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Central Information Commission

Block No.IV (5th Floor), Old JNU Campus,

New Delhi 110 067

Decision No.767/IC(A)/2007
F. No.CIC/PB/A/2006/00473

Dated, the 4th June, 2007

Name of the Appellant : Shri B. Premanand

Name of the Public Authority: Department of Posts



1. The appellant has asked for the identity of postal staff responsible for non-
delivery of his registered letter to the addressee and finally return of non-
delivered letter to him.

2. The CPIO has furnished a point-wise response to all the queries made by
the appellant. He has stated that the letter could not be delivered due to
incomplete address of the addressee. The disclosure of identity of officials has
however been denied u/s 8(1)(j) of the Act.

Commissions Decision:

3. The grievance of the appellant on account of non-delivery of his registered

letter may be genuine. The respondent has provided a reasonable explanation,
which should be accepted. The disclosure of identity of officials responsible for
non-delivery of letter may not be in public interest, u/s 8(1)(j) of the act, as they
may be harmed due to personal grievances of the appellant.

4. This appeal was unnecessary and is accordingly disposed of.

(Prof. M.M. Ansari)
Information Commissioner

Authenticated true copy:

(L.C. Singhi)
Additional Registrar

Name & address of Parties:

1. Shri B. Premanand, Indian Skeptic, 11/7 Chettipalayam Road, Podanur

641 023

2. Shri P.M. Saravanan, CPIO, Department of Posts, O/o Sr. Supt. Of Post
Offices, Hyd. City Divn, Hyderabad 500 001.

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