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Professional Level

In mainly English and a small percentage in Filipino: 3.

vocabulary, grammar and correct usage, paragraph
organization, reading comprehension, analogy, logical
reasoning, and numerical reasoning. Revelation 20:1-3, 21:3, 4
The exam content is about 50% in English, 40% in And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with
mathematics, and the remaining 10% divided among other
the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.2.
topics particularly Republic Act 6713.
He seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the
1. Devil and Satan, and bound him 1,000 years.3. And
he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it
Psalm 37:29 over him, so that he would not mislead the nations
The righteous will possess the earth, anymore until the 1,000were ended. After this he
And they will live forever on it must be released for a little while.

Psalm 115:16 21:3, 4

As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah,
But the earth he has given to the sons of men.

Psalm 104:5 Matthew 24:3, 7-14, 21, 22

He has established the earth on its foundations;
It will not be moved from its place *forever and ever.
Isaiah 25:8; 33:24

Genesis 3:23, 24 Micah 4:1-4

23. With that Jehovah God expelled him from the
Garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he
had been taken.
24. So he drove the man out, and he posted at the east
of the Garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming
blade of a sword that was turning continuously to
guard the way to the tree of life.

Psalm 37:11, 24
11. But the meek will possess the earth,
And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance
of peace.
34. Hope in Jehovah and follow his way,
And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth.
When the wicked are done away with, you will see it.
Ecclesiastes Ec Matthew Mt
Genesis Ge Song of Solomon Mark Mr
Exodus Ex Canticles Ca Luke Lu
Leviticus Le Isaiah Isa John Joh
Numbers Nu Jeremiah Jer Acts Ac
Deuteronomy De Lamentations La Romans Ro
Joshua Jos Ezekiel Eze 1 Corinthians 1 Co
Judges Jg Daniel Da 2 Corinthians 2Co
Ruth Ru Hosea Ho Galathians Ga
1 Samuel 1Sa Joel Joe Ephisians Eph
2 Samuel 2Sa Amos Am Philippians Php
1 King Ki Obadiah Ob Colossians Col
2 King Ki Jonah Jon 1 Thesalonians 1Th
1 Chronicles 1Ch Micah Mic 2 Thesalonians 2Th
2 Chronicles 2Ch Nahum Na
Ezra Ezr Habakkuk Hab
Nehemiah Ne Zephaniah Zep 1 Timothy 1Ti
Esther Es Haggai Hag 2Timothy 2Ti
Job Job Zechariah Zec Titus Tit
Psalms Ps Malachi Mal Philemon Phm
Proverbs Pr Hebrews Heb
James Jas
1 Peter 1Pe
2Peter 2Pe
1 John 1Jo
2 John 2Jo
3 John 3Jo
Jude Jude
Revelation Re
Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois

Venus Gavino Manaois






Genesis (Ge) Ecclesiastes (Ec)
Exodus (Ex) Song of Solomon
Leviticus (Le) Canticles (Ca)
Numbers (Nu)
Isaiah (Isa)
Deuteronomy (De)
Joshua (Jos) Jeremiah (Jer)
Judges (Jg) Lamentations (La)
Ruth (Ru) Ezekiel (Eze)
1 Samuel (1Sa) Daniel (Da)
2 Samuel (2Sa) Hosea (Ho)
1 King (Ki) Joel (Joe)
2 King (Ki)
Amos (Am)
1 Chronicles (1Ch)
2 Chronicles (2Ch) Obadiah (Ob)
Ezra (Ezr) Jonah (Jon)
Nehemiah (Ne) Micah (Mic)
Esther (Es) Nahum (Na)
Job (Job) Habakkuk (Hab)
Psalms (Ps) Zephaniah (Zep)
Proverbs (Pr)
Haggai (Hag)
Zechariah (Zec)
Malachi (Mal)

Matthew (Mt) 1 Timothy (1Ti)

Mark (Mr) 2Timothy (2Ti)
Luke (Lu) Titus (Tit)
John (Joh) Philemon (Phm)
Acts (Ac) Hebrews (Heb)
Romans (Ro) James (Jas)
1 Corinthians (1 Co) 1 Peter (1Pe)
2 Corinthians (2Co) 2Peter (2Pe)
Galathians (Ga) 1 John (1Jo)
Ephisians (Eph) 2 John (2Jo)
Philippians (Php) 3 John (3Jo)
Colossians (Col) Jude (Jude)
1 Thesalonians (1Th) Revelation (Re)
2 Thesalonians(2Th)

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