Eligibility Guidelines On Network Activities Cosme 2017-2018

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Enterprise Europe Network

Eligibility Guidelines 2017-2018

Network Activities - COSME
Updated on: 12/07/2017

V. 1.0

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................. 2

Acronyms & Abbreviations ..................................................................... 4
1. Objective of the guidelines ................................................................. 5
2. General basis for implementation ..................................................... 5
3. Structure of the guidelines ................................................................ 6
4. Enterprise Europe Network Branding ............................................... 7
5. Network Activities & Eligibility Criteria .............................................. 9
1. SERVICE ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTS.......................................... 9
Activity 1 Advice, support and information services ....................... 9
Activity 2 Cross-border partnering activities for business
cooperation, technology, transfer, innovation and research .............12
Activity 3 SME feedback activities ................................................20
2. SERVICE OUTCOMES ..................................................................22
3. ENABLING ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTS ......................................26
Activity 5 Promotion of the Network's services and communication
activities ..........................................................................................26
Activity 6 Network building and reinforcing the Network ...............28
5. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES ..................................36
6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................................................37

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Version Publication date Brief description

Creation of original document for Contractual Period 2017-

1.0 17 July 2017

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Acronyms & Abbreviations

ASO Advisory Services Outcome

BCC Business Cooperation Centres
BE Brokerage Event
CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
COSME Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-
Sized Enterprises
CM Company Missions
DG GROW Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
EASME Executive Agency for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
EC European Commission
ECHA European Chemicals Agency
EEN Enterprise Europe Network
EIC European Info Centres
EOI Expressions of Interest
EU European Union
EU-OSHA European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
FPA Framework Partnership Agreement
IP Intellectual Property
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IRC Innovation Relay Centres
M4G Missions for Growth
PA Partnership Agreement
POD Partnering Opportunities Database
SAG Steering and Advisory Group
SGA Specific Grant Agreement
SME Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
TCP Thematic Contact Points
TG Thematic Groups

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1. Objective of the guidelines

The present Guidelines are intended to help Network partners understand the technical
provisions of the Enterprise Europe Network COSME Specific Grant Agreement 2017-2018
hereinafter, referred to as "Project".
The document contains the general provisions regarding the eligibility of activities which
apply to 5 main activities to be performed by the Enterprise Europe Network during the
period 2017-2018, plus to other services and activities, which will be specified in the present
guidelines. The activities in the context of Innovation Support (Horizon 2020) Activity 4, will
be dealt in a separate document "Eligibility Guidelines on Network Activities - H2020".
It has also to be highlighted that the eligibility guidelines are aimed at the EU-28 and Art 6
(e.g. Turkey) partners AND NOT at Business Cooperation Centres.

2. General basis for implementation

The background, scope and objectives of the Enterprise Europe Network project are
specified in the Guide for Applicants for the COSME call published under every consultation
launched to the Enterprise Europe Network partners for each contractual cycle and derives
from the COSME call1, according to which, the Network is established "to contribute to the
objectives of the COSME programme by facilitating access to European and international
markets for European SMEs and by providing growth-oriented integrated business and
innovation support services that help strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of
European Enterprises".
All activities to be carried out under the Enterprise Europe Network project shall be
included in the Work Programmes submitted by the consortia and annexed to each
Specific Grant Agreement for the two-year period of 2017-2018. Activities not specifically
foreseen in the originally submitted work programme can be added after approval of EASME
(decentralised trainings, missions to BCC countries).
All activities must have a European added value and/or respect the principle of
All activities must be carried out by clearly identified Network partners, even though some
exceptions can be foreseen but they will be pointed out in the present Guidelines as

Only activities meeting the criteria mentioned in this document are eligible for reporting
under the COSME Enterprise Europe Network Project.

Calls for proposals COS-WP2014-2-1 establishing the Enterprise Europe Network for the period 2015-2020
COS EEN-2014-2-04 (second call for the geographic areas where no EEN consortia have emerged from the first
COS EEN-SGA2-2016-2-01
These are referred to as "COSME calls".

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3. Structure of the guidelines

The Eligibility Guidelines have followed, so far, the structure of Annex 3 in the "Guide for
Applicants of the COSME Call" but there have been some updates in the PES DATA Items
for the new contractual period and therefore the new structure will take into consideration
that new PES and the EEN SGA COSME 2017-2018 Work Programmes.
I. Service Activities and Outputs
Activity 1: Advice, Support and Information activities
PES DI1 Participants in regional/local events
PES DI2 SMEs/clients receiving individual advisory support
Activity 2: Cross-border partnering activities for business cooperation, technology transfer,
innovation and research
PES DI3 SMEs/clients receiving individual partnering support
PES DI4 Brokerage events/company missions organised
PES DI5 Meetings at brokerage events/company missions
PES DI6 Expressions of interest received
PES DI7 Expressions of interest made
Activity 3: SME feedback activities
PES DI8 Clients in feedback related actions
Activity 4: Specific activities in the context of innovation support (Horizon 2020)*
PES DI11 Clients mentored/coached
*Separate Document: "Eligibility Guidelines on Network Activities H2020"

II. Service Outcomes

PES DI9 Achievements: 1. Partnership Agreements and 2. Advisory Service Outcomes
III. Enabling Activities and Outputs
Activity 5: Promotion of the Network's services and communication activities
PES DI10 SMEs/clients using digital services provided by the Network
PES DI11 Cooperation with local stakeholders
Activity 6: Network building and reinforcing the Network
PES DI12 Answered enquiries from Network partners
PES DI13 Active contributions to Network activities
Specific activities under Activity 6:
1. Activities in the framework of the Thematic Contact Points/Thematic Groups
2. Sector Groups
3. Participation in ad-hoc events organised by EASME
4. Participation in Innovation management trainings provided by the IMP3rove Academy
IV. Eligibility rules applicable to other activities
1. Cooperation with Business Cooperation Centres in Third Countries
2. Cooperation with Associate Members
3. Working with stakeholders at European level (ECHA, EU-OSHA, IPR Helpdesk, etc)
V. Additional activities and services
1. EU-driven additional activities
2. Local Client Requirements
3. Contributions to the operation and quality of the Network

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VI. Project Management

1. Definition of the activity
2. Specificities of the activity
For each type of activity, the definition and the eligibility criteria will be presented. Some
concepts and terms are further clarified in order to place them in the context of the
Enterprise Europe Network project and practical examples may be included, where and
when relevant, in order to better illustrate the eligibility issue at stake.
The outputs related to each type of activity have also been identified and at times defined in
order to emphasise the logic sequence between activities, outputs, outcomes and final
The definition of related outcomes has also been included in order to clarify the concepts of
Partnership Agreements and Advisory Services Outcomes as a result of the Network
activities. These definitions have been updated due to the revision of the relevant
Last but not least, the present guidelines will be complemented by a "Frequently Asked
Questions" document with practical cases and questions on the different aspects of
eligibility in order to make it easier to follow the guidelines and to cover specific cases that
are not necessarily foreseen.

4. Enterprise Europe Network Branding

Before entering the concrete eligibility issues at stake it is important to clarify that the
Network in all its activities needs to follow the Enterprise Europe Network branding.
The Network launched a new visual identity in 2016 which will be rolled out in 2017. All
digital materials must be updated by end March 2017 and all other materials featuring the
former branding are to be phased out by end 2017.
The Network brand should be implemented with the following considerations:
Consortia are required to follow the Enterprise Europe Network's branding rules as
outlined in the visual identity guidelines3 in full and to give prominence to the name and
logo of the European Commission and the Enterprise Europe Network on all their
publications, electronic communication products, posters, programmes and other
communication and event material realised under the co-financed project. Each Network
partner shall also place the Enterprise Europe Network logo and an explanatory text of the
project on a principal and widely visited page of their website. The full range of Network
services must be described on dedicated regional and national Enterprise Europe Network

Partners shall publicise their membership of the Enterprise Europe Network by displaying
the Network logo in a prominent and publicly visible place outside their premises and
advertising the related services accordingly.


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To ensure a clear and consistent message across the Network, consortia shall use the
Network messaging as the basis of their communication.

Websites and social networks

Each consortium must produce a common website, clearly identifying the partners and
services offered by the Network, using the Network's core messages.
A common national Enterprise Europe Network website is also required (in countries where
there is only one Network consortium, one website with a national reach is sufficient). The
website must be available in the national language(s) and in English, or at least a short
description including the Network's core messages in English.
For reasons of coherence, all consortia are asked to create a generic e-mail address
following the same structure in all consortia. This address should be -
"info@consortiumwebaddress". While it does not have to be the only e-mail address used
by a consortium, it should be monitored every day and enquiries sent to it should be
forwarded to the most appropriate consortium partner. Should the partners wish to have an
email address of the type "contact@consortiumwebaddress" it is of course accepted,
provided that the first one mentioned is provided as well.

Each partner must have a dedicated Network page on their host organization's website. It
must be easy to find even for users not explicitly looking for it and should include the
Network's core messages.
The Network logo hyperlinked to the main Network website must appear on all related

Network partners are expected to use social media as part of their communication outreach.

Any logos or outdated information (for example from the EIC and IRC Networks or from the
Competitiveness and Innovation Programme CIP) must be removed.

Events being carried out as part of Enterprise Europe Network activities must be clearly
branded as such. This includes using the Network's name, logo and visual identity on all
related material, as well as presenting its services at the event.

The success of such events could be measured by the number of participants, relevant
media and social media coverage and new clients.

In countries with more than one consortium, all consortia are asked to coordinate at national
level and carry out common communication actions in addition to individual regional
activities. Examples include a national event, media relations or promotional campaigns. A
commitment to taking part in national and EU-wide visibility activities should also be made.

Local, regional and national media are key channels for the Network to promote its services
and attract new clients.

Network services, results and success stories must be clearly identified as such to the
media. The Network's name and a description of its services should be included in all related
press releases and other material, including audiovisual products.

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All events should include a media component where possible, in order to increase the
visibility of the event and foster its impact.

The success of media activities could be measured by the number of media clippings
(print/audiovisual and online), reach of media clippings, impact of press releases, impact of
press conferences, contacts with journalists, etc.

5. Network Activities & Eligibility Criteria

Preliminary Requirement to any Service Activity:

For all the Network service activities and before offering services to a first time client or a
brand new service to an already existing client, Enterprise Europe Network partners need
to carry out an "intake assessment", which means: analysing the needs, the objectives and
the capacities of the client and how the Network can address those expectations in the best
way possible, fostering a long-term competitive impact. For existing clients, it might only be
necessary to confirm or update an "intake assessment" already performed.


Activity 1 Advice, support and information services

1. Definition of the activity
"The Network's primary aim is to provide Enterprise Europe Network added-value services
(excluding those already offered by the host organisations) that help increase the
competitiveness and innovative capacities of European SMEs. In this context, Network
partners will provide advice, support and information services focusing on EU programmes,
policies and legislation that are relevant to SMEs".
Therefore, the objective is to inform and raise awareness among both potential and existing
Enterprise Europe Network clients about the Network's services and achievements and to
build a unique brand culture for the Network through communication and information tools.
This involves raising awareness of the Network activities among local and regional
stakeholders, including public authorities and partners' host organisations.
2. Eligibility criteria of the activity
To be eligible this activity has to be done through the following delivery channels:
Direct interactions with the companies through visits to their premises, hosting them at
the Network Partner's office, meetings at neutral locations due to different constraints or
via e-mail or phone contacts.
Consortium website and communication channels such as newsletters, emails, and
social media, etc., complemented by traditional and online media e.g. radio, TV,
newspapers, etc.
Answers to general questions on EU matters from businesses.
Provision of documentation to SMEs about relevant EU topics through leaflets or

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Cooperation with information multipliers and stakeholders networks.

Events and other local actions targeting a specific, pre-selected audience, organised by
a Network host, organisation or by other bodies, where European topics could deliver
added value.
All the activities must contain the mandatory elements of the Enterprise Europe Network
brand and the topics covered need to be related to the Network services and activities, as
defined in the COSME call.
3. Target audience
The main target audience for this activity are all potential and existing Network clients
which are prone to be reached by one of the promotional, advice and support tools used:
- Potential clients are easily identifiable as those who never dealt with the Network.
- Existing clients are those considered as main target for any of the new services that a
Partner promotes to clients that have already received a service from the Network.
Likewise, information and communication tools shall also be used to raise awareness among
local and regional decision makers and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. partners' host
organisations, etc).
Additional activities/services aimed at other providers of SME and innovation support
and/or contributing to the quality of the regional SME and innovation support system 4 may
qualify as long as they involve the transfer of good practices or standards and/or aim at the
implementation of results from European Union initiatives. Examples in this case are those
involved in the framework of Horizon 2020 or COSME. The aim should always be to
improve the quality of regional support that is available for SMEs by implementing or
transferring solutions, including those developed at European level, that help a regional
innovation support ecosystem become more efficient and effective. The recipient of such
activities could include regional innovation agencies and other public or private bodies
that are an integral part of the regional innovation support system. Such activities should be
seen as additional to other types of cooperation with local stakeholders such as joint events,
cooperation activities or common initiatives aimed at SMEs or organised in the context of
other requirements of the call, for example joint stakeholder meetings and other activities. 5
4. Related Outputs
PES DI 01 Participants in regional/local events
PES DI 02 SMEs/Clients receiving individual advisory support

PES DI01 Participants in regional/local events

Regional or local events organised or co-organised by the Network partner(s)/consortia by

themselves, alone or with third parties not member of the Network in their geographic area
for existing and potential Network clients with the following objectives:

Guide for Applicants Chapter VII.
Guide for Applicants Chapter III.

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- Raising awareness on Network Services, EU policies, programmes and funding

- Train them to enhance their skills and their capacity for internationalisation and
The events can have different forms e.g. workshops, conferences, seminars, training with
groups of clients.
The event, the corresponding topic and objectives shall be publicized on the most
appropriate platforms, so that the potential participants are aware of the event even if not
contacted via a formal invitation and shall feature one or more speakers. To be reminded is
the fact that only Brokerage Events and Company Missions need to be published in
the event database.
Participants are mainly SMEs, but could also be other kinds of organisation, such as SME
support organisations, universities, institutes, business organisations, regional/local
authorities and stakeholders when relevant to achieve the objectives of the project.
Participants must fill in an evaluation questionnaire and the Enterprise Europe Network
added-value of the event must be clear.
Therefore, it will be counted as participants to a local event the number of individuals
(persons) attending events related to Enterprise Europe Network topics, organised by the
Network partner at local or regional level.

PES DI02 SMEs/Clients receiving individual advisory support6

Clients meeting with Enterprise Europe Network partners and receiving different kind of
advisory support and services, as indicated in the COSME Call:7
o Services provided for the implementation or adoption of EU legislation and policies,
standards in the Single Market, EU policies, for participation in tender opportunities,
public procurement, etc.
o Services related to EU Programmes and EU funding opportunities.
o Innovation support (including open innovation processes, design-driven innovation, eco-
design and innovation management processes) and technology transfer service to
improve innovation capacities and facilitate cross-border innovation and technology
transfer activities.8

Reference: Call for proposals - COS-WP2014-2-01 COSME Enterprise Europe Network 2015/2020
EASME-COSME-EEN-CALL-2014@ec.europa.eu Questions and Answers v.1.14 28/05/2014 p.35 B70
Ref. 01042014. Clients having received multiple advisory support services in a given reporting period must
be counted only once.
As described in the Guide for Applicants for the COSME call, p.20 -22.
Basically, this means in terms of European Dimension that one or more of the following must apply:
The company must plan to carry out international (European) activities with its innovation, or
The innovation project/idea has the potential to generate cross-border market impact in the EU (this is
close to the SME Instrument definition / the reason why the SME-I can fund single companies), or the
activity is designed to enhance a company's competitive position on the common market

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o Advisory services to help companies access international markets and business

o Access to finance for SMEs: in addition to providing advice on EU funding, basic
services should be provided on public finance schemes for SMEs and give access to
specialised advice on other sources of funding and access to finance.
o Support for improving the management capacities of SMEs in order to raise business
performance and achieve sustainable growth.
o Provision of support to facilitate the use of IPR and help SMEs trade and exploit their
intellectual assets at international level.
o Energy and resource efficiency.
o Other advisory services on topics identified by Network partners as relevant in the
respective regional context.
In addition to the services listed above, Network partners are encouraged to carry out some
of the following services, reflecting the needs of their local client base:
o Organise study visits, seminars or workshops for specific sectors, where associations
and clusters may also be involved.
o Provide technology and/or legislation watch services.

Activity 2 Cross-border partnering activities for business

cooperation, technology, transfer, innovation and research
1. Definition of the activity
"Partnering services are at the core of the Enterprise Europe Network and the aim is to help
clients (primarily SMEs) engage in successful transnational partnering processes such as:
business/commercial collaboration; innovation/technology transfer and foster collaboration
related to R&D activities of SMEs which are supposed to lead the SMEs into the
participation of European Research Programmes (like Horizon 2020 or Eureka Eurostars)".

The Network's assistance covers the entire partnering process, from the intake assessment
to determine the objectives and capacity for internationalisation of a client, over the
identification of suitable partnering opportunities, to accompanying advisory services and
assistance to ensure a successful entry into the target market(s) or sector(s).
Activities carried out in this context may be aimed at increasing resource efficiency in SMEs
and working towards a triple benefit: "greener SMEs, increased competitiveness and new
innovation and business opportunities.

Partnering activities comprise the following services:

The company acts within the framework of a European programme for innovation (including structural
The activity is carried out in preparation for a cross-border innovation/technology partnership, for
participation in a European innovation support programme (usually H2020, but could also be the
structural funds)

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1. Activities linked to the Partnering Opportunities Database (POD)9

o Drafting of high quality partnering profiles: offers and requests (not any longer a contractual
o Registration of partnering profiles in the POD (Partnering Opportunities Database).
o Dissemination of profiles of other Network partners to local companies and potential
business partners and active search for matching companies.

2. Brokerage events and company missions

o Organisation of transnational brokerage and matchmaking events for SMEs, in
cooperation with other Network partners. These events can include sector-focused
events and can be linked to international fairs.
o Organisation of Company Missions for SMEs from/to other countries covered by the
Network, as well as, to countries not covered by the Network, if those countries have
been included in the Work Programme or added after approval of EASME.

3. Brokerage services for innovation and research

o Helping SMEs exploit and use research results from public programmes, in particular
European programmes, in order to bring new products to the market or significantly
improve existing ones.
o Innovation partnering activities can comprise:
- Inward transnational technology transfer partnerships with foreign suppliers to
help businesses acquire the necessary competences to manage the technology
transfer process.
- Outward transnational technology transfer aimed at opening new international
- International cooperation for innovation and technology based on networking
and open innovation.
- Cooperation between SMEs and research organisations, clusters, large
corporations or other actors in technology-based industries.

4. Brokerage services for access to finance

o Partnering for access to finance: innovation and cross-border business activities often
depend on suitable access to finance for the involved companies. Advisory services to
this end are already delivered by the Network. Network partners may, however, go
further and address partnering services to SMEs on the one hand, and investors
(including EU financial instruments and other public funds as well as private equity,
venture capital funds, risk finance, etc.), on the other.

5. Brokerage follow-up, assistance and advisory services

o Follow-up on the outcome of brokerage activities.
o Follow-up on contacts between Network partners working together to help two
companies getting a contract, reaching a "Partnership Agreement" - PA.


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o Assistance and advice in the conclusion of transnational PAs including, besides

partnering business assistance, other matters such as legal and administrative
formalities, standards, etc.

Important: partnering activities are evolving from a traditional one-to-one contact brokering
towards guiding and animating international groups of potential business partners. Network
partners may therefore also explore the possibility of new forms of brokerage services.
However, this should not occur at the detriment of the Network's standard partnering
services as long as these are in sufficient demand.

2. Eligibility criteria of the activity

o Brokerage activities should involve an intake assessment of each client (confirmation or

update in the case of existing clients) to assess the companies' internationalisation
needs. If the first contact with the client is at the time of his/her registration to a BE
organised or promoted by a Network partner, the full client intake can take place after the
BE, and the partner should first focus on helping the client to be prepared for the BE
(quality of profile registered in BE database, selection of meetings).
Similarly, if Network partners work with trusted stakeholders who have performed an
intake assessment and, as a result, signpost the clients to the Network partner for a BE
or CM, the Network partner does not need to carry out an intake assessment prior to the
participation of the client in the BE or CM.
For CMs, given the targeted nature of the activity, an intake assessment should take
place beforehand.
o Brokerage activities of the Network must have a European added value and/or respect
the principle of transnationality.
o Follow-up on the outcome of brokerage activities is mandatory (see details below).
o Brokerage activity outcomes: i.e. Partnership Agreements must be recorded and
reported to EASME through the Network IT Platform.

3. Target Audience
The target audience is composed of existing and potential "clients" of the Network with an
internationalisation and/or innovation potential.

4. Related Outputs
PES DI 03 SMEs/clients receiving individual partnering support
PES DI 04 Brokerage events/company missions organised
PES DI 05 Meetings at brokerage events/company missions
PES DI 06 Expression of interests received
PES DI 07 Expression of interests made

PES DI03 SMEs/Clients receiving individual partnering support

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Clients of Network partners (primarily SMEs) who have received Network partnering
support with the objective to engage in successful cooperation with foreign
cooperation partners (primarily SMES).
The cooperation(s) pursued can be:
Business / commercial collaboration(s)
Innovation / technology transfer(s)
Collaboration(s) fostering the R&D activities of SMEs and leading to the
participation of SMEs in European research programmes.
Clients having received multiple partnering services in a given reporting period should be
counted once. Partnering services include (non-exhaustive list): clients for which profiles
have been published in the Network's POD database (not any longer a contractual obligation),
clients attending Network Brokerage Events and Company Missions (BE/CM), clients for
which queries for POD profiles or for Network BE/CM have been registered in the Network
IT platform or in Network partners' own automatic matching systems, clients making
expressions of interest on profiles published in the POD database.

List of clients having received partnering services kept in the partners' own records (e.g.
CRM) over a given period, with an indication of the service(s) received.

PES DI04 Brokerage events/company missions organised

1. Definition of BE/CM organiser (or co-organiser):

To report a brokerage event or company mission organised, a Network partner has to:
be the main organiser,
or be a co-organiser, i.e. to be involved in financing the logistical aspect of the BE/CM,
and/or be involved in activities for the organisation of the BE/CM beyond supporting
one's own clients, such as (non-exhaustive list): being involved in the quality check of
profiles from other Network partners for the BE/CM, being part of the staff present at the
BE/CM providing on-site support to all participants to the BE/CM)10.

Important: Network partners do not need to be eligible as organiser or co-organiser of a

BE/CM to report number of meetings at BE/CM (DI05). Being an organiser or co-organiser
is only linked to the reporting of DI04.

How to be recognised as organiser / co-organiser:

When registering a BE/CM in the Event Database, organisations involved as organiser / co-
organisers should be listed in the "Organisations involved" section as Organiser or Co-

See Reporting Guidelines

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Other organisations that bring clients to the event but are not involved as organiser or co-
organiser have to be listed under "Other partners involved".

2. Specific Eligibility Criteria for DI 04:

a) BE and CM have to be organised (or co-organised) by a Network partner.

b) BE have to be organised in cooperation with other Network partners and/or count with
the support of other Network partners for the recruitment of foreign clients taking part in
the event.
c) CMs should be organised with other Network partners, and if it is mostly one Network
partner organising the event, the local partner should be informed in advance and offer
to be involved. Network partners in the targeted region should, in any case, always be
informed in advance and offer to be involved.
d) The event must have transnational character in the case of a BE (but can, if relevant,
focus on a limited number of countries) and in the case of a CM, the event should target
a foreign country.
e) BE or CM, even with a transnational character and organised by a host organisation
member of the Network, which are not explicitly related to Network activities (i.e.
activities related to the normal core business and missions of the host organisation) are
not eligible.
f) Planning and preparation.
Network BE and CM should follow a common set of criteria throughout the entire process
of organisation: preparation => implementation => follow up11.
g) Publication of BE/CM in the Events' Database: All BE/CM have to be published in the
Events Database as follows:

o Brokerage events: at least 3 months in advance

o In case of Brokerage events using an IT Tool12: at least 1.5 months in advance
o Company missions: at least 3 weeks in advance
h) Online brokerage tool required for BE over 40 participants / 5 EEN co-organisers.
All BE/CM in which 40 participants or more are expected or in which 5 EEN co-
organisers or more are expected - will have to use an online IT tool for the promotion of
the event (website), the registration of clients, the creation of a catalogue of co-operation
profiles, the matchmaking (meetings' planning) and the follow-up.
A list of the known IT tools with their capabilities is published on the Network intranet. This
list is open, and new tools with the minimum criteria requested of EEN brokerage tools can
be added by informing the EASME. A list of the minimum criteria is published on the
Network's intranet.
i) Mandatory signposting of clients registering independently

Guidelines on how to organise successful BEs and CMs are available for Network partners on the Intranet:

Brokerage event IT tools with dedicated online registration, on line accessible catalogue of profiles and
meetings booking system as well as integrated detailed follow up system. A list of approved IT tools is
available in the Network's IT Platform on the Brokerage Events & Company Missions page:

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In the preparation period of a BE/CM, organisers have the obligation to signpost all clients
from an Enterprise Europe Network country registering independently to the relevant partner
if known or to the coordinator of the consortium in charge of the region where the client is
located. The consortium's partners are responsible for determining which consortium partner
is responsible for the signposted client.
If, additionally to Network partners co-organising or supporting the BE, a BE organiser works
with a third party recruiting clients for the BE, and clients register through this third party, the
organiser has to inform the EEN partner(s) in charge of the region(s) from which the client(s)
come that clients from their region attend the event without giving any company names and
refer the EEN partners to the third party for any further information.
j) Detailed follow up required for all BE/CM
A detailed follow-up of clients' meetings which took place at BE / CM is mandatory.
This follow-up will have a minimum of 2 steps13:
1st Step: A follow-up questionnaire sent to all clients immediately after the event.
2nd Step: A follow-up of meetings rated positively by clients who answered to the first follow-
up action.
The follow-up can either be carried out centrally with the help of an IT tool or in a
decentralised way via the other EEN partners involved, each EEN partner being then
responsible for addressing his clients attending the event. The main organiser of the
event (or one of the main organisers) has to consolidate the follow-up results.
In the first step, each participating client should be asked to rate the meetings he/she had
individually, using at least the following evaluation criteria (BE/CM organisers may add sub-
criteria, but data should be consolidated under these 4 categories):
o Insufficient interest / No further contact planned.
o Very informative
o Co-operation possible
o Cooperation already agreed on
In the second step, the Network partner in charge of a client who had promising meetings
has to follow-up and assist the client as needed up to the conclusion of a Partnership
Agreement, if successful.
k) Registration of feedback and reporting data for BE/CM in the event's database
After each BE/CM the main organiser has to create a draft feedback report of the event and,
once the information in the draft report is complete (see below) proceed with its registration
by pressing "submit".

The feedback report of an event is composed of two parts: a) a summary of the feedback
given by clients on the BE/CM, and b) a reporting part with the number of meetings (DI05)
for each network partner organising, co-organising or "just" bringing clients to the BE/CM.
a) The overall results of the first step of follow-up for the BE / CM has to be registered by
the main organiser in the Events Database14.
The data to be inserted is the following:

Network partners are free to do a more detailed follow-up if they deem it necessary.
Partners will be able to encode the follow up results as soon as the Events Module will be available in the
Network IT tool.

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o Number of transnational meetings between clients from eligible EEN countries.

o Countries represented.
o Number of clients who responded to the detailed follow-up.
o Percentage of clients which rated each of the 4 criteria (at least clients followed-up by
Network partners, but can include all clients registered to the BE/CM):
- Insufficient interest / No further contact planned
- Very informative
- Co-operation possible
- Cooperation which has already been agreed upon
b) Each partner organising, co-organising or bringing clients to a BE / CM is responsible for
entering, in the second part of the feedback report, the total number of meetings they
had (DI05).

3. BE and CM organised with Business cooperation centres (BCC) and third


Besides the rules established above, BE/CM organised under this activity are subject to a
common set of criteria when they are organised with a partner based in BCC countries or a
third country not part of the Network:
Rules for BE and CM organised with BCC countries:
o Activities in countries covered by BCC must normally be organised in co-operation with
the partner organisation(s) in that country.
o If this is not possible for some reason, then the EEN partner can look for another
organisation in the country to organise the event (subject to the prior approval of
Please note that these eligibility guidelines apply to EU-28 and Art 6 (e.g. Turkey) partners,
NOT Business Cooperation Centres.
Rules for BE and CM organised with third countries not part of the Network:
o BE and CM targeting third countries should be duly justified and substantiated in terms of
objectives, added value for the Network, need to ask for approval from EASME and
capacity of follow-up in the work programme of each consortium.
o If the third country is not identified at the time of submitting the work programme,
activities can be run if they meet the above conditions and if they can clearly benefit
European enterprises. Such activities will be duly detailed and substantiated in the
narrative part of the progress and final technical reports. EASME must be informed in
o The volume of activities in terms of staff time and budget should be kept at a reasonably
low proportion of the total activities of the work programme.
Clarification: Reporting BE/CM with / in countries not covered by the Network
o Events with third countries not covered by the Network should be registered in the
Event's Database.15
o PAs achieved as a result of these activities should be reported in the Achievements

Applies to all the events taking place after 15/01/2016.

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4. Specific Cases

Missions for Growth (M4G):

o For M4G announced and listed in the Network Intranet, costs related to promotion and
recruitment of companies are eligible, even if the third country is not mentioned as such
in the work programme or approved by EASME beforehand.
o Network partners, who recruit at least 5 companies, travel and accommodation costs of
Network staff for accompanying SMEs to the third country are also eligible.

PES DI05 Meetings at brokerage events/company missions

1. Definition:
Number of transnational meetings held by a partners clients during BE and CM.
2. Specific Eligibility Criterion:
The number of meetings held by a partners clients attending BE and CM should be reported
for each BE and CM in the feedback report of the BE and CM (see reporting of BE/CM).

PES DI06 Expression of interests received

1. Definition:
Specific and sufficiently detailed interest expressed by an SME or research organisation,
directly or via a foreign Network partner, on profiles published by a Network partner in the
POD database.
2. Specific Eligibility Criteria:
As of January 2017, all EoIs received by a partner on his POD profiles should be registered
in the EoI module of the Networks IT Platform.

PES DI07 Expression of interests made

1. Definition:
Specific and sufficiently detailed interest in a profile published by a foreign Network partner
in the POD database, sent by the client of a Network partner and quality checked by that
Network partner, or entered by the Network partner on behalf of his client in the Network IT
Platforms EoI module.

2. Specific Eligibility Criteria:

EoIs entered directly by clients in a POD profile via an online widget are forwarded directly
by the EoI module to the Network partner who published the POD when the Network partner
who should quality check the EoI did not act within 15 days. These untreated EoIs are not
eligible for reporting under EoI made (DI07) in the progress or final report, but can be
reported as EoI received (DI06).

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As of January 2017, all EoIs made on POD profiles should be registered in the EoI module
of the Network IT Platform.

Activity 3 SME feedback activities

1. Definition of the activity
The Enterprise Europe Network runs SME feedback activities in order to get the views and
feedback of Network clients and obtain their opinion on existing and forthcoming Community
legislation and initiatives.
The activity includes contacting, informing, inviting, consulting the Network clients in the
framework of the SME panel consultations; and submitting SMEs responses (translated to
English) via the EU Survey. The activity also includes logging in the SME Feedback
database problems that SMEs face in the Internal Market and transferring relevant cases to

It also includes promoting public consultations launched by the European Commission (on
the Your Voice website or other websites of the European Commission). Network partners
can directly help SMEs to encode responses in EU Survey similarly to SME panel

SME feedback activities can include organising events, technical missions linked to
Commission consultations and providing advice or support to SMEs for understanding the
consultations and encouraging them to respond. Furthermore, Network partners should
inform SMEs of evaluations, roadmaps and consultations on new Commission initiatives that
are likely to affect businesses.
2. Eligibility criteria of the activity
The activity includes the whole consultation process: contacting, informing, inviting, and
consulting the Network clients as well as the proper submission of responses/cases.

A submitted response/case should meet the following rules to be eligible:16

The submission should be done in the EU Survey tool and/or SOLVIT. (This applies
for the SME feedback database, SME panel consultations and for public consultations).
Each case should be related to existing and/or forthcoming European Union
The EU Survey Case ID should be saved and kept by the Network partners

Each consortium should nominate a person in charge of SME feedback activities (SME
panels and SME feedback database), who can act as a contact person towards the
European Commission; in larger consortia it is advisable to nominate 2-3 persons.

The tasks of the SME feedback contact persons will cover the following:
providing support to other colleagues within the consortium, (methodological and

Only applicable after the publication of the "Eligibility Guidelines on Network Activities COSME"

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being responsible for preparatory work linked to SME panel consultations

general promotion of the feedback tools of the network towards SMEs
following up consultation topics on the "Your Voice" website
Supporting consortium partners to encode SME feedback cases of good quality
Liaison with other SME feedback contact persons within his/her country (coordinating
efforts linked to SME panel consultations in countries with several consortia)

3. Target Audience
The target audience is composed of existing and potential clients of the Network with an
internationalisation potential.

4. Related Outputs

PES DI08 Clients in feedback related actions

1. Definition:

a) Number of cases/replies submitted in the EU Survey.

This includes:

o replies for SME panel consultations

o cases in the SME feedback database
o replies inserted directly by Network partners for online public consultations
(EU Survey Case ID should be saved for further reference)

o replies of SMEs where there is a clear trace of Network involvement

(EU Survey Case ID should be saved for further reference)

b) Number of SMEs taking part in feedback related events organised by Network partners
(Technical missions, workshops organised around an SME panel/public consultation).
c) Cases submitted to SOLVIT.

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PES DI09 Achievements (PAs + ASOs)

1. Definition:
The Network is performing a series of activities (i.e. promotion, information provision,
organisation of local events, responding to questions), guiding to the provision of services
(client audits/reviews, capacity assessment), further to outputs (partnership proposals,
advisory plan drafting), resulting finally in two categories of achievements:

1) Partnership Agreements (PAs)

2) Advisory Services Outcomes (ASOs)

Target Audience
While the primary target audience of the Network remains small and medium-sized
enterprises, service outcomes may also involve other organisations such as specific
actors/support providers in the regional SME and innovation support ecosystem or
specialised entities such as public or private investors in SMEs and clusters.

2. Eligibility Criteria for "Partnership Agreements" (PAs)

"A Partnership Agreement (PA) is an acknowledgement by one (or two) EEN client(s) that
entered in a concrete, medium to long-term international cooperation with another SME,

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company, research institution, researcher or private person (hereafter referred as 'Party'17 to

the PA) with EEN assistance."

The two clients (also called "parties") involved in a PA must have gotten in contact with the
brokerage assistance of the Network, i.e. either via a structured Network brokerage activity
BE, CM, POD database, EoIs on POD profiles, or via direct contact between the two parties,
and at least one party must have received direct assistance from the EEN partner.

A Network brokerage activity consists in helping a client find potential partners abroad via
one of the channels indicated above, and providing the client with the necessary assistance
to enter in a concrete, medium to long-term cooperation with the potential partner thus

The PA is the ultimate goal of any brokerage activity.

Therefore, a PA is a cooperation started between two client organisations situated in two

eligible countries. The two Parties to a PA cannot be from a same company or organisation.
A PA is the acknowledgement of the beginning of a concrete, medium to long-term
cooperation between two Network clients. It is thus, most of the time an expected impact
which will only materialise over time in the form of new technology developed, increased
turnover, staff hired to deal with the resulting additional business etc.

Parties to a PA can be:

o Private companies, SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Individuals, Social enterprises and clusters,
o Research organisations, Universities, Technology Centres.
Criteria for a PA to be considered eligible:

o At least one Party is a client of a Network Partner.

o The Parties are established in different countries of the Network.18
o The PA was made possible by the active support of at least one Network Partner.

The PA is only considered eligible if both Parties involved are established in a Network
country. If the second Party to a PA is in a Business Cooperation Centre (BCC) country, the client
must be client of a local EEN partner and the PA must also involve a full member EEN country

Exception: if the process leading to a PA between parties located in non BCC and a BCC
country respectively starts by a direct contact, the BCC client's details and information on the
ongoing contact must be sent (signposted) to the relevant EEN before an agreement is
signed between the two parties. If the BCC EEN assistance is not needed to achieve the PA,

The two parties cannot be from the same company or organisation
Exceptions: JRC European Joint Research Centre, CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research
and ESA European Space Agency. If the client is located in the same country as these organisations the
PA will be considered eligible.

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it is eligible if the signposting and a justification for the absence of assistance by the BCC
EEN are indicated in the PA Report.

o If a Party to a PA is the subsidiary of a company located in a non-eligible country, the PA

is eligible if the subsidiary, located in an eligible country, directly benefits from it.
o If a PA results from a brokerage event or company mission done in a BCC country or
with clients coming from a BCC country, the PA is only eligible if the activity was carried
out with the local BCC EEN partner.
o A PA with a Party established in a country not covered by the Network is not eligible,
however exceptions to the rule happen when:
- One client is a client of a Network Partner and
- The other partner is in a country specifically mentioned in the involved
Network Partner's work programme.
o A Network Partner can only submit PAs achieved by companies or research institutions
located in the geographical area covered by its consortium.
o PAs involving an EEN Partners host organisation cannot be the beneficiary of its own
services implemented under the EEN agreement; therefore PAs involving host structures
as "client" cannot be reported in the ADB and PES.
o The main target audience of EEN partners cannot be the host organisations units: EEN
partners have to serve primarily the SME community in their region. However the
expertise of some of research organisations or universities member of EEN could match
requests or offers for technology partnership.
o Therefore if a technology request or offer is entered into the POD from the EEN team on
behalf of a host organisations academic, and it is picked up by the SME client of another
Network partner, resulting in an agreement, it will be eligible if the appropriate
documentation is completed and the Network partner is fully involved in the process. The
same logic applies to research partnership requests which would result in collaborations
between SMEs and universities or research institutes.
o Equally, if the expertise of a host organisation's academic meets the needs of an SME
requesting a technology partner, a PA between them will also be eligible assuming all
the processes and documentation are in place. It should be clear for universities and
research centres that the main principle to be followed is that the needs of the client
business should come first.
o Any PA resulting from such matching might be eligible when it can be demonstrated that
it has been achieved for the benefit of the foreign SME involving the foreign partner as
much as possible, following the normal partnership process and within the EEN

To be submitted to EASME

The achievement report (PA report), detailing the collaboration started has to be submitted
electronically via the Achievements Database.19

3. Eligibility Criteria for "Advisory Service Outcomes" (ASOs)

For more detailed information on the PAs and on their reporting please consult the "Achievements Guidelines
- Partnership Agreements Section 1 - December 2015" - http://een.ec.europa.eu/my/intranet/contractual-

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"An Advisory Service Outcome (ASO) is the result of a service rendered by a Network
partner to a client that gives a significant20 and clearly demonstrable impetus to the client's
competitiveness at European level, thus leading to an improvement of its economic

The call gives a number of examples for individual advisory services that may lead to

o Advice on funding/financing opportunities delivered by the Network helped a client get a

grant or loan to buy new machinery;
o Advice provided to a client on EU law that helped that client comply with EU law, win a
public procurement contract in a foreign country, apply the CE mark correctly, recover a
debt, etc.;
o Advice provided to a client on IPR issues that helped the client obtain a patent for their

Response to simple enquiries does not lead to Advisory Service Outcomes (ASOs).

Other EEN Partners involved in the ASO process can be the Thematic Contact Points
(TCPs), Sector Group representatives or any other EEN Partners having specific expertise
which is not possessed by the Partner in contact with the client. Such partners can be based
in the same country as the main Partner or in another country.
Main Criteria for an ASO to be considered eligible:

o Advisory Plan drafted and implemented

o EU or international dimension and Network effect, where applicable
o ASO reported in the Achievements Database

For more information on ASOs please consult the "Achievements Guidelines Section 2
Advisory Services Outcomes (ASOs)" - http://een.ec.europa.eu/my/circular_notes

Clarification on the term "significant": "It is the client which must say what is significant for them.
Economic differences could vary depending on size and maturity of the company. Therefore, the focus
should not be only on increase in turnover, profit, size of staff as it excludes other possible benefits for the
clients e.g. cost savings by avoiding investment in inappropriate foreign markets. The companies are better
placed to say what the service meant to them for their business, where they were before and where they are
after receiving the support services, what has been the difference with and without the Network support and
how to measure this impact (in terms of money earned, economic benefit, new or saved employees, access
to new markets, development of a new product/service, ...)".

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Concluding Clarifications: PA or ASO?

1. If a client requests EEN assistance to conclude a medium to long-term

international cooperation agreement with a foreign party with which it got in
contact without the assistance of the Network, i.e., at the time one of the two
parties contacts an EEN partner for assistance, he/she already knows the
foreign party, then the successful outcome of the service provided shall be
reported as Advisory Service Outcome (ASO) and not PA.
2. Non-successful technology partnering services outcomes (PAs) cannot be
reported as ASOs unless there is a clear and demonstrable impact for the
company beyond merely cross-border collaboration.
3. Since some activities in the partnering process can meet also the requirements
for ASOs, a double reporting (1 ASO + 1 PA) shall not be accepted.


Activity 5 Promotion of the Network's services and

communication activities

1. Definition of the activity

"Promotion of the Network is the mix of promotion and communication tools used by the
partners to persuasively communicate the Network services and achievements and build the
brand and culture of the Network".

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The objective is to inform and raise awareness among both potential and existing
Enterprise Europe Network clients about Enterprise Europe Network services and
achievements and to build a unique brand culture for the Network through communication
and information tools.
This involves raising awareness of the Network activities among local and regional
stakeholders, including public authorities and partners' host organisations.

2. Eligibility criteria of the activity

To be eligible the promotion should be done through the following means:

Internet website
Leaflets or brochures
Press releases
Stands in fairs
Speaking on the radio or TV
Social media
Other: i.e. formal presentation of the services of the Network in the framework of
an event organised by a regional stakeholder.

The activities must contain the mandatory elements of the Enterprise Europe Network

The topics covered should be primarily related to Network services and activities and
incorporate the Network's messaging.
Success stories have proved to be an effective means of informing the target audience and
creating a positive image of the Network, resulting in new clients. Wherever possible,
success stories should be used together with the Network's messaging to communicate and
illustrate the impact and relevance of the Network's services.

3. Target Audience
The main target audience of this activity are all potential and existing Network clients which
could be reached by one of the promotional tools used.

4. Related Outputs:

PES DI10 SMEs/clients using digital services provided by the Network

The number of SMEs/client subscribers, followers, fans, members, etc, receiving information
via newsletters, business alerts and automated matching tools, tender alerts, RSS fed, or
other services provided through social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc).

PES DI11 Cooperation with local stakeholders

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The number of local/regional stakeholder organisations with whom the Network partners
enter into close cooperation. Cooperation would mean that common issues with
local/regional stakeholder organisations - with the Network's goals and objectives in mind
have been discussed and agreed and that cooperation for both parts was fruitful. Local or
regional stakeholders can include regional authorities, trade/sector organisations, unions,
clusters, company organisations/networks, etc.

Activity 6 Network building and reinforcing the Network

1. Definition of the activity

Participation in intra-consortia activities and Network activities by contributing as speaker,
trainer, chairman, coordinator, rapporteur, evaluator or attendee, aiming to increase the
performance, quality and identity of the Network Partner or of which all partners of the
consortium have benefitted from.
These activities are the following:
Participate in Sector groups meetings (projects, meetings)
Participate in Thematic Contact Points (TCPs)/Thematic Groups (TGs)
Participate in Working group or ad-hoc meetings called by EASME (projects, meetings)
Participate in centralised Network trainings, EEN seminars organised or mandated by
EASME and induction courses
Participate in and/or organise decentralised training events
Follow e-learning modules provided by the EASME
Participation in official Network events: Annual Conference, Steering & Advisory Group
(SAG), Info Days, National meetings, EASME ad-hoc and contact groups
EU wide promotion campaigns and other events launched by the Commission (not
including here the EU consultations)
Participate in Staff exchange
Participate in Mentoring scheme
Organise/participate in Consortium meetings
Organise internal staff trainings (induction, train the trainers) staff trainings or other joint
consortia meetings, seminars or initiatives. such as POD external review
Activities related to Internal and External POD Reviews21

2. Eligibility criteria of the activity

a) Work Programme
Participation in these types of activities should be clearly specified in the Work Programme
of each consortium at partner and consortium level.
b) Participants

However, only External Reviews can be reported under DI13.

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All participants in the Network and consortium activities must be "Enterprise Europe
Network" staff declared in the payroll of the organisation. In addition, this person has to have
a valid network directory profile.
See specific rules related to each activity in the sections below (ex. substitute a staff
member in sector group meetings). In case any other specificity would arise, such situation
will be treated, case by case, with EASME.

c) In house-consultants
The partners should be aware of the rules established in the FPA regarding subcontracting
of "in house consultants" Article II.15.2.3.a) in the case of participation in these type of
d) Decentralised training sessions
Organisation of decentralised training sessions must be clearly mentioned in the Work
The participation and/or organisation of a decentralised session is only eligible if the events
have been validated by EASME.
Topics to be covered have to be related to the Network project activities.
More details on the rules and tips to organise decentralised training sessions can be found
in the following link: http://een.ec.europa.eu/my/intranet/host-training-event
e) Centralised training sessions
These are face-to-face training sessions organised mostly in Brussels (but not only) for
which the programme and the format is prepared by EASME.
Travel and subsistence costs are eligible under the operating specific grant agreement
(SGA) of the Enterprise Europe Network.
Participants should book their travel and accommodation only after receiving electronic
confirmation of their participation (invitation letter).
The confirmation letter, original travel tickets and boarding passes must be kept for your
travel and subsistence expenses claims.
Please note that for exclusively H2020 trainings, staff not working under H2020 is not
eligible to attend.
f) Staff exchanges
The Staff Exchange programme gives an opportunity to Network partners to gain and share
experience, knowledge and ideas.

There are no costs involved for the host organisation. The costs for the staff members
participating in the programme as guests are covered by their own organisation. These costs
are eligible on the basis of the work programmes and budgets approved by EASME.
More details on the rules for participating in the staff exchange scheme can be found in the
link following link: http://enterpriseeuropenetwork-staffexchange.eu/pages/home

Network building with the "Business Cooperation Centres":

a) Mentoring scheme for BCCs
The mentoring scheme encourages the exchange of knowledge and good practices between
Network partners in Europe and 'Business Cooperation Centres' located in third countries.
The scheme focuses in particular on the partnering activities and Network's partnering
process, i.e., effective organisation of brokerage events & company missions and generation
of profiles in the Partnership Opportunities Database (POD). The main objective remains to

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facilitate the integration of the "Business Cooperation Centres" into the Network and to
further improve their performance.
EASME shall then pinpoint European Network partners that have applied for the scheme
and contact them to see if they would be interested in mentoring the chosen "Business
Cooperation Centres".

The "Business Cooperation Centres" do not receive any European grants and finance all
Network activities with national and/or host structure funds.

For the COSME countries, the costs are eligible on the basis of the work programme
and budgets approved by EASME.

Please note that 'Business Cooperation Centres' shall not be allowed to pay "consultancy"
fees to the mentor under this mentoring scheme.

Mentors may declare all hours related to daily desk mentoring activities via email, phone or
video conferencing under Enterprise Europe Network project.
More details on the rules for participating in the mentoring scheme can be found in the
following link: http://een.ec.europa.eu/node/34696

b) Brokerage activities
Brokerage events and company missions carried out with 'Business Cooperation Centres' in
the framework of the mentoring scheme facilitating b2b meetings between EU SMEs and
companies from third countries must be encoded in the Network's event calendar and
validated by EASME. If this is ensured, the usual eligibility criteria apply. For more detailed
information, please consult in the present guidelines chapter on Activity 2: Eligibility criteria
of the activity.

c) Training activities
The training activities organised in the framework of a mentoring scheme or outside it need
to be orderly encoded in the Network's event calendar and include the agenda. They must
then be validated by EASME to be eligible. Once these conditions are met the costs for the
mentor's mission (travelling and subsistence) are eligible under SGA COSME contract. In
some cases the costs can also be covered by the "Business Cooperation Centres" following
agreement between both parties. Training participants must use the event calendar
registration facility to allow EASME to keep track on the number of 'Business Cooperation
Centres' staff trained by the mentor. The title for the event in the calendar can start with
'Mentoring scheme' (e.g.: Mentoring scheme: Training session on the effective use of the
POD for Chinese 'Business Cooperation Centres').

3. Target Audience
The main target audience of this activity are all potential and existing Network clients which
could be reached by one of the actions listed above.

4. Related Outputs

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PES DI12 Answered enquiries from Network partners

Answers to enquiries sent by the Network partners looking for information on behalf of their
clients. The enquiries must refer to those posted on the Network Forum or sent directly to
Network partners.

PES DI13 Active contributions to Network activities

Contributions to the Network activities as speaker, trainer, chairman, coordinator, rapporteur,
evaluator, POD external reviewer or participating in activities designed to increase the
performance, quality and identity of the Network.

Examples include: Participation in Sector Groups, Working Groups, centralised Network

trainings and induction courses, participation and/or organisation of decentralised training
events. Following of an e-learning module provided by EASME, participation in official
Network events: Annual Conference, Steering & Advisory Group (SAG), national
coordination and SAG meetings, Info Days, National meetings, EASME ad-hoc and contact
groups. EU wide promotion campaigns and other events launched by the Commission (not
including here the EU consultations). Finally, it was also eligible to participate in staff
exchange and mentoring schemes, or in any other joint consortia meetings, seminars or

Eligibility Criteria for Specific activities under Activity 6:

1. Activities in the framework of the Thematic Contact Points/Thematic


o The core group22 of each Thematic Group is entitled to meet up physically maximum
once a year (but no obligation). Those meetings should be mentioned in the Work
Programmes of the respective consortia and are eligible for co-financing. They should
undergo the usual event validation process and thus be submitted by the TG to the
Events Database. The EASME Project Adviser responsible for a specific TG checks the
event and validates it or asks for clarification.
o Further TCPs could join the core group meetings on a case by case basis if justified so in
the respective consortium Work Programme. Please check with your EASME country
adviser for approval.
o A second core group meeting or any other physical TG activities involving more than just
the core group need to undergo the usual EEN event validation check and should be well
justified. The EASME Project Adviser responsible for a specific TG checks the event and
validates it or asks for clarification. EASME recommends organising such additional
events at the occasion of a regular Trade fair, Brokerage event or decentralised training,
etc. In this case, standard EEN eligibility rules for these activities apply. There is no
specific set of rules for Thematic Groups in this context. The core group members or any
other TCP wishing to participate in the meeting should have mentioned this activity in

For an explanation on the "core groups" please check Point 1 of the "TCPs/TGs Guides"

Manual": http://een.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/tcp_tcg_manual_NL.pdf

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their respective consortium Work programme. Please check with your EASME country
o Any other TG activities than physical meetings that generate costs should be in line with
the respective consortium Work Programme and be checked with the EASME country
adviser for approval.

2. Sector Groups
o All Sector Group activities must comply with the relevant eligibility rules of this guide.
o The specific eligibility of Sector Group activities is outlined in a note to the Network &
accompanying explanatory guidelines. Please check IT Platform: "More About Sector
Groups" and "Operational Documents". 23
o The eligibility of activities of SG Chairs is subject to the specific conditions of expert
contracts and is therefore not dealt within the context of the COSME SGA.
o Some Sector Group members may be designated as vice chair or leader of a sub-group
by the Group. Others might take charge of specific activities of their Sector Group (e.g.
communication activities, links with NCPs/other Sector Groups/specific stakeholders,
etc.). Such activities are subject to the normal eligibility rules that apply to EEN and SG
o Sector Group activities are only eligible if carried out by nominated Sector Group
members or by substitutes/alternate Sector Group members whose participation has
been approved by EASME.

3. Participation in ad-hoc events organised by EASME

From time to time, EASME may organise seminars etc. on subjects that are important to the
Network. Topics can cover a variety of EEN activities such as innovation (management),
access to finance, public procurement, EEN services in general or other areas that are of
increasing importance in the Network. Such events may also be used to inform the Network
about initiatives or pilot actions carried out in the context of EU programmes (including
Horizon 2020) that are relevant to the Network's activities. Participation in such events as
well as travel and subsistence costs is eligible.

4. Participation in Innovation management trainings provided by the

IMP3rove Academy

The Network staff members who are not nominated in the specific Horizon 2020 SGA on
services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs may take part in
IMP3rove training at their own cost. Since innovation management is explicitly referred to
under activity 1.a), the reduced EEN rate for the training fee charged by the IMP3rove
Academy is an eligible direct cost under the COSME SGA.


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This provision only applies to staff members not nominated in the EIMC contract. For
the latter, separate arrangements apply. See Eligibility Guidelines on Network Activities


1. Cooperation with Business Cooperation Centres in Third Countries

As a general rule, activities in third countries covered by the Network need to be carried out
in cooperation with the local BCC. Unless mentioned differently in the work programme.
European partners as well as Business Cooperation Centres cannot ask for fees for services
delivered as part of the common business partnering process of the Enterprise Europe
Network. However, for brokerage events or company missions, normal registration fees
applicable to any participant may be charged to companies. These registration fees should
not be exaggerated and related to the actual costs incurred for the organisation of the
events. European partners and Business Cooperation Centres may not charge each other
any additional fees for basic services related to the partnering process within the Network.

The sample case studies listed below provide practical examples to illustrate these rules.
These specific cases may occur:
Charging fees to recruit companies for matchmaking meetings
Case Study 1 A European Network partner contacted a Business Cooperation Centre in order to co-organise
a company mission. The Business Cooperation Centre requested a fee of 500 EURO per
company in order to cover their staff time. Moreover, the offered fee did not include the costs
for the venue or catering. In addition, the BCC requested another 2000 EUR per European
company to find local businesses for matchmaking meetings.

Assessment of Situation

Contractual compliance The Business Cooperation Centre is in breach of the Cooperation Agreement signed with
EASME. It is not possible for members of the Enterprise Europe Network to charge fees for
the recruitment of local companies or to cover the cost for staff. On the other hand, the
European Network partner may agree with the Business Cooperation Centres to share the
costs for the venue and catering of the company clients.

Eligibility of costs for All fees charged by the Business Cooperation Centre to cover staff costs and the recruitment
European Network partners of companies are not eligible EEN project costs. However, costs related to rent a venue or to
pay for the catering of clients may be declared in the financial statement at the end of the
contractual period by the European Network partners.

Actions to be taken

European Network partner The European Network partner should inform EASME about the contractual non-compliance
by the Business Cooperation Centre.

EASME EASME shall get in touch with the Business Cooperation Centre to monitor their activities and

Circular note published on 28/10/2016 - Ref. Ares(2016)6178853

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to flag the breach of contract. Further measures will be taken if necessary.

Business Cooperation Centre The Business Cooperation Centre should review their fee structure and the terms of
engagement with European Network partners. If the Business Cooperation Centre cannot
align the fee structure, EASME will endeavour to enforce the existing contractual obligations
within the Network.
Charging of fees per matchmaking meeting
Case Study 2 A Business Cooperation Centre was contacted to host an incoming company mission from
Europe. The Business Cooperation Centre asked the European Network partner to pay a fee
for each local company recruited and for each meeting held.
Assessment of Situation

Contractual compliance The Business Cooperation Centre is in breach of the contract signed with EASME. European
Network partners as well as Business Cooperation Centres must not charge fees for recruiting
companies and for meetings.

Eligibility of costs for Such fees charged by the Business Cooperation Centre are not eligible EEN project costs and
European Network partners hence cannot be reported in the financial statement at the end of the contractual period.

Actions to be taken

European Network partner The European Network partner should inform EASME about the contractual non-compliance
by the Business Cooperation Centre.

EASME EASME shall get in touch with the Business Cooperation Centre to flag the breach of contract.

Business Cooperation Centre The Business Cooperation Centre should review their fee structure and the terms of
engagement with European Network partners. If the Business Cooperation Centre cannot
align the fee structure, EASME will endeavour to enforce the existing contractual obligations
within the Network..
Provision and exchange of basic information
Case Study 3 A European Network partner contacted a Business Cooperation Centre to find potential
business partners of his client in a particular industrial sector. The Business Cooperation
Centre emailed back a list including only the names of the local companies, indicating that the
European partner has to pay a fee for further information.
Assessment of Situation

Contractual compliance The Business Cooperation Centre is in breach of the contract signed with EASME. The
provision of basic background information about potential business partners including contact
details as well as basic due diligence and credit worthiness checks are regarded as part of the
partnering process of the Network

Eligibility of costs for Such fees charged by the Business Cooperation Centre are not eligible EEN project costs and
European Network partners hence cannot be reported in the financial statement at the end of the contractual period

Actions to be taken

European Network partner The European Network partner should inform EASME about the contractual non-compliance
by the Business Cooperation Centre.

EASME EASME shall get in touch with the Business Cooperation Centre to flag the breach of contract.

Business Cooperation Centre The Business Cooperation Centre should review their fee structure and the terms of
engagement with European Network partners. If the Business Cooperation Centre cannot
align the fee structure, EASME will endeavour to enforce the existing contractual obligations
within the Network..
Joint organisation of Brokerage events or Company missions
Case Study 4 A European Network partner contacted a Business Cooperation Centre to take part in a
brokerage event outside of the European Union published in the official Network calendar. The
Business Cooperation Centre asked for financial support from European Network partner.
Assessment of Situation

Contractual compliance Depending on the total number of European companies participating in the brokerage event,
the European Network partner and Business Cooperation Centres may decide to share some

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of the costs related to the booking of the venue or the catering. However, there should be an
agreement between the Business Cooperation Centre and the European Network partners. In
the majority of the cases it is expected that the hosting organisation bears most of the costs
for catering and the venue.

Eligibility of costs for Costs related to the catering of clients and the reservation of venues for b2b events, are
European Network partners eligible EEN project costs and can be declared in the financial statement at the end of the
reporting period by the European Network partners.

Actions to be taken

European Network partner The European Network partner should agree with the Business Cooperation Centres how to
share the costs for the joint organisation of the brokerage event. The financial contribution of
the European Network partner should depend on the overall involvement in the organisation of
the event and how many European companies are expected to participate. It should be noted
that the cost for the brokerage events/company missions cannot be fully covered by European
Network partners.

EASME EASME will monitor the principle of cost-efficiency for the collaboration with Business
Cooperation Centres, i.e. costs cannot be fully covered by European EEN partners but must
be in relation to the number of companies participating from the EU.

Business Cooperation Centre In case the Business Cooperation Centre requires a financial contribution, it should agree with
the European Network partner how to share the costs for the brokerage events for the venue.
The European contribution to the brokerage event should relate to the total number of
European companies participating in the event.
Moreover, European EEN partners (COSME EU-28 / Art 6) may take part in training
activities offered by Business Cooperation Centres (COSME Art 7) of the Enterprise Europe
Network. European EEN partners should note that registration fees for such training events
charged by Business Cooperation Centres as well as all other related costs (e.g. for travel &
accommodation) will be regarded as indirect project costs by EASME. Therefore, they
cannot be declared as direct costs in the final financial statement for any given contractual

2. Cooperation with Associate Members

EEN partners are free to take advantage of the activities and services offered by the
associate members of the Enterprise Europe Network. Concerning the eligibility of costs
under the Enterprise Europe Network project, Network partners should note that registration
fees for events charged by associate members as well as all other related costs (e.g. for
travel & accommodation) will be regarded as indirect project costs by EASME. Hence,
they cannot be declared as direct costs in the final financial statement for the given
contractual period.

3. Working with stakeholders at European level (ECHA, EU-OSHA, IPR

Helpdesk, etc)

o Work related to being EEN "ambassadors" or member of an EEN contact group or

similar for non-EEN EU initiatives with which there is a cooperation agreement for the
purpose of EEN (for example, ECHA, EU-OSHA, IRP Helpdesk) is an eligible activity
under the EEN SGA, provided the work takes place within the framework of the
cooperation mandate set by/in agreement with EASME
o One annual meeting may be organised for these groups of EEN "ambassadors", at the
invitation of EASME or the EU initiative / Agency in question. Additional meetings may be
granted in exceptional cases and if justified by operational need, or if foreseen in the
specific guidelines / agreement for the respective cooperation project.

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o To increase efficiency, possibilities should be explored to link meetings in this context

with other EEN events.
o All travel and accommodation costs for related trainings organised by EASME and the
European stakeholder (maximum 2 trainings per year, per consortium) are eligible (in
addition to the annual meeting (where relevant) referred above). Time spent on such
trainings may be reported as Enterprise Europe Network working time.


1. EU-driven additional activities

These shall be specific actions with a separate budget and will be launched by the European
Commission or the EASME. Proposers shall therefore only foresee the possibility of carrying
out such additional activities, rather than providing a detailed planning. For more details
please consult the "Guide for Applicants Call for proposals: COS-WP2014-2-1".

2. Local Client Requirements

Must stay within the overall scope of the EEN and must be fully integrated within the
standard services provided by the Network.

These activities need to be clearly identified in the work programme and must not overlap
with existing services in the respective region.

For more details please consult the "Guide for Applicants Call for proposals: COS-

3. Contributions to the operation and quality of the Network

These activities need to be clearly identified in the work programme and they include
activities such as: chairing sector groups and/or working groups, acting as mentor for other
Network partners, including third country partners, provision of advanced trainers,
participation in special actions led by the EASME and designed to enhance the Network.
Regularly recurring activities such as the revision of partnering profiles can be considered as
an eligible activity if included in the work programme.

For more details please consult the "Guide for Applicants Call for proposals: COS-

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1. Definition of the activity

Project Management in the case of the Enterprise Europe Network are the various daily
activities performed by the Consortia partners of the different COSME countries, who
signed Specific Grant Agreements for two-year periods and that is meant to ensure that
each of their two-year working programmes meets the objectives and performance targets
foreseen to improve the competitiveness of the SMEs entrepreneurial tissue in their specific

Project management will be the application of the Enterprise Europe Network knowledge,
skills, tools, and techniques in order to meet the project requirements, taking into account
the goals, resources and schedule for each working programme period.

Last but not least, the project management requires close observation of the results
reached, delivered on-time, on-budget results and the learning and integration of new
notions and of the different dynamic variables.

2. Specificities of the activity

In order to ensure efficiency of the Enterprise Europe Network Consortia:

o there is a need for clear internal procedures and rules for internal consortium
o minimum number of consortium meetings
o the definition of activity leaders in each partner organisation and at consortium level
o efficient communication flows, clear internal workflows to ensure effective cooperation
between partners, and mechanisms for a systematic feedback from other Network
events to all relevant Network staff members (such as Network training events, national
Network meetings, meetings of a consultative steering group representing Network
partners, etc.)
o each consortium has to hold regular consortium meetings in order to discuss the
common strategy and actions for implementing the project
o it is essential for each consortium to ensure a proper management of client relations in
line with the principles of the Network's partnering process
o a common mechanism for recording and following up on service delivery to clients is
required in each consortium

The Consortium Coordinators:

Each Network Consortium has nominated one organisation as consortium coordinator. The
grant agreement specifies this organisation and the staff member (and a back-up) in charge
of consortium coordination. This person will also be the EASME's main interlocutor in
contractual and financial issues.

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The consortium coordinator oversees the general functioning of the consortium and ensures
that the procedures laid down in the consortium agreement and the common workflows
between consortium partners, other Network partners and the EASME are respected.
It is also the consortium coordinator's role to make sure that there is a constant and
adequate flow of information between all consortium partners and to promote a collaborative
working environment within the consortium.

The consortium coordinator is requested to monitor the production of contractual

deliverables by the consortium, ensure that deadlines are kept, raise any risk of delays or
underperformance with the partner(s) concerned and inform the EASME in case the issues
cannot be settled within a reasonable time within the consortium. However, all consortium
partners remain responsible for carrying out the agreed work programme. This role of the
coordinator does not in any way affect the role or responsibilities of the EASME with regard
to monitoring the quality and service delivery of the Network.

The consortium coordinator is also in charge of raising any need for contract amendments
with the EASME in good time.

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The result of a service rendered by a Network partner to a client that gives a significant and
clearly demonstrable impetus to the client's competitiveness at European level, thus leading
to an improvement of its economic situation.

Advisory Plan
It is part of the "Advisory Service Outcome" process and its drafting and implementation is
required for the ASOs.

Associate Member
The terms of reference for the call for proposals for the COSME Enterprise Europe Network
state that the European Commission may decide to conclude separate bilateral agreements
with organisations acting at European (or national) level that are in a position to support the
operations of the Enterprise Europe Network as a whole. These organisations may become
associate members. Associate members provide added value to the Network and increase
the efficiency of its operations by making available their expertise in a certain field. Associate
members dont compete with Network partners and deliver services to Network partners

The use of the visual identity and logo of the Enterprise Europe Network.

Brokerage Event
The organisation of transnational brokerage and matchmaking events for SMEs, in
cooperation with other Network partners. These events include sector-focused events and
can be linked to international fairs.

Business Cooperation Centres (BCCs)

With regard to the increasing importance for SMEs to internationalise their business, the
Enterprise Europe Network has started to set up contact points, so-called 'Business
Cooperation Centres', in major international growth markets, such as Brazil, Russia, China
and India. These Business Cooperation Centres do not receive any European grants and
finance all Network activities with national and/or host structure funds. They operate under
Article 7 of the COSME regulation and sign a Cooperation Agreement with EASME. Their
main focus lies on business, technology and research partnering activities.

Company Mission
Bilateral activity organised by a Network partner for its regional SMEs and which always
targets a foreign country.

Communication champions
Elected national representatives on communication (one per country, plus one representing
the BCCs), tasked with raising the standard of communication across the Network.

Centralised training session

Face-to-face training session organised in Brussels for which the programme and the format
is prepared by EASME.

Decentralised training session

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Training activity initiated by the Network partners, always checked and approved by EASME

Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs, which means providing services
to carry out a diagnostic audit of selected SMEs that are capable of growth and successful
internationalisation. This entails developing and implementing a tailored action plan to
improve the SMEs' capacity to manage innovation processes. The target is that SMEs that
already possess innovation activities and have the potential to grow internationally through
product, process, services, or business model innovation. However, they may lack skills,
knowledge or ability to manage innovation.

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Network of European and Third Country Organisations providing integrated business
support services to the European Union SMEs that seek to explore opportunities in the
internal market and in third countries.

European Chemicals Agency (http://echa.europa.eu/) is a decentralized agency of the EU, it
works for the safe use of chemicals. It implements the EU's ground breaking chemicals
legislation, benefiting human health, the environment and innovation and competitiveness in

The European Agency for Safety and Health at work is the European Union information
agency for occupational safety and health.

IMP3rove Academy
The organisation providing the innovation management assessment tool and training
environment to the Network in the context of the H2020 programme.

Implementation Strategy
Strategic document of the different EEN Consortia for the period 2015-2020 explaining how
the specific objectives and operational requirements laid down in the Call and in the Guide
for Applicants will be addressed in the new programming period.

Intake Assessment
Short analysis of the needs, objectives and the capacities of the client and how the
Enterprise Europe Network can address those needs and expectations, fostering a long-
term competitive impact.

IPR Helpdesk
The European IPR Helpdesk offers free of charge, first-line support on IP and IPR matters to
beneficiaries of EU funded research projects and EU SMEs involved in transnational
partnership agreements, especially within the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Mission for Growth

In order to support European companies to benefit from emerging markets in China, Russia
or North-Africa, Directorate General GROWTH of the European Commission is
accompanying them to major growth regions in the world. SMEs have the unique opportunity
to meet selected businesses in vast and fast growing third markets. These meetings usually
take place on the occasion of important trade fairs in order to widen the audience for

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companies for potential meetings in various sectors. Moreover, the Directorate General's
presence ensures press coverage and therefore increased visibility and promotion of the
participating enterprises. Participation in the Missions for Growth provides SMEs also with
the unique opportunity to meet and network with important political decision makers and
local authorities. Moreover, in the framework of the "EUROPE 2020 Strategy for Growth",
the Directorate General also heads missions to European member states to stimulate
employment, business activity and growth of the local economy.

Partnership Agreement (PA)

An acknowledgement by one (or two) EEN client(s) that entered into a concrete, medium to
long-term international cooperation with another SME, company, research institution,
researcher or private person with EEN assistance. The ultimate goal of any Brokerage
Activity is the Partnership Agreement.

SOLVIT is a service free of charge provided by the national administration in each EU
country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It is an informal problem-solving network
created to solve problems that EU citizens or businesses are experiencing with the public
administrations of EU Member States related to Internal Market rights not being correctly

Staff exchange programme

All Network partners have accounts on the web database where they can apply and
participate in staff exchange both as a host or guest organisations, gain and share
experience, knowledge and ideas.

Thematic Contact Points and Thematic Groups

Thematic Groups (TGs) were created in order to better organise and structure existing
expertise in the Network. Each of them consists of Thematic Contact Points (TCPs). TCPs
are individual staff members who are assigned responsibility for one or more areas of
expertise, ranging from internal operations to broader issues concerning Network clients.

Work Programme
Consortia programme translating the Implementation Strategy into concrete and detailed
activities for a two-year period and including an estimated budget for those two years.

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