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COVENANT, PRESBYTERIAN. [CHURCH CHICAGO) ENS AVENUE + CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60647 ‘May 17, 2012 Dear Friend: Pm writing to commend Kris Ward to you. Kris has been a faithful presence in our church for many years. She isa sincere and devout follower of Jesus, and she’s been a great gift to our church. Along with helping out ‘with church music, worship, and children’s ministries, she's been an active participant in small groups and a great fiend to many. (Our eldest daughter also had the privilege of having Kis as her teacher in the first grade. We loved having Kris as her teacher, and so did our daughter! I have utmost confidence in her teaching abilities. She has a great way with kids. Thave no doubt that she would be a great addition to your teaching staf; both your school and her students would benefit greatly! If I can be of any more assistance, oF if it would be helpful to have a conversation, please don't hesitate to call ‘me, Ian be reached at 773.486.9590, x31 Grace and Peace, Aaron Baker Senior Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago

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