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noche boca arriba Chart of Events rubric

Points 3 2 1
Completeness Student completed Somewhat completed Did not complete at
thoroughly and the assignment. least half of the
thoughtfully all Several steps were assignment.
sections of the missed. Answers show no
assignment. effort a lack of effort
to complete the
Clarity Sentences Ideas are clear, but There is no clarity in
demonstrate clarity writing hinders the the responses and
of thought and an message delivery they are not well
ease to convey ideas attempt. written.
in writing.
Content Student There is an effort to Lack of critical
demonstrates think critically in thought. Needs
critical thinking some of the improvement.
skills in their responses.
Questions Responses are Responses need Did not show
thought provoking more thought and a comprehension of
and demonstrate a better understanding the story or what
clear understanding of the story. has been discussed.
of the story.
Grammar Excellent Spanish Good Spanish Poor Spanish
grammar is grammar is grammar is
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
throughout the throughout the throughout the
exercise. exercise. Some exercise. Needs
mistakes need to be improvement.
TOTAL: /15

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