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The Lawyer and Society

CANON 1 constitution; law; legal process

1.01 unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct
1.02 counsel or abet; defiance of law; lessening confidence in legal
1.03 corruptive motive or interest
1.04 avoid, end or settle controversy
CANON 2 legal services available in an efficient and convenient manner;
with the independence, integrity, and effectiveness of the
2.01 shall not reject; defenseless or oppressed
2.02 shall not refuse legal advice only to the extent of safeguarding
2.03 acts to solicit legal business
2.04 rates lower than customarily prescribed; unless circumstances
CANON 3 only true, honest, fair, dignified, and objective information
3.01 Not use or permit use; false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive,
undignified, self-laudatory, unfair statement; qualifications or
legal services
3.02 Firm name; no misleading, assumed name; deceased partners
name permissible; must be indicated
3.03 Partner accepts public office; withdraw from firm; name not used
3.04 No paying or giving to representatives of mass media
CANON 4 Participate in improving legal system; support law reform and
administration of justice
CANON 5 Abreast of legal development; continuing legal education
programs; high standards in law school; practical training of law
students; dissemination of information about law and
CANON 6 Lawyers in government services
6.01 primary duty, not to convict but to see justice is done;
suppression of facts
6.02 shall not use public position to promote private interest
6.03 after leaving government, shall not accept engagement or
employment in matter he intervened while in government
The Lawyer and the Legal Profession
Canon 7 uphold integrity and dignity of legal profession; support activities
of the integrated bar
7.01 Answerable for false statement, suppressing of material fact;
application for admission to bar
7.02 Shall not support application; anyone unqualified with respect to
character, education, other relevant attribute
7.03 shall not engage in conduct adversely reflecting on his fitness to
practice law; behave in scandalous manner discrediting legal
Canon 8 Courtesy, fairness, candor to professional colleagues; avoid
harassing tactics
8.01 Shall not use abusive, offensive, improper language in
professional dealings
8.02 Directly or indirectly; encroach professional employment of
another lawyer; with no fear, it is right to give proper advice for
those seeking against unfaithful or neglectful counsel
Canon 9 Shall not directly or indirectly assist; unauthorized practice of
9.01 Delegate task to unqualified person; tasks to be performed by
members of the bar in good standing only
9.02 Divide or stipulate to divide fee for legal services with persons
not licensed to practice law, except:
(1) pre-existing agreement with partner or associate, to his
estate or to persons specified in the agreement
(2) lawyer completing unfinished legal business of deceased
(3) non-lawyer employees in retirement plan, even if based in
whole or in part, profit-sharing agreement
The Lawyer and the Courts
Canon 10 Candor, fairness, good faith to the court
10.01 Not falsehood, consent to the doing of any; mislead or allow the
court to be mislead
10.02 Misquote or misrepresent contents of paper, language of
opposing counsel, text of decision or authority, cite law already
10.03 Observe rules of procedure; not use them to defeat ends of justice
Canon 11 Observe and maintain respect to courts, judicial officers; insist
the same from others
11.01 Properly attired in court
11.02 Punctuality
11.03 Abstain from scandalous, offensive, menacing language or
behavior in court
11.04 Shall not attribute motives not supported by records to Judge
11.05 Submit grievances against judge before the proper authorities
Canon 12 Exert effort to assist in speedy, efficient administration of justice
Canon 13

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