Raksha Rameshkumar Cover Letter

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Raksha Rameshkumar

416-554-4716 | raksha.2002@hotmail.com | 50 Kelways Circle, Brampton ON, L6T 0G5

July 17, 2017

Chapters Indigo
Market Hall, 52 Quarry Edge Drive,
Brampton, ON
L6V 4K2
(905) 456-7177

To whomever this may concern:

I am very interested in obtaining a sales associate position at Chapters Indigo.

I am a young and determined individual who is eager to be an asset on your team. Although this
would be my first time working in sales, I am confident I can apply my skills and succeed. I am
looking to further strengthen my skills in a healthy environment, allowing me to grow as an

My previous volunteer experience involved many public interactions in which I know is my strong suit.
With my determination, perseverance, responsibility and many other skills, I know I can make a
difference on your team.

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the future.


Raksha Rameshkumar

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