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Speaker Campaign Canon

1. This system presupposes you know your topic and the organizations you want to speak to. This
is revolutionary. Coca cola, Wells Fargo, Bank of America etc. Pay attention to what these places
are saying in the marketplace. Go to their websites. Download their annual reports, and their
top ten press releases. Highlight what their marketing message is. What are senior executives
saying about the company? Most speakers spam stuff and are not in the companys world.
Adweek, Brandweek, and Fastcompany. They tell you what the major organizations of the world
are up to. When you start reading the newspaper stop reading for news and start reading for
CLIENTS. This is 90% of your SUCCESS. If Alcoa for instance is talking about reducing
environmental toxins, it means they are already SPENDING MONEY in that area. If you know
anything about environmental stuff you should then target them.

1. Go online and find any numbers related to the company that you can. Say, Hey, Im looking for
anyone over at the organization thats interested in environmental issues.
2. Work on a value mastermind network to find someone who works at that company and extract
all the value you can by finding their particular needs in their value network group and helping
them when they need help.
3. Find a way to add value to somebody at that company. Send an ebook, or call them and ask for
feedback or relevance to them, and if it helped. When they send their feedback that becomes
your entre of how to get hired there.

Send value to every single prospect on your list. Usually the value is sent in a big white envelope nine by
twelve hand-written by you or your team, always with a cover letter, always a value piece (an article for
example) often times your brochure along with it.

Companies and colleges are all ALL ALWAYS looking for speakers, especially in the fortune 1,000. They
are all having conferences, meetings etc. Run this campaign with anybody from the organization.
ANYBODY. Find someone of some *influence.*

Send them an ebook. Say is there anyone in this organization that would like my ebook that I can send
them for free, I just want to add some value. Is there any way I can get their email, I wont hassle them
and will make you look good.

The more specific your marketing or storytelling is, the more you are going to win. Be specific in your
targeting and be specific in knowing whats going on.

From now on understand press releases have nothing to do with news. Press releases are marketing, the
party line that companies are attempting to disseminate in the culture. Use press releases as weapons
against those who use press releases. Find out when they are having a conference in JUNE when they
will be covering a certain topic. They have a conference coming up in JUNE and you are a solution
Campaign #1

Hi so and so, I just had a very exciting and surprising exchange with one of your senior executives about
your organizations renewed initiative to bring more innovation into its leadership culture. (SCREAMS

Dont market to companies by shouting about your accomplishments. No one wants to be around the
person who talks about themselves all the time.

I know its a challenging effort that apparently theres been some concern internally that not enough of
your SR leaders have been trained on exactly what innovation is, how to do it, or how to scale and
explain it within your business. (INTRODUCES PROBLEM Copywriting 301 applied to a speaker
campaign. Another level of specificity that shows what this initiative is about. The worst thing you can
do is send a letter or an email where they do not know what it is about. You want to be very relevant
because everyone is busy. Dont read the sentences, read the strategies and then put your own
sentences to it. Make it relevant to your stories or your business.)

I would like to offer some help with someone in your OD department really appreciated. (Offer some
help, from problem to solution, introduce someones name which is SOCIAL PROOF. From problem to
solution to introducing someones name which is social proof in one sentence. COPYWRITERS LOVE

Your JUNE event (which event? JUNE! Theres no wondering what is going on here) is coming up and Id
be happy on how to keynote and train your people on exactly what the worlds leading organizations are
doing in this space and how exactly they can make innovation happen now. This is what Id cover.


(They are rebranding and talking about innovation. The way I would hook them is by figuring out what
they want to know.)

Heres what all your other competitors are doing in this space of innovation. How do other companies
ignite it, what drives it, what halts it, innovation leadership principles, the infrastructure of making it
happen, teach different ideation processes, creativity processes, the road to innovation the process
from beginning to end.

(Most people dont cater what they teach to their audience)

This is all based on a SECRET WHITEPAPER (this is INTEREST based on a new world that they arent
aware of) that is making its way around the fortune 500 right now. (What I havent seen it???) Its called
the leaders guide to innovation. This is what one senior executive said. (Heres a great quote about a
previous executive said about it. Have a testimonial for SOCIAL PROOF from someones friend rather
than saying anything about yourself.)

can see the value of this topic. Im really the only person who can train on innovation in a way that
executives can understand, implement, and be inspired by. (Brag, then de-hook) Ridiculous claim I know,
but wait until I tell you this weird story about Microsoft (one of their competitors, this opens up the
SECRET WORLD TO THEM - POWERFUL) I want to speak to you on the phone about speaking at your
JUNE EVENT. Maybe I can give all your people my (secret) Guide to Innovation too for free! (If you ever
ask for something, give right after.)

Just an idea. Ill call you on Thursday morning so and so to discuss how I can help. Of course, feel free to
call me now at so and so number. Looking forward to delivering innovation to your people fast. (Topic of
innovation is back on them. Ask for their direct line because you dont have their number and dont
want to bother their assistant)

In friendship,

Your name.

With the letter, include a world-class article to show that you know whats up, by your name with your
title GLOBAL INNOVATION EXPERT. No certifications required except that you know you are and say it.
Author if the leaders guide to innovation. This is a free excerpt that you can share at no cost.

People in the organization will copy and circulate the article. The article must be good. The value has to
be good.

CAMPAIGN #2 RESCHEDULE LETTER. Each campaign is sent a week apart. Seven to eight week campaign.
Usually booked around weeks 5-6.

Hi, first name, (Same person) I sent you a letter last week and feel bad I missed you on THURSDAY!
(Immediately they go their calendar and say who did I miss?? The professional world lives breathes and
dies by their calendar. GUILT! Got em.) Can we reschedule to this Thursday at 2 pm? (They often call and
say Im sorry did I miss a meeting with you? Then you say yes indeed you did, we talked about that
innovation thing and I was going to provide some free resources and tools to your people. I know your
JUNE event is right around the corner and Id like to bring some innovation to your company. Did you
see what those RASCALS are doing at GM? (Im bringing in at GM. Your number one asset that makes
you valuable as a human being is that you are an expert and have PERSPECTIVE. This is the number one
thing that you will be hired for as a human being. They want people who have been there, done that,
and seen it. This assumes that you have been keeping up to date with the industry. Then include the
same bullet points and the SAME testimonial. They may have not read the first letter.) Lets see if we can
connect on Thursday at two pm specific and drop me an email at the address below to see if we can

Then with the letter drop in a NEW article. Include your ONE SHEET, which is one piece of paper front
and back about who you are and what you speak on.

ONE SHEET NOTES: This will be distributed around a committee if there is one. In color with a great blue
background. Header INNOVATION TOPIC, people who book speeches book on topic, most people in
the speaking industry are people who you do not want to date. Do not run your name across the top like
you are a celebrity. Even a celebrity does not need to do that. Add benefits and consequences to the
topic of innovation. Show how you teach it. Brendon Burchard knows that your audience is looking for
new ways to add value in a ridiculously crowded marketplace (DO NOT COME UP WITH YOUR OWN
being repeated everywhere.) How can your people create a culture of innovation and discover and find
new ways to find ideas to grow your company? (Always ask a question early in your one-sheet that the
event coordinator and senior leaders of the organization are asking themselves.) Asking a question like
this that is already going on in their head creates dialogue.) Brendons the author of the leaders guide
to innovation has the answers he will teach your leaders SAME BULLET POINTS. NOW TRANSITION TO
organization after organization stuck in the mud, Brendon created a FRAMEWORK (makes people take
more notes and people value the note that they take in their framework and will be able to implement
more if they have notes in their life. This is how they add more value. You dont want people to leave
the room and have their message and inspiration die when you leave the room. It rekindles strategies to
implement when they get back home. Your frameworks later become their checklists. Next time you do
a video, pull out that framework, and say did I do that? Did I do that? This is the secret for your message
to carry on in a broader way, always have a framework. Most people naturally do this anyway in
products, but they forget to do when speaking on stage. HR people love FRAMEWORKS. They are often
hiring you to come develop their people. They are the decision makers who hire keynote speakers.)
Brendon has a framework for innovation that will shift your company into better performance. His
clients: JC Penny, Walgreens etc. (Strike it if you dont have that list.) He is an in demand expert. He has
also appeared in television shows. Book Brendon now by calling this phone number. Bottom left: PHONE
NUMBER. Not an email address, not a website. You want to talk to them because you are a SPEAKER! At
the bottom testimonial social proof: This is going to be shared with 85,000 people. Only one.

Backside of the one-sheet. Topic at the top in red, four images that all convey a different message, event
planners want to hire a confident, strong speaker who knows what they are doing or look like they are
(HE IS IN THE ACT OF SPEAKING) Most people do not have an authoritative picture of themselves
speaking. Any products or pictures that you have (YOU ARE A CREATOR OF TRAINING PROGRAMS

Four Pictures:



Event planners always want to hire speakers who are an authoritative expert, who has really done it in
this field, who is really nice and friendly and approachable, and really has a nice interaction with the

Brendon inspires innovation simply by breathing, put in quotes, said by YOU, but has credibility
because it is simply in quotes.

4 different kinds of real quotes:

First one, EXECUTIVE LEVEL QUOTE. Thanks again for you awesome contributions for getting our CEO
leadership program off the ground in our ridiculous timeframe, we could not have done it without your
ridiculous human capital, passion, and zeal. (You want to get a quote saying you can play at the
EXECUTIVE LEVEL. The faster you can get that the better and go to 5, 15, 25 thousand dollar speeches.
Also in it, TIMEFRAME, this guy can deliver in a short time-frame.)

EMOTIONAL ENERGY quote, strategically meets the needs of the event planner. An energizing one for
our people. Shows that this guy is going to amp up the conference and inspire the people and be

perfect? Thanks Brendon you rock, we would love to work with you again.) Customer saying you were so
good, we want you back. The event planner says, This guy is safe.

CHARACTER QUOTE, (GOOD PERSON, SERVANT- LEADER CONCEPT): It has been a true pleasure to work
with Brendon Burchard, his humility and selfless service became extremely apparent. He is one of those
people who engages with others with sincere interest and by doing so reveals his truly genuine

Book Brendon now there is no question what to do with a number across the page, LEAVE NO DOUBT

Then ONE MORE QUOTE. 5 quotes total. Build your empire from five quotes.

Then include one sheet that shows your other products that shows that you are rounded. Leadership,
success, marketing with a clear description of what they all are.

Campaign #3 Next letter assuming you have not heard from them. GETS REALLY FUN.

Hi first name, missed you last week, but thought your people might really love the video below, CHECK
IT OUT and if it doesnt brighten your day, then you must be a naturally fun person and lit up all the time
anyway. (GETTING WAY MORE PLAYFUL AS YOU CARRY ON. Want them to go Who is this guy? Interrupt
the pattern of their daily workflow.) This is about why some organizations are no fun and truly stink at
creating new ideas or value in the market. Your people would love a talk like this in June. Lets see if we
can connect on Tuesday at 2pm specific. Always include a specific date and time because corporate
people if they have a space at that particular they have to fill it. Let me know if the video gets five
stars. Get them to ask a question. What the hell is this video about? Enclosures really impressive
quotes my team said about me in really big font. A lot of colors and designs in different fonts.

BIG HEADLINE: Why companies suck at innovation. The ideas and innovation you wish you had and
better get soon if you want to compete. (Then state website with the video.) They always do when they
are bored. On the website put the same headline Why companies suck at innovation. All it has is a
video of you teaching a framework. Post a video of you teaching, with all the trainings shown here. Not a
promotional video. Just an educational video.

If you can actually have video of you speaking on a stage to an audience, record it when you give a

Underneath the video CALL 1800-866-9990 etc.

Campaign #4
Hi first name. I saw that investors are worrying about your companies performance. (You know that
because people are reading the newspapers.) Judgmental folks those investors. Lets just see them try
and do your job! (Creating rapport, siding us against them) But I know that your people will help turn it
around, and that you can orchestrate that at the June conference and I can help. I just spoke at so and
so company and they were really lit up after, even though they paid way too much for me to come
speak, humbling, one of the perks I gave them for hiring me (over-delivery) as a keynote was to conduct
an assessment on their senior leadership innovation and leadership abilities. Lets do a QandA call about
your June event and lets see how I can help out, EVEN IF youve already booked up all your speakers. I
heard your people are looking for new ideas and we can team up to get them some cool free resources.
Are you around at 2pm pacific? Please call me then at __ or drop me an email at and reschedule. Dont
forget or I might miss my flight to Orlando, Im training a bunch of CEOs on Square-dance. Innovation
really, but I just wanted to see if theyd do it. (Make it a fun campaign based on your topic in this case
it is innovation.)

(Give a date and time and a consequence of missing said date and time. If I dont hear back at this date
and time I may miss my flight. GUILT!)

Campaign #5 Competition letter.

HI, have you seen that link with those crazy fish-guys in the Seattle market? (When he started what was
really big was Pikes market in Seattle who were on TV for creating this cool culture where they had so
much fun at work where they created friendships and rapport with customers, they were fish throwers,
they would throw fish to customer, they have team based principles to help efficiency and fun and
everyone was talking about them and they were booked like crazy they were his key comp.)

They talk about teamwork the problem is we dont work in a fish market. Its probably better because
thats not the guts that you need to be innovative. Geez, yes I said it, I am from Montana, and not that
worldly, but I am a good fly fisherman, so take that Seattle fish throwers! (NON-SENSICAL, PEOPLE LOVE
THIS LETTER TO THEIR FRIENDS) Now that we are having fun and remembering how great work can be,
heres the point, read the link below, you might send it to your leaders to, watch the video below by
watching the second link, if they watch the link below they will insist you bring me to your June event,
so be careful. Call me to coordinate soon at so and so phone number. Read this about Seattle Fish Dudes
New York Times article then watch this video where I make fun of them, and talk about how innovation
happens in real companies, where throwing things is really bad.


In the video honor the Seattle fish thrower dudes, but suggest a different approach to having fun. There
are six ways to infuse more fun and creativity into your company. Create a framework for this.

Campaign #6 CREDIBILITY LETTER shows results and that you get stuff done.

HI first name, you will totally love this, if you believe it (YOUR JOB IS TO KEEP THEM READING) 9 months
ago I spoke at __ their coordinator brought me in to teach them a framework to 20000 people, heres
the result that their CEO shared. (Get testimonials with numbers and stats) We followed two of the ten
infrastructure points that Brendan taught and increased our productivity 27 percent in less than a year.
Now we are working on those other eight points organization wide. I am really honored by this and
want to help your company with your innovation. I know I am pretty silly with my correspondence, but
fun and results mix well. Anyway, back to this company, their event coordinator who moonlights as their
director of HR, wants to talk to you. I told her you wouldnt believe this stuff and that you wouldnt call
me back yet, even after I sent you all sorts of great stuff! She said she wants to talk to you, it sounds
menacing to me, so I think you should start by calling me. Im from Montana, we are all nice there. (Ask
your clients events planners If I ever have a client who is on the wall about hiring me, would you call
them and tell them about me?) YOURE IN TROUBLE, GUILT.

(This applies to ANY ORGANIZATION, INDUSTRY, or AUDIENCE. Having more fun brings more success and
not less.)

Countdown, five months until your June conference just a reminder. Lets create something magical
together. Im at 7700323 and open from _ in friendship Brendon. Ps Most event planners are not so
nice, you should network Ill introduce you. (The last two letters get a lot of calls.)

(At the topic of all your letters include a definition of innovation at the top of each page EXPERTS DEFINE
THINGS, you go after the person who DEFINED IT)


Hi _ are you going to the inc 500 meeting I am going to meet with execs to help them figure eout why
their companies cant innovate their way out of a paper bag. Its really not about being silly just about
opening new ideas that create new value and experience for their consumers. Anyways, heres the hot
news, I have 10 extra tickets if youd like one. Turns out one of their guys saw me speak at another
conference and wants me to come and tell him why his speakers dont leave a lasting impact with the
audience. (TRUE STORY. Some guy invited him not to speak but just to watch the speakers at an event. Is
there something that you can invite your prospects to? He who gathers wins. You want more influence
in the world? Get the people who have the most influence in the world together. They see you as one of
the influencers.) Call me at _ to talk about the inc meeting and if you want the ticket it would be fun to
meet there for lunch and joke about the Seattle fish guys. (Referencing a previous campaign. Most of
the letters are consequential.) Enclosures: information about my speaking I heard the fish guys have
even prettier brochures which really fires me up! (Lesson have FUN IN YOUR MARKETING AND IT WILL
CHANGE YOUR LIFE, even if you dont get booked. I would rather not get booked having fun than being
stale and boring. At least your life is fun. (Applies to pick-up as well.)

Campaign #8

Hi first name. Every employee at every major company is quaking in their boots that they wont be
creative enough that will help them discover the new, new thing that will help them keep their job and
grow their company. Enclosed is an article by Forbes that really encapsulates that. Scary stuff really.
(Value add photocopy from fords.) Your people might really enjoy it though so feel free to share,
probably for the same reason people like horror movies. Anyways, I wrote an article that counters that
article with a much more real and serene picture. It also gives step by step ideas that people can use to
become innovators and succeed in this new economy. This can be a great topic at your June event. Have
you told me which speakers are already speaking at your new event? If you havent, tell me who they
are and Ill tell you how they are in the green room. * He gave the G2 on the speakers, G2 is insider
information, and honored the speaker he knew that they referenced by detailing what he would offer
and what HE could offer in addition, this year as a breakout speaker or luncheon speaker this year or
next year. Everything you ever you honor people but show how you can still add value.

PS. Did you get my invite to the inc 500 conference? Im holding my ticket still and dont want someone
to miss out if you are not coming. (GUILT GUILT GUILT.)

Campaign #9 Took a lot of time for him to get this part down.

As you know, I make my living helping companies like yours become more innovative. So to walk my talk
I always get feedback on my work so I can continually evolve and add more value. Can you drop me an
email and let me know something simple. I can use your help. Can you let me know why you havent
booked me yet for your June conference?

I am wondering

1. Is innovation not a hot topic for your company?

2. Are my speaking materials on par for what you usually see?
3. Do you have any colleagues who might be interested in my work and in creating a culture of
inspired innovation?

For every one of those questions you answer I will send you a free book on innovation or leadership.
Deal? Just drop me an email at _with your thoughts. Just call me at 444444 if you think I can add value
to your June event or a future one. This will be my last email to you. I hope youve had fun reading these
letters and that I have broken up your day a little bit with all this silliness and free resources, work is
meant to be fun, Im sure you agree. If I dont hear from you Ill feel really bad at this. Ive heard I can
hire speaker bureaus to represent me, but they dont seem like they are all that fun, and they just keep
sending you brochure after brochure without adding any value or making your life any more interesting.
Best buy, JC penny, etc thought I was more interesting so boo to those bureaus sending you lots of
boring stuff. Hope you enjoyed mine. Remember, let me know your responses to the questions so I can
send you the books as a thank you for putting up with all this. Have a blast in June and best wishes of all
you do in friendship, Brendon. Enclosures free copy of my secret whitepaper. (Come full circle with the

GUILT TRIGGER, CURIOSITY TRIGGER, PERSPECTIVE TRIGGER, all being lit up in the speaking world again
and again.

You have to put yourself out there, the more RISK YOU TAKE, the more REWARD YOU GET.

All of this is adding value, giving perspective, trying to help out with their June event.

You dont need to be famous to grow your seminar business. You just have to add serious value to the

With every person you have, use the hook system, say you do seminars and trainings on your topic, have
products, have a book, have podcasts which hook systematically into every other product.
Life happens NOW. One seminar builds your ARMY of endorsers. If you grow a seminar over 3-4 or 5
years, it grows exponentially each year because it gets better and better.

If you know WHY they go, you have the hooks of WHY they buy, which can be used to write your copy.
People go to seminars for NEW STRATEGIES. They want a strategy to accomplish something. Emphasize
that you will be learning strategies to learn X, Y, and Z. Strategy is the hardest and biggest hook.

What is the name of your seminar?

What are the strategies you are going to teach?

The ROCKSTAR CHEF marketing academy. Seminars should show in the product what its going to teach.

Position, package, promote, partner.

11 ways to drill down each section.

People attend seminars for:

1. Strategies
2. Best practices (perspective) difference between a how-to and the best how-to. The best
3. Change Emphasize specifically what that change is, and how it is relevant to them, going from
A to B. Whats A, whats B? Bad to good. Whats bad, whats good? Demonstrating the
dichotomy between two things is great in marketing.
4. They go for relationships.
5. This event will introduce you to extraordinary networking for your business because we only
attract the best people. By coming to this event you will meet people who will literally change
the course and direction of your future.
6. Every conference in the world is about people gathering to be the new leaders, so they see you
as the leader.
7. People want to be part of a new movement. In the seminar world you want to incite
movements, as in this is part of the new industry and if you are not a part of it then you are in
trouble. Movement marketing.
8. Access to you primarily. They want to get around those speakers.
9. Demonstrate that there is access in your copy, talk about that.
10. You want to go to a seminar that in your mind is all in one. In other words, comprehensive. I
will go to one seminar and thats going to handle this for me. The be all end all key.

Knowing the hooks, you can delve a little deeper, and put together a campaign to market one.

Marketing campaigns for seminars:

Give and you shall receive.

Overview of the opportunity video - Paint the promise and the dream. Talk about what happens when
you do better in your marketing what could happen in your business. Give, teach, train. Drop in two to
three steps that adds value so its not some hype-filled thing. Did you know that theres a better way of
going about things? People do things this way and get better results. Heres what they do.
Roadmap video - You want to do better marketing for your restaurant, here are the five best things that
you should do. Give away the secrets for free like the product launch formula.

Webinar video In that webinar give some strategies and make the promise of addressing the top ten
questions that you get from the roadmap. At the end of the webinar make the sale give them a webpage
to go to sign up for the seminar. Get about 20 percent of the people who are going to attend.

All sales pages are now is a banner with a video and a sign up now form.

Optimize press anyone who can fill out a form can create a landing page. Upload logo, video, and

Directly to the Sales Video (Twice they have seen the sales video. Not everyone will have seen the
webinar. The email is did that great webinar everyone saw and it was awesome. I wanted to do another
one.) 40 percent filled there.

Email link to the webinar replay Third times with the sales video. Another ten percent. Teleseminar.
FAQ which is really reasons why people usually dont buy. Say Ive got this seminar now heres the sales

Hesitation email Guilt email. Hey Phil Ive been doing this marketing thing for restaurant owners. Im
sorry Im confused it seemed like you were interested and why did you not sign up Im confused. One a
week if not two a week.

Video the personal plea.

Open up your mac or your flip phone and it seems like a video that you are sending right to you. Its like
hey its Brendon, act concerned and disheveled I shot this real quick video, is everything okay? You
seemed really interested. I put together a list of best practices and strategies so you dont have to spend
another five years getting this handled.

Last piece LAST CALL.

Hey want to let you know, deadline is coming up, this is the last message Ill send to you on this. No idea
if you have seen this link. Hope you do though. Please check it out now link.

VALUE, VALUE. 4 value added pieces. Then three very direct, personal to sales page.

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