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ICS 93.



Classification index G 23
Teren de fundare.
determinarea caracteristicilor fizice si mecanice ale pamanturilor cu
umflari si contractii mari Validation date:
Terrain de fondation 1988-12-01
Determination des caracteristiques physiques et mecaniques des terres a
grands soulevements et grandes contractions


1.1 Scope
The present standard establishes the methods of laboratory determination of physical and mechanical
characteristics of earthes with great bellies and shrinkages, from the foundation land.
The methods of the the present standard apply to earthes identified and classified according to STAS 1243-88.

1.2 Earthes with great bellies and shrinkages, called PUCM, are clay-bearing earthes, more or less
active, which have the property of modifying volume when their humidity oscillates.

1.3 The activity of earthes can be characterized on basis of:

-A2 fine particles percentage (with dimensions less than 0.002 mm), determined according to STAS 1913/5-85;
-plasticity index, Ip, according to STAS 1913/4-86;
-activity index, IA, determined by relation IA=Ip/A2
-plasticity criterion, Cp, determined by relation Cp=0.73 (WL-20), where WL is the upper plasticity limit,
established according to STAS 1913/4-86;
-Ul, free belly, determined according to clause 2;
-Ws shrinkage limit, Cv volume shrinkage (in disturbed sample), according to clause 3;
-Ws shrinkage limit, Cv volume shrinkage and the shrinkage curve (in undisturbed specimen), determined
according to clause 4;
-CL linear shrinkage, determined according to clause 5;
-the maximum moistening heat, determined according to STAS 193/9-86;
- waters retaining capacity at a 15 bar suction W15, according to STAS 9180-73;
-Pu belly pressure, determined according to clause 6.

1.4 Results interpretation of tests on earthes with big bellies and shrinkages can be made using the
identification diagram, made according to clause 7 and the status diagram, according to clause 8.


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ASRO Entire or partial multiplication or use of this standard in any kind of publications and by any means (electronically, mechanically,
photocopy, micromedia etc.) is strictly forbidden without a prior written consent of ASRO
2 STAS 1913/12-88


2.1 Principle of method.

Method consists in determining the volume of the sediment resulted by the deposition in distilled water of dry
earth, previously in a pestle mill processed, with a 10 cm3 initial volume.

2.2 Equipment.
-metallic grater
-technical balance with a 0.01 g weighing precision;
-oven with temperature regulator
-pestle mill (mechanic mortar)
-bolter (02)
-porcelain capsule 120mm
-80/80 mm celluloid plate.
-100 cm3 graduated cylinders
-calcium chloride exsiccator
-distilled water shower
-manual blender

2.3 Materials
-distilled water
-calcium chloride crystal solution (CaCl 2 ), 300g/l, filtered

2.4 Preparation of material

About 100 g, from the test earth shall be extracted, which will be passed through the grater, it will be dried up in
the oven at approximately 105 Celsius degrees and then it will be processed in a pestle mill, so that the whole quantity
can get through the 02 bolter.
The milled earth will be put in a 120 mm porcelain capsule, dried again in the capsule and kept in the exsiccator.

2.5 Operating mode

The test will be made on at least three samples.
The 100 cm3 graduated cylinders will be placed on a horizontal stand.
There will be introduced a volume of 50 cm3 distilled water in each cylinder and then, there will be added 12 g (a
volume of 10 cm3) from the earth prepared according to clause 2.4, weighed on a celluloid plate.
The content of the cylinder will be stirred. After the earths sedimentation (in about 4 hours), the content of the
cylinder will be re-stirred and its inside will be washed with the distilled water shower, up to the complete carrying
along of the material in suspension on the wall and then, it will be completed with distilled water up to 100 cm3 and the
whole composition will be left to re-sediment for 24 hours; then, it will be read the sediment final volume. If the
sedimentation of the earth is incomplete, the test will be repeated, by adding a 0.5 cm3 calcium chloride solution, before
the final stirring.
3 STAS 1913/12-88

The reading of the sediments final volume will be made with a 0.5 cm3 precision. The result will be recorded in
a table (as shown in annex A).
The sediments final volume for three samples will be determined.
2.6 Expression of results.
UL free belly will be calculated with the following relation:

V f Vi
U L= 100 [%]
Vf the sediments final volume (cm3)
Vi earths initial volume (10 cm3)
As Ui = 10 cm3, the relation becomes:
UL=10 (Vf - 10) [%]
The UL values will be calculated for the three Vf determined values.
These values should not differ, exceeding 10% in the absolute value. If one of the results does not respect this
condition, the test will be repeated.
The tests result will be the arithmetic average of the calculated UL values.



3.1 Principle of method.

The method consists in the volume determination of the an earth paste, brought up to the upper plasticity limit,
slowly dried up, at the environments temperature and then in the oven, at a 105 oC temperature.

3.2 Equipment
According to STAS 1913/4-86 plus:
-metal boxes, numbered and calibrated, with dimensions indicated in fig. 2
-technical balance with a 0.01 g weighing precision;
-anhydride calcium chloride exsiccator;
-cotton textile cloth pieces
-volume meter.

3.3 Materials
- distilled water
- consistent technical mineral butter

3.4 Preparation of material

About 200 g from the test earth shall be extracted, which will be passed through the grater and then, by adding
distilled water and homogenization, will be brought to the upper plasticity limit, according to STAS 1913/4-86.

3.5 Operating mode.

The test will be made on at least three test pieces.
4 STAS 1913/12-88

The calibrated and numbered metal boxes, well cleaned, will be lubricated in the interior with a thin consistent
technical mineral butter layer.
There will be extracted, on a spattle, a small earth quantity from the earth paste, which will be entered in the
metal box; the load will be made continuously and only next to the margin of the box.
In order to prevent the presence of air bubbles inside the earth paste, during the filling process, the metal box will
be subject to repeated shocks, by hitting the worktable.
The metal box will be filled up with earth paste. The earth paste will be leveled, with a clean spattle, 30o sloped
to the upper edge of the box, so that a perfectly plane surface shall be obtained.
The remaining of earth, if any, on the external side of the metal box shall be cleaned with a clean rag.
The metal box will be weighed; the weighing result will be recorded (as shown in the table from Annex B).
The earth test piece will be dried up, by keeping at the environment temperature, which must be maintained as
constant as possible, avoiding high heating places. By a 5-7 day slow drying, the earth test pieces will contract and if
the lubrication was made appropriately, it will detach of the metal box, on the whole outline. In this situation, the test
piece will be removed from the metal box and placed on clock glass and the box number will be written on the test
piece, with a soft pencil mine. The test piece shall be checked to see if there are any cracks of and then, the test piece
shall be dried in the oven, at a 105oC, for at least 12 hours.
The dry test piece shall be put in the exsiccator and after cooling, it will be weighed; the resulted mass will be
recoprded (as shown in the table from Annex B). The test piece volume will be determined, by mercury immersion,
using a volume meter; the measurement result will be recorded (as shown in the table from Annex B).
After the determination of the test piece volume, it will be broken, to control if there were inside any air pockets;
the test piece with air pocket will be excluded from the experiment.
The volume of three test pieces will be determined.

3.6 Expression of results.

W2 shrinkage limit is calculated by using the following relation:
Vi V f
Ws=W L - w 100 [%]
WL the superior shrinkage limit, in percents, determined according to STAS 1913/4-86;
V1 the initial volume of the test piece, in cubic centimeters;
Vf the final volume of the test piece, in cubic centimeters
Md the mass of the dry test piece, in grams;
w water density (equal to 1 g/cm3).

Cv, volume shrinkage is calculated with the relation:

Vi V f
Cv = 100 [%]

Ws and Cv values are calculated, for the 3 determined Vf values. They shall not differ between them with more
15% in absolute value, in case of Ws shrinkage limit;
5% in absolute value, in case of Cv volume shrinkage.
In case none of the results comply with these respect these conditions, the test shall be repeated.
The test results represent the arithmetic average values of Ws and Cv, calculated.


4.1 Principle of method.
The method consists in the surveillance, by optical means of the slow drying shrinkage process, at the
environments temperature of an earth test piece previously saturated.

4.2 Equipment.
-special device, obtained by the adaptation of a projection device.
-matrix (figure 3, 2nd position);
-counter matrix (fig. 3, 3rd position);
-sample dressing cutter
-calibrated and numbered watch glass;
-porous plates
-vacuum pump;
-vacuum exsiccator;
-covering capsules 40mm and h-40mm;
5 STAS 1913/12-88

-thermo-adjustable oven;
-technical balance with a 0.01 gram weighing precision.

Thickness 1.5
6 STAS 1913/12-88

Figure 3 shows an APED-5 type IOR projection device, modified as follows:

- the lens are removed with two metallic slides (1).
- on the slides arms is assembled a guide bar, with a revolving table (4) in its central orifice, lifted by a washer
(5), all of them made in hard plastics
The projection device, modified as above, is rigidly assembled (on a console), at an approximately 4 meter
distance from the wall., which is used as a screen.
The projection room should be endowed with the installations necessary to an obscure room. On the wall
opposite to the projection device, it shall be assembled, centered, a 1.2x1.2m sized cross-section paper screen, on which
it shall be drawn a network, in ink ( to ease the reading process).
After placing the counter matrix (3) on the revolving table, it shall be adjusted both the guide bars position,
along the slides arms and the convergence distance of the lens, until getting a clear image on the screen.
By analyzing the counter matrixs geometrical data and its images data, measured on the screen, it shall be
established a magnification ratio, which remains constant as long as the whole geometric optic system is not modified.
4.3 Materials.
- distilled water
- consistent technical mineral butter.
4.4 Preparation of material
From an undisturbed earth sample, as homogenous as possible, a (100x100x500mm) prism shall be shaped, with
a base surface as plane as possible.
The earth prism is introduced into a vacuum exsiccator, that has some porous stones on its surface. The
exsiccator is full of water, not aerated up to the upper sides level of the porous stones.
The exsiccator is closed and depressurized up to 100mm Mercury column with the vacuum pump.
The earth prism is saturated with water, under vacuum, for 24 hours.
4.5. Operating mode
From the earth prism, prepared according to subclause 4.4, three test-pieces shall be extracted, with the matrix
and the counter matrix; for the determination process, the most representative test piece is chosen, which is placed on a
numbered and calibrated watch glass, followed by the weighing process.
The test piece is put on the revolving table of the projection device and the projected image diameter (D) and
Height (H) are measured, from three different positions, by rotating the revolving table with about 120oC. After the
measuring process, the test piece is put on a watch glass, it is covered with the covering capsule and maintained at a
constant temperature, away from heating sources.
The first day, two measurements are performed once in 56 hours and the following days daily measurements,
until they remain constant.
The test piece, together with the watch glass are weighed before every measurement.
The test piece is dried in the oven, at 105oC, then it is cooled in the calcium chloride exsiccator and afterwards it
is weighed.
The weighing and measurements results are recorded into a table (used as an example for in Annex C).
4.6 Expression of results
There are calculated:
mu m d
W= [%]
100 3
V 100 = V [cm ]
Vi V f
w s = w sat - 100 [%]
Vi V f
Cv= 100
W test pieces moisture, in percents
Mu wet test piece mass (in grams);
Md dry test piece mass (solid frame), in grams;
V100 volume corresponding to 100 grams of dry earth, (solid frame), in cubic centimeters;
V test pieces volume, with W moisture, in cubic centimeters;
Ws shrinkage limit, in percents;
Wsat saturated test piece moisture (percents);
Vi saturated test piece volume, in cubic centimeters;
7 STAS 1913/12-88

Vf test pieces volume, when volume changes no longer occur, in cubic centimeters;
Cv earths volume shrinkage, in percents.
Using the data obtained, a diagram is elaborated, setting w test piece moisture in the x-ordinate and V100 volume
in the y-coordinate (the usage of a grid indicated in annex C is recommended).
The obtained diagram represents the earths shrinkage curve; for comparison purpose, it is drawn the saturation
line (Su=1), originating in point V100=100/ and placed at 45o, in which stands for the solid frames density, expressed
in grams per cubic centimeter.
The moisture value corresponding to the intersection point of the constant volume level and the saturation line,
represents the shrinkage limit, determined graphically.


5.1 Principle of method

The method consists in the determination of the length of an earth paste, brought to the superior plasticity limit, slowly
dried at environmental temperature and then in the oven, at a 105 Celsius degrees temperature.

5.2 Equipment
-according to STAS 1913/4-86 and also:
-numbered and calibrated metallic boxes, with sizes according to figure 4.
-technical balance with a 0.01 g weighing precision.
-calcium chloride exsiccator.
-cotton textile cloth pieces.
-length measuring device (gauge), with a 0.5 mm precision

5.3 Materials
According to subclause 3.3

5.4 Preparation of material

According to subclause 3.4

5.5 Operating mode.

The test is made on at least three test pieces.
The metal boxes, numbered and calibrated, well cleaned, are lubricated with a thin layer of consistent technical
mineral butter, in order to prevent the sticking of the earth sample to the walls.
From the earth paste, prepared according to subclause 5.4, it is taken a quantity that is deposited in the box, a
little over its edges. The box is subject to repeated hitting, against the work table, to avoid the amassment of air bubbles
within the sample. The earth paste is leveled at the upper side and the external side of the box is wiped out with a clean
cloth. The earth paste box is weighed and then placed in a place safe from air currents or excessive moisture, so that the
paste dries up gradually, in the air, until it separates from the box walls. The drying process continues in the oven, at 60
Celsius degrees and then at 105 Celsius degrees, up to the complete drying.
The test piece box is transferred into the calcium chloride exsiccator, to cool down. The box with the test piece is
weighed and then the test piece is removed from the box.
8 STAS 1913/12-88

The long sides of the test piece are measured and then it is calculated their arithmetical average. The result is
considered the length of the dry test piece.

If the test piece bent during the drying process, the distances between the end surfaces are measured. The
arithmetical average of these distances is considered the length of the dry test piece.
The length of the three test pieces is determined.
The weighing and measuring results are recorded in a table shown in annex D.

5.6 Expression of results.

CL test piece linear shrinkage is calculated with the relation:

B the length of the dry test piece (cm);
A the initial length of the test piece (cm);
Cl values are calculated for the three determined lengths.
The test result is the arithmetic average of Cl calculated values.


6.1 Principal of method.

The method consists in the assessment of volume variations, caused by moisture variations, considering the
moisture and ramming status of the earth and the effort status of the land, on basis of the results obtained from double or
multiple test in edometer, according to STAS 8942/1-84.
The double test in edometer consists in the parallel test of two test pieces, gathered from the same level or from a
short distance between them; the first test piece is tested in terms of maintaining the initial moisture and the second in
terms of complete flood. It is indicated that the initial moisture corresponds to the moisture of equilibrium.

NOTE- The moisture of equilibrium is established according to the technical appropriate specifications, on basis of retaining curve of the
water by land, in different suctions, determined according to STAS 9180-73 and according to the volume shrinkage curve,
determined according to clause 4 of this standard.

6.2 Equipment.
According to STAS 8942/1-84.

6.3 Materials.
According to STAS 8942/1-84

6.4 Operating mode and expression of results.

The test piece to be flooded is subject to an approximate 10kPa pressure, recording the comparators reading,
which represents the initial reading. The test piece is then flooded, recording the belly evolution in time, until the
comparator readings made once at two hours, do not differ with more than 0.01 mm.
The second test piece tested at the initial moisture shall be prevented from losing or receiving water, during the
test time; that is why plastic foils shall be placed over the porous plates from extremities of the test piece.
The un-flooded test piece is subject to the same 10kPa pressure, for an hour, and then, the comparator reading is
recorded, which represents the initial reading.
The two test pieces are analyzed, in parallel, using the edometer compressibility method, recording the shock-
proof settlement for each loading stage.
The pressure applied to the flooded test piece that leads to the accomplishment of the test pieces initial volume
(the comparator reading becomes equal with the initial reading before the flooding and the belly of the test piece) may
be considered as the belly pressure of that earth, under the initial moisture and ramming conditions.
The loss of moisture during the un-flooded test piece test, should not exceed 3%.
The final moisture of the un-flooded test piece, usually corresponds to a moisture degree of about Sr=0.9.
The compression-porosity curves are represented corresponding to the two test pieces, according to STAS
8942/1-84. In order to take into account the variations of the initial pores index, variations that involve the differences
in the porosity-compression, the un-flooded sample curve is translated vertically, until the two curves reach each other,
according to fig. 5.
9 STAS 1913/12-88

the flooded
sample curve

Un-flooded ssample
translated curve

sample curve

e differences between the coordinates of the two curves, corresponding to various pressures applied allow the
establishing of the volume variations, , expected after the flooding with various pressures.

Where e0 represents the pores index of the un-flooded sample corresponding to the applied pressure.
The initial volume of the un-flooded sample V1 corresponding to 100 g of the solid frame is determined with the
V f = V s (1 + e 0 )
Where Vs=100/s and corresponds to the volume dislocated by 100 grams of solid frame.

The final volume of the flooded sample, corresponding to 100grams of solid frame, under pressure, is
determined with the relation:
V f = V f (1 + )

By processing the data obtained after the double test in edometer, it is drawn the status modification road, by
raising moisture, from the initial value, corresponding to the un-flooded test piece, to the final value, corresponding to
the flooded test piece (approximately when Sr=0.9), for various values of the applied pressure. (fig. 6).
10 STAS 1913/12-88

In order to establish the probable field of the status modification roads under the action of various modifications
of moisture and pressure, as well as the equilibrium status curves, corresponding to various pressures applied, there are
used several un-flooded test pieces (multiple test in edometer), with various initial moistures and then the edometric
curves corresponding to these test pieces are compared to the curve corresponding to a single flooded test piece.
The use of at least three un-flooded test pieces is necessary, with the following guiding values of the initial
- Ws shrinkage limit;
- Wp the inferior plasticity limit (determined according to STAS 1913/4-86);
- moisture=1/2 (Wp+Wsat).


7.1 The identification diagram provides with an image of the earths activity, which is more active as its
impression has a wider area.

7.2 Drawing up manner

On the positive x-axis (fig. 7), it is represented the superior plasticity limit, WL and on the y-axis the values of Ip
plasticity index.
In the dial I, point P1 is represented, with WL and Ip coordinates. In the dial I can also be drawn the following
A corresponding to the plasticity criterion:
Cp=0.73 (WL - 20)
B WL=50%
Which separate CH, CL, MH, ML fields, belonging to earth classification.
These symbols have the following significance:
CH loam;
CL clay
MH clay bearing powder
ML sandy powder.
Point P2 is represented in dial II, with x-axis equal with the percentage of particles with a diameter under
0.002mm and the y-axis equal with the plasticity index (Ip). This dial also displays IA, the activity index lines, which
separate the inactive earths, barely active , active and very active.
Dial III represents the earths granularity as follows: xd is represented on the negative x axes (percents
corresponding to d equivalent diameters), and the diameters, at logarithmic scale, on negative y-axes.
P90 point is established on the granulometric curve, corresponding to a 90% percentage, on xd axis and P3 point,
with an x-axis equal with the percentage of particles with a smaller diameter than 0.002 mm and the y-axis equal with
the plasticity index, is also represented.
P4 point, from wl x-axis and y-axis corresponding to a 0.002 mm diameter, is represented in dial IV.
By the union of points P1, P2, P3, P4, P90, it is obtained a geometrical figure, standing for the impression of that
In order to facilitate the diagrams interpretation, it is drawn a reference circle, centered in the coordinate axes
origin and a radius equal with 50% (WL, Ip, xd).
Annex E displays an example of elaborating an identification diagram and a status diagram.
11 STAS 1913/12-88

The status diagram (fig. 8) has a w moisture in its x- axis, in percents, and the V volume in the y-axis,
corresponding to 100 grams of dry material, expressed in cm3/ 100 grams.
As between the apparent dry density and volume it is the relation:
on th y-axis the corresponding d values can be marked. The lines of apparent dry equal density are parallel with
the x- axis.
The volume dislocated by 100 grams of solid frame V s = is represented by the barred square, in the
diagram. In such a representation, the expressions of the main indices are calculated with the following relations:
- Porosity:
n = (1- )100 [%]
- Pores index:
e= -1
- Saturation moisture:
w sat = w (V - V s ) [%]
Where w =1g/cm , water density.
- Moisture for a certain moisture degree Sr
w = S r w sat = S r w (V - V s ) [%]
- 0 volume moisture (Vw water volume, per V total volume), in percents;
12 STAS 1913/12-88

Vw w 100
= 100 =
V w V

100 3
V= w [cm /100g]

- volume mass:
100 w
= (1 + )
V 100
100 w
V = (1 + ) 3
[cm /100g]

In the diagram (w,V), the equal index curves Sr, , , which become linear and correspond to line fascicles that
pass through the points A, O and respectively D.
The change of earth status during the belly-shrinkage processes is indicated by the movement of M point on the
shrinkage curve, which becomes identical with the saturation line, as long as the earth is dry.
For w=wsat, the volume resulting in the change of status has the following expression:

V = V + V = V(1 + ) = (V s + w sat )(1 + )
Where represents the relative volume change.
Curves with an equal represent a line fascicle, which passes through the point B.
For the tests in edometer, where relative volume variations correspond to relative deformations, the module
deformation expression may be deduced on basis of values, considering relation:


Or for:
= 1 M=

13 STAS 1913/12-88

This diagram allows the assessment of changes for the moisture and ramming status during various mechanical
stresses or temperature, hydrological conditions and can be used as a base for representing the changes of various
geotechnical indices, depending on the status changes, indices that can be read in the diagram, no further calculations
The use of the diagram in the laboratory is also useful for checking the correspondence between various physical
indices determined in the lab.




Free belly determination

Calculation elements Units 1 2 3 4 5

Final volume (Vf) %

UL=10(Vf-10) %

Average %

Description of the material

Performed by..
14 STAS 1913/12-88





m Wet test piece mass + mc box mass g

mc box mass g
Wet test piece mass m u g
Dry test piece mass m d g
Mass of contained water m w = m u - m d g
Initial volume V i Cubic cm
Final volume V f Cubic cm
Shrinkage V i - V f Cubic cm
Moisture w = 100 %
Vi V f
Volume shrinkage C V = 100 %
Vi V f
Shrinkage limit w s = w L - 100 %

Mercury mass+ glass mass g

Glass mass g

Dislocated Mercury mass g

Dislocated Mercury mass/13.55 cm3

Description of material..
Performed by.. Date.
15 STAS 1913/12-88



Magnification ratio..



Wet test piece mass m u +

tare m c (g)
Dry piece mass
m d + tare m c (g)

Tare m c (g)

Wet test piece mass m u (g)

Dry test piece mass m d (g)

Contained water mass

m w = m u - m d (g)
mu m d
w= 100
Shadow height on the
screen H (cm)
Shadow height on the
screen H (cm)
Shadow height on the
screen H (cm)
Heights shadow average

Test piece height h (cm)

Shadow diameter on screen

D (cm)
Shadow diameter on screen
D (cm)
Shadow diameter on screen
D (cm)
Diameters shadow average
D (cm)
Test piece diameter d (cm)
Test piece section S (cm )
Test piece volume V (cm )
V 100 = V cm 3

Description of material.. Performed by.. Date..

16 STAS 1913/12-88


Ws graphic
Ws calculated
Vi V f
w s = w sat - 100
Volume shrinkage
Vi V f
CV = 100

Axis shrinkage
hi h f
Transversal shrinkage:
di d f

Description of material.
Performed by.
17 STAS 1913/12-88




Determinations 1 2 3 4 Average
Wet test piece mass m u + tare m c g
Dry test piece mass m d + tare m c g
Tare m c g
Wet test piece mass m u g
Dry test piece mass m d g
Contained water mass m w = m u - m d g

Initial length A cm

Final length B cm
Linear shrinkage C L = (1- )100 %
mu m d
Moisture w = 100 %

Description of material.
Performed by.
18 STAS 1913/12-88




E.1 It is taken into consideration a clay for which were obtained the following:
-from the granulometric analysis:
Table 1
Diameter 2 5 50 200 500 2mm

Percentage 67 70 83.5 93 98 100

- plasticity limits:
the superior plasticity limit w L = 67%;
the inferior plasticity limit w P = 23%;
- plasticity index I P = 44%
-bulk mass s= 2.73 g/ cm

For the same clay, the edometric test led to the following height values of the sample, in mm:

Table 2

Pressure applied, p, Mpa

Moisture 0,0125 0,025 0,05 0,10 0,20 0,40 0,80 1,60
Sample height, H
Natural (w = 12%) 19,84 19,80 19,72 19,57 19,45 19,30 19,11 18,86
By flooding (S r 0,9) 22,15 22,06 21,83 21,44 20,86 20,15 19,30 18,46

The sample diameter d was 70 mm and the dry mass was 128.22 grams.
E.2 The obtaining of A impression is made on cross-section paper, on which the axes are marked, the lines and
symbols mentioned below and in fig. 9.
For WL, Ip, and xd, it can be adopted the scale:
100%10 cm.
For the equivalent diameter d, it is used a logarithmic scale so that for changing the size order, for instance
between 0.1 cm and 1 cm, or between 1 and 10 , there is a 5 cm correspondence (50%), on the other three axes.
The correspondence between the number and the decimal logarithm is in conformity with table 3.

Table 3
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0,3 0,47 0,6 0,7 0,78 0,84 0,9 0,95 1,0

It is marked afterwards, on the negative x-axis, the values corresponding to diameters of 1cm=10mm ((in the
origin point of the coordinate axis), 5, 2, 1 mm 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, and 2 , drawing if necessary, the
horizontal lines corresponding to separation limits between the main fractions.
It is represented, in dial I, point P1, with x-coordinate WL=67% and y-coordinate=44%, and in dial II, point P2,
with x-coordinate 2 =67% and y-coordinate Ip=44%.In the dial III it is represented the granulometric composition
according to data indicated in table 1, limited to point P3, corresponding to a 2 diameter and to point P90,
corresponding to xd=90%. In the dial IV, point P4, situated on the horizontal line, corresponding to 2 and having a
WL=67% x-axis.
19 STAS 1913/12-88

By the union of points P1, P2, P3, P90, P4 and P1, it is obtained the impression of the considered clay. (figure 9).
Any other earth with an impression close to the one of the considered clay is supposed to have an analog
structure and is supposed to have an analog behavior.
Point P2, of the obtained impressions being situated in the active zone and in the important area of the
impression indicates that the considered earth presents the danger of great bellies and shrinkages, under conditions of
important seasonal variations.
E.3 Volume V, corresponding to 100 grams is calculated, depending on the sample dimensions and dry mass.

Table 4.
Moisture Pressure applied , MPa
0.0125 0.025 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.80 1.60
V volume cubic centimeters/100 g
Natural (w=12.1%) 59.52 59.4 59.16 58.79 58.35 57.91 57.32 56.59
By flooding (Sr 0.9 66.44 66.19 65.50 64.32 62.57 60.46 57.91 55.38

These results may be represented in the status diagram, which has moisture w (%) in its x-axis and volume V
(cubic centimeters/100 grams), in its y-axis( fig. 10).
In this situation, the following scales are convenient:
W = 10% 10 cm
V = 10 cm /100g . 10 cm.

The saturation line is drawn (S r = 1):


Which has a slope V/ w=1 and which reaches the y- axis in point:

V s = 100/
s = 100/2,73 = 36,63 cm /100g

It shall consider that for:

w sat = 20% V = V s + w sat = 56,63%

w sat = 30% V = 66,63%

By the union of these points, it is obtained the saturation line and then it can easily be drawn the lines with an
equal saturation degree, considering relation:

W = S r w sat

Including that corresponding to S r = 0,9.

Continuing the process, on the vertical of w=12.1%, it shall be marked the points related to V values,
corresponding to various pressures applied and V points, on Sr=0,9 line. By the union of point V with point V,
it is obtained the trajectory of the sample status change, by wetting, under pressure. The family of trajectories
obtained so for different pressures( = 0.0125; 0.025; 0.05; 0.10; 0.20; 0.40; 0.80; 1.60 MPa), allows the forecast of
status changes that occur immediately after wetting even in conditions different of those for which the test was made.
Thus, for instance, if the status change by wetting under 0.3 MPA pressure is considered interesting, it can also be
obtained by interpolation. In order to have a right interpolation, it shall be considered that by using the decimal pressure
logarithm(log ), almost a linearity of the relation connecting the applied pressure and the status change is obtained.
In this particular case it is deduced that by wetting from w = 12.1 to S r = 0,9 under MPa pressure, P = 0..3, it is
obtained a relative belly: + V/V=3.2/58.1 = 0.055 or 5.5%.
In a similar way it is deduced the volume change when there occurs a moisture change within other limits too.
For instance, between the initial w 1 = 12.1% and final moisture, Wf=20%, it is obtained a relative belly
+V/V=2.5/58.1=0.043 or 4.3%.
The elements indicated show that by adequate interpretation of edometric double tests, it can be forecasted the
behavior of clays, active within the whole moisture field and the test pressure, without further individual tests , under
various specific conditions. The status change trajectories can be drawn more precisely when the edometric tests are
performed for intermediate moisture conditions too.
It is to notice that the same edometric test interpretation methodology can be applied also to other unstable
structured -earths, such as those belonging to loess and loessoid earths, which present the collapse effect caused by the
structure wetting
20 STAS 1913/12-88

E.4 In the same status diagram, (fig 10), it can be drawn the shrinkage curve (fig. 11) that indicates the connection
between moisture w(%) and volume V100, corresponding to 100 grams of solid frame. As it can be seen in figure 1, the
shrinkage curve is made up in fact of two joined parts. The slope of the tangent to the shrinkage curve indicates the
extent in which the applied pressure, , is transmitted to the water in the pores:

u = -h +

where u is the water pressure in the pores and h is the suction in the earth pores.
For the right part, bent to 45 degrees, parallel/ covering the saturation line (Sr=1), slope=1, that is the whole
pressure applied is transmitted to the water within the pores (u=1. , since h=0).
For the other right part, parallel to w axis, coeficient=0, which is that because of the earth advanced dryness,
the whole applied pressure is taken over by the mineral frame.
The above mentioned relation and therefore the knowledge of values deduced from the shrinkage curve are
necessary to the calculus of the moisture equilibrium distribution, under water-proof pavements or under radiation.
The shrinkage curve also allows the forecast of volume variations related to moisture variations.
For instance, for a raise of moisture, from 20% to 30%, it results as indicated in fig. 10 a belly + V=V1-
V2=67.2-56.8=+10.4 cm3/100 grams (Cv=18.3%), while a moisture lowering, from 20% to 10%, leads to a shrinkage
- V=V2-V0=51-56.8=-5.8 cm3/100 grams (Cv=-10.2%).
Less active

Very active

inactive Less active

21 STAS 1913/12-88
22 STAS 1913/12-88

Project accoordinator: Collaborators:

MA Institute of Studies and Design for Fundamental - General Status Inspectorate for Investments and
Improvements Buildings
Engineer Simona Opriescu - Building Institute Bucharest Faculty of
Final elaboration: Romanian Standards Association Hydrotechnics, Roads and Railways
Engineer Magda Ionescu - Institute of Research in Buildings Field and Building
- Institute of Hydrotechnical Studies and Design
- Centre of Technological Engineering and Design for
Heavy Equipment Industy
- Institute of Research and Design for House
Systematization Village

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