Ar T Architecture Design: Mat Barber Kennedy

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Mat Barber Kennedy RI FRSA

Ar t Architecture Design
August 2017

To Whom it may Concern,

I am writing to provide an account and recommendation of Kris Spilker in support of her application to
serve your students as a teacher. My family and I have known Kris for almost 20 years in a variety of
capacities and have found her to be consistently and unusually excellent in all regards.

I first knew her through her devotion of time and energy serving the children at my Church, and have
subsequently come to witness her lifelong passion and giftedness with children as the principle
teacher, overseer and driving force behind the Pre-Kindergarten program at Daystar, my childrens
grade school. Her ability to connect with her students and to encourage and love them is a natural gift
developed and nurtured over the years. She is a thoughtful and committed teacher, well-read and
open minded, embracing both the science and art of childhood education.

Kris and I have been writing music together, recording and playing in our band The Red Darlings for
several years now which has deepened our connection and allowed me to see more of her boundless
energy and passion for creativity and for life experiences. As a duo we have had to rely upon each
other to work hard and to dig deep which are natural impulses for her. She has never let me down,
underperformed, shirked or had anything but a positive and excited ambition for all that she does.

Over the many years of our acquaintance Kris has shown herself to be a loyal and true friend, secure
in her principles and faith, rich in love and commitment and a lot of fun to be with.

You will find her to be an excellent investment of your trust.

please feel free to call me to discuss or clarify anything else with regard to this honest

yours sincerely Mat Barber Kennedy RI, FRSA

m b k S t u d i o s 1 7 0 6 S . H a l s t e d S t C h i c a g o I L 6 0 6 0 8
w w w . m a t b a r b e r k e n n e d y. c o m 312 402 5393 m b k @ m a t b a r b e r k e n n e d y. c o m

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