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Arduino and Processing Workshop
Fabian Winkler
rev. 3

Required software/hardware/materials for this workshop:

Description Get it from
Arduino board, preferably Duemilanove (w/ USB cable)
Arduino software
Processing software
Breadboard PN 20601

Pushbutton switch, SPST PN 174414

Resistor (1 10k) PN 690865

Some hookup wire PN 36792


What is Processing?
From Processing is an open source programming language
and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.
It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning,
prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer
programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and
professional production tool. Processing is developed by artists and designers as an
alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain.


Text editor

Message area


Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.2

Basic Tips&Tricks

Mark a word in the Processing code and ctrl click (Macintosh) on it to display
information about it in the Processing reference.

Where can I find my files?

Each sketch resides in its own folder where the main program file is located with
the ending .pde. You can browse to this folder by choosing Sketch > Show
Sketch Folder from the Processing menu.

Sketch name: Sketch_01", the directory for the sketch will be called "Sketch_01",
the main file will be called "Sketch_01.pde".

Please read Processing A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and

Artists by Casey Reas and Ben Fry if you are interested in a thorough
introduction to the software and its functions. You can also follow the online
tutorials at:

Extending Processings functionality libraries

Processing has become an extremely powerful scripting environment for the inclusion of
almost any type of media mainly through the concept of libraries. These libraries
consist of subroutines and code that extend the functionality of Processing, often to
include a particular kind of media (such as video, sound or 3D graphics) or functionality
(communications, interface design, fullscreen playback, etc.).
To install a library, unzip the file into the libraries folder in your sketchbook (on the
Macintosh you find the sketchbook in your home directory > Documents > Processing).
If you do not already have a libraries folder in your sketchbook, create this folder
manually and unzip the files in there. In general, most libraries have instructions on the
website where you can download them from, following these directions is the easiest
way to install a library.

Processing and the Arduino board

For a thorough introduction to the Arduino board see: Banzi, Massimo. Getting Started
with Arduino (Make: Projects). Sebastopol, CA: Make Books, 2008.

Additionally, you can also read pp. 633-657 in Processing A Programming Handbook
for Visual Designers and Artists by Casey Reas and Ben Fry for an excellent introduction
on how to connect the Arduino board with Processing and for code and circuit

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.3

The following examples are very basic, for more advanced Processing/Arduino
interactions read:

In detail, the next 9 examples illustrate the following ideas:

1) triggering content in Processing reading a pushbutton switch (p. 5)
2) animating a series of still images in Processing (p. 6)
3) animating a sequence of images based on pushing a button (p. 7)
4) randomly triggering images based on pushing a button (p. 8)
5) playing back sounds by pressing a button (p. 9)
6) playing back a Quicktime movie by pressing a button (p. 10)
7) connecting more than one digital (ON/OFF) sensor (p. 11)
8) controlling content in Processing with one analog sensor (p. 19)
9) multiple analog sensors, virtual etch-a-sketch (p. 20)

(1) Reading a Pushbutton:

This is the most basic setup that allows Processing to respond to events in the external
world. Depending on the state of the button a square changes its color.

Circuit using Fritzing ( to visualize the connections between the

Arduino and the components on the breadboard:

Pushbutton switch

pullup resistor: 1-10k

prevents a floating in-

put on pin 7 when the
button is not pressed

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.4

Code for the Arduino board:

int switchPin = 7;
int LEDPin = 13;

void setup() {
pinMode (switchPin, INPUT);
pinMode (LEDPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH) {
Serial.print(0, BYTE);
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
} else {
Serial.print(1, BYTE);
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);

Processing Code:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
int val;

void setup() {
size(400, 400);
// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh
// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

void draw() {
if (0 < port.available()) {
val =;
if (val == 0) {
fill(255, 127, 0); // fill orange
} else {
fill(0, 170, 0); // fill green
rect(50, 50, 300, 300);

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.5

(2) Animating a sequence of images in Processing (without the Arduino board) in
order for this example to work you need to add all of the frames of your animation to
the sketch first. Go to: Sketch > Add file and then choose the frames you
want to display. These will be copied into a folder called data which resides in your
sketch folder.

int numFrames = 15; // The number of frames in the animation

int frame = 0;
PImage[] images = new PImage[numFrames];

void setup()
size(400, 300);

images[0] = loadImage("money_0000.jpg");
images[1] = loadImage("money_0001.jpg");
images[2] = loadImage("money_0002.jpg");
images[3] = loadImage("money_0003.jpg");
images[4] = loadImage("money_0004.jpg");
images[5] = loadImage("money_0005.jpg");
images[6] = loadImage("money_0006.jpg");
images[7] = loadImage("money_0007.jpg");
images[8] = loadImage("money_0008.jpg");
images[9] = loadImage("money_0009.jpg");
images[10] = loadImage("money_0010.jpg");
images[11] = loadImage("money_0011.jpg");
images[12] = loadImage("money_0012.jpg");
images[13] = loadImage("money_0013.jpg");
images[14] = loadImage("money_0014.jpg");

// If you don't want to load each image separately

// and you know how many frames you have, you
// can create the filenames as the program runs.
// The nf() command does number formatting, which will
// ensure that the number is (in this case) 4 digits.
// for(int i=0; i<numFrames; i++) {
// String imageName = "PT_anim" + nf(i, 4) + ".gif";
// images[i] = loadImage(imageName);

void draw()

if (frame<numFrames-1) {
frame = (frame+1);
} else {
frame = 0;

image(images[frame], 0, 0);

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.6

(3) Animating a sequence of images based on pushing a button

The Arduino code and circuit setup is the same as in example 1

Processing code:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
int val = 0;
int oldval = 0;
int numFrames = 15; // The number of frames in the animation
int frame = 0;
PImage[] images = new PImage[numFrames];

void setup()
size(400, 300);

images[0] = loadImage("money_0000.jpg");
images[1] = loadImage("money_0001.jpg");
images[2] = loadImage("money_0002.jpg");
images[3] = loadImage("money_0003.jpg");
images[4] = loadImage("money_0004.jpg");
images[5] = loadImage("money_0005.jpg");
images[6] = loadImage("money_0006.jpg");
images[7] = loadImage("money_0007.jpg");
images[8] = loadImage("money_0008.jpg");
images[9] = loadImage("money_0009.jpg");
images[10] = loadImage("money_0010.jpg");
images[11] = loadImage("money_0011.jpg");
images[12] = loadImage("money_0012.jpg");
images[13] = loadImage("money_0013.jpg");
images[14] = loadImage("money_0014.jpg");

// If you don't want to load each image separately

// and you know how many frames you have, you
// can create the filenames as the program runs.
// The nf() command does number formatting, which will
// ensure that the number is (in this case) 4 digits.
// for(int i=0; i<numFrames; i++) {
// String imageName = "PT_anim" + nf(i, 4) + ".gif";
// images[i] = loadImage(imageName);

// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh
// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

void draw()
if (0 < port.available()) {

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.7

val =;

if (val != oldval && val == 1) {

// the line above makes sure we advance only one frame with
// each pressing of the button
if (frame<numFrames-1) {
frame = (frame+1);
} else {
frame = 0;

image(images[frame], 0, 0);
oldval = val;

(4) Randomly triggering images based on pushing a button.

This example code is very similar to the previous one, only now the images are not
played back sequentially but based on the value of a random number.

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
int val = 0;
int oldval = 0;
int numFrames = 15; // The number of frames in the animation
int rand_frame = 0;
PImage[] images = new PImage[numFrames];

void setup()
size(400, 300);

images[0] = loadImage("money_0000.jpg");
images[1] = loadImage("money_0001.jpg");
images[2] = loadImage("money_0002.jpg");
images[3] = loadImage("money_0003.jpg");
images[4] = loadImage("money_0004.jpg");
images[5] = loadImage("money_0005.jpg");
images[6] = loadImage("money_0006.jpg");
images[7] = loadImage("money_0007.jpg");
images[8] = loadImage("money_0008.jpg");
images[9] = loadImage("money_0009.jpg");
images[10] = loadImage("money_0010.jpg");
images[11] = loadImage("money_0011.jpg");
images[12] = loadImage("money_0012.jpg");
images[13] = loadImage("money_0013.jpg");
images[14] = loadImage("money_0014.jpg");

// If you don't want to load each image separately

// and you know how many frames you have, you
// can create the filenames as the program runs.
// The nf() command does number formatting, which will
// ensure that the number is (in this case) 4 digits.
// for(int i=0; i<numFrames; i++) {

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.8

// String imageName = "PT_anim" + nf(i, 4) + ".gif";
// images[i] = loadImage(imageName);

// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh
// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

void draw()
if (0 < port.available()) {
val =;

if (val != oldval && val == 1) {

// the line above makes sure we advance only one frame with
// each pressing of the button
rand_frame = int(random(numFrames-1));

image(images[rand_frame], 0, 0);
oldval = val;

(5) Playing back sounds by pressing a button.

This example plays back a sound (and loops it) when the button is pressed. When the
button is released the sound stops and it continues to play where it was paused the next
time the button is pressed. This example uses the minim library (see: You might have to check the Javadocs at: to find out all about the methods you
can use with certain classes, such as the AudioPlayer class.

import processing.serial.*;
import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer mySound;
Serial port;
int val = 0;
int oldval = 0;
int playback_pos = 0;

void setup() {
size(400, 400);
// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.9

// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

minim = new Minim(this);

mySound = minim.loadFile("expressway.aiff");
// make sure you the file expressway.aiff in your data folder
fill(255, 127, 0);

void draw() {
if (0 < port.available()) {
val =;


if (val != oldval && val == 1) {

// the line above makes sure we only trigger the sound once
// when the pushbutton is pressed & held down
fill(0, 170, 0); // fill green;
// print("played back at: ");
// println(playback_pos);
// continues to playback where the sound was paused by
// remembering the playback head's position

if (val != oldval && val == 0) {

// the line above makes sure we only pause the sound once
// when the pushbutton is released
fill(255, 127, 0); // fill orange
playback_pos = mySound.position();
// print("paused at: ");
// println(playback_pos);
// saves the position of the playback head when paused

rect(50, 50, 300, 300);

oldval = val;

void stop()
// always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them

(6) Playback a Quicktime movie.

This example shows how you can play back a Quicktime video by pressing a button
connected to the Arduino board. Whenever the button is pressed the video starts playing
back, when the button is released the video pauses.

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.10

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
Movie myMovie;
int val = 0;

void setup() {
size(320, 240);
myMovie = new Movie(this, "");

// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh
// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

void draw() {

if (0 < port.available()) {
val =;

image(myMovie, 0, 0);

if (val == 0) {
} else {

// Called every time a new frame is available to read

void movieEvent(Movie m) {;

(7) Connecting more than one digital (ON/OFF) sensor

I developed the following code for a student in an earlier AD101 course who wanted to
read more than one digital sensor with the Arduino board and trigger separate events in
Processing one for each sensor. The following code is designed for 7 digital sensors
connected to pins 5-11 on the Arduino board:

Arduino code:

int inA = 5;
int inB = 6;
int inC = 7;
int inD = 8;
int inE = 9;
int inF = 10;

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.11

int inG = 11;

int current_inA = 0;
int previous_inA = 0;
int current_inB = 0;
int previous_inB = 0;
int current_inC = 0;
int previous_inC = 0;
int current_inD = 0;
int previous_inD = 0;
int current_inE = 0;
int previous_inE = 0;
int current_inF = 0;
int previous_inF = 0;
int current_inG = 0;
int previous_inG = 0;

int LEDPin = 13;

void setup() {
pinMode (inA, INPUT);
pinMode (inB, INPUT);
pinMode (inC, INPUT);
pinMode (inD, INPUT);
pinMode (inE, INPUT);
pinMode (inF, INPUT);
pinMode (inG, INPUT);

pinMode (LEDPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

// read all sensors:

current_inA = digitalRead(inA);
current_inB = digitalRead(inB);
current_inC = digitalRead(inC);
current_inD = digitalRead(inD);
current_inE = digitalRead(inE);
current_inF = digitalRead(inF);
current_inG = digitalRead(inG);

// ------ SENSOR A ---------------

if (current_inA != previous_inA) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inA){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("A"); // identifier for sensor A
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("A"); // identifier for sensor A

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.12

Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

// ------ SENSOR B ---------------

if (current_inB != previous_inB) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inB){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("B"); // identifier for sensor B
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("B"); // identifier for sensor B
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

// ------ SENSOR C ---------------

if (current_inC != previous_inC) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inC){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("C"); // identifier for sensor C
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("C"); // identifier for sensor C
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

// ------ SENSOR D ---------------

if (current_inD != previous_inD) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inD){
case HIGH:

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.13

Serial.print("D"); // identifier for sensor D
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("D"); // identifier for sensor D
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

// ------ SENSOR E ---------------

if (current_inE != previous_inE) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inE){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("E"); // identifier for sensor E
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("E"); // identifier for sensor E
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

// ------ SENSOR F ---------------

if (current_inF != previous_inF) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inF){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("F"); // identifier for sensor F
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("F"); // identifier for sensor F
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.14

// ------ SENSOR G ---------------
if (current_inG != previous_inG) {
// send out serial data only if input changes
// this is to avoid serial port overflow

switch (current_inG){
case HIGH:
Serial.print("G"); // identifier for sensor G
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

case LOW:
Serial.print("G"); // identifier for sensor G
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // ASCII 10 = newline character, used to
// separate the data strings

previous_inA = current_inA;
previous_inB = current_inB;
previous_inC = current_inC;
previous_inD = current_inD;
previous_inE = current_inE;
previous_inF = current_inF;
previous_inG = current_inG;

Processing code:

import processing.serial.*;

String buff = "";

String temp = "";

int NEWLINE = 10; // this is the ASCII code for a newline character

int input_A = 0;
int input_B = 0;
int input_C = 0;
int input_D = 0;
int input_E = 0;
int input_F = 0;
int input_G = 0;

Serial port;

void setup() {

size(660, 480);

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.15


// print a list of all available ports

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

// choose the port to which the Arduino is connected
// on the PC this is usually COM1, on the Macintosh
// this is usually tty.usbserial-XXX

void draw() {

while (port.available() > 0) {

// call to function "serialEvent" --> see below

// do something with SENSOR A input:

switch (input_A){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(30, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR B input:

switch (input_B){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(120, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR C input:

switch (input_C){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(210, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR D input:

switch (input_D){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.16

fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(300, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR E input:

switch (input_E){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(390, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR F input:

switch (input_F){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(480, 120, 60, 240);

// do something with SENSOR G input:

switch (input_A){
case 0:
fill(255, 255, 255);
case 1:
fill(255, 127, 255);
rect(570, 120, 60, 240);

void serialEvent(int serial) {

if(serial != NEWLINE) {
buff += char(serial);
} else {
if (buff.length() > 1) {
temp = buff.substring(0, buff.length()-(buff.length()-1));
// this isolates just the first letter to identify the sensor

if (temp.equals("A") == true) { // identifies sensor A value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_A = int(temp); // get sensor A value;

if (temp.equals("B") == true) { // identifies sensor B value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_B = int(temp); // get sensor B value;

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.17


if (temp.equals("C") == true) { // identifies sensor C value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_C = int(temp); // get sensor C value;

if (temp.equals("D") == true) { // identifies sensor D value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_D = int(temp); // get sensor D value;

if (temp.equals("E") == true) { // identifies sensor E value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_E = int(temp); // get sensor E value;

if (temp.equals("F") == true) { // identifies sensor F value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_F = int(temp); // get sensor F value;

if (temp.equals("G") == true) { // identifies sensor G value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
input_G = int(temp); // get sensor G value;


Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.18

Analog Sensors

(8) controlling content in Processing with one analog sensor


The following example illustrates how you can control 256 lines in a Processing window
with a potentiometer connected to the Arduino board. If the potentiometer is at its
minimum limit, the Processing sketch will draw just one line on the left hand side of the
screen. The more the potentiometers knob is turned the more lines will be drawn on
the screen until the whole screen is filled with 256 lines (potentiometer at its maximum
limit). This example uses a for loop to iterate through a set of numbers ranging from
0 to the current number that the Arduino board sends from the potentiometer. This
number determines the number of lines drawn on the screen and their distribution. We
also use this number to gradually change the color of the lines drawn to the screen.
The code for the Arduino board is the following:

int val;
int inputPin = 2; // this is the pin to which we
// connect the potentiometer

void setup() {
Serial. begin(9600);

void loop() {
val = analogRead(inputPin)/4; // the potentiometers range is from
// 0-1023 but we only need numbers from

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.19

// 0-255.
Serial.print(val, BYTE);
delay (100);

Processing code:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial port;
int val;

void setup() {
size(1000, 500);
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
// choose the port that the Arduino is
// connected to, on a Macintosh choose
// the tty.usbserial port

void draw() {
if (0 < port.available()) {
val =;

for (int i = 0; i < val+1; i++) {

// this is the for loop, see pp.61
// in the book Processing by Reas and Fry

stroke(255-i, 0, i); // choose the color of the line based on the

// potentiometers value

line (i*5, 100, (i*5)+10, 400); // draw the lines based on the
// potentiometers value
println(val); // prints out values from Arduino board in
// the console, just to see what Processing
// actually receives from the Arduino board

(9) multiple analog sensors

This example uses two potentiometers to recreate the popular etch-a-sketch toy in
Processing. The example is adapted from Christian Nolds code and was used for a
project in my Physical computing class in 2008.

Arduino code:

int potPin1 = 4; // select the input pin for potentiometer 1

int potPin2 = 5; // select the input pin for potentiometer 2
int val1 = 0;
// variable to store the value coming from potentiometer 1

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.20

int val2 = 0;
// variable to store the value coming from potentiometer 2

void setup() {

void loop() {

val1 = analogRead(potPin1); // read the value from sensor 1

val2 = analogRead(potPin2); // read the value from sensor 2

// Example identifier for sensor 1, send as character
Serial.print(val1); // send sensor 1 value as decimal number
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // send ASCII string "10"
// ASCII 10 = newline character,
// used to separate the data strings

// Example identifier for sensor 2, send as character
Serial.print(val2); // send sensor 2 value as decimal number
Serial.print(10, BYTE); // send ASCII string "10"
// ASCII 10 = newline character,
// used to separate the data strings

Processing code:

/* Virtual Etch A Sketch using 2 Potentiometers

This program reads two analog sensors via serial and draws their
values as X and Y

Processing Code
Christian Nold, 22 Feb 06

slightly modified by Fabian Winkler

March 2008

import processing.serial.*;

String buff = "";

String temp = "";

float temporary = 0.0;

float screenwidth = 0.0;

float xCoordinate = 0;
float yCoordinate = 0;

int val = 0;
int NEWLINE = 10;

Serial port;

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.21

void setup()
size(200, 200);
strokeWeight(10); // fat

port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
// change [0] to the correct number of your serial port
// e.g. tty.usbserial on the Mac and COM1 or COM 2 on the PC

void draw()
fill(0,2); // use black with alpha 2

while (port.available() > 0) {

point(xCoordinate, yCoordinate);

void serialEvent(int serial)


if(serial != NEWLINE) {
buff += char(serial);
} else {

if (buff.length() > 1) {

temp = buff.substring(0, buff.length()-(buff.length()-1));

// this isolates just the beginning character of the sensor
// identified

if(temp.equals("A") == true) { //sensor A value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
temporary = float(temp);

xCoordinate = width/(1024/temporary);

if(temp.equals("B") == true) { //sensor B value

temp = buff.substring(1, buff.length());
temporary = float(temp);

yCoordinate = height/(1024/temporary);

Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.22


// Clear the value of "buff"

buff = "";


Winkler, Processing/Arduino workshop, p.23

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