Dejectedly. /: My Essay The World

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My Essay To The World

The Sea of Faith

Was once, too, atthefull, and
Round the eafth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawn roar.

The true lines above sum up the state of faith in the world

During the pre-modern days, with man pre-occupied with

basic survival in the newearth among otheranimals, the need
of rational explanations was at the minimum. Everything was
believed to be the being of that One Mighty Being, strong, omniscient and omnipotent. lt may
have been out of pure fear of the unknown, but it did give rise to the roots of faith, which have set
deep amorig the mankind.

Through the turn of centuries, man has been able to carue a comfortable, larger-than actually-
required niche in the earth's ecosystem and his primary occupations have changed from
survival to searching explanatory answers. Science has unraveled reasonJ behind
phenomena that were earlier thought to be the work of God, and continues doing so. !t is
somewhere along this road from myth to logic that we humans have lost our ability tolelieve
the ability to believe, not only in the supreme power, but also in ourselves.
We have lost faith in the work we do, thinking that it makes no great contribution to the wor.ld at
large, doing it only dejectedly. , \
We have lost faith in fellow human beings, thinking that every person who does not know us
would want to mistreat us.

We have lost faith in eafth, thinking it necessary to strip her of resources by force than to allow
herto accommodate us.

Above all, we have lost faith in all good things that make the world a better place to live in love,
kindness, truth, hope, patience - choosing instead to stay away from them, complaining of the
world being hostile, not realizing that it iswewho make itthatway, one person at atime.

Losing faith is like cutting the links to the very anchor of our life. But, as it is said, 'All is not lost till
hope is not lost.' I hope that my ideas have the powerto convince the people of the world and !
have faith that they would reevaluate their ideas.

The much anticipated era of enlightenmentwilldawn onlywhen we place ourfaith in science, in

the goodness of mankind and our own ability to make a difference in this world. The hope that a
better society is in the making and the simple belief that it would be one of the best, has the
power to make it tl,c best. Faith, belief and power of will are the strongest driving force and I
urge everyone to hold fast to them.


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