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3, AUGUST 2012 1245

Feasibility Study of Segmenting Large Power

System Interconnections With AC Link Using
Energy Storage Technology
Jinbo Wu, Jinyu Wen, Member, IEEE, Haishun Sun, and Shijie Cheng, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractThis paper studies the feasibility of segmenting large [9]. However, it is not economical and realistic to replace the
power system interconnections with AC link using energy storage existing AC link with DC link considering the flexibility of AC
technology, similar to the DC link, for improving the system dy- link.
namic stability. Firstly, the segmentation validity of the AC inter-
connected power system using energy storage technology is proved
Due to power electronics technology progress and clean
in terms of theoretical analysis, and then a simple and effective con- energy concerns, energy storage technology has developed
trol strategy is proposed. Moreover, the influences of the energy greatly in recent years. There are some energy storage tech-
storage device location and capacity on the proposed method are nologies with the potential on rapid high-capacity energy
discussed in detail. The effectiveness of the proposed method for storing, such as SMES [10], [11], flywheels [12], [13], bat-
large AC interconnected power system segmentation is verified by teries [14], [15], super-capacitors [16], [17], etc.The utilization
simulations in two AC interconnected power systems.
of those technologies has achieved some success [18][20],
Index TermsDynamic stability, energy storage technology, typically, in wind power generation, automotive and aerospace
large power system interconnections with AC link, segmentation. applications. The application of energy storage technology for
damping of inter-area oscillations and enhancing power system
stability has received great attention [21], [22], and there are
quite some prior art exist in this field [23], [24]. However, these

T HE interconnections among different region power grids methods are not able to accomplish segmentation of the AC
have become a worldwide trend in the development of inter-regional grid using energy storage technology.
power systems to achieve a wide range of economic and se- This paper studies the feasibility of segmenting large power
curity benefits [1]. Two alternative options are available for system interconnections with AC link by means of energy
large power system interconnections, namely AC link and DC storage technology, which is similar to the DC link. In power
link [2]. system interconnected by AC lines, disturbances are spread
The AC link is the natural way of interconnecting existing through power swings on AC tie line from neighbors to one
AC systems, in that the AC alternative early on became and still region grid. The energy storage devices could reduce the power
is the dominant mode of generation, transmission, and distribu- swings on the tie line by storing or releasing energy, and
tion in power system [3]. The interconnections have been mostly the response times, are much less than 100 ms, e.g., SMES,
realized by AC link since such option is technically feasible and flywheels, and close to that of the DC transmission technology.
economically justified [4]. Therefore, adopting energy storage technology to segment
From the operation point of view, large power system inter- large power system interconnections and improve the system
connections with AC link might increase the system complexity, stability is worth investigating.
and adversely decrease the system reliability and stability [5]. This paper is organized as follows. Section II analyzes the dy-
On the contrary, the DC link especially VSC based HVDC con- namic interaction between the inter-regional grids with AC link.
tributes to decompose large inter-regional power grids into sets Section III theoretically proves the validity of the AC intercon-
of asynchronously operated sectors [6], called the grid segmen- nected power system segmentation using energy storage tech-
tation [7], [8]. In other words, large power system interconnec- nology and discusses the influence of the energy storage devices
tions with DC link could enhance the system reliability instead location and capacity on the proposed method. A simple and ef-
of incurring the stability issue and improve system operations fective control strategy of segmenting large grids using energy
storage technology is proposed in Section III. Subsequently, in
Sections IV and V, the time domain simulations are carried out
Manuscript received March 22, 2011; revised July 10, 2011 and October 27,
2011; accepted December 31, 2011. Date of publication March 06, 2012; date in a fictitious study-case AC interconnected grid with four ma-
of current version July 18, 2012. This work was supported by the National Nat- chines and an actual hugely larger Chinese AC interconnected
ural Science Foundation of China (50937002, 51190104) and National Basic system including the North China grid and the Central China
Research Program of China (2012CB215106). Paper no. TPWRS-00200-2011.
J. Wu is with the Hunan Electric Power Corporation Research Institute,
grid, respectively. Results and analysis are presented to verify
Changsha 410007, Hunan Province, China (e-mail: the excellence and effectiveness of the proposed method. All
J. Wen, H. Sun, and S. Cheng are with the College of Electrical and simulation results are based on the full nonlinear system models,
Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, China (e-mail:;
including higher-order transient-type machines, AVR and gov-; ernor models, detailed network models, and so on. Finally, the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2185255 conclusion is obtained in Section VI.

0885-8950/$31.00 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Equivalent two-machine power system.

Fig. 2. Equivalent two-machine power system with two ESD.

II. INTERACTION BETWEEN THE GRIDS WITH AC LINK Equation (4) is substituted with to obtain
the new dynamic equation for analyzing the interaction of the
To analyze the inter-regional interaction, an AC inter-re- equivalent machines:
gional grid including Region A and Region B can be equivalent
to two-machine power system as shown in Fig. 1, without (5)
considering the interaction between machines within the same
region. In the figure, Bus 3 and Bus 4 are the tie line terminal Assuming that the equivalent power system has been stable,
bus in the interconnected grid, and is the tie line power. and a disturbance occurs in Region A in , which re-
The line reactance is much bigger than the line resistance sults in power angle change of the equivalent machine 1, i.e.,
in the high voltage AC transmission system. Therefore, the and could be obtained by (5):
line resistance could be ignored, and is determined by
the internal voltages and power angle difference between the (6)
equivalent machine 1 and 2: where

Equation (2) is substituted with (6) to obtain the tie line power
where is the equivalent internal voltage of the machine or swings caused by the disturbance:
the bus voltage amplitude. is the equivalent power angle for
machine or the bus voltage phase angle with same reference
axis. is the reactance, and is the susceptance.
is the angle difference, and subscript i and j de- III. SEGMENTATION USING ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY
note the equivalent machine number or the bus number.
and are the internal reactance of the equivalent machines, A. Theoretical Analysis
respectively, and is the tie line resistance in the AC inter-
Two energy storage devices (ESD), namely ESD 1 and ESD
connected grid. is the equivalent tie
2, are adopted to accomplish segmentation of the AC inter-re-
line resistance.
gional grid, shown in Fig. 1. The ESD are installed on the tie
It is assumed that the equivalent internal voltages of machines
line bus, namely Bus 5 and Bus 6, respectively, between Bus 3
maintain constant, the tie line power swings is given by the fol-
and Bus 4, as shown in Fig. 2.
lowing equation:
Since in general in power system, the power
swings is given by following equation:
where is the susceptance of the equivalent tie line,
and is the equivalent coefficient for the synchronous torque The dynamic equations of the equivalent two-machine power
and is presented as follows: system with two ESD are given:

Without considering the equivalent machine damping coef-
ficients, the dynamic equations of the equivalent two-machine
power system are given by following equations: where and are the output powers of ESD 1 and ESD 2,
respectively. and are the angle deviations of Bus 5 and
Bus 6, respectively.
(4) Only considering the ESD external characteristic, the ESD
model is given by following equation:
where is the inertia time constants of the
equivalent machine, and is the synchronous angular speed. (10)

where is the ESD output power reference value. is the is Bus 3. Therefore, the ESD optimal locations are allocated at
ESD response time. The subscript k denotes the ESD number. the tie line terminal bus in the interconnected grid, respectively.
It is assumed that the ESD output power reference values are The required size of the ESD for segmenting large power
given as follows: system interconnections with AC link is associated with spe-
cific parameters or characteristics of the interconnections, and
(11) it is difficult to present a very clear indication of required size
especially in terms of energy. For long-distance interconnected
Equation (9) is substituted with (10) and (11) to obtain the new power system, if the ESD are installed in their optimal locations,
dynamic equation with the ESD as follows: it can be concluded that the ESD output powers and the tie line
power swings with energy storage devices are both little larger
than the case without ESD owing to the fact that the equivalent
machine reactance are relatively small.

Under the condition that equivalent power system has al- C. Simple and Effective Control Strategy
ways been stable, a disturbance occurs in Region A in , The ESD output power reference values contain the angle
leading to the equivalent machine 1 power angle change , i.e., deviations and their derivatives. The derivatives of the angle
and , as mentioned above. Equation deviations could be ignored due to the ESD response times are
(12) is solved like this: very small. Therefore, a simple and effective control strategy of
segmenting large AC interconnected power system using energy
storage devices is proposed, that is, two ESD are installed at
(13) Bus 3 and Bus 4, respectively, and their output power reference
values are given by following equations:

where . (16)
and are the power swings of the tie line terminals,
respectively, caused by the disturbance. Because of ignoring the derivatives of the angle deviations
At this moment, the ESD output powers are obtained: which contain the ESD response times, the performance of the
proposed control strategy will be worse with the response times
(14) increasing. However, if the response times are less than 0.1 s,
the performance will be insensitive to the response time change.
It can been seen from (12) and (13) that the power swings Therefore, the energy storage technology whose response times
caused by the disturbance in Region A will not spread to Region are much less than 0.1 s, such as SMES, flywheels, are appli-
B, i.e., and , with the aid of ESD. The cable for the proposed control strategy.
validity of the proposed method is proved. In the following simulation, the changes in angles are mea-
sured as follows:
B. Location and Capacity
For the same disturbance in Region A, i.e., , (17)
the value of the tie line power swings without ESD is as
shown in (7), and that is as shown in (14), when the AC where and are the real-time value and steady-state value
interconnected grid segmentation is accomplish by introducing of the bus voltage phase angle with same reference axis, respec-
ESD. If the angle differences between the tie line buses are very tively.
small, i.e., , and the bus voltages are al- Owing to the effect of the inevitable inaccuracies in voltage
most constant during the dynamic process of the power system. angle estimation, the performance of the proposed method will
The ratios of the tie line power swings with and without ESD be worse. But the effect of the inaccuracies in voltage angle
are obtained as follows: estimation is even much smaller than the effect of ignoring the
derivatives of the angle deviations. The performance will be not
(15) sensitive to tiny inaccuracies in voltage angle estimation.

It can be seen from (15) that when a disturbance occurs in IV. SIMULATION RESULTS OF FICTITIOUS SYSTEM
Region A, the power swings on the tie line with ESD is more A fictitious study-case AC interconnected grid with four ma-
severe than the case without energy storage devices. And this chines is presented in Fig. 3. The machines are controlled by
phenomenon is associated with , a larger corresponding the fast excitation system, and the specific system parameters
to a smaller oscillation. Due to the Bus 6 is closer to Region B, are shown in [25].
is larger and the tie line power swings on the tie line using Simulations are carried out considering both balanced
ESD is smaller, so does the output power. Therefore, the ESD 2 (3LG: three-phase-to-ground) and unbalanced (2LG: a-b phase
optimal location is allocated at the Bus 4. double-line-to-ground, 2LS: a-b phase line-to-line, and 1LG:
If a disturbance occurs in Region B, The result similar to the a phase single-line-to-ground) faults at points F1 and F2 on
previous one could be obtained, i.e., the ESD 1 optimal location the transmission lines of the grid as indicated in Fig. 3. Two

Fig. 3. Fictitious study-case AC interconnected grid with four machines.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the ESD and its control system.

Fig. 6. Grid responses without ESD as well as with ESD installed in different
locations in case of 3LG fault at point F2. (a) . (b) .

are allowed to regulate the power. The fault occurrence time

and the fault clearing time are 1 s and 0.1 s, respectively. The
time step and simulation time are chosen to be 0.01 s and 20.0 s,
respectively. In the following simulation, about 400 MW is
regularly transmitted from the Region A to the Region B
through the tie line.
In the simulation results, is the tie line power transfer from
the Region A to the Region B, is the maximum devi-
ation of tie line power, (1.1 s s),
and are the required size of the ESD in terms
of power and energy, respectively. represents the total
output power limit, and is the ESD response times. Subscript
Fig. 5. Grid responses without ESD as well as with ESD installed in different A and B represent the Region A and Region B, respectively.
locations in case of 3LG fault at point F1. (a) . (b) . The subscript max denotes the maximum value. and
are measured as follows:

ESD are installed in the tie line bus to accomplish the grid (18)
segmentation and improve the grid stability. The block diagram
of the ESD and its control system model in the time domain
where and are indicated in Fig. 3.
simulation is suitable for all balanced (3LG) and unbalanced
(2LG, 2LS, and 1LG) faults at different points (points F1, and
A. Location
F2) presented in Fig. 4. The model of the ESD is shown as
(10) and the ESD control strategy is shown as (16). In addition, Figs. 5 and 6 show the grid responses without ESD and
in order to protect the ESD, they are not allowed to regulate with ESD installed in different locations in case of 3LG fault
the power until that the real-time values of the installed bus at point F1 and F2, respectively. Table I shows the values
voltage are not less than 0.9 times steady-state value of that. of and , respectively, without
The installed bus voltages are almost constant when the ESD ESD as well as with ESD installed in different locations in

TABLE I From the grid responses shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the feasibility
(A) VALUES OF (MW). (B) VALUES OF (MJ). of the proposed method in segmenting the fictitious study-case
system and improving its stability for all types of faults at dif-
ferent points is confirmed. It is also noticeable that the dynamic
stability performance with ESD installed in Bus 5 and 7 is better
than that without ESD as demonstrated in Table I. This fact
substantiates the excellence and effectiveness of the proposed
method in improving the AC interconnected power system dy-
namic stability.
The performance of segmenting the fictitious study-case
system using energy storage technology with the ESD installed
in Bus 5 and 7 is better than that with the ESD installed both in
Bus 6. The values of with ESD installed in Bus 5 and
7 are much smaller than that with ESD installed both in Bus
6 shown in Table I. This fact validates that the ESD optimal
locations are allocated at Bus 5 and 7 in the fictitious study-case
The values of with ESD installed in different loca-
tions all are bigger than the values of without ESD
shown in Table I(c). The power swings on the tie line with ESD
installed in different locations all are larger than that without
ESD as well. The conclusion from the simulation results and
theoretical analysis are the same. The dynamic stability perfor-
mance with ESD installed in both in Bus 6 is even worse than
that without ESD. This fact indicates that the ESD locations are
very importance to the effect of the proposed method in im-
proving the system dynamic stability.

B. Output Power Limiting

Table II shows the values of , and , respectively,
with ESD for different in case of 3LG, 2LG, 2LS, and
1LG faults at points F1, and F2. s, and the ESD are
installed in Bus 5 and 7, respectively.
From the values of , and shown in Table II, the
effectiveness of the proposed method with different in
improving the dynamic stability for all types of faults at dif-
ferent points is validated. Moreover, the values bigger,
the dynamic stability performance of the proposed method is
better. However, the performance is satisfactory even thought
MW. The conclusion from the simulation results
matches with the theoretical analysis. This fact also confirms
the practicality of the proposed AC interconnected grid seg-
mentation using energy storage technology in improving the dy-
namic stability. For improving the fictitious study-case system
dynamic stability, that MW is enough.

C. Response Time
Table III shows the values of , and , respectively,
with ESD with different in case of 3LG, 2LG, 2LS, and 1LG
faults at points F1, and F2. MW, and the ESD are
installed in Bus 5 and 7, respectively.
From the values of , and shown in Table III, the
validity of the proposed method with different in improving
the dynamic stability for all types of faults at different points
is substantiated. In addition, the values of smaller, the per-
formance of the proposed method is better. However, if the
case of 3LG, 2LG, 2LS, and 1LG faults at points F1, and F2. value is smaller than 0.1 s, the performance is insensitive to the
s, and there is no . change of . Therefore, s is enough to improve the



AC interconnected power system dynamic stability. This fact

also verifies the feasibility of the proposed method using en- (SD), Beijing (BJ), Tianjin (TJ), Hebei (HEB), and Eastern
ergy storage technology in improving the dynamic stability of Inner Mongolia (EIM). Also, the Central China Grid (CCG)
the power system interconnections with AC link. The conclu- also interconnects six provincial power grids: Hubei (HUB),
sion from the simulation results and theoretical analysis are the Hunan (HUN), Jiangxi (JX), Henan (HEN), Sichuan (SC), and
same. Chongqing (CQ). The former is much larger than the latter
both in the power generation capacity and load. There are an
V. SIMULATION RESULTS OF ACTUAL SYSTEM Ultra-High Voltage (UHV) AC interconnection between the
An actual hugely larger Chinese AC interconnected system two regional China power grids.
including the North China grid and the Central China grid Two ESD are installed in the low voltage terminal of Bus a
is presented in Fig. 7. The North China Grid (NCG) inter- and Bus b, respectively, which are the UHV tie line terminal
connects six provincial power grids: Shanxi (SX), Shandong bus. The block diagram of the ESD and its control system model

Fig. 7. Actual hugely larger Chinese system including the NCG and the CCG.

in the hugely larger Chinese system is the same to that in the

fictitious study-case system, as shown in Fig. 4. Also,
s. In the following simulation, about 2870 MW is regularly
transmitted from the NCG to the CCG through the tie line.
Fig. 8 shows the grid responses without ESD as well as with
ESD in the case of 3LG fault at the Fault point in the NCG. In
the simulation results, and , which are the tie line power
transfer from the NCG to the CCG, are measured at Bus a and
Bus b including the impact of the ESD, respectively. is the
ESD total output power.
From the grid responses shown in Fig. 8, the proposed
method to accomplish segmentation of the NCG and the CCG
is available. The conclusions from the simulation results and
theoretical analysis are both the same. This fact proves the
validity and practicality of the proposed method in segmenting
large power system interconnections with AC link using energy
storage technology.
Fig. 8. Grid responses without ESD as well as with ESD in case of 3LG fault
VI. CONCLUSION at Fault point in the NCG. (a) . (b) . (c) .
This paper studies the feasibility of segmenting large power
system interconnections with AC link using energy storage
different ESD response time, the excellence and effectiveness
technology for improving the AC interconnected system dy-
of the proposed method using energy storage technology in
namic stability. The dynamic interaction between the AC
segmenting AC interconnected grid and improving the grid
interconnected grids is analyzed and the validity of the AC in-
dynamic stability is confirmed. The results in the actual hugely
terconnected power system segmentation using energy storage
larger Chinese system also verify the practicality of the pro-
technology is proved theoretically. Moreover, the influences
posed method. It can be concluded that the method adopting
of the energy storage devices location and capacity on the
energy storage technology for segmentation of large power
proposed method are discussed, as well as the simple and
system interconnections with AC link and the system stability
effective control strategy of the proposed method is proposed.
improvement is available and feasible in practice.
The simulation is carried out in the case of all types of faults at
different points in the fictitious study-case AC interconnected
system and the actual hugely larger Chinese system. And the
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