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L. Kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi dua bahagian : Bahagian A dan

Bahagian B.
2. Kamu dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan dalam kedua-dua bahagian.
3. Bagi Bahagian A, setiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A,
B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan
kamu pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan. Jika kamu hendak menukar
jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang
4. Bagi
Basi Bahasian R- jawab
Bahagian B, iawah semua soalrn dalam
serrtrrrt soalan iqrxzqtra- \/ahft
flrqn., jawapan
dqlern ruang AiooAinl.nn
yang disediakan.
Ceraikan Bahagian B daripada kertas peperiksaan ini.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 4 halaman bercetak.

013 O Pustoka Vision
I Pra IIPSR - Set 1
Pra IIPSR Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

[ 20 marks ]
Questions Ito 5
Choose the best onswer to complete the sentence.
eilih jawapan yang terbaik antuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

I Foizoh proctices the piono everu dou 4 Con Ihove eggs, pleose?
she plogs verg well. A lots C ofew
Aso C
however B little D much
B but D therefore
5 It wos roining when I
---"- to school
2 We ore going to be lote, we? this morning.
A isn't C oren't Ago C went
B don't D hosn't B goes D going
3 The lighthouse is on islond.
Ao C some
Bon -- D

Question 6
Choose the most suitoble Proverb.
nilih peribahasa y an g p alin g sesua i.
6 We sog when someone hos the some smoft ideo thot
gou hove.
A too mong cooks spoil the broth
B birds of o feother flock together
C greot minds think olike
D eosu come, eosu go

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best onswer to fill in the blonks in the possoge thot follows.
vilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

There wos o corousel ot the cornivol. It wos (7) it hod two levels.
Tess wonted to ride on it. She went to the top level ond (8) on o unicorn. Her
porents wotched from neorbg. Her fother took out his comero ond storted clicking. Tess woved ot
(q) excitedlg.
7 Aor ,8Asit q Aus
B ond i B sits B them
C but C sot Cwe
D becouse D sitting D theg
013 o Pustako Visiom
Pra UP$R Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

Question l0 Question ll
Choose the word thot hos the opposite Choose the sentence with the correct
meoning of the underlined word. punctuotion.
Pilih perkotoon gong lqwqn moksud dengon rtilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang
perkotoon gong bergoris. betul.
ll A "Ouch, mg onkle hurts!" soid Hishom.
l0 This loof of breod isn't fresh, is it? When did B "Ouch, Mg onkle hurts!" soid Hishom.
gou boke it? C "Ouch! mg onkle hurts," soid Hishom.
A cleon C stole D "Ouch, mg onkle hufts!" soid hishom.
B bitter D old

Questions 12 to 15
Bosed on the picture, choose the best onswer to fill in the blonks in the possoge thot follows.
Berdasarkan Eambar, pilih jawapnn yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat -tempat kosong dalam
teks yang berikutnya.

The Book Club of SK Joso Bokti orgonised o Book Foir lost Soturdog. The event wos held
in the school (12). There were monu tobles orronged in rows. The books on sole
were sorted bosed on subjects. There were signs so (13) knew the tgpes of books

on sole. The members were in chorge of selling the books. Two members (14)

behind eoch toble. The books were put in stocks (15) the toble.

12 A holl 13A clients 14A stond 15Ain

B office B consumers B stonds Bon
C clossroom c possengers c stood Cot
D ouditorium D customers D stonding Dbu
013 @ Pustaka Vision
3 Pra IIPSR - Set 1
Pra UPSR Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

Questions 16 to 18
Reod the letter ond onswer the questions thot follow.
Baca surat dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.
Dorm No. 16,
Hostel Putro,
S.K. Putro, Kuonton
28 Mog2OlT
Deor Mum ond Dod,
Hope gou ore ollfine. I om fine ond doing well here. How's Ah Tong ond his studies? Hope
he will come out with flging colours ogoin.

Dod, I hove o smoll problem here. I om looking for o few work books on English, Science
ond Mothemotics but I could not get them here. The onlg bookshop neor mU school hos books but
theg do not seem to sotisfg me.
I know verg well thot gou know the kind of workbooks I need. However, I om writing down
the titles in o seporote poper ond enclosing it to gou. Pleose go to Populor Book Store in Kuolo
Lumpur ond get them for me.
I will be coming down to KL next weekend ond I sholl collect them. Till then, bge.

/our loving son,

Kin Seng

16 Choose the correct stotement obout the 18 After reoding the letter, we con conclude
letter obove. thot
A Kim Seng needs moneu to bug some A Kim Seng is studging in o secondorg
workbooks. school.
B Kim Seng requests his fother to bug B Kim Seng olwogs osks his porents for
some workbooks. moneu.
C Kim Seng olwogs hos problems with C Kim Seng needs workbooks on English
himself. onlg.
D Kim Seng will go home next month. D Kim Seng wrote the letter towords the
end of the month.
17 Kim Seng soid his brother, Ah Tong will
come out with flging colours ogoin. Whot
does he meon bg thot?
A Ah Tong likes to point with colours.
B Ah Tong likes to flg to other countries.
C Ah Tong does well in his exominotion.
D Ah Tong likes to bug books ot the
Populor Book Store.

013 o Pustako Vision Pra UPSR- Setl

Pra UPSR Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

Questions 19 to 20
Reod the storg below ond onswer the questions thot follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-saalan yang berikutnya.

One fine dog, o fother ond o son were wolking down the rood. The fother sow o horseshoe
lging in the mud ond osked his son to pick it up. The son replied, " I hote to pick up things from
the mud, fother". The son kept on wolking ond the fother picked up the horseshose ond kept it in
his pocket.
On reoching the villoge, the fother sold the horseshoe ond bought some opples. As theg
were wolking, the fother dropped on opple on the ground. The son picked it up, woshed it ond ote
it up. The fother loughted ond soid, "son, sometimes even smoll things cost much. These opples
ore here becouse of thot horseshoe which I sold to bug these opples". The son understood whot
his fother wos truing to sog.

lq Whot were the fother ond son doing on the 20 How did the fother get the moneu to bug
rood? Theg were the opples?
A wolking to the villoge. A He found some moneu on the rood.
B buging some opples. B He sold the horseshoes ond bought the
C looking for horseshoes. opples.
D looking for items on the rood to sell. C He did some work ot the villoge.
D He osked his son for the moneu.


013 O Pustaka Vision

5 Pra IIPSR - Set 1
' Pra UPSRBafiasa lnggerisPemahaman-Setl

[30 marks]
Question 2!
Write o suitqble response for eoch picture in the spoce provided.
ruliskan jawapan yang sesuai bagi setiap gambar di ruang yang disediakan.


ves. Please help

' metomatoes. Answer

[2 marks]


[2 marks]


Would you like

to go cycling

[2 marks]

013 Pustaka Vision

6 Pra UPSR - Set 1
Pra UP$R Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

Question 22
Reod the storg below ond onswer the questions thot follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan - soalan yanq berikvtnya.

Once upon o time there lived o merchont. He hod o veru cunning helper. One dog, the
merchont soid, "Pock some food ond o bosket of fruits for me. Don't eot ong of the fruits! I've eges
ot the bock of mg heod."
The helper wos veru hungrg becouse the merchont did not give him enough food. He
decided to eot o few fruits. He held eoch fruit up to the bock of the merchont's heod before he ote
Loter, the merchont noticed thot o few fruits were missing. He scolded his helper for eoting
the fruits. "l osked gour permission, sir. I held eoch fruit to the bock of gour heod before I ote it.
You didn't object, sir."
The merchont wos ongru thot he wos outsmorted. He thought of o plon. He wrote o note
ond soid, "Deliver this note to mU brother immediotelg. Don't reod it!"
The helper wos suspicious. Since he wos told not to reod it, he stopped o teocher he met
olong the wog ond osked him to reod it. It soid, 'Moke mg helper do the work of three men in gour
The helper rewrote the note ond delivered the new one to the merchont's brother. The
brother wos puzzled bg the messoge but corried out the instruction.
The verg next dog, the merchont's brother morried his doughter to the helper. When the
merchont heord the news, he rushed to his brother's house, "Didn't gou get mg note?" he soid.
"Yes ond I did exoctlg os gou wonted. The note soid to get them morried," soid the
merchont's brother.
The merchont cried out helplesslg, "Outsmorted ogoin!"

Write True or Folse in the spoce provided.

Tuliskan True atau False di ruang yang disediakan.

(o) The merchont wonted his helper to pock some food ond fruits.

(b) The most suitoble proverb for this storg is 'honestg is the best policg.'
[2 marks]

Write gour onswer in the spoce provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

(c) Whot did the helper do before he ote eoch fruit? Whg?

[2 marks]

013 O Pustoko Vision

7 Pra UPSR - Set 1
i: : Pra UPSRBahasa lnggertsPemahaman-Setl

(d) Do gou ogree with the helper's octions? Whg?


(e) Whg do gou think the helper osked someone else to reod the note?

[2 marlcs]

013 @ Pustaka Vision

8 Pra UPSR-Sef7
Pra UPSR Bahasa Inggeris Pemahaman - Set

Question 23
Reod the informotion in the toble ond onswer the questions thot follow.
Baca maklumatyang diberi dalam )adual dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


. Elephont trekking . Elephont trekking

. Ox-corl riding . Elephont show ond feeding session
. Monkeg show . Ox-cort riding
. Boot ride to o neorbg islond
- RM55 per person
- Snocks ond drinks provided - RMl35 per person
- Lunch provided

Run bg ECO-SofqriTours
. Elephont trekking Applicoble to qll pockoges:
. PoddU cultivotion demonstrotion
. Leoves doilg of 9 om or 2 pm
. Fruit picking
. Minimum 4 people
. Elephont trekking: 30 minutes
- RM85 per person . Trqnsportto andfromthehotel
- Lunch provided . Experienced guide
For more tour pockoges, visit
wv\t\ t . ecos af a rito u rs. co m

Tick ( ) the correct onswer.
Tandakan ( ) pada jawapan yang betul.

(o) If Horeen wonts to pick some fruits, he should choose ...

Sofori A
Sofori B
Sofori C
Il mark]

(b) All the Sofori pockoges will include ...

o 30-minute elephont show

two moin meols
on experienced guide
fi markl

013 O Pustoka Vision

q Pra IJPSR - Set 1
Pra UPSR Bahasa Inggenls Pemahaman - Set 1

(c) Motch the phrose in List A to the suitoble phrose in List B. One hos been done for gou.
Padankan ayat di Senarai n pada ayatyang sesuai di Senarai B. sotu daripadanya telah
ditunjukkan seb a gai co nto h.

[2 marks]
Write Uour onswer in the spoce provided.
Tuliskan jawapan kamu di ruangyang disediakan.

(d) Whot extro things do gou get to hove if gou choose Sofori C?

[2 marks]

(e) Whot do gou understond from the phrose Tronsport to ond from the hotel?

[2 marks]

013 o Pustaka Visior]

lQ Pra UPSR-Sef7
Pra UPSR Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set I

Questions 24 ond 25
Studg the poster ond reod the diologue given. Then, onswer the questions thot follow.
reliti poster dan baca dialog yang diberi. rcemudian, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Former's Morket
ot Crescent Form
For sole:
. orgonic fruits ond vegetobles
. homemode breod ond cheese
o pickles
. ice creom
. homemode postries ond cokes
. hoheU
. clothing
. soops ond condles
Wednesdqgs: 2 pm to 6 pm
9 Julg to 4 September
Sundogs: 9 om to ! pm
6 November to 14 December
. Live music
. Bring Uour own bogs/boskets
. Free porking ovoiloble

Lilion The Former's Morket storts in Julg. We mustn't miss it this time, Mum.
Mother I remember how disoppointed gou were when gou missed the one in December.
Lilion Thot's becouse it's onlg orgonised twice o geor. We've to woit 6 months for it.
Mother I hope theg hove more things this geor.
Lilion Theg do, Mum. Look ot the poster. Besides pickles, there'll hove soops ond condles
Mother Let's osk gour ount ond cousins if theg would like to join us.
Lilion Greot ideo! I'll do it now.

Question 24
Tick ( ) the correct onswer.
Tandakan (./ ) pada jawapan yang betul.

(o) If Lilion ond her mother wont to go to the Former's Morket, theg ...

must drive to Crescent Form

hove to pog for porking
should not bring ong boskets
Il mark]
013 @ Pustaka Vision
Pra UPSR Bahasa lnggeris Pemahaman - Set 1

(b) "We mustn't miss it this time, Mum." The word it in the diologue refers to the ...

Crescent Form
Former's Morket
fi markl

Question 25
Write Uour onswer in the spoce provided.
Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

"l'll do it now."

Whot is Lilion going to do?

[2 marks]

(b) Whg do gou think the poster tells the public to bring bogs or boskets?

[2 marks]

(c) Whg do gou think Lilion's mother hopes there will be more things ot the Former's Morket?

[2 marksl


013 o Pustaka Vision

12 PTaUPSR-Sef/

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