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rresr017 Home) / Academic Wor is Academic Word List for IELTS What is the Academic Word List? Why should | learn it? ‘Academie Word List for IELTS ‘You wi need throw this academic vocabulay ityou watio sy in an English-speaking college or univers n fact, because these words ae 0 commen, rmagaznes, and nov, ad hear n leviion, movi orn covareston, Ao abandon aceptabe siamo accordingly acestomed adequste sii advocate, aa ator anoual apparent appreciate approximate aspect assign astonishingly attemt author available Bw ‘backbone benefcal beverages. bond bret by-product C wm casualy charitable te cause coincide commt compatible htpfoksoninotests.comiots-acadomic-wordist apstract accommadate| accumulate achieve adapt adjacent admitedly affect ale altemative analogy anomalies appeal approach approximately assemble assist attach atude authority beat benefit bas boost blk capable category challenge chemical ci closely collapse commitment community compensate ‘academy accessibility ‘accompany ‘accurate acknowledge ‘adapted adjust adult aggregate allocate ambiguous analyse anticipate ‘append appropriate arbitrary atin attribute automate behavioural bestow biased breakthrough bygone capacity catering crannel clarity coherent colleague commodity companionship competitive rresr017 compile ‘component comprise conceive conclude conduct consent considerable consistently consut contact contradict contrbute convey coordinate correspond coverages creat crucial oycle aebate decline deduce sefrite demonstrate press desirable detect discriminate dispose distort dominate rat cramaticaly ynamic elegantly cembarc emphasis encounter enhance enquire conthusiasticaly equate erode establish othe eventual evident oxcassivaly exh experimental explict complement compound compromise concentrate concrete confer confet consequent consist constant constraints context contrary controversial counterpart, consis culture decade decrease deem deforestation denote deriva desperate devinental devote diminish Gisplaco dastinet astrbute versity domestic doubt arama drawoack economy lament emerge empirical energy leshancement entity equip estate tical evaluate eventually valve excuse existence expert exalot ‘Academie Word List for IELTS complex comprehensive compute concept confine conform consequently consistency constitte constuct consumption contact contrast controversy convert cooperate corporate couple cradle itera currency deceptively dedicated define demanding deny design despite doviate diterentiate discrete display distinguish disturbing document dominant downward dramatic duration eit cline emerged ‘enable enforce ‘enthusiasm ‘environment ‘equivalent ‘estimate cthically ‘evidence exceed ‘oxctusivoly expand expertise export E 216 rresr017 expose extract Fe facilitate favorable feature fle finte fiuctuate format foundation fraught frustration fundamental Gu gender alone arent hideine Hs hamess hierarchy household Identical Ignorant image impact implement imply incorporate inerecbly individual inequality infectious inhabit ina inated instance instruct integrate inteligent intermediate interval intinsie invoke respective Ja journal Le about legal levy leonee Tkew'se logic extremely factor favourable Teceral final firmly fluctuating formula tractal frequent function furermore generate grace grasp hence highignt hypothesis identity itoracy impart implicate impose incline index individuality inevitable infer inherent intiay injure insight institute insuperable integrty intemal intervene invest involve isolate justty loyer legislate fabitty tketnood Iherate lucrative ‘Academie Word List for IELTS fastpaced feasible ‘igure finance flexible focus forthcoming framework ‘requenty fund ‘generation ‘gradually guarantee ristricaly ideology lustate immigrate implant implicit rneentve increasingly indicate duce rnevitably infrastructure inmibt rite innovate inspect institution integral intellectual interact interpret intervention investigate iresistible lecture legitimate Hberal hely locate 38 rresr017 magnificent majority manual maternal mechanism rmacical mentally rmiitary mobility madity mative Nw recossties neglected nevertheless rrormal ruclear ~ objective obtainable ccupy ofset option ought overlap Px pane paral parter porcaive period pase philosophy pleasurable pot postive practioner predit preliminary provalont prime Prior probable productivity profiable project promote proportions psychology purchase qualitative a adical range react reflect register reinforce relatively htpfoksoninotests.comiots-acadomic-wordist mandatory margin mature media medium method minimal ministry mode monitor mutual necessiy network nonetheless notion obstacles ongoing vient outeome paradigm parameter passive perceived persist phenomenon pysical policy portion positively precede predictable prosume Provious principal Priority proceed professional prohibit projection proportion Prospect publication pursue quote radicaly rato reasonable refine regime regularly reinforcement ‘Academie Word List for IELTS major manipulate marginal maximise mediate mantal migrate moderataly motivated ytd negate neutral notwithstanding oblain obviously ode optimism orentation overall paragraph participate patenty percent perspective philosophically pitas popularity potential predominant prevail primary principle privilege proficiency prohoitvely proliferation proportionally protocol publish pursut random rational reckon refinery region regulate reject release 418, rresr017 relevant rely rendering research resolve responsible restrict reveal ual route Se ‘sawy schedule sector select shit sinilar skeptical sole specific spectacular stable stimulate strategy style subsequent substiute sufciently supplementary survey sustain symbol Ts tape technique temporary terminate theory thesis trace transform transpect trivial Us ‘timate undergo unde:mine Uunclsputed uniform unique Unpredictable vuitaian V« vals vohicle violate Ws: wage whereby Itsonlnetests.comiots-acadomie-wordist reluctance remarkable reproduction resemble restore restricts revolution role scale scheme sequence signifleance simulate slightly somewhat spectcaly sphere standardise straightforward stress submit sub summary surge sustainable synerome target technology tendency theme thereby threshold tradition transit ‘wone uncertainty underie underneath unethical unity unlikely unraveled variety vetically vital visual voluntary weltare widespread ‘Academie Word List for IELTS reictant require reside respond restrain retain rigid roughly ‘scope seek Significant ‘smultaneously socalled specty stabilize statistic strategic sructure subordinate ‘substantial sufferent supplement surrounded suspend sustainably technical temporarily tense theoretically therefore towards transfor transmit ‘rigger undeniable underlying undertake unfortunately unintended unprecedented tise vary vsible vital whereas 58 rresr017 ‘Academie Word List for IELTS Follow us. Hl cvps:tmnetacobook conietsot EQ pros iewn tacsbook comets J ites acebook comets) Getting Started + How to Listen et (hsilontnetsts.cmhow-todstaing) + Hom to Reading est (ioiesonlnetess omnowsoreacng) More Info + Terms and Conditions (hp sa eoninetests.comerms-andconctone) + ContactUs (hepotsoninetests comeortact) + About Us (itpietsenineests combats) Bie ES ©2017 -tetsOrine Tost com Best vowed wt LIC] compte wn BE) QS & htpfoksoninotests.comiots-acadomic-wordist 66

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