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The Effect of Caffeine

on Introverts.
Caffeine is not only found in coffee drinks but as well in
soda or soft drinks and in Chocolates. Apparently, Caffeine
is commonly found in our favourite food and beverages.
Most of us do not know the real effect of caffeine on our
body, we thought that by drinking or through an intake of
caffeinated foods we will achieve the desired effect as we
thought such us hype energy and stand out performance.
Well, it is partly a wrong notion. Caffeinated drinks or foods
have the effect that is not the same to all rather its effect is
dependent on a persons personality be it Introverts or

In this Article I will be discussing the effect of Caffeine

on Introverts.

It is my goal that after you reading this article you will

fully understand the adverse effect of caffeine on
persons who are introvert.

I will begin by saying that based on study, it is true that

caffeine improved the task performance of extraverts
but it is likewise correct that it over aroused introverts
and thus impaired their performance.

In a well-known psychologist Brian Littles latest book

on personality science known as Me, Myself, and Us:
The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being, it
explains that introverts are better off avoiding caffeine
before a big meeting or important event. Little points
out the theory of extraversion by Hans Eysenck and
research by William Revelle of Northwestern
University, which explains that introverts and
extraverts basically differ in response in terms of their
alertness and responsiveness to a given environment.
It expounds that a substance or scene that over
stimulates the central nervous system of an introvert
(which doesnt take much) might cause him or her to
feel overwhelmed and exhausted, rather than excited
and engaged.
According to Science of Us, the reason why caffeine affects
introverts and extroverts differently basically has to do with
our differing levels of neocortical arousal in the brain. It is
otherwise stated that caffeines effect in the body will
depends upon the persons alertness or responsiveness to
the environment or circumstances that surrounds him. An
Introverts are said to be over the optimal level, meaning
they easily get stimulated as compared to extraverts that
are under the optimal level which means they are not
easily get stimulated. Thus, the intake of caffeine by
introverts will cause sudden hype of energy which is
beyond normal, in effect he will easily get exhausted and
shattered which results to a below average performance.

The caffeine cannot serve its purpose to introverts which

supposed to makes him more energize and productive, the
performance should have been astounding and above
average and not its opposite. Because of its fast effect and
intolerance of introverts body to caffeine the resulting
performance then became depreciating and unproductive,
it supposed to sharpen the mind and not to make it slower.
It even ingested by most because it supposed to keep the
mind awake and not to make him drowsy. It supposed to lift
up alertness level and not to diminish the focus. Some
choose this content because it stimulates the nerve to keep
us from going and not to improve procrastination.

In an important event like company gathering,

acquaintances or a special meeting such as board meeting
that involves attentiveness and alertness of the mind where
focus on the details of every topic is highly required,
introverts are advised not to ingest caffeinated foods or
drinks because there are several adverse effects of this
substance to the body. It is recommended however that
instead of caffeinated foods or drinks, it may be replaced by
a glass of plain water, cold drinks like fresh fruits or a cup of
green tea rather than ruining your day by a cup of
caffeinated coffee or foods.
To sum it up, the effect of caffeine to introverts is
summarize as follows:

1. Caffeine might cause him or her to feel

overwhelmed and exhausted, rather than excited
and engaged.

2. The caffeine might cause an introvert to become

unproductive rather than productive as to

3. The caffeine might slower the mind of introverts

rather than to sharpen his mind.

4. The caffeine might have drowsy effect to introverts

rather than to keep him awake.

5. The caffeine might diminish the focus of introverts

rather than to lift up its alertness level.

6. The caffeine might only cause a troubled mind to

introverts rather than to help him find a solution.

The enumerations are not exclusive, there are other effects

that are not mentioned that may also be experienced by
the introverts and that depends on his tolerance to caffeine
and his attitude to each circumstances.

Now, did you learn something from the article? If you find
this article helpful, feel free to comment below and share
this to others.


1.In a Science of Us web about Personality by

Melissa Dahl. When Introverts Should Avoid
Coffee. Available in this link:
2. Jennifer Kahnweiler: Do Introverts and
Extroverts React Differently to Caffeine?.Here is
the link:

3. By Jenn Granneman, Self-Development March

28, 2015. Introverts, That Cup Of Coffee May Be
Doing More Damage Than You Think. Clink the
link to check

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