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Respected Course Director & Deputy Course Director and dear fellows

participants, AOA,
There is a famous quote of Alexender pope which says; To err is
human, To forgive is divine
In this simple saying, a very basic feature of human nature is pointed out
which is to make mistakes, but at the same time the author has suggested
the response of humans towards those mistakes in the form of one of the
prime moral values called Forgiveness.
The verb Forgive means to stop feeling resentful towards someone for
an offence or mistake. This is very obvious about us to get angry
towards those who have hurt us or did some harm to us in any way.
Forgiveness is the act of overcoming the feeling of revenge for the
person who has done wrong actions.
It has also been revealed in the Qur'an that forgiveness is a superior
moral trait: At one place in Surah e Shoora, Allah says, "But if someone
is steadfast and forgives, that is the most resolute course to follow."
(Qur'an, 42:43)
Then in surah- al aaraf Allah orders the believers that Hold to
forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant.
On another place in sura e Shoora, Allah has advised the faithful that
forgiveness is more proper:
The repayment of a bad action is one equivalent to it. But if someone
pardons and puts things right, his reward is with Allah.
Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him has highlighted
the superiority of Forgiveness on certain occassions, so he said,
Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs are the
doers of excellence."
Once Muhammad PBUH was asked, "O Apostle of God!" How many
times are we to forgive our servant's faults?" He was silent. Again the
questioner asked, and Muhammad gave no answer. But when the man
asked a third time, he said, "Forgive your servants seventy times a day."
This is because of the virtue of Forgiveness that Prophet Muhammad
PBUH forgave his deadliest enemies on the day of Fatah-e-Makkah and
later on most of them embraced Islam.
We all make mistakes. So when we learn to forgive others, we can also
seek forgiveness from others and from Allah as well, when we commit
follies. Also if we are able to forgive others, we also learn to forgive
ourselves in situations of self-guilt.
According to research, scientists have established that forgiveness is a
proven recipe for health and happiness; it promotes positive states of
mind such as hope, patience and self-confidence by reducing anger,
suffering, depression and stress.
I would like to sum up with the hope that we will adopt the value of
Forgiveness in our day to day life not only at our homes and offices but
also at other occasions to develop a healthy, peaceful and tolerant
Thank you.

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