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Vehicle Accident Prevention using Eye Blink Sensor

A B C Fernando
(Student ID No.)

Submitted in Accordance with the Requirements for Qualification

Engineering Graduate Diploma

Department of Electronic Engineering

IESL College of Engineering

September 2017

Vehicle Accident Prevention using Eye Blink Sensor

A B C Fernando
(Student ID No.)
Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
IESL College of Engineering
#7 Hector Kobbekaduwa Mawatha
Colombo 7

May, 2017

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of qualification

Engineering Graduate Diploma
Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering at IESL College of Engineering


This declaration is made on the [date] day of [month] 2016.

Students Declaration:

I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ [PLEASE

INDICATE STUDENTS NAME] hereby declare that the work entitled -----------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------- is my original work. I have not copied from any other students work, or from any
other sources, except where due reference or acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part
been written for me by another person.

____________________ ________________________
Date submitted Signature of the student

Identification No.

Supervisors Endorsement:

I, -------------------------------------------------------------- (SUPERVISORS NAME) hereby endorses that the work entitled --

--------------------------------------------------------------------------(TITLE) was prepared by the above named student, and was
submitted to me as a partial fulfillment of Engineering Graduate Diploma, and the aforementioned work, to the
best of my knowledge, is the said students work.

_____________________ Date:____________________

Name of the supervisor
The report should be of the following format:
1. Front Wrapper Cover Page
Title,(Size 18) Name of the Candidate and Student ID No., College Name (with emblem) and Place,
Month and Year of submission. (Specimen enclosed)
(A sample page is given above) Change the font style given in italics to normal style.
2. Title Page
(A sample is given above) Change the font style given in italics to normal style.
3. Declaration
Refer to the sample above
4. Acknowledgements
The candidate may thank all those who helped in the preparation of project report.
5. Table of Contents
6. List of Tables
Tables, if any, with Table No., Title of the Table and Page No. be given table-wise. The source of ta
immediately after the table if it is extracted from elsewhere..
7. List of Figures
Figures if any, with Figure No., Title of the Figure and Page No. be given figure-wise.
8. Main Body of the Project report
The main body of the project report may be divided into 3 to 4 Chapters with suitable Title for each
Chapter. The last chapter shall be invariably conclusion. The total number of pages of the Project
report may be 50 70 (excluding the appendices and preliminaries).
9. References
10. After all Chapters are presented, Appendices are included.

Appendix I : Design Data

Appendix II : Copy of the Design Standards used

References If you have cited evidence in the main body of your report, this must be referenced in an
identifiable referencing style. The author-date (Harvard) referencing style is most
commonly used; However, you dont need to reference:
Common knowledge (things that most people would know or easily find out)
Undisputed historical facts
Your own opinions, observations, and ideas but make sure you make it clear in the
report that they are your views. At those points in the report you can take ownership
of them by using the term I; for example, I would argue that; It is my view
that etc.

Formatting Guidelines:
The entire body text of the report should be Times New Roman, 12, with 2.5 cm margins. Major headings
should be numbered consecutively, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc, typed in bold face with a font size of 16. Sub-headings
should be numbered consecutively, 1.1, 1.2, etc, typed in bold face with a font size of 14. Finally, sub-sub-
headings should also be numbered consecutively,1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc., typed in bold face with a size 12 font face.
It is not recommended to go beyond
three levels of headings.

Spacing: Double

No. of Pages: Not exceeding 70 pages (Excluding appendices and references starting from introduction
chapter to last page of discussion chapter)

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