfriend since they met her.


Last night, I _______________________________ (talk) to my friend. She___________ (have)

great news. Shes getting married soon. But she ___________________ (tell/not) her parents yet.
They __________________________________ (be) angry at her for two weeks because she
____________________________________ (borrow) their car and________________ (have) an
accident two weeks ago.


Last week, I _____________ (meet) my friend at a Restaurant. We _____________ (have) many

things to talk about. He is married now. He __________________ (be) married for 2 years. Since
1990, he _______________ (work) for a travel agency. He ____________ (travel)around the world
two times and he is going to go again next year. I _____________ (meet/never) his wife.
He___________________ (say) she likes to travel, too.


A: Something uncomfortable ___________________ (happen) last night.
B: What?
A: It _____________ (be) about 10:00. I ___________________
(hear) a noise. My neighbors _________________ (fight). They
_____________________ (shout) a long time.
B: How long __________________________ (you/know) them?
A: Lets see. They ____________________ (move) here in 1995.
I guess I _______________________________ (know) them for about 9 years.
But I dont think they __________________ (ever/fight) before.
B. _______________________ (you/call) the police?
A: No. But next time I will.


1. Since I was a child, I _________________________ (like) collecting stamps.

2. When I was child, I __________________________ (collect) coins.
3. Last night, I ________________________________ (have) an interesting dream. Actually, for
the last
three weeks, I ________________ (have) interesting dreams.
a. I really expect to get a high TOEFL Test score. I ___________________________
(study) for this exam for 6 months.
4. My friend is also taking the TOEFL Test. She __________________ (study) one
day last week. Since she was in elementary school, she __________________ (like/not) to study.
5. This vacation, my family is going skiing. For the last three vacations, we
_____________ (go) skiing together. My mother _______________________ (be) a great skier
when she was younger but now she doesnt enjoy it so much.
My father _____________(be) a great skier for all of his life. His father _______________
6. (be) a champion skier for many years, but he _____________ (die) last year.


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