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Posle glagola sa predlogom

Posle glagola praenih predlogom uvek sledi gerund. Neki od takvih glagola su:

succeed in

Has Tom succeeded in finding a job yet? Da li je Tom uspeo da nadje posao?

feel like

I don't feel like going out tonight. Ne ide mi se napolje veeras.

think about/of

Are you thinking of/about buying a house? Da li razmilja o kupovini kue?

dream of

I've always dreamed of being rich. Uvek sam sanjao o tome da postanem bogat.

approve/disapprove of

She doesn't approve of gambling. Ona ne odobrava kocku.

look forward to

I'm looking forward to meeting her. Jedva ekam da je sretnem.

insist on

He insisted on buying me a drink. Insistirao je da mi kupi pie.

decide against

We decided against moving to London. Odluili smo protiv selidbe u London.

apologise for /apologise to someone for something

He apologised for keeping me waiting. / He apologised to me for keeping me waiting. Izvinio se to me je

Sa nekim od ovih glagola moe se koristiti obrazac GLAGOL + PREDLOG + objekat + -ING oblik:

looking forward to

We are all looking forward to Peter coming home. Jedva ekamo da Petar dodje kui.

approve of

She doesn't approve of her son staying out late at night. Ona ne odobrava da njen sin ostaje kasno

Sa nekim od ovih glagola moe se koristiti obrazac GLAGOL + OBJEKAT + PREDLOG + -ing oblik:

They accused me of telling lies. Oni su me optuili da govorim lai.

Did they suspect the man of being a spy? Da li su osumljiili oveka da je pijun?


I congratulated Ann on passing the exam. estitao sam Ani to je poloila ispit.


What prevented him from coming to the wedding? ta ga je spreilo da dodje na venanje?


We stopped everyone from leaving the building. Sprecili smo svakoga da napusti zgradu


I thanked her for being so helpful. Zahvalio sam joj to je bila tako predusretljiva.


Please forgive me for not writing to you. Molim te oprosti mi to ti nisam pisao.


They warned us against buying the car. Upozorili ste nas da ne kupimo auto.

Neki od ovih glagola esto se koriste u pasivu:

accused of

I was accused of telling lies. Optuili su nas da govorimo lai.

suspected of

Was the man suspected of being a spy? Da li je ovek optuen da je pijun?

warned against

We were warned against buying it. Upozorili su nas da to ne kupimo.

Upotreba gerunda posle prideva sa predlogom

Ako se posle prideva sa predlogom upotrebi neki glagol, uvek je u obliku gerunda npr. posle afraid,
ashamed, convinced, critical, envious, frightened, jealous, proud, scared, suspicious, terrified, tired:

I am tired of learning. Umoran sam od uenja.

He was afraid of his coming here. On se plaio od njegovog dolaska ovde.

Upotreba gerunda posle nekih izraza

It's no use/It's no good

It's no use worrying about it.

It's no good trying to persuade me.

There's no point in

There's no point in buying a car if you don't want to drive it.

It's (not) worth

This book is not worth reading.

(Have) difficulty

I had difficulty finding a place to live.

Do you have any difficulty getting a visa?

A waste of time/money

It's a waste of time reading that book.

It's a wast of money buying things you don't need.

Spend/waste (time)

I spent hours trying to repair the clock. I waste a lot of time day-dreaming.]

go shopping / go swimming / go skiing / go fishing go climbing / go sailing / go riding / go sightseeing

Upotreba gerunda posle no u zabranama

Gerund se upotrebljava u zabranama:

No parking.Zabranjeno parkiranje. No smoking. Zabranjeno puenje.

Ako glagol ima objekat, posle njega se ne upotrebljava gerund ve imperativ.

Do not touch these wires. Ne *No touching these wires.

Ne diraj ove ice.

Particip prezenta (-ing oblik)

Prezent particip veine glagola ima oblik osnova+ing, i koristi se u sledeim sluajevima:

kao deo trajnog oblika glagola:

I am working (ja radim)
he was singing (on je pjevao)
they have been walking (oni su etali);

nakon glagola pokreta/pozicije po principu: glagol+particip prezenta:

He came running towards me. (doao je trei prema meni)

She lay looking up at the clouds. (leala je gledajui u oblake)

nakon glagola percepcije (ula) po principu glagol + objekat + particip prezenta:

I heard someone singing. (uo sam nekoga kako peva)

I can smell something burning! (osecam da neto gori);

kao pridev:
It was an amazing film. (bio je to neverovatan film)
He was trapped inside the burning house. (bio je zatoen unutar kue u plamenu);
sa glagolima catch (uhvatiti) i find (nai) po principu:

Glagol catch sa participom prezenta izraava neku ljutnju ili pretnju:

Dont let him catch you reading his letters. (ne dozvoli da te uhvati kako ita njegova pisma)
If I catch you stealing my apples again, therell be trouble! (uhvatim li te jo jednom kako krade moje
jabuke, bie problema)

We found some money lying on the ground. (nali smo novac da lezi na zemlji)
They found their mother sitting in the garden. (nali su majku kako sjedi u bati);

Da zameni reenicu ili deo reenice. Kada se dve radnje deavaju u isto vreme, od strane iste
osobe ili stvari, koristimo particip prezenta da ih opiemo

They went out into the snow. They laughed as they went.
They went laughing into the snow.

He whistled to himself. He walked down on the road.

Whistling to himself, he walked down on the road.

Kada jedna radnja sledi odmah iza druge, od strane iste osobe, moemo prvu radnju izraziti
participom prezenta:

He put on his coat and left the house.

Putting on his coat, he left the house.

She dropped the gun and put her hands in the air.
Dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air.

Particip prezenta se moe koristiti umesto poetnih as, since, because, i izraava razlog

Feeling hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
(= because he felt hungry)
Being poor, he didnt spend much on clothes.
Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned the flat.

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