Vision Class Syllabus

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Welcome to Vision Class!!! Vision Class is an intensive web-based

course, headed by fellow life-student Shira J., designed to show its
students how to find their life's great purpose through actualizing
smaller dreams.

Below you will find a list of class materials, assignments, and a full
syllabus. Keep in mind, your schedule may be busy, therefore, take the
time to format this class to your personal needs. However you choose
to format this course is up to you, but it is important to ADHERE TO

If nothing else, try to participate by watching the prerecorded lectures

on YouTube. You may also tune in to our midterm and final discussions
at the six-week and 12-week marks on Ustream. And, if you have a
Facebook or Google+ account, you may comment as frequently or
infrequently as you like. You get out what you put into class, so be
encouraged, take plenty of notes, tune into lectures/discussions, and
comment, comment, comment!

*NOTE: Vision Class dates are not available as yet, because class will
be prerecorded and edited. Class debuts on, every Friday at 7:30pm EST, and will
continue airing at the same time each week, for a total of 13 weeks.
Students may participate at their own pace (e.g., at a pace of six or 12
months instead of 12 weeks), but those who keep with the pace of
class will experience the quickest transformation. Students are
encouraged to comment on their journey no matter the pace at which
they take class. Stay tuned to Vision Class' Facebook, Google +, and
YouTube pages for the class premiere date.


"God places many VISIONS IN OUR HEARTS. We respond by
interpreting these visions as our own through acts of faith. All visions
lead us to our INDIVIDUAL LIFE'S PURPOSE, which ultimately is
intertwined with others' life purposes. Through testimony and unity,
we continue to strengthen our own individual journeys, and thus, God's
collective purpose for all of humankind."
1. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
2. Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
3. Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser
4. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, OR The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden
(or both)
5. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
6. The Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden

1. Notebook of any size to be utilized in the morning, labeled as "The
Legacy Book" (LB)
2. Small notebook to carry with you AT ALL TIMES, labeled as "The
Intention Book" (IB)
3. Medium-large notebook to take notes and complete assignments,
labeled as "The Vision Book" (VB)
4. Construction paper-based board, labeled as "The En-vision Board"
*Keep in mind - you may be creative in how you obtain all course
materials, such as writing on your computer, using your mirror as a dry
erase board to create a Vision Board, or by checking books out at the
library, etc.

INTRODUCTORY LECTURE: "Introduction to Vision Class"
The Artist's Way - "Introduction," "Spiritual Electricity" (p. 1-7),
"The Basic Tools" (p. 9-24)

WEEK 1 LECTURE: "Visualization - DEFINING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 1" (p. 25-40)
Creative Visualization - Begin book
-Sign contract in The Artist's Way
-Begin "Morning Pages"
-Set your "Artist's Date"
-Focus on "Filling The Well"
-Begin jotting down any dreams you may have in your Vision Book
-Post any comments, thoughts, or any of your responses to the
actual assignments on Facebook and Google +

WEEK 2 LECTURE: "Affirmations - EMPOWERING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 2" (p. 41-59)
Creative Visualization - Finish book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Write one affirmation to focus on throughout duration of course
(on EB)
-Do any assignments from The Artist's Way or Creative
Visualization that specifically speak to
you, and post one of each on Facebook or Google +, and write
other exercises in VB

WEEK 3 LECTURE: "Intention - SOLIDIFYING Your Vision On An En-

vision Board"
The Artist's Way - "Week 3" (p. 61-77)
Write It Down, Make It Happen - Begin book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Print out any photos representing what you have written in your
Vision Book
-Post at least one of your visions as a photo upload on Facebook
or Google +

WEEK 4 LECTURE: "Writing/Righting- The 1st Tier Of ACTIVATING Your

The Artist's Way - "Week 4" (p. 79-90)
Write It Down, Make It Happen - Finish book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Vision Board
-Do any assignments from The Artist's Way or Write It Down,
Make It Happen that specifically
speak to you, and post one of each on Facebook or Google +, and
write other exercises in VB

WEEK 5 LECTURE: "Reading - The 2nd Tier Of ACTIVATING Your Vision

With Knowledge"
The Artist's Way - "Week 5" (p. 91-104)
A New Earth or The Isaiah Effect - Begin book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Focus on readings
-Post any insight gleaned from readings on Facebook or Google +

WEEK 6 LECTURE: "Gratitude - The 3rd Tier Of ACTIVATING Your Vision

With Abundance"
The Artist's Way - "Week 6" (p. 105-115)
A New Earth or The Isaiah Effect - Finish book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Focus on readings
-Create a "Gratitude List" and post on Facebook or Google +
-Prepare questions for discussion/midterm
-Log onto for a live discussion, July
21st, 2013, from 9:30-11:00pm EST
-Post follow up thoughts, or links to your personal blog with any
thoughts to Facebook or
Google +

WEEK 7 LECTURE: "Prayer - The 4th Tier Of ACTIVATING Your Vision

With Feeling"
The Artist's Way - "Week 7" (p.117-128)
Use this time to catch up on reading and/or begin taking notes on
A New Earth or The Isaiah Effect. You may also use this time to try
and read both of the aforementioned books.
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Focus on readings
-Find five minutes a day to begin praying/meditating, and report
your results on Facebook or Google +

WEEK 8 LECTURE: "Meditation - GUIDING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 8" (p. 129-149)
Use this time to catch up on readings.
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Focus on readings
-Begin meditating, and report your experience on Facebook or
Google +

WEEK 9 LECTURE: "Discernment - STRENGTHENING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 9" (p. 151-162)
The Four Agreements - Begin book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Make a new agreement, and post it and your experiences
relating to it on Facebook or

WEEK 10 LECTURE: "Agreements - MASTERING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 10" (p. 163-178)
The Four Agreements - Finish book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board
-Post the findings of any exercises you have done in The Artist's
Way on Facebook or Google+

WEEK 11 LECTURE: "Belief - TRUSTING Your Vision"

The Artist's Way - "Week 11" (p. 179-191)
The Spontaneous Healing Of Belief - Begin book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date," and jotting dreams
and visions in your Vision Book
-Continue printing photos and working on your Envision Board to
be completed by Week 12
-Post any vision actualizations that you have experienced on
Facebook and Google+


Your Purpose" READING:
The Artist's Way - "Week 12" (p 193-209)
The Spontaneous Healing Of Belief - Finish book
-Continue "Morning Pages," "Artist's Date"
-Turn in any photos and actualizations from your Envision Board
by posting to Facebook, Google
+, or emailing to
-If you are not comfortable with turing in photos from your
Envision Board, then you may also write a freeform essay of your
experience in Vision Class
-Tune into for a live discussion,
following lecture, from 9:30-11:00pm EST - Valedictorian and
Salutatorian will be selected at this time, and will be given
information on how to contribute to graduation
-Post any final thoughts on Facebook and Google+, along with
your overall feeling after having completed the course

WEEK 13 GRADUATION: "Receiving - The Final Tier Of ACTIVATING Your

Vision And Purpose"
-Tune in to at it's regular time
7:30pm EST, for graduation ceremony
Saturdays and Sundays (during 12 weeks of course) from 3-4pm EST,
via chat on FB and Google+ (Must add "Paris Capone" as Facebook
friend or to Google+ circle to chat). Changes to these hours will be
posted on FB and Google+, as well as on the lecture one week prior to
the change.

Email -
YouTube -
Facebook -
Google+ -
Ustream -

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