English in Motion 3 - 1 First Impressions

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1 1.4
Students match the people with the words.
Vocabulary Play the CD to check answers. Point out that boys
Fashion wear chains rather than necklaces.
Cities: adjectives Play the CD again . Students repeat the words.

Grammar Answers / Transcript

like + -ing for'm
Present simple v. present continuous John - ring, belt
Present continuous for future plans Kim -.headband, leggings, sweatshirt
Comparatives and superlatives Maddie - hoodie , necklace, earrings, boots
What ... like? Terrence - shirt, trousers, tie
Fashion survey 2
Culture: First encounters
Check students understand the meaning of the
Listening words tops, bottoms, etc by asking them to
. City links suggest one example item in each category.
Students write the words from exercise 1 in the
~ Speaking lists.
Do a fashion survey
Compare cities
English you need: Start a conversation
Tops: hoodie, sweatshirt, shirt
Pronunciation Bottoms: trousers, leggings
-ing form: /Ju/ Accessories: headband, belt, tie
Writing Jewellery: ring, necklace, earrings
Footwear: boots
Word order
My views on fashion
Students translate the words in bold. Then they
Extra Resources
answer the questions .
.. My Portfolio pages 12-13
.. Multi-ROM Grammar, Vocabulary
and Pronunciation
.. . Tests 1 Maddie's wearing a long skirt.
Teacher's Allinone Book 2 John's wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt .
... ovo 3 Terrence is wearing tight trousers .
.... Mixed-ability Worksheets
... Speaking activities
Students sit back-to-back with a partner and
(_vocABULARY} ------ - -- describe what he/she is wearing. Their partner
confirms or corrects what they say.
Warmer ,. .,.Student's Book Word list page 106
Ask students to tell you the names of well-known ,.,.Workbook Word list page 11 , Vocabulary page 12
shops that specialize in clothes for young women
and men. Ask students what clothes and
accessories they can find in each shop and write
a list on the board .
Vocabulary Grammar Speaking Pronunciation Writing
Fashion like + -ing form Do a fashion survey -ing form: liu/ My views
Cities: adjectives Present simple v. present continuous Compare cities on fashion
Present continuous for future plans Start a conversation Word order
Comparatives and superlatives
What ... like?

~ AB~ARY} Fashion - -~- - - -- - -- -- - --

1 Match the people with the words. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
John - ring, .. .
ftft' I headband I hoodie I sweatshirt I trousers
necklace I earrings I leggings I belt I tie I boots I shirt

2 Write the words from exercise 1 in the lists. 3 Translate the words in bold . Then answer
Tops: the questions.
Bottoms: 1 Is Maddie wearing a long or short skirt?
Jewellery: ring, ... 2 Is John wearing a short-sleeved or
Accessories : long-sleeved T-shirt?
Footwear: 3 Is Terrence wearing baggy or tight

..... Ill~

Students look at fa shiori .


(!_Ao~)----- ---~- - -- - - - --
1 "'
Read the fashion survey. Who's speaking?

What s~le of elothes do you

usually wear?
like wearing comfortable clothes. I usually wear I don't usually like shopping in big shops - I prefer
jeans with a T-shirt to go out with friends . Or I wear small shops. I like creating my own style. I don't
them with a long-sleeved shirt to look smart. mind going to the big shops occasionally.

'hot ,. What are you wearing, now?

,r (
) Trainers and j'eans. I borrowed the T-shirt from I'm wearing my sister's boots at the moment and a
a frie nd. The belt's from Ham iltons on the High skirt from a shop in Notting Hill. My zp-up hood ie
St reet. is a present from a friend and the bags from The
Clothes Zone. z I a

What are your essential

fashion aeeessories?
Sung lasses . A good pair of sunglasses is essential. I'm crazy about Jewellery. This necklace I'm wearing,
The problem is I always lose them. I lost another for example. Do you like it? And these earrings are
pair yesterday I amazing. I love collecting jewellery.

I like fashion, but I never go out and buy things just No way. I can't stand wearing the same clothes as
because they're 'in. I'm not wearing any expensive all my friends. One minute theyre wearing baggy-
designer clothes today. trousers and the next they're wearing tight trousers .

2 Answer the questions. 3 Who's speaking, A or B? Listen and check.

1 What does A wear to go out with friends? 1 I like being different. B
He wears jeans with a T-shirt. 2 I wear the same clothes in different
2 What did A lose yesterday? situations. A
3 What does A never do? 3 I usually buy my clothes in small shops. le,
4 Where did B buy the hoodie? 4 For me, comfort is important. A
5 What does B love collecting? 5 I often buy sunglasses. J....
6 Does B like following fashion? 6 I enjoy combining clothes in unusual ways. 0

Students look at young people's

. opinions on fashion styles.
( REAor,;}----- .~ -- - -- --
~ Fashion survey
Students look at the photographs of the four
people. How much can they remember? In pairs,
they describe what the four people are wearing
and then look back at page 7 to check their

1 1.5
Students read and listen to the fashion survey
and decide who is speaking.

( __A_n_s_w_e_r_s__A_-_ J_o h_n_ B_ - _M

_ ad_d_i_e_ _ _ _ _ _)

Students answer the questions.

1 He wears jeans with a T-shirt.
2 He lost a pair of sunglasses.
3 He never buys things just because they're 'in '.
4 She didn't buy it. It was a present.
5 She loves collecting jewellery.
6 No, she doesn't.

3 1.6
Students decide who is speaking, A (John) or B
(Maddie). Explain that they need to find phrases
in the survey to help them identify the speaker.
Play the CD to Gheck answers.

( Answers 1B 2A 3B 4A 5A 6B )
In pairs, students imagine they are the other
two people in the photos, and write their
answers to the survey.
Students then ask and answer the survey
questions for the two people.

,.... workbook Reading page 16

( L:l
~ RAMMAR) - - - -- -- Answers
1 Do you usually wear a school uniform?
(i) like+ -ing form 2 Are you wearing any sporty clothes now?
Draw a line across the board with a smiling face 3 What sports do you do?
at one end and an unhappy face at the other. Say 4 What accessories are you w earing to-day?
the verbs and ask students to place them on the 5 Do you like reading fashion magazines?
line. 6 What colours are your classmates wearing now?
Students' own answers
Remind students that these verbs are followed
by the -ing form.

1 Consolidation
Students complete the sentences about Maddie. In pairs, students ask and answer the questions
from exercise 4.
1 following 3 creating 5 going
(i) Present continuous for future plans
2 wearing 4 shopping 6 collecting
Remind students that we also use the present
continuous to talk about fixed future plans with
2 future time expressions: tomorrow, next week,
Students make the sentences in exercise 1 true on Saturday, in June, etc.
for them.
( Answers Students' own answers ) Students write true sentences using the
affirmative or negative form of the verbs.

(i) Present simple v. present continuous

Write the following rules on the board. Students
( Answers Students' own answers )
copy and complete them with present simple or
present continuous.
(i) Pronunciation: -ing form: hTJI
For routines and habits. (present simple) Use the example sentence to model the
For things that are happening now. (present pronunciation of -ing: I'm visiting a friend in
continuous) . London next week.
To talk about actions happening around the time
of spea!<ing. (present continuous) 6 1.7
Students listen and repeat the sentences in
Consolidation exercise 5. Students hear each sentence twice.
Pause the CD for students to repeat .
Dictate the time expressions below in random
order. Students decide if they are used with the
present simple or present continuous.
Present simple: every day, once a week, 1 I'm going shopping on Saturday.
sometimes, twice a month, never; on Mondays 2 My friends are coming to my house tonight.
Present continuous: now; right now; at the 3 Madonna's playing here next month.
moment, today, this week, these days 4 I'm getting a haircut tomorrow
5 The Christmas holidays are starting soon.
6 My country's holding the next Olympics.
Students write the correct option .
(i) Go 4 it!
1 I live 3 I wear 5 I'm wearing 7
2 I'm visiting 4 I go 6 I don't follow Students write three or four questions for a
fashion survey using the ideas in the box or other
Students write questions using the present 8
simple or continuous. Then they answer them. Students ask a partner their questions and decide
if he/she follows fashion.

, ,..Student's Book Grammar reference page 92

, ,.. Workbook Grammar reference page 8,
Grammar page 13
(!RAMMAR) --- --..- - -- -- - -- -

(i) like + -ing form 4 Write questions. Use the present simple or
present continuous. Then answer them .
I like following fashion. I hate losing sunglasses.
1 you / usually I wear I a school uniform ?
.I .I .I love X not like Do you usually wear a school uniform?
.I .I like XX can't stand 2 you/ wear/ any sports clothes/ now?
,/ not mind XXX hate 3 what sports / you / do ?
4 what accessories / you / wear / today ?
1 Complete the sentences about Maddie. 5 you / like / read / fashion magazines ?
6 what colours / your classmates I wear I now ?
shop collect create feHew go wear

1 She doesn't like following fashion.

2 She can't stand ... the same clothes as her (i) Present continuous for future plans
friends. I'm visiting a friend in London next week.
3 She likes ... her own style.
4 She loves ... in small shops. 5 Write true sentences.
5 She doesn't mind ... to the big shops 1 I'm not going (go) shoppingon Saturday.
occasionally. 2 My friends ... (come) to my house tonight.
6 She loves ... jewellery. 3 Madonna ... (play) here next month .
4 I .. (get) a haircut tomorrow.
2 Make the sentences true for you . 5 The Christmas holidays ... (start) soon.
6 My country ... (hold) the next Olympics.
1 - I like following fashion.
q~0 o')
(i) Present simple v. present continuous
-ing form: lrTJ I
Present simple
6 Listen and repeat
I usually wear jeans w ith a T-shirt.
the affirmative form
He doesn't buy designer cl othes.
of the sentences in
exercise 5.
Present continuous
I'm wearing my sister's boots at the moment.
He isn't wearing desi gner clothes today.
3 Write the correct option.
7 Write three or four questions for a
fashion survey. Use these or other ideas.
1-1 live
I' m Kim. (1) I live I I'm Jiving in Cambridge, colours jewellery shops accessories
but at the moment (2) I visit I I'm visiting a
What colours do you like wearing?
friend in London. In Cambridge (3) I wear I
I'm wearing a uniform every day because
8 Ask a partner the questions. Does he/she
(4) I go I I'm going to school. (5) I wear I I'm
follow fashion?
wearing sports clothes now because I'm on
holiday. (6) I don't follow I I'm not following A What colours do you like wearing?
fashion. I prefer to have my own style. B I like wearing white and blue.

Students think about their own

fashion style and learn about their
classmates' fashion styles.
- - - ------=""----- /_1 -Lf _

~ AB1!'-'.'ffY} Cities: adjectives - - -- - - -- - - -- -

1 Complete the quotes with the

adjectives. Then match them with the
pictures. Listen and check.
- (Jr,, I -0 (l ().l'}
. \I ..""' ~e crowded I empty I industrial I lively
Y"''c peaceful I polluted I touristy
- ..t:')-yl )

- (fv'r ,,-
'I usually come here to escape from the noise
and traffic. It's really (1) peaceful. And during
the week it's (2) .. . - you can walk miles without
seeing anybody.'

@ 'There's a lot to do and see here. It's always

(3) .... It's popular with young people so it gets
(4) ... at weekends. And in summer, it's a litde (5) ...
because people come here during their holidays. But
I love it.'

'In the past, this was an (6) ... area, but now
there are offices here. I think the old buildings were
more beautiful. Some of these new buildings are 2 Listen and repeat the adjectives.
really (7) .. . ! There's also a lot of traffic here, so the
air's quite (8) . .. .'
3 Describe your town/city. Which places do/
don't you like?
My favourite place is ...

Q!TENING)1-- . .____ . ...____________

4 Listen to Fay talking about her holiday 6 True or false? Correct the false
in London. Which places did she visit? sentences.
1 Fay stayed at a hotel. False - She stayed
5 Listen again. Write the correct option . with her aunt and uncle.
2 London's more cosmopolitan and more
1 Fay went to London with her sister I some
exciting than Madeley
friends. her sister
3 Clothes in Oxford Street are cheaper than
2 She stayed for a week I a month.
3 She liked shopping on Oxford Street I in in the markets.
4 Hyde Park is very lively.
the markets.
5 The underground in London is crowded in
4 She saw a hippopotamus in the park I the
the rush hour.
6 The buses are faster than the underground.
5 She travelled by bus I underground most of
the time.
6 She prefers the people in London I her town.


Students learn about interesting

places in London .
~0r}WA'l,Q_ 2
(_w:ABULARY)-.- - -- - QasnN~s} - --~-----
(i) Cities: adjectives 4 1.10
Background Make a list of other places students know in
Camden Market, in north London, sells crafts, London on the board. Include Camden Market,
clothes, etc. Hyde Park is a large park in the Hyde Park, Oxford Street and the Natural History
centre of London. Canary Wharf is a business and Museum.
shopping development by the river Thames. Students listen to Fay talking about her holiday
Warmer in London and note the places she visited.
Ask students if they have been to London or if
they would like to go . Why/ why not? Answers
1 1.8 1
Oxford Street
Camden Market
Students complete the quotes with the 3 Hyde Park
adjectives. Then they match them with the 4 The Natural History Museum
pictures in the leaflet.
Play the CD to check answers. Transcript page 223

1 peaceful 4 crowded 7 ugly 5 1.10
2 empty 5 touristy 8 polluted Students listen again and-write the correct
3 lively 6 industrial option.

( Answers A 2 B 1 c 3 ) 1 her sister
2 a month
4 the museum
5 bus
3 in the markets 6 her town
2 1.9
Students listen and repeat the adjectives. Transcript page 223

6 1.10
cosmopolitan, beautiful, modern, exciting, Students decide if the sentences are true or false,
peaceful, empty, lively, crowded, touristy, and correct the false sentences.
industrial, ugly, polluted
Play the CD again to check answers.

1 False - She stayed with her aunt and uncle.
Students group the adjectives as positive or 2 True
negative. Point out that touristy usually has a 3 False - Clothes are cheaper in the markets
negative connotation. than on Oxford Street.
4 False - It's really peaceful.
5 True
3 6 False - The buses are slower than the
Students describe their town or city, including underground.
places they like and do not like.
Transcript page 223
,,...Student's Book Word list page 106
,,...Workbook Word list page 11, Vocabulary page 14
, .. Workbook Listening page 17
/ , .,

Str~~3 (L1)
@ What ... like?
~ RAMMAR) ~ ~ ~ -----~- Show students how to make questions with
What ... like. Explain that like in this case has
@ Comparatives and superlatives nothing to do with preferences, and that we
Ask students questions about the listening : Why don't repeat like in the answer.
does she prefer London? Is Hyde Park small?
Write the answers on the board: 5
London's more cosmopolitan and more exciting Students write questions about the things .
than Madeley
Hyde Park's the biggest park in London. Answers
Ask students to identify the comparative and 1 What's the food like?
superlative adjectives in the sentences and revise 2 What are the people like?
the rules for forming them. 3 What are the parks like?
4 What's the weather like?
1 5 What's the public transport like?
Students copy and complete the table. 6 What are the restaurants like?

1 cheap 4 livelier 7 worse 6
2 nicer 5 more exciting Students match the questions from exercise 5
3 the biggest 6 the best with ansvvNs a-f about Mexico City.

( ~_A_n_s_w_e_r_s__1_d__2_b_3_f_4_c_5_a__6_e_ __ _)
2 1.11
Students write true sentences with a comparative Consolidation
adjective. Tell them that they should try to guess
the answers if they don't know. In pairs, students ask and answer the same
questions about their town or city.
Play the CD to check answers.

Answers / Transcript
@Go 4 it!
1 Paris is smaller than Mexico City.
2 Mumbai in India is more crowded than Tokyo. 7
3 New York is further from Los Angeles than Students choose a city.
from London.
4 Luxembourg is safer than Detroit.
5 Rome is wetter than London. 8
6 London Heathrow Airport is busier than Students ask another student questions about
Madrid Barajas Airport. their city using the questions in exercise 5.

Extension 9
Students write six sentences comparing two In-pairs, students compare the two cities.
towns or cities they know. . ... student's Book Grammar reference page 94
. ...workbook Grammar reference page 10,
Grammar page 15
Students complete the questions with superlative

1 the fastest 4 the biggest
2 the best 5 the most beautiful
3 the ugliest 6 the nicest

In pairs, students ask and answer the questions in
exercise 3 about where they live .
.C!~AMM~) __,., _:______.____________________@
@ Comparatives and superlatives @ What .. . like?
London's more cosmopolitan than Madeley. What's London like? It's great.
Hyde Park's the biggest park in London. What are the shops like? They're expensive.

1 Copy and complete the table .

What be Subject like?
's London
What like?
are the shops
the nicest
(3) ...
the live li est 5 Write questions about these things.
the most exciting
goo etter 6 ... 1 - What's the food like?
bad (7) ... the worst the food the people the parks the weather
far further the furthest the public transport the restaurants

2 Write true sentences with a comparative

6 Match the questions from exercise 5 with
adjective. Then listen and check.
answers a-f about Mexico City.
1 Paris / Mexico City (small)
1- d
Paris is smaller than Mexico City.
a It's safe and cheap.
2 Mumbai in India/ Tokyo (crowded)-\\{,"" ~~e
b They're friendly and very helpful.
3 New York I from Los Angeles / from
c It's warm, but it usually rains in summer.
London (far)
d It's delicious, but a little spicy!
4 Luxembourg / Detroit (safe)
e They're busy, especially at lunchtime.
5 Rome / London (wet)
f They're great I Chapultepec is the biggest.
6 London Heathrow Airport/ Madrid Baraias
Airport (busy)

3 Write the superlative adjective.

t;tl ,.
1 What's the fastest (fast) form of public
7 Choose a town or city.
2 Where's ... (good) place to go shopping? 8 Ask another student about his/her city.
3 What's ...... (ugly) building? Use the questions in exercise 5.
4 What's . . .. (big) market? A What's Paris like?
5 What's . . ..... (beautiful) monument? B It's exciting, but a little touristy.
6 Where's ...... (nice) place to go for a walk?

9 In pairs, compare the two cities.

4 In pairs, answer the questions about
where you live. Paris is bigger than Valencia.

A What's the fastest form of public

B I think it's the bus. What do you think?

0J))1,{)U'"k\. 'lfl_:::::, 1e~"'t\O'/ oe_ ?V'1T<'( .0 1 ..... v.V<>O;.}()C' / ~

tj Students compare place$ they kn~w.

1 What do you notice when you meet people for t he fi rst time? Make a list of five things .
hair, ...

2 Read about f irst impressions. Wh ich t hin gs on your list does it include?

speak. From these first impressions, we

decide what they are like.
The surprising thing is that we make our
decision very quickly. It takes us less t han 40
milliseconds to interpret the expression on
a person's face . Some psychologists think
t hat we decide what a person's like in j ust
two seconds .
Our first impressions aren't always right,

Y ou 're in a cafe when a friend comes

in with someone you don't know. The
and a negative opinion is difficult to change
later. For that reason, we should make sure
person sits down next t o you , and you
that we know what people are really like
start talkin g. 'What's this person like?' you
b efore we form an o p inion about them.

These first moments are very important .

Make a good
We notice a lot of things when we meet impression I
new people - their face and hair, the ir Look at people when you talk. Eye
clothes and how t hey walk. A nd whe n we contact shows that you're interested.
st art talking, we notice eye contact , facial Smile! People feel more comfortable
with a person if they look happy.
express ions, body language and how t hey \.

3 Answe r the questions. 4 Talk with a pa rtner. Were your first

impressions of a person ever wrong?
1 What do we notice when we meet new
people? A When I first met Sonia, I thought she
We notice their face and hair, clothes, was really shy, but she isn't.
and how they walk. B No. And what about David?
2 What do we do with these first
3 How long does it take us to do this? ~ uest
4 Why should we wait before forming an
How much of commun ication is
opinion about someone? non-verbal? What does non -verbal
5 Why is eye contact important?
communication include?
6 How do we feel when a person's unhappy?


Students learn about making first

impressions and interacting with
other people.
0 Students autonomously use the
media available to them to research
about non-verbal communication.
SQ,rviOJ'(lQ 3 (L 2.)
~ ------- --- - In pairs, students talk about meeting someone
for the first time and what their first impressions
@ First encounters were. They also discuss if their first impressions
CLIL objective: Students learn about the were ever wrong . Draw attention to_the example
importance of first impressions. dialogue to show them how to do this.
Warmer Ask some pairs to tell the rest of the class about
their conversation.
Ask students about the personality of a famous
person: What's ... like? Then ask how they know.
Teach the phrase first impression, and ask if their Consolidation
opinion is the same now as the ir first impression Ask students how important th ey think first
of the person. impressions really are. Do they agree that it is
Students look at the photo in the article . Ask difficult to change a negative opinion of someone
them what they think the people are like. based on first impressions?

Students make a list of five things they notice
when they meet people for the first time. Students find out how much of communication is
non-verbal, and what non-verbal communication
( Answers Students' own answers ) includes. They can do this by entering what
percentage of communication is non-verbal into
an Internet search engine .
In pairs, students compare their lists. Answers
According to Professor Albert Mehrabian at the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) ,
2 1.12
93% of communication is non-verbal. This means
Students read and listen to the article about first that the words we speak only communicate 7%
impressions and note which things on their list it of our message . 38% of our meaning is
includes. communicated by how we speak and 55% by
our body language, especially facial expressions.
Suggested answers
Non-verbal communication includes body
The article includes their face, hair, clothes and language, gestures , facial expressions and eye
how they walk; eye contact, facial expressions, movement. It also includes the way we talk.
body language and how they speak. Some websites also include a person 's clothes
and hairstyle as examples of non-verbal
Students answer the questions. Encourage them
to write complete sentences.

1 We notice their face and hair, clothes, and how
they walk.
2 We decide what people are like.
3 It takes us two seconds.
4 Because our first impressions aren 't always
5 It shows that you're interested.
6 We feel uncomfortable.

Students write three or four more qu estions
about th e article .
In pairs, students ask and a nswer t heir
CENGUStt YDU NEED} - - -- - Answers
1 Yes. It's my first visit.
@ Start a conversation 2 It's a big city. It's very industrial. And for me
it's cold.
Warmer 3 It's good. It's warm.
Ask students to describe the people in the photo 4 It's smaller than this school.
and give their first impressions. 5 We study a lot of subjects: Maths, Science,
English, the usual subjects.
Explain that the people have just met each other.
6 It's OK. It's difficult, but it's very important.
Ask students what topics young people talk
about in this situation, and make a class list. Transcript page 223
Which one is most common?

Did you know? 4 1.14

The first conversations people have when they Students listen and repeat the questions in
meet people are called 'small talk'. The weather exercise 2. Focus on intonation.
is probably the most common topic of small talk
in the UK. 5
Students complete the dialogue about sports and
food with their own answers.
1 1.13
Invite some students to read their dialogue to
Explain that Eva is from Seville and is visiting
the class.
Tim's school in Manchester, England. Point out
the spelling and pronunciation of Seville (/s;}vd/)
in English .
Students listen to the dialogue and write the five 1 do you think of
things from the box that they talk about. 2 Students' own answer
3 the food like
Answers 4 Students' own answer
5 do you like
Eva's trip to England school
6 Students' own answer
their cities learning English
7 Students' own answer
the weather

Transcript page 223

In pairs, students practice the dialogue in
2 1.13 exercise 5.
Students order the words to make questions.
Play the CD to check answers.
Answers In pairs, students prepare and practise a dialogue
using the questions in exercises 2 and 5 to help
1 Is this your first trip to England? them . Look at roles A and B first so that students
2 What do you think of Manchester? understand the situation.
3 What's the weather like in Seville at the
Ask some pairs to present their dialogue to the
4 What's your school like?
5 What subjects do you study at school? , .. Student's Book Word I ist page 106
6 Do you like learning English? ,- .Workbook Word list page 11 , English you need
page 17
Transcript page 223

3 1.13
Students listen again and complete the answers
to the questions. Pause the CD to give students
time to write their answers.
( ENGLIStt YOU NEEo) - start a conversation- - -- - -- -- - -
..... ,- . r - --. ,r.

1 Eva's Spanish and she's visiting Tim's 4 Listen and repeat the questions.
school in Manchester, England. Listen to
the dialogue. What five things do they
5 Complete the dialogue about sports and
talk about?
food . Invent the answers.
Eva's trip to England, ...
Tim What (1) do you think of English
food learning English school food?
sports Eva's trip to England Eva I think it's (2) .
the weather their cities Tim What's (3) ... in Seville?
Eva It's (4) ..
2 Order the words to make questions. Tim What sports (5) ... playing?
Then listen and check. Eva I like (6) . What about you?
Tim I (7).
1 to England / your / is / this / first trip ?
Is this your first trip to England?
2 think / do / you / what / of Manchester ? 6 In pairs, prepare and practise a dialogue.
3 like / in Seville / at the moment/ the Use the questions in exercise 2 and 5 to help
weather/ what's? you.
4 your/ what's / like / school ? A You're from Manchester. You're visiting
5 at school I you I what subjects I do I study ? Student B's school.
6 you / learning / like / English / do ? B Start a conversation with student A.

3 Listen again. Complete the answers to

the questions.
1 Yes. It's my first visit. 4 It's smaller .
2 It's a big city. It's . 5 We study ...
3 It's . 6 It's OK. It's .


Students use language that can be Students learn about teenage life in
transferred to real-life situations. Seville and Manchester.
~ My views on fashion - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -

1 In pa irs, answer the quest ions on the @ Word order

subject + verb + object
A Are clothes important to you? I prefer designer clothes.
4\1;<..,_ I '( rt"'
B Not very. Ialways wear the same things. adjective + nol:Hl
I hate black clothes.

adverb of frequency + verb

(Ji~ast M_anchester .~, :J.ri I normally buy clothes in shopping centres.
Secondary School ,
be + adverb of frequency
Manchester Fashion Week is at the end I'm always tired in the evening.
of the month, and we want to know your place + time expression
views on clothes and fashion. I'm at home now.

Are clothes important to you?

What do you think of fashion?
3 Order the words to make sentences.
Where do you buy your clothes? 1 I'm I at the moment/ in the town centre
I'm in the town centre at the moment.
2 designer clothes / buys / he I never
2 Read the two postings on the websit e. 3 wearing/ new/ you 're/ your/ today I shirt
Who doesn't answer one of the questions? 4 in / now/ winter clothes / the shops / are
5 popular / tops / thes~ days / tight / are
6 in fashion / boots / always / are
I t hink fashion's important to girls and boys.
People say it makes everyone the same, but
I think it's fun. I love trying on the latest Personally, ... I prefer . . . ( ~ c
accessories. I think .. . I can't afford :"!'.
People say ... II
I go shopping every Saturday and I normally
buy clothes in shopping centres. I prefer
designer clothes, but they're more expensive
and I can't afford them.
Mandy Wilson, 11A 4 Make notes. Then write about fashion.
Paragraph 1: The clothes you wear
Clothes are important to me, but not that Paragraph 2 : Where you buy your clothes
important. I like wearing simple clothes. When Paragraph 3: Your opinion about fashion
I go out, I usually wear baggy trousers and
a hood ie. I'm at home now, so I'm wearing
jeans and a sweatshirt.
5 Now read your work again. Can you find
an.y errors?
Persona lly, I don't fo llow fash ion. I have my
own look! Everyone's wea ri ng black now, but
I hate black clothes !
Arnold Hunter, 108


Students learn about

fashion in the UK.
Students use
strategies to plan
their own written
work . Students use strategies
to evaluate and develop
their own written work.
( L2)
(!m1T1NG)-- - - -- - - (i) Word order
Write the words from the first example on the
board in random order. Ask students to write a
(i) My views on fashion
sentence with them. Explain that t he basic word
Warmer order in an English sentence is SVO - Subject(/) +
Write the anagrams of three words for clothes Verb (prefer) + Object (designer clothes) .
and accessories on the board, for example: ite Do the same with the second example, and
(tie), ginr (ring) and sotob (boots). Students order review word order with adjectives. Remind
the letters. students that adjectives are never plural.
In pairs, students make four or five anagrams for To review word order with adverbs of frequency,
other words from page 7. Then they pass the write the following sentences on the board, and
anagrams to another pair to order. ask where to add usually: I wear baggy trousers.
Designer clothes are expensive. Remind students
1 that adverbs of frequency come after be but
Ask students what the text is. (It is a school before other verbs.
website.) Point out the questions on the website. Write the final example on the board and point
In pairs, students answer the questions. out that time expressions come after places.
Ask some students to tell the class their partner's
answer. 3
Students order the words to make sentences.
Teach posting, and explain that Mandy and Answers
Arnold have responded to the questions in 1 I'm in the town centre at the moment.
exercise 1. 2 He never buys designer clothes.
Students read the postings and find out who 3 You 're wearing your new shirt today.
doesn't answer one of the questions. 4 Winter clothes are in the shops now .
5 Tight tops are popular these days.
( Answer Arnold ) 6 Boots are always in fashion.

Consolidation 4
Students prepa re to write about fashion . First,
Write the following sentences on the board.
they make notes following the instructions. Then
Students decide if they are true or false and
they write their composition. Encourage them to
correct th e false ones.
use some of the useful expressions.
1 Mandy doesn't think fashion's important to
2 She thinks fashion makes everyone the same.
3 She doesn't buy designer clothes. Student s read their composition and check for
4 Arnold always wears different things when he errors. Wr ite the following checklist on the board
goes out. for student s t o refer to.
5 H e w ants to look different from other people. like + -ing fo rm
6 H e likes wearing black clothes. present sim p le v. present continuous .
comparatives and superlatives
Answers word order

1 False - She thinks fashion's important to girls ,.,.Workbook Wr iti ng page 18

and boys.
2 False - She thinks it's fun.
3 True
4 False - He usually wears baggy trousers and a
5 True
6 False - He hates wearing black clothes.

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