2017 Newsletter

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5 Oe Ts Ek RB DEPARTMENT OF THEATER BOO ate NEWSLETTER A NOTE FROM THE CHAIR ff Coa C UTS Soring commencement cereneny in Role Gm curva ark te cncusion of ur fet sadeic yar bak nthe thiolé new builng stated breathing wth fllnes.A propritly we opened and lozed wth dane perfonnences: ‘ve a extraoreinary perormance of Maa Fone’ State tare ndony ae week ago, we werbackn Dance ance choreography No Heo. In between, we opened the ew Rable Stud Theatr with Hany Eis peduction ot ifort kin, Berto rect Salon othe Soyo, ‘ected by ou PRD student Jel Peg. This winter we ‘Stoespeoe's The Tempest we hate eminent schol and Proto ho vite us forthe Cr Weber Merl ectie This yar, we ate celbating an extraordinary snerton of TAPS undergadiate and gasuate students. Our uncer Tike the work of amulttude. Maddie Bxe's production of her that our students bring wt them wel a of ures they proached these same questions from a diferent perpective Inner honors thet Life nthe io Acodeny The Peromance her ria pays er eapstane pice in New Yor ty Buk wanted do more. she wrateyet anther orga ply space poston of worn nse community, opie on which $e further elaborated inher honors theses Sherwood {on get nm te clockwork then produced» mong version pokey and meri the beach of researc and pacic that we nrture our doce program. ner daseretion Choreapophe egies: Feature Hitoesof Peformance, Rebecca Cle ead provoe ely ares lbaly averse range of choreography and ‘realtone of eporc fusions of West lrcan and Western Aan. order to question how perornce. captain nd thedemthof an ri. tie sn instan conrbtion toe fl for which she was recognized with the prestigious UC Ri 1 Stanford Raezan Trax dred to make erator perfor Imancesin unity paces, sucha the tage of Pigg Theater ‘of heron body hed her writs her isertaton Duo Practice Having done numerous tage design andi no Dect: Response ofthe Men Scns, Angee Melo ‘hey wns about wehiteture's ute and unvadee nots ett of eve resstance to that tat. In hi esraton Toncctonie Becta, Inpel Whines, Kelen Hoot works nt only through text an archives bt lo tvoush ‘enbodedrepertes materal cultures. andaetv pubs. ‘hip in he Deparment of Tester at Oarmauth Coles. bution tat oe long standing ast n residence Chere Moraga made tour department Nex yea shevil continse I tenure facut We wi ery uch mss Cheri's oie 3s 1 poets of theater, he inceness an eta be her last year his tme. during her work onthe reduction of The Mathes Love in wich se told me about ate pressor tht fe generation and minty sents oper fe, fom an expectation to “sueceed to the need 10 find students who took Cheri's asses spoke about how she hlped thm in recncing tha backgrounds wth the wld ‘peskng and opesring nub to beter nderstnding of {he historia sources of sacl an economic pressures that rer much hpe tha even witout ter moet, Chee el hat ay fobleGymnasunopenedts doorinsesh Oued WY EL COME TO THE NEW in the Spanish Eclectic syn by ateiect Arthur Soon ROBLE GYMNASIUM thet fc Tencluded 2 pol basketball ayn, nd ‘The perormingarts-trough dance csses—have had presence in ble Gym for aver 70 yeas. In 2002, Departmant ow Theatr & Perormance Stuis, or since been managed bythe Departent. vent» §28 milion doa renouton, Without com proméing the hoi character ofthe bul, cf thener pd dance paces, nd the TAPS administrative ofces, Robe Gym nv haute the band ew Rabe Stu Theater, The the tevin lrg 6540 square-foot blsk-bor theter with ‘exbie seating rangement nd eate-oF hea per: teenance equipment ‘The 2016-2017 TAPS performance season “New Worlds celebrate cur nw beginnings here at TAPS, ‘ith Sins Awakening the Masa ete theater in {ugural redueton Other season performances in Ro Ble Gym were Malia Fereys Slate of Darkrss and Mai and Ghost Artec Plinpertin the Fl and ‘San Joan ote Stclyards and No Her in the Sing Feo ly apprenticeship wth Cred Fire Theses, | worked on AT of CROWDED FIRE THEATER APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM the amature an plait ave me renewed SPRING AWAKENING THE MUSICAL COMMUNAL RESILIENCY BY HARRY ELAM, VICE PRESIDENT FOR ARTS. AND SENIOR VICE PROVOST IN VOLU BY MADELAINE BIXLER ("17) Ea frat brome eying my sbeoeio, would have to ake you bak to a ie when my understanding spossesied before, and a the sunrises apd sets thoy be dspostssd again and again ‘tor moving to Stanford fom the mile home park {yew upin found myself inane ofthe os cans "wore to nave the br drepancies between the immense wealth rad ne ad the tug aig my loved nes back home bcame cee fo me that the most tangle change the wor has een has aways cme rm the bo, ve and breathtaking relence ot the fs upon whose backs progres is often bl. In Voltinisafulength lay wrote Chere Moragas umber of peconal snd nator emis tat ft me Inout tent. dodaci estoy tem follows the stick trae of tree wom ftom 2 wale pak In San Beno, Calter 38 thor navies gender violence, elon, and dr sre thveughout tha course of Reganselp of power ~ ord ‘gs at the many sires betwen he polled bent ofthe 1980s and the one I found mel waking {ton the days tolling this prodction be oie» stoton ofthe phrase “No Humane In valved ~ aterm usd by Son Diego police to refer to the "Yoltion” when ake soe, an be eed to describe revohing maton a asinge tum ofa splatoreol- sch 1 the seemingly endless dowrard spl of Ie and polis that shaped the soi inate of American he 4900s hs characters are nspived by the had gs and TION In the allan the aang ap water and the ung is to when the ones on TV le us dou, acide to tage the pice my Capstone Proje with ‘hehe fm brill corecor, io Bomboy whose Init ino polite, action, single motherhood nd the men we try o Bend and bres for were mesabl ‘he reearsal room Asa write and ecto, process itywen comes fo the deal of my on fe ard con tantly Bir surprised by how much of myst managed wna proupofinereby tented ana tough actors, \tholped us create someting as euaced. or re ‘The night of Donal Trans lection, the news came piled in we fot callectvy. a sadness orhow relevant Peapa's words ~ "Make Ameri Great Aga had reno ue te werd By tho endo urn, the show brought a mere than $500 in aonatons fo St Janes fray, one ofthe ties inthe Bay Area rin for nd by sex worker was the einstion of te hts informe dene and early movrings in computer cust, Feeding cots and melee ye pr eine nd dts composed of cote and xcern. tvas 3 cee four eorimunties the or, bravery, any enor ‘hat keep us lat ~ andthe mage tat happens hen ‘But mast important. twas emindr to stat there {hat aber even inthe Tac of tourna That's the pow tert kes redstance pose ~ andthe place of ths DEMOCR- ATICALLY SPEAKING DanC ary Cer aha Paper eos page perenne er See Cenacle eee ry err eeremr erty Pee ee red Ce eee rr peer enemas rte ed Ce eee Beene See eee ral Se eee pimeyeecredeeecine econ ‘ramen, ad democrooy/=Secotent Parley er ee ree ees pei peenrearoeen ne peienuriier’ Sent ieaene reas pee ree a pees ere eer een een eres eer ee en et Pee coer et reer ete een attended Ce ee ts eT ern eee er eee eee ers ree ee ee eee Soar eter es Pier en eeomnerterns ee ee Leas ea aan eos meee) Peereerneeeter eee et Seton ceo ieee ence tare Loerie hee Cae oe pee ee ae reins Pee aes eee ea ee eer) ee eaten aero rs Linroheginermepiwiny eyepeenriern et ee eet ers engage in productive logue with people on the t= ee eee nas Pr arr oaas econ eee eer eer eat et eens eee reo ens Eeepeieee eet eer oer Se et Cee ne ne er a Cee une ees eect Nanas Ee ec ets perm at eer re ann reat eee eee eres eee tees oro omc rs Cee eens parerntr ene titan operon ered Peace ee aoe aaa Pere ae ett re ee ey ee eee caer aes a ee oes eet epee eee sees Poona Tate gre eeeniatet nt ee ean ‘een 3 Catholic church that ha been erected! vpon 2 Sth cetiry BC Tempe of Athens ed an arcitetialpalimpsest the hy presence ofeach terre wae imosest by focusing onan juxtaposing various prids of performance and concert dance stoves. would ot be posible oparforn athe acts hat had eccuredn Rate ‘om woul have been stone contenders having been te te of extensive practice and fence inthore fom, : Us Posthumous who rele swith hisrius tales about the aingson in Role. tte lout hat her mother Sherry Posthumous had been 2 beloved fending cosh fc 25 years nd Another speci etueof the event was the creation ofa fest program, Chaclte publch a festschift for Relea collection of writings usualy dane in honor of a schol for 2 awiversary or momentous ocason. We contacted at east ane former o curent dance that had nlunced tat student personally professional. Wohopedn ths Woy tnot We invited lcs maser teachers in varous modern dance styles tring in the 1990, ‘th agora Duncan teacher Melinda McGee who ad aught me ig my undead 1960s. Inga Weis had ben the ast rota of Mary Wignan and influent longtime rector of he MFADancein Education program. Thatunfergetable evening esis ‘eres and voabuary wa 3 eombination of master cy, tortling seein and MP Dance renin a red into ae alo crested an inde impression upon the students {nd contemporary dence, contin 2 culminating in 3 Chocolate Head hybi ti ‘when ustaes ang Imovetes upon varcus kamodfoms ina ring process Fencing and oxerise wer inserted nto ou performance painpsest. Fencing anddanc hed ooustd in ble Gym since 1982, We had several seins wth Stanford fencing cosh ‘only document the erforanc event ut shone and mck the work that has occured in ‘ance through mentorship nd teaching on this amp or aca purposes ‘The Intute for Overs nthe Ate supported the event by ringing stents fom the Inteduetion IDA cst partcipateln the perfomance and post prtormance discussion The perigee audence witnessed the pertamance in the ted grand courtyard round Imac! spaces, a one wid Rave exgeriences them nan earer me We danced int the ‘ight the audence eventual jolning son the most eal ance Norn the wl I THERE IS NO ONE LIKE CARL BY HARRY ELAM. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ARTS AND SENIOR VICE PROVOST THESE WORDS WERE WRITTEN FOR TAPS'S MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR CARL ON JANUARY 19, 2017 There ws no an ke Cad Weber nhs workon anf theta, von ofthe thet, Ini commitment to teaching ana tthe aad, Ca Weber etomied te onuneton 0 theory and rate that has come to serve a the cntzal conception of Tester an er formance Stes a Stanford. Cr no ny understood but exemplified Row the ty and ‘alt of heats pertoranc infra isntrmod bythe race Cal ebacied Dlayrisht Helper Mule to Engh speaking audlences, Cal evercced and promoted the Ivapening temo a wide aude ond eho omen Ca 30 performed ponerng anal nd aging of Important menber= of the European avant emde sich a the Austrian Peter Hence ad ‘lt cesbuity and alte Tat Kaspar podution cesbely nea had already caved out an extraordinary en and acomphed test. ber who cme tbe a towering presence this department whose owertl shade and prefound acomalshens st i our alays 2 times songs ae yet ao open to ceing perspectives. He Ini ecm fring te late and productive ways to exe foncern. Car was indeed 9 pei su ht fe mage an ele ‘nen frame to tanto come 25 years ae Itai bel someuhst nine by ht sued rec but tn hin! He ved uri sis rte ane ecied fe fernerEnsmlethester Cr, However was never belgerent or aopant wai owed Brecher J Fuel was my forme nleague athe University of Maryan, Cr ply etme know the poor Fgh st gaton so mary things wore. Ca testa owe ‘ent wel yond Erect Helo ao nich ad thre was opt he et kn ol ear rsd rected ce sen So when ali wth hn abut contemporary say 5 {ano Pas, eet one te work but ako ought Gee sgh ard ans. {tat dred Stntor. Soke many of outing ere toy had te experience ofa Inactive session on my werk. Again ek somenhatIrtiniatea Buta as we sat down totataterne saw te rough nis kind manner ae cance ssuate wch eng Hi notes were repel of my decor concep ut pointed and reveling. He spoke shout ornents nd what he sa ere faa fed, he splton me an noted ayy Somuch and ha uch a pretouna stony Ca provided proaucov crits. To bese. So dey an respect. Cart ove to tech, nd techn in 0 many wae defined hin. Ca ‘Stanford Ca eay was our ecg program, And he costed and lea the directing workshops Wht | edmed abut his work ‘hat Crs students produced was para 2st nour dscuslon ot asia ams and pod stunt rosea other wot Cat pat ‘Septed ily nd ofen vociferous. He war an informed advocate for Ima f theory and practice wa parc evidet, and in thi resin simpy pu there was no eke Ca Weber. Cat kot teaching wel uth he 8s, beeaze he loves, Boca It from the undegatewh tooth sopomare seminars on Becht mary of se ‘oom no were ie aad sents tothe foi sry o Tony Kuster a hoe ks $a an Bay Area native Tom Haka came to Stanford an performed ina beef longi ‘vfs Wilson for tantra Anerwara ete abouk what ifuenced him f0B0 nd ‘tpt Stanford to se a prdton of recht. Hanks vy desed the production an Cenfded hat ho was so moves bythe procucten, so npected by he thant experience Cf eause, the ly he saw was staged by Car Web nde here was no ene tke Ca Pieri ere er ceenren irre oer ini a ee ee eee ee CARL WEBER fe etre eee eee MEMORIAL LECTURE ean en eee ee gee ed Eerie nares ene ouereves ae pret tel ence iste eet Sheth nner ce er ed Ce ee ALL Pai ee tee ees ee eae SASF Gh SHO eee ee ere ener tate A eee eee Ee eres 3 perenne ee cement err ee eo ee ae Petsberenlee spun serene Masenoneabeabe ene i Vanier noveurenienneneny vememeten era mince enntiny pee reeeenabat eee erte ierteerenen i ere ae hee ea ae ene Bieteeucairiyenbe area tren pee en nner Roary iy teeemannnelr meitoreyenre peor our feniger ares iia fe Pe ott tee ert een meee eet i ree re erento i . a ee eet es herr Lat [Sees Se eee oe oe ne te ed , - ee aie Eee aie nian ene ee sere [eee Senta ete er rene ne ree eer Fee ee ee eet aceon ee see eer ee mere tierra (_ GARDEN BY DIANE FRANK. DANCE LECTURER + STUDENT DANCERS. Amuse concert with dancers «supe istatoton Sted wrt porte tone. tothe tig one the specifciyof ng Concert Hal Arum athe enone. ‘The calsbrationinistited the shared senate elements of Wil cits gece saulpture, Diane ak’ choreon ly and rk Kapuso’ muse: nei of bla, talonee and bested connection wtnan eve hing en Virrmor The wrk as shaped by Japanese estes nd Ingorter the apanese concert ama, the seeming em {yb intense intrval of me and apace that enon in and between bjs and ven Breath ar ameaste of time the Gaga music forthe sho played in hes perermances Dy lopanese master musician Ko shana, Cit rated landscape of five large scale works, each onssting of several intecking parts that stood o were impermanence was the drvngimpule ofthe corer. The dance unfolded Inthe open fll ofthe Bing Aum, with mule fot and ras hits of lnc within the indvdal dancing boy a oi the proprestionconfe lon ef the dance Ree. Sines eld he movement in and cis appesrance Both sup and movement were er \eloped in sani enironment composed of sounds rm Folded ito te offerings of the Pan-Asian Musk Festal the projet was se generously seported by Stanford At, Stanford Uv, the Center for Eat Aon Stig, Art & At istry, and TAPS | ke line vith ane ane a coupe others in Ju cre ‘ing new mateal and re-creating ob phase work By he icant saint of materia nowever, the srt ofthe quar Ae slow the process tal On he convay, the alton of newt dancers tthe lee and the arivalfthe frat selpture Seemed to add enewed enerzy othe work ‘istic mperince that apr interest rom the ore Sing nd ny oid 1 at an lence ‘work in the Bing Alum, the pce seemed toe ito he Spoce natural. When Ko came to work with us, the muse eprowded seemed to flint place, ings dynamic char actor the piece. At tines the musi seemed to dive the movement at thers seemed to cradle tn combnton, the musi and the Aum created space that felt whe soma a rou. In hnking back on A Wire arden, Tremembe the yl wonder f dancing withthe sculpture {ortho Sate, remember hours of demanding, ard work inthe sud, | emember hw rate fee inhabit te the muse ang other dancers. and I rememe tng move ten that had become 20 fanart me nf tally 2 ‘evel ore to me with exch pvtermance oil A winter Gorden was an immecsve experience Inthe reds ofthe bod, sculpture, nd space the studio, our bodes bult and tansletd pars that elected ap ‘nese testetle cance “cui” for exanle, tok form in poerinted but never truncated shapes. struck for 3 moment before asppearing Topsy embecy te co pt of ma = Kd of hamoiaus inte between ies, eps or noter- demanded the vtmort contol of Balsee, [pounded ness and eapacty for extension Yet om its very Ireeptan in Winer Garden snot a werk bul fer bo ice slo integrating moverent with Wi Ci’ balancing Sculptures rested a aly new ovement envicnment frente of sculpture became extensions of eur bodies, nd Eimutaneosly our bodes were ut one pat ofan entre landscape of ever-changing Sound and sutures Tobe ptt tment bit oto have orc o elements oui of our entrl was spy and inletul exer of very tll frer= change inthe amount of sunlit, the wide depth fell ard cured space ofthe ing Arum, th presence Ive musian deeply shaped ou performances in iter nt way, What no Winter Garden represented forme 354 ance ten, at mae hans uni confvenes of mre, farce and sculpture was the canton of phys nd aren. FRIDAYS CHOCOLATE HEADS AT THE D.SCHOOL BY AMBER LEVINE ("18) COLLOQUIUM ON DANCE STUDIES BY HEATHER RASTOVAC AK@ARZADEH, MELLON POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW IN. DANCE STUDIES IN/AND THE HUMANITIES 2 eto sees of atu nd promarrs tht igs hate potions rd commany mente See ‘ein spaces to dane cic research the fhe Harris, hve the dsc are to aon the Coleg poem tt previ lows he evo “dre once Presse os Forth 2026-17 legume events round heme “ance he More Merson Borer Zones, esi Yes esc ‘ay cols and Sco pacers whose wrk eas with (dts peromance nd pet wns reaming he moi ‘efile ht shpeae saps by wonton mpreton {ra etaontp The proms tut, snd auon ave ‘Sonanedhow indiana arsenate ough Suton power tr tp ei cae ‘ana, and egret one an str seein clout ne and arta pace ss ‘The traning aestios tat ave gied ar discuss hate: How cn dances eay mato prance pact, ao he of assent teal rit nto erences nl ‘elt maton nd the subjects ht erase oh? ‘nat contest mrtotes dct pode ‘anders ad ceri cabs stray and oy? How do treet rept he mover fea rip ur int stout ombodnort sai, enous yarn la Neyer OF Ads Jone Ving yin an {oral 206 dred ice ene Feng aime the {amino the ae wt Jones xed Hom Seles nates srg po $e soc ca on opr nem aor ore Doses ‘eve poles o pease pmol ton snd US ‘rp casera acess a a dent Deo ‘nonce tanatenood rt brane Dancer scr ya Ung Lee stant Profesor of Dace at Ui Ss Cay petted 3 cre pvorance nrc ot tected spate thereabon, merce areata oo oes and petted exer a er dance work Tough Sermo ps, Le esiated the pte sd pearl itn te en Che case sep ‘Shou estags ere horde oy one teat cat be ly elma, rt sng“ Whl the ‘taal iether bath Whe des su ‘eve dippers!” by Feta te Coloason weaned De Powe Satansyor estan tees wat fie ‘ide ore nti ang Cdr Sn ch Sots Sing Bas fg rt {Trough 3 vigaou engzgrnt hcg schlanp ot nt sowrcnty Be Powe Seema ied dang {fat cea othe Fran Pete ar pial peste fem ars She aed tthe sd conmerc oes Mut smateiatedtNou ing and the enbndemascmanat ‘tse a etre ft tel uesons aot am doo a. Angas const meiner chon hus sre ‘is crporstin an rane Bcknes wlhshe es c Shc dent bods een whelrverng stoners bn Mach the Colton fee calabria promance the Unt la Sos Mroer and aon, Pye Sn ‘nisanantalon sed ca scar peor anator ‘Seti Sern Caer oat abr 032 De Nae ‘esc he Sny ewes Dace ener ek Pop ace stl deve hos ef ve Spe pone nF “ine ang opt thre prtomance our Callogsum eet ‘orotate slyck dance postodemsloyetng snd 3 ‘rosters Whaat engopedthe rae aust "Wich ‘iat gts et bain” Wile Byscay and sve Bane wh afer tempor esters ytd te, str re ‘resettle Zr, oe Aeon Iressa pers s calc stones of movement nd ‘ean mares tint ge hare Sn te ilo im kn Arab Ai o> {taro en Caorce Coleg wo pes ptera ‘Si cad eng te ll a Hen an on bc Kab ogee io th Say Ao rs $\ehdonand nga, te te RO ec fe Sem ctrl oan esogs th rege he ow t (Sia od rng el an era ch ‘eine otro serine ne rine ta {es ean moat fon) Or Red examine om nveone {behstrtin sone mera ce err be Saco {Rte eect ects tee nod et rungs acne wen eb pit ony Bo ake ‘Wrong restr momen aes” ‘eyes Closer cnt rt Mp ein ISjct he it andar My a Msn ina Fetal nono Bean Eup 2098 Baya pest ‘ecre eed Peoming Nerbsnang and Dssocenert frst Rtuee xeric Conte Stee Ah i she arta oie twos Bris ast ar rn ‘sens stn Uo: ol Bont (007) ed Tah ot Fei Ades Hann (2018) spt se eine Now those wo artes respective cotrpor dance ard Stee ast represent fee nates eects 2d Scie Dr Bayar apt tat lan and Andee io st wets feito eng oe ote dcr {re Suse ace @ Ee, sate or Dest ae A Torts Fenns & Ginetres erie Be. strce question wht weuld R mean fo sae ‘using anrchesr,orany ofthe tenant lures fan opera? Using Bal Bt’ 1928, fut to ae what new muscal-srmatie vo ves apd theoreti sights might emerge veraton wth Berto Brecht wings on op ‘ferrin Barks engmate fle itn. fopea as a mde of prosuction. and exploeng The ony of ering this production fram an the 3 rater eborste techie apart in ert raze one of he conral specs of featured 9 sound stom composed of fe loudspeakers, 2 ming boar, te vol mie BLUEB EARD’S CASTLE SECOND-YEAR GRAD REP BY MATT STONE, PhD STUDENT hones 2 contact mie, 2 compter runing (QL, anda tuiabe spring everyting tom recordings that we had cut to ving. This 55 {em povided grat tots In cur approach shom> Bart score, the perermar veces, fen 2 rstng bucket of popeam- bee ‘aerial tht could be api. ei opt, Dichshited and more Operates or apt stant sound aegne Sor Mal Nguyen. the cand thot sought fo ehink what he scare” (Of course, this design woul have been rth Robin Feberg 20 and Lee Sin 20. vino helped concen it and bring te on age finding ways for Robin and Lexi to interact Symaialy th the Sonesta mater cure of te shows ity miter bt one Dertet theme we deveoped was the gap forinsance with Robin and Loe pyc fo 2 Engihonguoge tearing f the opeing scone of lbs Cane. Thr aren anced performances paroled the pysaty ‘word snd getine carfly to the reco Voices The sow cummed In 2 concept the fal ecene sa Rabin nd fend thir voles to preecorded vieo images of there ‘ered cating he time Aa the fi ats of fen as Bucbend Ende dines.” hs is oper without a9 appara? In my aitemot to bing tis thought experent 10 Ivmesitzd reterpretton ofthe one 3 2 sor of contruction ot oth Bake =core {ound dein and our 0 sled performers the show sites apy between opera dag, rerltmay not have dled lor anasto "he question with whi began but Tope nd taking acral ance ovard how ve Bo FEAR OFA LONELY Ne LOVE AND INFORMATION SECOND-YEAR GRAD REP Ca ee eee Le eee te eee eee eee neers cara ee ere eee eer crt pee eee ee aes em Ce ee ioral eae eeelecdeece ede ete ee eto) ene ease eee ees Ee ret Ean mere entree eee ens ee een ees En eno eee eae Seon ates oe ate ea oer pe raieer rape merits creamer peste eae ete pee ont pene eee ned eee Papen rece menuentnnsce sete ee rs ee ete trate st pheyiey ee ee eed ppeneyemnnvemyeruirveeayinins Eee ene Peeier seer aire tay Peer arenes ee ere eats ee eee een ee ee eT a nee Pete est ee Leth Se eet eee eed Perera ee eer Seren ee eter aes Peete apr eern aee e en eae aes re ener cine ee Foner eeceeetes eae acne Seen eed tae eeanccekaetedaenet teed eee tees peniey morenieper seit maapeniis ee ar re ed atin oc enee pe Pent se erent oeeny eg Oe cee ened S rkakusteantubsisneasta ailoek uae teeta irene ete eee eae eee er a Se ee eee ponent ete eer ree y papier serapervane ono pears es ee ener poe eenrae peer rere a Ra nh ees pee te ee al rare er reenter ees Sere eet een Se ee et pee ere eee are Spe ee ee a pier eeonnere Teas beause ofthe time an ener that waste to this Pee eee ea er eer me Tneseeriopre erage svieeny preyed es et eee ey perapserve erp ener PHD(Pfft) SECOND-YEAR GRAD REP BY CYNTHIA BERGERON-ZAIDI TAPS PhD STUDENT DISSOLUTION BY LEAH SLANG (18) ne wr" 1999, the changes of the inn fr hood he the asin the mst slener who dtd ely ets it something uneven fe played by Eve Ls Puna 2, nd Mat, played by Cvstopher Punt: have their own aeons loses ad secrete. Freshmen Eve an fet ny dared of comping ard when ital came together eet this very emetionaly ad topes dit play a ely. ths have been wtten 3 century ago? How oul Aplin interred in devine. king ota! bods and wit forming dest ham nl nds of spces thee an \ersary ofits st performance to an unerthusasti ars au ‘The play take pice in 1917 Par nthe throes Wed A Kids of wory about ths newfangled thing cle em isn” that appeared to be tveateig al ofthe nos and Of Tesi, tlie the story of 3 French hee nod bursting her convenient poppable balloon breasts) and de pars the domestic sphere with 3 new body,» new slew of 1 poses nd anew me, Tea He bandon ae tims easly conqueabe chaleng of cena Sic madecred by the ambiguous rte of geography: 2 interspersed devised scenes and interludes into the orginal tert We payed wh ayers of ag we payed ith bodes nd «and we played wth many. many balloons We worked ith 2 eam of incre eigas rm ak Tang'18 ho Iu ‘gn slurped and mosnedits way nto ourhearts,t Tor Partch set designe ad ndzputate qucen of blot Spec to ese Hl and Helen Paris who soporte ve and ene 2g sad ough for user stp of he wy. ‘ewe varkedonthisply.weattemstedtonaiate where ne Inert with al ths and what our obfantion might bef is intent. Utnately,Apliare oli pol fr hs ly are tion fr depopulation ely oes incude te Ssbrdnaton ot tat wre came to eake wes that uring for whet Aplin realy though was bes the pln When we read his py ‘ur bodes thst reeponded, ome sing ta lore Peon, te ane wast the stoi Theater schol Claude Schuache sys th of Aplines formulas ant urge them to widen thei horizons, ceaslessy wa ht we ted for ding ur clabreve desing eset lt the fatastl elements ofthe real an surest hopes and most detested sori tangas ts Aplinae to make a ce of theta that war ol and new nd then nd ese woe daunting and filed with unexpected obstaces, we found so mc jo in auing out ht adept to calengs, Capable of making a work we were prof We ae entering part 1 the confidence to continue to make theater from te ground up. We are so grat that the department fo enbrace undergraduate work. THE TEMPEST BY AMY FREED TAPS ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PREFACE: THE CREATIVE PROCESS a eee es pee nee ee ete pinta ee sniper eee eter eer ren eee eee cere ee ees Siemon teeny apne ar re a es eee ee a ered ra ren nee ere ea etre a rs eet rs Peri reerrnter viet ein ee ts oer ends pee ceed artes een ener ns reat oy ees Pee et er et erent oc corer Ce ee ee y Gnd Stanford Eneleh Por er Create : 9 ee ee eee ner Ls rane eee) eer ea eer ir renee meres Se ns eee oe res ener cnet erates eee eer eee Pee ee eee ne cere erererT Court masguos that wor populr in Jcebean those eee eis ee eee pee a eee ee ee es Parr ee ee pete eer | a ee eter ener een aie tees previewed some ofthe choreogiaphy fom the sho aie et ecard eee eee ee y eae ee oeirete neces pease etter LIVE ON SCREEN BY DOUGLAS EACHO, TAPS PhD STUDENT Live on secon,» seve hosted by TAPS patie st dens which gathers sreens and dues recorngs of cen performances, took bal tour forts ourth Year rom dance to oper to devied these, ou tea OF doctoral students put together a seston of events ‘hich encompassed many ofthe mest prominent at ts working ball toa nto aes, we then Rad the oportnity fo meet these artists ae cus the vw Such reste never paced however, the con ing th weghy topes, but we make sure 60s wih ton chips and choclate ral We besan ambitious, with Ifo Pagatorio Pa 40 by the legendary an colective Sodas Rta lo Sani, Thi hee part, sbtaet mie of theater ad Scanography adapt the spit of Date’ Dine Comey Into split, sion, and dark pve Prtormed inthe hunting openaireate ofthe Festival dgnen, Inna produces a sre of poste knges- 9 sting Dock flo abr, 2 group of een ina ss bo 2 white hers tring down 3 row of dozns = which topeter conjure upa kind of el fr he modem wor Parlor shows us a bourgeot fy ough 3 mat nlite cram, before bath he tag and fay begin to fal apr around a hoes. Pasa, an stalin fret staged in 9 church, was not poled fru before ‘ve ave at ton the DVD and would neve ep foranjone ee Live on Seren thn iad the dparent to welcome some Garman beaters most prominent young as to campus We screened Die Metaien (The Meteor ies 3 new pay by Sasha Marianna Salnann about 3 ‘oup offends in erin explcng cath eter’ race, ender, rtinaty, apd queer sensi 3s thr con nections bet face away. Salzmann then aed at Stanford to acu er work ean art anda nats leer, casing how she hae heed tanstorm the asin Gory tester int 3 canter of rt, abou, ne Staring refuges We thn gested the ne yea with fet of performances shared wth ws by Rt Proto advance of thar extn vt Togtr hese arts Showed the ashes divesty of recent Geman pe fermanc, wile both wing particu atentionto the plato dsloced poops and minertarian commu tes eon urge Festyeargadute tudnt isika Matis then shar with us alte pee, Share [Body by master inalan ‘horogroner Changes. Ming areal nce and Yoes with »contemprary clbation of female sow ts danee bought stoi gestures and po real history int the nesrywerdess movements the ‘wo parformars producing a eat conversation across Fal te Spring brought us back to ope and then, ance theaer, ath Wats ad Guts an internation company whose leader wind in both NewYork and Bevin were represented by thi ido ond Anse. Tis {7tcoury operas krown for its sy: Wats ‘elon bath exoded thee sss ana bought Sidencor corer tothe oral enery of such ot trasques, sing a rand tank of waar, tears of danas {rd sngers who would move back ad forth Between ‘amon. andromeda corte changes o prods 2 now kindof "baroque staging We thn ios our {earth Ralph Lamees How Can eu Sayin The Hose [Al Dy ond Not Go Arye? 3 mi fete vie, ance. ana theater which reaches rom the Back expe ‘anes of Minnespls tote Russian snes fton fi ‘Salar to rode an ineorparable secution of Fore, ‘tance, nd our Areca ure, Gven te event of ‘he yes and our many ieo-ours sour the Babe it asus te place fo shou own conversation SAINT JOAN OF THE STOCK- YARDS MANY [UNANSWERED] QUESTIONS ABOUT POWER, PERFORMANCE, REPLICATING WHITE, MASCULINITY, ART BY LILLIAN BORNSTEIN ('18) DANCI NO HE IN TRUMP’S BY GLORY LIU. PhD CA\ IN POLITICAL SCIENCE When Alex Ketley approached me over aye 2 tobe 3 part of his Santor restaging of No Heo dnt even tke mea heartbeat 0 sayyes Though nad movement ex ae Alin retlé thei journe offing dance in Uunerpected places with unexpected people Te dance ale tat was layered with 0 ma diferent stres-of lov, lors, jr, ands, the beauty of ornary ie-vas 9 dancers ‘An wnegected tum of evens sated my ino How, however. The shock of the 2018 Presents Election wiggered seis of wr before a a cance but often efected on = 3 polite there ow da we go about tying to understand the lve ad he bale of po le who are sounike us? Wht are the eth NG RO AMERICA NDIDATE ical imalcatons of characterising the dive between ed and ue states, sn andra America a an empathy wall that has to be breached? What place does dance vein an a when the pearing ats nave became ‘et another touchstone of pletion? ‘Thesearecertanyqustionsthatmaketisver- fromitsfrstineamaton theyre azo quostins thane of scan answer esl Yet rough wor | have come to understand and cham Plan its hble ambien No Hero an ‘tation to conier wht hapene when we Shed our expectations of what ances who tance, andwhere dance happen Leting g0 of those expectations opens up a world of chalenges and promises~and not jst for dancers Some of us have grown uP In dance studios, so un-raning our bodies with wnt our minds to ble that ance hast loks carta way that only ce tai type af people doit and it happens a 2 certain pace Being opon to verity fd change a a dance cn be an uncom aa LARAMIE See Tecluding one locaton son the sect na puking lot of neighboring hel were worl ving betwen the orga, scripted scenes and ptods of deve and i wanted, withthe radical power to change some of te reltonships and outcomes. Fespend withthe rowiedge had esine rm he pst fur yas Ma learost de vise bot theuph the feks ed dough csses on devin and Secting ana applied between the charscters, The production eam wiemade up of group of ten fom designers to guides, who made the word of use Veron become Wing nd beth am ermal rtf fo the apport to make ths wok though the expetimen {altheater collet he eke, wh have been my ais hame sine my sophomore yea Both in terms of my arte oie and my proces, fal that this projet served sa necessary vehi fr demnstatig my grouth Usig queer and emit man {estos and my learing abot socal real rt bet Itc in over cleees Twas abet crf wold tha rang wth femme enery and questioned norte ‘and gender dertites on stage, leaning into the thoughts of politcal arts who have sit pec and ner work th an ensemble. lookin forward te moving Bern to bepingclecve nthe wernt. an of erst cities. It onlin this pst yer tat have realy felt ysl coming ‘nto yawn understanding ny cnn eto and voce an procers, and Fn looking forvar to Sapine more deep int thi nderstancng | defn nen on app ing to pacts schol eto the Univesity ofthe At in Berns Scale Wine jrogam, and then to MFA in the US| an hope t teach an rate wth my future aes | would make werkywithin the sino, work that cera and innate ae focr and accesible and mesingtl and wl, s paymight deco. nd devs Fn isnothine We blew tht nothingness ent an eption” CELEBRATING MICHAEL RAMSAUR 46 YEARS OF SERVICE TO CHERRIE MORAGA WITH GRATITUDE BY KARINA GUTIERREZ, PhD STUDENT 1 > a FACULTY NEWS NITERY EXPERIMENTAL THEATER CMa eu ea Pee Crt ue a 2017-18 SEASON | DANCE FACULTY SHOWCASE | KATZELMACHER | Ce RO SZECHWAN | THE WORLD OF EXTREME HAPPINESS, Ran vat) -18 ena Scare OP La Ree CLL

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