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Upper Limb and Lower Limb Cram Sheets

Head and Neck Labs
Trunk Labs

Coracoid process
Bicipital groove attachments
Apex of axilla
Axillary artery and its branches
Anterior Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery- at surgical neck
Brachial plexus
post-fixed brachial plexus
Median nerve
Erb's point
klumpke's paralysis
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Claw hand
Radial nerve
Wrist drop
Crutch paralysis
Saturday Night Paralysis
Origin of medial and lateral pectoral nerves
Know origin and insertion of shoulder region muscles, ns , action
Intermuscular spaces and boundaries and contents
Biceps brachii
All supplied by musculocutaneous nerve
Brachialis-hybrid, 2 nerve supplies
Bracheal artery and branches
origin and insertion of triceps
medial end-cylindrical
lateral end- flax
medial 2/3- convex infront
lateral 1/3- concave infront
groove for subclavius muscle inferior
no medullary cavity, membranous bone, placed horizontally- differences with other
long bones
know muscles attached to clavicle
know nerves related to humerus
ulnar nerve behind medial epicondyle
radial groove where radial nerve is related
muscles attached to greater tubercle and lesser tubercle(subscapularis) - SITS
surgical neck - anastomosis of post and ant circ humeral arteries
anatomical neck-fibrous capsule
important muscles related to scapula
coracoid process
acromion process
spine of scapula
supraspinatus fossa- supraspinatus muscle
subscapular fossa- subscapularis
levator scapulae
rhomboideous minor and mahor
teres minor
teres major
long head of triceps
long head of biceps
latissimus dorsi
short head of biceps
pec minor
long head of biceps
brachialis-> radial nerve
Bracheal artery
musculocutaneous nerve-> passed through coracobrachialis
pec major origin and insertion
deltoid(axillary nerve)- origin, insertion, action
Supraspinatus(suprascapular nerve), infraspinatus
cannot start abduction-> damage to suprascapular nerve, supraspinatus
complete 90 degree abduction -> deltoid is working
180 degree abduction -> serratus anterior, trapezius (NS), long thoracic nerve
axillary artery and parts
long, lateral and medial heads of triceps
radial nerve, profunda brachii artery and saturday night paralysis(spiral groove of
teres major
teres minor
upper triangular space
quadrangular space
lower triangular space
serratus anterior
Posterior cord of brachial plexus- trace back radial nerve
musculocutaneous nerve- trace back lateral cord
lateral pectoral nerve
medial nerve and parts
shoulder joint:
subtype:ball and socket synovial
fibrous capsule
weak parts : lower part, where long head of biceps passes
inferior dislocation is common
pronator teres
identify structures in cubital fossa- biceps tendon, radial nerve, medial nerve,
bracheal artery and branches
carpal bones
superficial muscles of flexor - 5 - common flexor tendon, medial epicondyle
origin, action, NS- median nerve, fcarpi ulnaris- ulnar nerve
palmar aponeurosis and palmaris longus
identify tendon of flexor digittorum profundus
common synovial sheath = ulnar bursa
radial bursa
innervation to skin of hand
duputruyen's contracture-pain, similar to claw hand
function of lumbricals and interosseous muscles-PAD, DAB-NS, Action
identify extensor muscles
structures of cubital fossa
bicipital aponeurosis
common flexor tendon and medial epicondyle
pronator teres
apex of cubital fossa
behind medial epicondyle-ulnar nerve
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis(radial artery near to it)
palmaris longus(use for suturing)
flexor digiti superficialis(branches before palmar aponeurosis)
flexor carpi ulnaris(below it is ulnar artery and nerve)
flexor policis longus(lateral)
flexor digitorum profundus(4 slips)
pronator quadratus(runs transversely)
anatomical snuffbux-boundaries
extensor policis longus
abductor policis longus
extensor policis brevis
course of radial artery
superficial palmar arch
common digital and proper digital branches
antibracheal fascia
palmar aponeurosis
fibrous flexor sheath
flexor digitorum superficialis branching and profundus
hypothenar muscles-abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi,opponents digiti
thenar muscles- abductor policis brevis(see)
, flexor policis brevis, opponents policis
thenar muscles
bracheal artery
lumbricals- originate from tendons of flexor digittorum profundus, identify 1 to 4
-action and NS
intermetatarsal spaces- occupied by interosseous muscles-palmar and dorsal
carpal bones
digital veins join to form dorsal venous arch
medial end of dorsal venous arch joins medial marginal vein fromt thumb
cephalic vein-lateral
basalic vein-medial
cephalic vein and basalic vein goes to cubital fossa to form medial cubital vein
cephalic vein runs in delto pectoral groove to meet axillary vein
basalic vein meets axillary vein
extensor retinaculum
snuffbox- radial artery, extensor policis longus, abductor policis longus, extensor
policis brevis
1st compartment- abductor policis longus, extensor policis brevis
2nd compartment- extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
deep fascia
muscles on back of forearm- brachioradialis,extensor carpii radialis longus and
brevis, abductor policis longus, extensor policis brevis
radial artery
ossification of carpal bones
femoral triangle and adductor canal
popliteal fossa behind knee because of reverse of limb buds during development
great saphenous vein
tributaries- 4 blue ones
saphenous opening
femoral sheath
foetal position- bones facing upwards are growing bones
femoral canal
femoral ring
femoral artery
profunda femoris and branches
perforating arteries
ligation of femoral artery
femoral vein
nervous furcalis
femoral nerve
obturator nerve
quadratus femoris
vastus medialis
vastus lateralis
tensor fasciae lata
gluteus maximus
obturator nerve
adductor magnus, longus, brevis
greater sciatic foramen
muscles of gluteal region and NS
gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
trendelenberg's sign
arteries of the gluteal region
inferior gluteal artery- sciatic nerve(remnant of axis artery)
superior gluteal nerve
inferior gluteal nerve
sciatic nerve
tibial nerve
common peroneal nerve (foot drop)
nerve to quadratus femoris
nerve to obturator internus
pudendal nerve
IM injection
Sciatic nerve block
piriformis syndrome
hamstring muscles
anomalies of development of lower limb
types of pelvis
popliteal fossa- roof
complete popliteal ligament
contents of popliteal fossa
tibial nerve
nerve to popliteus
common peroneal nerve(foot drop)
popliteal artery
sural arteries
bone landmarks of knee, ankle and leg
great saphenous vein
small saphenous vein
cutaneous vein
saphenous nerve
tibialis anterior
peroneus tertius
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digittorum longus
anterior tibial artery and branches
dorsum of the foot
dorsalis pedis
peroneus longus
peroneus brevis
talipes varus
talipes valgus
guy ropes
structures passing through flexor retinaculum
tarsal tunnel syndrome
tibialis posterior
posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery
tibial nerve
plantar reflex
dermatomes of sole of foot
plantar aponeurosis
muscles of sole of foot, NS
flexor hallucis brevis
dorsal and palmar interosseousi
plantar arteries
knee joint- stability
ligamentum patellae
tibial collateral ligament
fibular collateral ligament
oblique popliteral ligament
cruciate ligaments
meniscal tear
unhappy triad and other correlates on page
bony pelvis
diffs between male and female pelvis
multipyrus female
obturator foramen
obturator canal- obturator nerve and vessels
pre-auricular sulcus
pelvic inlet
bony landmarks
acetabular fossa
anatomical position of pelvis
asis and pubic tubercle in same vertical plane
types of pelvis
complications during delivery
anatomical position of femur
gluteal tuberosity- gluteal maximus
iliotibial trunk
femoral artery
midinguinal point
9th month foetus- centre is primary or secondary at bottom of femur
femur is convex forwards- when child starts to crawl
muscles on back of forearm- brachioradialis,extensor carpii radialis longus and
brevis, extensor digittorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris
angle of femoral intortion
right patella-sesamoid bone
sits on larger lateral facet
smaller medial facet
rectus femoris attached to base of patella
vastus medialis
vastus lateralis
ligamentum patellae attached to apex- degenerated tendon of quadriceps femoris
features of sesamoid bones
femoral triangle
psoas major
adductor longus
femoral nerve , artery, vein
femoral sheath- how it is formed
femoral canal
femoral ring
femoral septum
femoral fossa
femoral hernia
coverings of femoral hernia
triangular femoral hernia
section lacunar ligament to relieve femoral hernia
boundaries of femoral ring
femoral nerve comes from lumbar plexus
dorsal division of ventral rami of L2, L3, L4
subcostal nerve, iliogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve
lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh-passes through inguinal ligament, compression
causes altered sensation on lateral aspect of the thigh, relieve pain by relieving
nerve from ligament
obturator nerve
ventral division of ventral rami of L2, L3 and L4
nervous furcalis-L4
lumbosacral trunk-L4 and L5
femoral artery- external iliac artery, continues as popliteal artery after passing
through hiatus magnus
branches: deep external pudendal, profunda femoris, muscular branches
superficial- superficial external pudendal, superficial circumflex iliac,
superficial epigastric
clinical significance of femoral artery
femoral vein-clinical significance
great saphenous vein- formed by medial end of dorsal venous arch uniting with
medial marginal vein
terminates by piercing cribriform fascia
terminates by passing through saphenous opening to open into femoral vein
tributaries- similar to superfical branches of femoral artery
-superficial external pudendal, superficial epigastric, superficial circumflex
coronary graft
rectus femoris
vastus medialis-horizontal fibres prevent lateral dislocation of the patella
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
Fascia lata- iliotibial tract
tensor fasciae latae
gluteus maximus
guy ropes-support pelvis
adductor longus-origin is tendinous, may have sesamoid bone here (rider's bone)
adductor brevis
adductor magnus
gluteal region
gluteus maximus
inferior gluteal nerve
gluteus medius
piriformis- structures above and below
sciatic nerve
gluteus minimus
posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
pudendal nerve
nerve to obturator internus
internal pudendal vessels
nerve to quadratus femoris
common peroneal-dorsal division of ventral rami of L4, L5, S1 , S2
tibial nerves-ventral division of ventral rami of L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
trendelenberg's sign
sciatic nerve- L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
gemellus superior
tendon of obturator internus
gemellus inferior
quadratus femoris
hamstring - characteristics
biceps femoris-long head
(short head is not hamstring)
adductor magnus (hamstring part)
medial collateral ligament
hiatus magnus
popliteal fossa-reverse of limb buds during development
popliteal fascia- run transversely facilitating better flexion of knee
expansions of semimembranosus
common peroneal nerve- foot drop, dorsal division of ventral rami of L4, L5, S1 ,
name branches - lateral cutaneous nerve of calf, sural communicating nerve
genicular branches
tibial nerve- ventral division of ventral rami of L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
motor branches
cutaneous branches
popliteal artery and branches
sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosis attachments
ansodine bursa
tibial collateral ligament- degenerated part of hamstring part of adductor magnus
short saphenous vein formation
tibialis anterior-inversion at subtalar joint
extensor hallucis longus
extension digittorum longus
peroneus tertius-
peroneus longus-eversion at subtalar joint
dorsiflexion and plantar flexion at ankle
deep peroneal nerve
anterior tibial artery
dorsalis pedis-midline between 2 malleoli, proximal end of 1st metatarsal space
-how to feel pulse
peroneus brevis
peroneus longus
sesamoid bone-x-ray
fracture of 5th metatarsal common with age
3rd and 4th common in athletes
superficial peroneal nerve/musculocutaneous nerve
deep fascia
triceps surae/achilles tendon and attachment
tendon calcaneus
sesamoid bone in x-ray-fabella
soleus and lateral pterygoid-peripheral heart
soleus-first gear
gastrocnemius-top gear
plantaris-tendon graft
Postal departments are never honest (deep to flexor retinaculum)
P=tibialis posterior
d-flexor digitorum longus
are- posterior tibial vessels
never-tibial nerve
honest-flexor hallucis longus
posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery
tibial nerve
popliteus-unlocking of knee joint/initial flexion
nerve to popliteus-supplies multiple things
fascia covering popliteus
jar with ligaments of knee joint
medial meniscus
lateral meniscus
medial meniscal tract
lateral meniscal tract
malleolar facet-right? -> left side
attachment of muscles
biceps femoris inserts on it
used for bone grafting
tarsal bones
hip joints
ligaments of head of femur -damage causes necrosis
acetabalar labrum
sole of foot- muscles and ns
flexor hallucis brevis- sesamoid bone

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