Reasons For Decline of Muslims by G A Parwez Published by Idara Tulu-e-Islam

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Introduction In the annual issue of the “Tolu-e-Islam” magazine of March 1949 a question was raised: "Today, the Muslims wherever they are in the world are but in poverty and disgrace compared to other peoples, What is the reason for this humiliation and degradation?” Many an answer was received from the varied cross- section of the knowledgeable sages, intellectuals, thinkers and the discerning, and all were published in the subsequent issues of the magazine. Finally, the author wrote a fully comprehensive article on the subject, which was published in the January/February 1950 issues, It rose in such popularity that it had to be reproduced in the 1952 issue and Hereafter, to meet the demand, it was published in book-form in March 1956. After this a-second edition was also published in the same year, followed by the third edition in 1962, During this period, the writer was obliged to answer many questions on various positions in the article. Many new queries were placed before him requiring satisfactory answers and thus a greater review emerged. And a necessity, more profound, for an original and more elaborate version of the book arose. This, then, the author reviewed and compiled in this new modified version of the book now being published. For the welfare of the people it is necessary to publish these views as much and as widely as possible, and that is why this is being published as a paper back edition. ‘The question as to why we are, to such an extent mean, poor and disgraced requires a deep contemplation and nothing less. In our society, collectively speaking, this question is considered unfit to be tackled, and unworthy of contemplation in 2 the first place, and if per chance a conversation is struck on the topic, it is either lightly avoided or it is washed away in a flood of emotions. “Religious-worshippers” always tend to get angry when this question is raised and they more often than not shirk away from it saying that these kind of voices are raised by the Western minded, materialistic, non-Deen-istic, to whom the aim of life is only the success in this world, its goodness and luxury. They are unbelievers of Roohaniyath (Spiritualism) and they have no concem whatsoever with Allah and His Rasool (Messenger) (PBUH), while the "worshippers of God" eye only the Hereafter; and that is their real Home. This world is a temporary abode where man stops to rest as on a wayside inn in his journey of life and awaits for a short period of time. Such a traveller never stops to think as to what sort of an inn was it where he has rested; instead his thought is to spend the night at this place and then move on the next morning. But when our educated youth hears this advice and exhortation and since it is being given in the name of religion these youngsters come to regard Islam as the major obstacle in the path of progress, gets disgusted and rebels. He says such a religion (akin to Christianity) should be confined to the four walls of the mosque and mundane matters should be run, like the Europeans, with our mind, wisdom and intellect. Religion has ruined us; the sooner we get rid of it the better. This contention is becoming sharper with each passing day. In view of this contention this question was raised in the “Tolu-e-Islam” magazine answered by the author in such a manner with his prudence, insight and discernment of the Quran that the disease was correctly diagnosed and the cure was also manifested. In the matter of diagnosis, no matter how lengthy the details may be the gist is that Deen (the way of Life) of Islam was offered from Allah to the people which made their earthly life successful and bountiful and so also their Hereafter. But the so-called believers of the Anbiya (Receivers of the Message) themselves later turned that Deen into Religion. This Religion kept the people in strange deceits. This is what is happening to Islam as well. But we have safe with us the Book of God with

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