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Ryan is a master of marketing, mission of raising a billion

sales and business growth. dollars for charity.
Before the age of 21 Ryan had Before age 22 Ryan had grown
started and run multiple Winning to a 7-Figures and
successful ventures, including a changed 100s of coaches lives.
marketing agency that he grew With Ryans leadership Winning
to a team of 8 people, an app is currently on track to be the
that gathered over 100,000 biggest organization in the
downloads in the first 4 weeks world helping coaches grow
and many more. their businesses.
After a painstaking life
breakthrough, Ryan realized his
birth purpose and Winning
International was born with the
How can I move away from
How can I generate online?
How can I build a that gets results?
How can I close high-end sales
without sounding salesy?
How can I fill my workshops and
How can I become a global thought
108 Steps To
Becoming A
6-Figure Coach
1. Make a commitment to focus on growing your coaching business for
the rest of your life.
2. Understand the difference between working ON your business and IN
your business.
3. Tackle the 5 tasks in your coaching business that you are most afraid
to do in the first week.
4. Agree with yourself that every task you do in your business you are
going to commit 100% to and execute with confidence.
5. Understand the 6 Stages to a 7 figure Coaching Business.
6. Avoiding doing any of the Dirty Dozen states that coachs fall into.
7. Find your Cinderella Niche using the 3 Ps to a successful niche.
8. Define your Keystone Products Promise
9. Choose your price and duration for your keystone product.
10. Get clear on your Crystal Ball so you know exactly what has to
happen to achieve your 12 month goals.
11. Define your billboard blueprint to have crystal clear clarity on commu-
nicating your message
12. Do your commercial calculator so you know how to elaborate with your
13. Put together your Business DNA that will help you market, sell and
create your product.
14. Create your keystone blueprint so that you know what your keystone
product will look like.
15. Choose how you will deliver your Framework for your program.
16. Choose how you will help people get micro and macro Focus in your
17. Choose how you will incorporate Family into your program.
18. Choose how you will incorporate Fun into your program.
19. Choose a launch date for your program.
20. Define how many clients youd like to sell for that program before that
21. Make a commitment to do all the marketing and sales needed to
achieve that goal no matter what.
22. Create a hustle list of every potential client and resource you have.
23. Book in at least 3 Trigger session to complete in week 1.
24. Learn how to do an Audition session.
25. Learn how to do a Trigger session.
26. Write out a script for your sessions
27. Understand the closing process back the front.
28. Practice the closing process with a coach.
29. Learn the Infinite Loop objection handling process.
30. Practice the objection handling process with another coach.
31. Book at least 3 Trigger sessions to complete in week 2.
32. Understand the importance of ROI.
33. Understand the Ingredients behind a marketing funnel.
34. Understand the success principles behind successful marketing fun-
35. Sign up for Click Funnels so that you have landing page software that
can product the website pages needed to convert leads online.
36. Launch a Facebook page for your coaching business
37. Find your Facebook targeting Audiences you will use to get your mes-
sage out to the right people.
38. Understand how to Use Power Editor.
39. Understand how to create engaging Advertising Copywriting.
40. Understand the importance of the ROI pyramid to understand the key
trigger behind cheap leads with Facebook Ads.
41. Understand how to design high converting advertising images.
42. Learn how to use click funnels to build landing pages
43. Understand the ingredients behind a high converting landing page.
44. Understand how to use the Topic Tornado to create super effective
topics that will work when you launch.
45. Launch your first 2 Facebook Advertising Campaigns.
46. Do a minimum of 3 Trigger sessions.
47. Understand the notion of an Opportunity Funnel
48. Choose a topic for an Opportunity Funnel
49. Create a name for your opportunity funnel
50. Use the Landing Page Template for click funnels and populate your
opportunity funnel.
51. Create a account to create application forms for your op-
portunity funnel.
52. Insert the wufoo form into the Opportunity Funnels landing page and
tweak the copy so that it is relevant to your topic.
53. Use the ad examples to create your ad for your opportunity funnel.
54. Launch at least 2 marketing campaigns online
55. Do at least 3 Trigger sessions with potential clients.
56. Understand how to create your membership site for your keystone
57. Register a domain or sub-domain for the membership site.
58. Connect it to a hosting account.
59. Set up WordPress on the domain name.
60. Buy OptimizePress and install OptimizePress into the WordPress in the
backend of the website.
61. Use templates to build out the skeleton of your membership site.
62. Understand the ingredients behind each lesson that you teach in your
Keystone Product.
63. Understand how to create content for each lesson.
64. Understand how to do a live video
65. Understand how to do a screen recording.
66. Create your Preparation and Week 1 content for your course.
67. Commit to the last-minute speed content process to build the program.
68. Launch at least 2 marketing campaigns online
69. Do at least 3 Trigger sessions with potential clients.
70. Understand the notion of an Hook Funnel
71. Choose a topic for an Hook Funnel
72. Create a name for your Hook funnel
73. Use the Landing Page Template for click funnels and populate your
Hook Funnel.
74. Create an Active Campaign account for email marketing and collect-
ing contact information on opt-in.
75. Import all previous contact that you have into lists with-in active cam-
76. Create a list and form for your hook campaign.
77. Create your hook
78. Build an automation that people go through after they opt-in for the
79. Use the ad examples to create your ad for your hook funnel.
80. Launch at least 2 marketing campaigns online
81. Do at least 3 Trigger sessions with potential clients.
82. Build Week 2 of your Keystone course.
83. Understand the notion of an Challenge Funnel
84. Choose a topic for an Challenge Funnel
85. Create a name for your Challenge funnel
86. Use the Landing Page Template for click funnels and populate your
Challenge Funnel.
87. Create a list and form for your challenge campaign.
88. Create a Facebook Group for your challenge
89. Create the 7 videos for your challenge
90. Build an automation that people go through after they opt-in for the
91. Use the ad examples to create your ad for your Challenge funnel.
92. Call the people who opt in for the challenge, qualify them and book
them in for a Trigger session.
93. Create lots of engagement in the challenge.
94. Launch at least 2 marketing campaigns online.
95. Do at least 3 Trigger sessions with potential clients.
96. Build Week 3 of your Keystone course.
97. Understand the 3 factors to a coaching website that converts visitors
into leads.
98. Buy a domain name, connect it to a hosting account and install Word-
Press onto the website.
99. Buy a WordPress theme from and install it into your
WordPress account.
100. Create the content for your About page and add it to the website.
101. Choose 3 funnel kickers and add them to your blog.
102. Understand how to create great blogs with videos.
103. Choose 3 topics for blogs
104. Create 3 blogs for your website
105. Market these blogs through Facebook ads to direct traffic to the web-
106. Launch at least 2 marketing campaigns online.
107. Do at least 3 Trigger sessions with potential clients.
108. Build Week 4 of your Keystone course.


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