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‘ORDER NO. ARP2170 STEREO DOUBLE CASSETTE DECK AMPLIFIER DC~Z74 HAS THE FOLLOWING ; Tee Powe Ragone te * This manual is appfcable to the DC—Z74/SD and YPW types. + As to the YPW type, refer to pages 49-52. * This product is a component ofa system. As to the system composition, refer to the system manuel. + For adjustment rotor to ADJUSTMENTS FOR XD~Z64T, XD~Z84T, DC-294, DC~Z84 and DC-274 (ARPZ140). CONTENTS 1. EXPLODED VIEWS, PACKING AND 'e PARTS UST. 44 PARTS UST: 24: FOR YEW TYPE a9 2, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND P.C.BOARDS 5 PANEL FACILITIES 53 ‘CONNECTION DIAGRAM: 126. SPECIFICATIONS 58 PIONEER ELECTRONIC ‘CORPORATION a eo ane, apo, Taye 18, | Ree een erent apn mere lo ‘SPIONEER ELECTRONIC CORBORATION 1361 lo eee w 1. EXPLODED VIEWS, PACKING AND PARTS LIST + Pos marked by "rot alan pt in nck Th deerme may be longer ‘hanna yay enable 1.1 EXTERIOR AND PACKING Part lat of Extrlor and Packlng Maik No. Desepion Mark No. Deveipion ROTARY KNOB DOLBY NR) ABLE ; © mauen {Beto Aa Bom 1 Geeta Bi f Bere : SSREaey $ moumayweroo.s mouse ¢ gre + RRMA lee ee sae 3 ee Ehoes 1 BERR oie Fear 1 BSE aks S geeinmes 4 teemmeresosoe, ase Smog GREW Mas 3 TE scum 4 Skiers | ene & eps perucrns 3 RENEE ee Ms “egg ene 4 women Sinn 2 BEng * Be = are ate ¢ Sor 3 Eom — the an 2 perme: aime 2m, ek Reso 2 Bn aie} RseiAruis a 5 Bee, Ek REE 4 8 Wegeetme = gener gee fF ERIE TB ; Ree OS fod eae 3 RYGE ree 7 Be © Rath at Ne ee to Sen removing the chan uni orp 1.21 MECHA UNIT (EXK2020) Pert Hat of 1 Macha unt coo pnt te so om mom waa garam mane ¢ saa Cee er : Se serone i: BERAme” ERS Be nec : REGE? Bbe 3 ee se 3 ow me : i Bx = 3 Fathom ~ a Be =a ET 3 Ex Hn ° 2 seraieey as ieee | Be 3 mine ens - 3 Se oe ° 41.3. 2 MECHA UNIT (EXK2010) Ue eon chal unt ele the am it {Coco te chsna tt can ben vomared eee ‘cttng be pu f Wa 2) wh Mako. Deven arta No Mark No. Desorption Part No. 4 (ee fotoming Mssraion 1 retina, ur wo) exaine sh waswen re } Tolueuarewn” Bue 5 : REY BEE 5 Soe ES ¢ tavemu exer Se RPHEADASSIMRLY = nO 3 aeane aug 3 maar i REEL Buse Bin ie Ar ® 1s asw a tos wouoen Aa a 8 hou “ SPRING ‘EBHn1201 a SCREW ~ OT 2 BS = a 37 Lee 2 Sus me | Vt ApS = | |S Se aed Hue I ye 3 se mug | — 3 Sane Hg I ! 5 a 3 sane an ° } o n sme azn ! | 2 Sine fue | Pd Eas I ! 8 Motor own aoe 1 i | ' serene) ties | » | & Sousa” Ero - 1 t = ia iors i AL & Pick Ean 1 ' 3 amar so ! S Gotnecroe En « ta @ | S Sau Ean \ il Fy 1 oy I 6 saewons arzziornc i ia" a rr | & Sen proach hoa ; So Was teri I! “ot Pion ! ri | 2 I ‘ I . I ° | D . SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND P.C.BOARDS CONNECTION DIAGRAM ‘1 OVER ALL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (P22) (22128) #P25,37 (P25, 37) (937-39) (Pao) itt i alpen (952836) = wie tess | | Sesh Po ST : 1 2 I 2 1 4 I . I ° I ? (9222) eee2 128) tee24) =I B (25,37) (aeaon (9825. 26) 4 This P.C.B. connection diagram is viewed from the foil side. SOaSRY (OSS ML dense ANDSNES oT (@soasa oP) — TIL vldeseee VAIS2I0 of (55 oaea of) at eae GIL eldeoene WhI8210 of (Go oasa oF) 1 5 1 f I B ' . 1 : 1 er “tase "eo taagnn ee Remene ee ee feos. ‘ldmosee 31M bne AV .3MOHS GASH GEEESWA) TASS Sano | | Ay 21K udasane ToMH109 2MART oT | (Gb 360 of) 8 | | | 214 eldesees 2a ae of {Gr osoe of) 2 ‘Vidrmasee 3HOHS GASH STL eldaoans tuseta of (etioaea oD) ° TIC wldvsse VHEL0 of (OEEESWA) vidmoase 3A (83 ogeq of) GL Ulduonne ANOBKI oT (6 asa of) aoe ! ° I . l . l . l . | . vr Creer 1 eI 1 > ' « ' . ' ° 1 5 2.2 AF (AWZ3336), HEAD PHONE, VR and MIC assembly ee eS) cease cay ost ee eee EE aoc 0808 0601 6601 To TRANS CONNECT aeseably J15 (Fo 'paxe 42) To SUB TRANS aaseably J16 c (ro page 42) HEAD PHONE assembly ies To DISPLAY easonbly J12, (fo pete 35) (se anc asuny 9 rns 7 ! . ' 1 ' I . I . I yo DISPLAY a Co page 34) 3 a, ay To IMECHA assoubly J6 (To page £7) [e BISLAY assnby 314 (To pase 35) To IMECHA as (ro page 28) 2.3.1 MECHA and 2 MECHA assembly whe)e] la) oO ‘TMECHA assombly 1 7 1 To AP assonbly CNS, (Fo page 19) ‘MECHA unit sinw AHOAM {EXK2020)(2/2)_(S\S)(0SOS2Xa) 209 veldaonee A oT (Gi 20a of) FH oO ‘Vidmeeas AHOSM T (exs0.0)(115) 5 WECI HY UE TEXKSOSON(J\S) TWECHY Ui us bate 1a) 12°We 878 CHING sate 19) nos, sos raion nssoe nace WOOFGhBEe 1° WE M*HSHRTA cuts ‘se reuor me i r 2MECHA unit (EXK2010)(2/2) BB) ee Z e ‘nw AHOIM S NNS}oroswxa) i T T 4 119 idaoees 1 of (El oa oF) ‘Vidmnezss AHOAM S 1 ° 1 e 1 » ' e if s 1 a si90-1008 Be cae Peso Pear sea We AHOAM f (@OBESWA) YAISIG B.S aw bat tot Soe cow ToT corny” eorav iota bs (OSOSX3) TMU AHOIM Fr .vidmozes We AHOIM S (Or OS¥xa) TIMU AHOSM S se 4h of 01ND vLdnoase 48 oF (Cr st0a of) \vidmoses We AHOZM S o IMD vidaoaes. 34 of (1 e360 ot) ' 2 1 2 1 4 1 . | DISPLAY (AWZ3409), 1 MECHA SW, F " ‘s708 2. MECHA SW assombly, 1 MECHA UNIT (EXK2020) and —vn7o" 2. MECHA UNIT (EXK2010) — To AF asses ro paso 18) DISPLAY eosombly AWz3408) | To AF aaseably Hl (ro pare 18) vareevaroe woot" tRigo3 To AF assonbly C412 To AP assonbly outa Fase 19) (to page 18) (€xx2010)(1/2) J 1 1 2 1 3 1 a ' 5 1 ° ' Pree Trees 2.5 SUB TRANS (AWR1O058) and TRANS CONNECT assembly (To page 24 (10 page aa bly (AWR1058) iste Urevenagate O401-AELAY ORIVE TRANSE CONNECT assembly ‘TRANS CON! — —! 1 | 2 I ep (820rRWA) yidmoees MART aU ‘© Wl ’ a0 eldeoces A oT (CF ona oP) i i od 21L eldeonse 4h of (Ol s3ex of) 3. P.C.B ’s PARTS LIST 1 Pare with par uber cannot be ppd 5 Rea dy oi ck Thay mayo asa ortho my aa + The. mck ond on ome congo ar indesign heft of be pr. Thes, when ‘ic ben pr a pao tteetoiew dims + hen nein ers fn comers oem sho ne flung expe. ET ieee Si nn hon sn my = fo bx Be Rbwwesaaay as tas NH BOK E52 Who thee are Jeep fh ari high precon me lm reo, stoke Sl RNESROOO OF wns tose on a Asana weno a En ERMes Benes fesse RpcuLaToRtc © boea Pet saa ce ee eae = GEE Eee 1 og MgC ayaa (G2001—2004 TRANSISTOR cus * ATS a BS Se rein oun sti so Gir Bee Se SSR RS crs Sari gue caper ounce a So a a SS yee oe) Ge atieciscae aunt esos eos Ee Suna ceca Sees ee SN sitar cee eras TRARSSTOR ‘C1OLS, 1016 ELECTR.CAPACETOR CEASATOMIG ot oaks gicase™ Se a aos ce SEER on conte ees oa, BERS gas afer Ee hitb Sa uceree et oy HERS cee 2 ES es Show HSE sae a SEE, ee tom aes Dasetotion Pat No a Ho Pat to Swarr | MUTI itis M¥LanruM ——camatsys suiwse) euencrron ssuust2) Geeaac caracrron cxsaymuseRsa suse) ELECTRCAPACITOR GERSHON (GaP caPacrtoR” ExSaYiazoRs0 suse Auoyo rue cersasouse suitsiog Capacrron Biteas) Sonn Sonar ray, 26 susp caraciro as at su0se7) czas. 228 CERAMIC EAPACrTOR cxSYBSEKD nae suns) ea sues} cauane ymogmst cause Reta sso) cum 2z RUBCTRCAPACrTOR ceAszRo as, 2304 ssu0siey eas tte RLECTRLCAPACTTOR CeAsernte tee 00 sues.) ise 2 ELECTRAPACTTOR CEasoions9 ssuioaes) Gos ELRCTRAPAerTOR CEASeanie Gupmesisror — Rsviosay ‘Gi RESISTOR Sse) Gime ELSCTRCAPACITOR Ckastontsn past cUIPRESSTOR —_ES\ANSat) ess ELncTecapacrroR Chasen ‘asl, zo Cup RESisToR —ESUuaso Geo” Etncrecaracrron Ceasioiio Kea,aet GUPSESSTOR SLi ELECTREAPACITOR CEASLOOD Hew Gurxespron —Esinusia) ELzcTRcaractToR cease ere ey Etecrncapactron CEASams oo-al2cARDON FUME RDLAPMEEAy ELECrecAPAcTOg GRASS iesisron [ELECTRCAPACTOR CRANE ms Gore aouerneu che etpcrecapacrron ceaxnioata poe Ganon at aD PMOL Gia Eupcrecaracrton ease sesistor Gu Eipcrmourne ewe" pus CARO ua DLA clon ot Eonaanc cartcrroe cucyre a hs “" Stacricapacton’ Guasmnne Resiston clos LECTRAPACrTOR cEassaoss so caRBON Us ——RDUAPMLIOWy Slo RLRCTReAPArTOn Geassanae iaastor Clos ELECTRLCAPAcrTOR Ceasiamss aodor CARBON FRM RDIAPMA Got ELECrRSAPActon Aetuue eisiston _ woe Ee carAcrroR caanvBtaKia “gsc Vai (03,604 ELECTR.CAPACITOR CEASDRaMSO was SeneTOneet | gees es" CERAMIC CAPACTTOR CKSQTBEBIGD ear METALGMDE RSA (Cl ex CERAMIC EAPACTTOR COMSEAOOO ResisTon neastone cagpon ae BLL azz, 202 VR veraevsaes ns. GuaeSiTOR suey GIP RESTOR stostza) kis cupresiston —esvinsiuy is 6 CUP RESRTOR SUSE sesisror ess GuPsusisrok Stoo uss,16tMETALONIDE ——RSWLMFRa Resiston au terres ROUSE am, 2904 sunaszay as, 2 susie) Mak No Deseron aan re mogceen gx KAD PHOND ARMIN en ‘TRANS CONNECT ASSEMBLY aw ren oa ou oisrLay ASSEMBLY tawzo40o) cue ‘Sauron’ kre semconoucrons cu commacronaary) rn ise: ace se vm asseneLy rome | ERE MRR Lo, ‘est Onaare cxsaoxe ise manssron exam TE Metin even Tar Gis0,sso. ‘Teawseron ENN Fs ae Gise-iy TRANSISTOR NIA aise Taesree Ran feqyse mupetgon oe Sion" Feasrsron Rae oa aise ‘TRANSISTOR ‘RNI203 coaestons ais Fearon Rae ait = Fettesror Bais Ciis2 MacTRcAPAcrOR casi aes Heaesron tins Gavin Ghirciracror™ Gacentan Soe ace rae Seve acrncaracrror Geasionte Se" Hieciactron creas ise Temetsron ns SS Gtawetkaaree citerrnze fies Featewror Bus co camanc capcom cxerreas9 gee Tasron i veneers aii Hettesrot Evia aoe = (DISOL—1506 LED (GREEN) ARLILGD fest ste GMP AESiTOR —HSUISI00 Bisse Tap gy eu pe" Gipmssror site Bm or Leb an fee Hesse Geaesisron — Hsusteg a pr RoweeeT ‘DISII~15I6 LED (RED) aes HexD PHONE ASSEMBLY Sit one ie ie METALOXDE —ASILMF Dim-ins DWE i os Chap ovary siserow Stor =e onm cis. 170 cEcTR.CAPACITOR (GeeanicexPacrToR CCeeanncearacrror muscracaractron (Gena capacrror ‘BuncracaPacrton cenwae caracrron ‘CEU eaPactTOR Cceeannc caracto ‘stim Exons Ee costo Seorxouats ceasrene Gee courasans Soxevarene Err Mark No, __—_Deseiptor cm.ra ELucrgoLrTic cua ‘yen. 60 ve omc) versa vo Yetta varus verre Yeow xcutat Riss ——-RESISTORARRAY — RAgTIRY ReSisTOR wReaY —asTiON toa RrsisTow wteay —astiow wom HLT save Ges" consecrotasey wPels 1 MECHA SW ASSEMBLY 2 MECHA SW ASSEMBLY (© SUD TRANS ASSEMBLY (AWR1O59) RAS See nrewaseas 7 is Mack No. Daseon ine LgcrcaPacrron ie ‘RLECTRCAPAGITOR Gor RLECTRAPAerroR mit cARDONrIM mie CARDONA, a AcsocKET am 1 MECHA ASSEMBLY owe meer Gat Taavesror a: Taanssror i zu TaaNeToR Gas TRANSsTOR ‘rast osc TRaNsromue Pane soveeneas oveenzes razzie ROWSPMCEES ise rasa Doser zs, 200 Sse, 2a cass conan caPacrror BLECTRAPACHTOE ‘eiterearncrton EESisron @ gggg2 sac nc ara No. ccustienoso cra conse CantAtaKa couasonatn ovaeneay ovaen amass ‘cebyeeris ow toe ee aaa 4. FOR YPW TYPE nores: 2s wit pr mumbo cao supe 1 Theda ound om same compo part ne the importance of te fy tor of be pa There, hon pi Bee we pa of eta ‘Fars marked by °° ar nor aba hp in ck hl dey time may boner ‘ar al ote boa 2 ae 4.1 CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUS PARTS ‘The DC-Z74/YPW type is the same as the DC-Z74/S0 type with the exception ofthe following e——— © | sue reas aay om awrion2| A. | stot in vetage attr td sxso0e | sto2 tm soaps er awton x07 A | 102 Pomerat arsiats nrsiore | screwed socross ioauesorw Spariny | ancrza2 4.2 SUB TRANS assembly |AWR1062) ‘The SUB TRANS assembly (AWR1O062) isthe same as the SUB TRANS o ‘the exception ofthe fellowing section o—— coo cri | aria mmm! 4.3 SCHEMATIC AND P.C.BOARD DIAGRAM “ONNECT 5 1 ! 2 | ae ‘SUB TRANS assembly (AWR1062) Fp av © | | (SBOrAWA) vidmeees 2NART BU Ty eee L-----------------2 5. PANEL FACILITIES cae 1 m Amplitersecon/Graphic equalizer section Strip (D POWER STANDBYION buttonfndieator REMOTE SENSOR window SMART OPERATION indicator SURROUND indicator (© SMART OPERATION buttons ISiowore (@ SURROUND & STEREO WIDE button z74 DVOWUME control @ PHONES (Headphone) jack Se pata spt when heehee toed no imPwones i |B tgp selector butonsindleators {me rn cdo {0 MIC (miexophone jock ‘Mais sandr jt fr one meron AD MIC LEVEL contot Ua or aig ela of mrp {® Graphic equalizer controis I casset Dock Section Sera, DECK I cassette door 2 Operation indicators ‘Sone Eatn sacra. ame: ‘atm ecag Paes wen eoineson tab (3 SYNCHRO COPY buttons @DECK H cassette door © Deck | eject button © Deck | Operation buttons DOOLBY* WR ssn ‘iver be ah tno ean em a Sod sya recog sre we {edition nystem set played back with the Daby NA @ ASES (NORMAL, FINE) button ®DECK H CONTROL buttons mec {8 Deck 1 Operation batons: ‘Sit Dot pron bts (Deck eect button 6. SPECIFICATIONS Stereo double casero deck ample: DC-Z74 Contuousl Average Power Output i 27 Wats® per ‘Sana min at 8 fom 40 Hore 20,000 Here, ‘wth no more than 0-4 %¢*" total hamenle toro, (Fem meio te Fd Te Cosa To | Us tet Cn gt Ce a it 27 Symone re, te ee ner Reamer ret | porns} “emia Pere Sona 1 ee Sanwire i is 310830) hen ag nt on Tete ites + att and dn act pe mn ++ aed By Aci Seem Ane pe-z74|

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