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Fisher matrix forecasts for astrophysical tests of the stability of the fine-structure

arXiv:1704.08728v1 [astro-ph.CO] 27 Apr 2017

C. S. Alvesa,b, T. A. Silvaa,b , C. J. A. P. Martinsa,c,, A. C. O. Leitea,b,c

a Centro de Astrofsica, Universidade do Porto, Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto, Portugal
b Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
c Instituto de Astrofsica e Ciencias do Espaco, CAUP, Rua das Estrelas, 4150-762 Porto, Portugal

We use Fisher Matrix analysis techniques to forecast the cosmological impact of astrophysical tests of the stability
of the fine-structure constant to be carried out by the forthcoming ESPRESSO spectrograph at the VLT (due for
commissioning in late 2017), as well by the planned high-resolution spectrograph (currently in Phase A) for the
European Extremely Large Telescope. Assuming a fiducial model without variations, we show that ESPRESSO
can improve current bounds on the Eotvos parameterwhich quantifies Weak Equivalence Principle violations
by up to two orders of magnitude, leading to stronger bounds than those expected from the ongoing tests with the
MICROSCOPE satellite, while constraints from the E-ELT should be competitive with those of the proposed STEP
satellite. Should an variation be detected, these measurements will further constrain cosmological parameters, being
particularly sensitive to the dynamics of dark energy.
Keywords: Cosmology, Fundamental couplings, Fine-structure constant, Fisher Matrix analysis

1. Introduction sensitivity of these tests, as well as the degree of control

over possible systematics.
Astrophysical tests of the stability of fundamental cou- Moreover, the results of these testswhether they are
plings are an extremely active area of observational re- detections of variations or null resultshave a range
search [1, 2]. The deep conceptual importance of car- of additional cosmological implications. They provide
rying out these tests has been complemented by recent competitive constraints on Weak Equivalence Principle
(even if somewhat controversial [3]) evidence for such (WEP) violations [1, 6, 7] and, in the more natural sce-
a variation [4], coming from high-resolution optical/UV narios where the same dynamical degree of freedom is
spectroscopic measurements of the fine-structure constant responsible both for the dark energy and the variation,
in absorption systems along the line of sight of bright can also be used in combination with standard cosmolog-
quasars. The forthcoming ESPRESSO spectrograph [5], ical observables to constrain the dark energy equation of
due for commissioning at the combined Coude focus of state [8, 9] and indeed to reconstruct its redshift depen-
ESOs VLT in late 2017, should significantly improve the dence [10, 11].
While current data already provides useful constraints,
the imminent availability of more precise measurements
author from the ESPRESSO spectrograph will have a signifi-
Email addresses: (C. S. Alves), (T. A. Silva),
cant impact in the field. In this work we apply standard (C. J. A. P. Martins), Fisher Matrix analysis techniques to forecast the improve- (A. C. O. Leite) ments that may be expected from ESPRESSO, but we

Preprint submitted to Physics Letters B May 1, 2017

also take the opportunity to look further ahead and dis- redshifts, z < 5, where it is indeed negligible), the evo-
cuss additional gains in sensitivity from the European Ex- lution of the scalar field can be expressed in terms of
tremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), whose first light will and of the dark energy equation of state w as
be in 2024.
( )2
1 + w = , (5)
2. Varying , dark energy and the Weak Equivalence
principle with the prime denoting the derivative with respect to the
logarithm of the scale factor. Putting the two together we
Dynamical scalar fields in an effective four- finally obtain
dimensional field theory are naturally expected to
Z zq h i dz
couple to the rest of the theory, unless a (still unknown) (z) = 3 (z ) 1 + w (z ) . (6)
0 1 + z
symmetry is postulated to suppress these couplings
[12, 13, 14]. We will assume that this coupling does exist The above relation assumes a canonical scalar field, but
for the dynamical degree of freedom responsible for the the argument can be repeated for phantom fields, leading
dark energy, assumed to be a dynamical scalar field de- to
noted . Specifically the coupling to the electromagnetic Z zq dz

sector is due to a gauge kinetic function BF () (z) = 3 (z ) 1 + w (z ) ; (7)
0 1 + z
LF = BF ()F F . (1) the change of sign stems from the fact that one expects
4 phantom fields to roll up the potential rather than down.
This function can be assumed to be linear, Note that in these models the evolution of can be ex-
pressed as a function of cosmological parameters plus
BF () = 1 ( 0 ) , (2) the coupling , without explicit reference to the putative
underlying scalar field. In these models the proton and
(where 2 = 8G) since, as has been pointed out in [13], neutron masses are also expected to varyby different
the absence of such a term would require the presence of amountsdue to the electromagnetic corrections of their
a symmetry, but such a symmetry must be bro- masses. Therefore, local tests of the Equivalence Princi-
ken throughout most of the cosmological evolution. The ple also constrain the dimensionless coupling parameter
dimensionless parameter quantifies the strength of the [1], and (more to the point for our present purposes) they
coupling. With these assumptions one can explicitly re- provide us with a prior on it.
late the evolution of to that of dark energy [6, 15]. The We note that there is in principle an additional source
evolution of can be written term driving the evolution of the scalar field, due to the
derivative of the gauge kinetic function, i.e. a term pro-
= B1
F () 1 = ( 0 ) , (3) portional to F 2 BF . By comparison to the standard (kinetic
0 and potential energy) terms, the contribution of this term
and defining the fraction of the dark energy density (the is expected to be subdominant, both because its average
ratio of the energy density of the scalar field to the total is zero for a radiation fluid and because the corresponding
energy density, which also includes a matter component) term for the baryonic density is constrained by the afore-
as a function of redshift z as follows mentioned Equivalence Principle tests. For these reasons,
in what follows we neglect this term (which would lead to
(z) (z) environmental dependencies). We nevertheless note that
(z) , (4) this term can play a role in scenarios where the dominant
tot (z) (z) + m (z)
standard term is suppressed.
where in the last step we have neglected the contribution A light scalar field such as we are considering in-
from the radiation density (we will be interested in low evitably couples to nucleons due to the dependence

of their masses, and therefore it mediates an isotope- its present-day value) and wa describing its evolu-
dependent long-range force. This can be quantified tion, as follows
through the dimensionless Eotvos parameter , which de- z
scribes the level of violation of the WEP [1]. One can w(z) = w0 + wa . (11)
show that for the class of models we are considering the
Eotvos parameter and the dimensionless coupling are All of these have been used in previous works to ob-
simply related by [1, 13, 14] tain constraints from current data [6, 8, 9] or to forecast
3 2 dark energy equation of state reconstructions [10, 11], and
10 ; (8)
therefore these previous works can easily be compared
we note that while this relation is correct for the simplest with ours.
canonical scalar field models we will consider in what fol- Our forecasts were done with a Fisher Matrix anal-
lows, it is somewhat model-dependent (for example, it is ysis [19, 20]. If we have a set of M model pa-
linear rather than quadratic in for Bekenstein-type mod- rameters (p1 , p2 , ..., p M ) and N observablesthat is,
els [7]). measured quantities( f1 , f2 , ..., fN ) with uncertainties
(1 , 2 , ..., N ), then the Fisher matrix is
3. Forecasting tools and fiducial models XN
fa 1 fa
Fi j = . (12)
We will be considering three fiducial dynamical dark a=1
pi 2a p j
energy models where the scalar field also leads to vari-
ations according to Eq. 6, as follows For an unbiased estimator, if we dont marginalize over
any other parameters (in other words, if all are assumed
A constant dark energy equation of state, w0 = const. be known) then the minimal expected error is = 1/ Fii .
A dilaton-type model where the scalar field be- The inverse of the Fisher matrix provides an estimate
haves as (z) (1 + z); this is well motivated in of the parameter covariance matrix. Its diagonal ele-
string theory inspired models [16], but for our pur- ments are the squares of the uncertainties in each parame-
poses it also has the advantage that despite the fact ter marginalizing over the others, while the off-diagonal
that it leads to a relatively complicated dark energy terms yield the correlation coefficients between param-
equation of state eters. Note that the marginalized uncertainty is always
greater than (or at most equal to) the non-marginalized
[1 (1 + w0 )]w0 one: marginalization cant decrease the error, and only
w(z) = , (9)
m (1 + w0 )(1 + z)3[1 (1+w0 )] w0 has no effect if all other parameter are uncorrelated with
it. It is also useful to define a Figure of Merit (denoted
(where we are assuming flat universes, so the
FoM for brevity in the results section) for each pair of pa-
present-day values of the matter and dark energy
rameters [20] which is the inverse of the area of their one-
fractions satisfy m + = 1); in this case Eq. 6
sigma confidence ellipse: a small area (meaning small un-
simplifies to [6]
certainties in the parameters) corresponds to a large figure
of merit.
(z) = 3 (1 + w0 ) ln (1 + z) . (10)
Previously known uncertainties on the parameters,
Thus this case allows us to carry out analytic calcula- known as priors, can be trivially added to the calculated
Fisher matrix. This is manifestly the case for us: a
tions, which we have used to validate our numerical
pipeline. plethora of standard cosmological datasets provide pri-
ors on our previously defined cosmological parameters
The well-known Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) (m , w0 , wa ), while local constraints on the Eotvos pa-
parametrization [17, 18], where the redshift depen- rameter from torsion balance and lunar laser ranging
dence of the dark energy equation of state is de- experiments [21, 22] provide priors on the dimensionless
scribed by two separate parameters, w0 (which is still coupling . Specifically, we will assume the following

fiducial values and prior uncertainties for our cosmologi- the ESPRESSO baseline scenario, coming from the
cal parameters larger collecting area of the telescope and additional
improvements at the level of the spectrograph. Al-
m, f id = 0.3 , m = 0.03 (13) though at present not all details of the instrument and
the telescope have been fixed, this is representative
w0, f id = 0.9 , w0 = 0.1 (14)
of the expected sensitivity of measurements on a 10-
wa, f id = 0.3 , wa = 0.3 , (15) 15 year time scale.
while for the coupling we will consider three different We note that our choices of possible theoretical and ob-
scenarios servational parameters span a broad range of possible sce-
narios. As a simple illustration of this point, let us con-
f id = 0 , f id = 5 107 , f id = 5 106 , (16) sider a single measurement of at redshift z = 2. In

always with the same prior uncertainty the case of the dilaton model we have the simple relation
/(z = 2) 0.5. Thus if = 5 107 a single
= 10 . (17) precise and accurate measurement of with ESPRESSO
baseline sensitivity would not detect its variation, while
Thus we will consider both the case where there are ELT-HIRES would detect it at 2.5 standard deviations.
no variations ( = 0), and the case where they exist: On the other hand, for = 5 106 (which as previ-
the case = 5 106 corresponds to a coupling which ously mentioned saturates current bounds) a single z = 2
saturates constraints from current data [6, 9], while = ESPRESSO baseline measurement would detect a varia-
5 107 illustrates an intermediate scenario. tion at 4 and ELT-HIRES would detect it at 25.
The first ESPRESSO measurements of should be ob- Before proceeding with our general analysis it is in-
tained in the context of the consortiums Guaranteed Time structive to provide a simple analytic illustration for the
Observations (GTO). The target list for these measure- dilaton model, in which case the variation is given by
ments has recently been selected: full details can be found Eq. 10. Lets further assume that (or equivalently m )
in [23]. Bearing this in mind we have studied the follow- is perfectly known, so we are left with a two-dimensional
ing three scenarios: parameter space (, w0 ). Including priors on both and
ESPRESSO Baseline: we assumed that each of the w 0 (respectively denoted and w ), the Fisher matrix is

targets on the list can be measured by ESPRESSO Q (1 + w0 ) + 12

2 1 2
6 2Q
with an uncertainty of / = 0.6 10 ; this rep- [F(, w0 )] =
1 2

Q2 2 1
, (18)
resents what we can currently expect to achieve on 2 Q 4(1+w0 ) + 2w
a time scale of 3-5 years (though this expectation where we have defined
needs to be confirmed at the time of commissioning
X " log(1 + zi ) #2
of the instrument); 2
Q = 3 . (19)
ESPRESSO Ideal: in this case we assumed a fac-
tor of three improvement in the uncertainty, / = The un-marginalized uncertainties are
0.2 106 ; this represents somewhat optimistic un-
= q (20)
certainties. This provides a useful comparison point,
1 + (1 + w0 )Q2 2
but in any case such an improved uncertainty should
be achievable with additional integration time; w
w = q (21)
2 2 2
ELT-HIRES: We will also provide forecasts for a 1 + 4(1+w 0)
Q w
longer-term dataset, on the assumption that the same
while the determinant of F is
targets can be observed with the ELT-HIRES spec-
trograph [24]; in this case we assume an improve- 1 + w0
2 2 + 1 ; (22)

detF = Q
+ 2
ment in sensitivity by a factor of six relative to w 4(1 + w0 ) 2w 2

this would be zero in the absence of priorsa point al-
ready discussed in [15]but as mentioned above cosmo- 1.0
w c B

logical data and local tests of the WEP do provide us with w c I


these priors. As expected, if = 0 the two parameters 0.8 w c Hte


decorrelate, and there is no new information on the equa- Dilaton B

0.6 Dilaton I

tion of state (w = w ): if = 0 we will always measure Dilaton H
/ = 0 regardless of the experimental sensitivity. CPL B
Now we can calculate the covariance matrix 0.4 CPL I
Q2 2
1 4(1+w0 ) + 2w 12 Q2
, 0.2
[C(, w0 )] = 1 2 2 1
detF Q
2 Q (1 + w0 ) + 2

0.0 1e-6
(23) -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
and the correlation coefficient can be written
4(1 + w0 ) 1 4 Figure 1: One sigma forecasted uncertainties on , marginalizing over
= 1 + 2 2 2 +

2 2
+ 2 4 2 2 . the remaining model parameters, for the various choices of fiducial
Q w (1 + w0 )Q Q w cosmological model (shown in different colors) and dataset of mea-
(24) surements (with solid, dotted and dashed lines respectively depicting
We thus confirm the physical intuition that in the limit ESPRESSO baseline, ESPRESSO ideal and ELT-HIRES, cf. the main
text). The fiducial value of the coupling is f id = 0 in all cases.
0, the two parameters become independent ( 0).
The general marginalized uncertainties are

1 1 1 (1 + w0 )Q2
= + (25) require a (still unknown) symmetry [12, 13, 14]. In this
2,new 2 2w 2 Q2 + 12 case precise measurements will find null results which
4(1+w0 ) w
can be translated into bounds on , whose one-sigma un-
1 1 1 2 Q2 1 certainties, marginalized over m , w0 and (for the case of
= 2 + 2 1
; (26) the CPL model), w , are displayed in Table 1 and in Fig.
w,new w 4(1 + w0 ) (1 + w0 )Q2 + 2 a

In the particular case where the fiducial model is = 0 For comparison, the current two-sigma bound on is
the former becomes || < 5 106 , with a mild dependence on the choice of
fiducial dark energy model [6, 9]. Thus in this case we ex-
1 1 2
= + (1 + w0 )Q (27) pect ESPRESSO to improve current bounds on by about
2,new 2 one order of magnitude. Naturally these improvements
also lead to stronger bounds on the Eotvos parameter: we
while the latter trivially gives w,new = w . As previously note that constraints from ESPRESSO should be stronger
mentioned, we have used these analytic results to validate than those expected from the ongoing tests with the MI-
our more generic numerical code (where furthermore m CROSCOPE satellite [25], while those from ELT-HIRES
will also be allowed to vary). should be competitive with those of the proposed STEP
satellite [26] (though at present the wavelength coverage
4. Results and sensitivity of the latter are relatively uncertain).
Table 1 also shows that there is a mild dependence on
We start with the case where there is no coupling be- the choice of underlying dark energy model. This has
tween the scalar field and the electromagnetic sector of been previously studied, and is well understoodrefer to
the theory, such that f id = 0 . We emphasize that if the [6, 9, 15] for further discussion of this point. The dilaton
cosmological model Lagrangian does contain a dynami- model is a freezing dark energy model. Thus, accord-
cal scalar field, the suppression of such a coupling will ing to Eq. 6, a dilaton model with a given value of w0 will

Table 1: The first three lines show the one sigma forecasted uncertainties on the dimensionless coupling parameter , marginalizing over the
remaining model parameters, for the various choices of fiducial cosmological model and dataset of measurements. The fiducial value of the
coupling is f id = 0 in all cases. The last line shows the corresponding one-sigma uncertainty on the Eotvos parameter , in the least constraining
case of the w0 = const. model
w0 = const. 4.6 107 1.5 107 7.6 108
Dilaton 3.2 107 1.1 107 5.3 108
CPL 3.1 107 1.0 107 5.1 108
2.1 1016 2.3 1017 5.8 1018

have a value of /(z) that is larger than the correspond- dard deviations, while the same observations with the
ing value for a model with a constant equation of state foreseen ELT-HIRES would ensure a two-sigma detec-
with the same value of w0 . Thus, for similar cosmolog- tion. We also note that for the largest permissible values
ical priors, null measurements of will provide slightly of the coupling, ELT-HIRES measurements can improve
stronger constraints for the dilaton case. The same argu- constraints on the dark energy equation of state w0 by up
ment applies for the CPL case, where the additional free to ten percent.
parameter wa further enlarges the range of possible values
of . The case of the CPL parametrization is particularly il-
luminating. Here the behavior of the dark energy equation
Now we consider the case where an variation does
exist, corresponding to a non-zero fiducial value of the of state depends on two parameters, w0 and wa (while in
the case of the other models we assumed that it just de-
dimensionless coupling . In this case the marginalized
sensitivity on the parameter will be weakened due to its pended on the former). Each of these parameters is still
correlations with other parameters. On the other hand, the anticorrelated with , for the reasons already explained,
but this anticorrelation is now weaker than in the dilaton
measurements can themselves help in constraining the
cosmological parameters. The results of our analysis are or the constant equation of state cases, enabling stronger
summarized in Tables 2, 3 and 4, respectively for the con- constraints on . This is manifest in the left-hand side
panels of Figs. 2 and 3. Thus in the case of the largest
stant equation of state, dilaton and CPL fiducial models,
and also shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4. currently allowed value = 5 106 ELT-HIRES obser-
vations of the ESPRESSO GTO sample would detect a
Starting with the constant equation of state and dilaton at the 99.7% (3) confidence level.
models, we confirm the strong anticorrelation between
and w0 (which naturally is weaker for smaller values of It is particularly worthy of note that the two dark en-
the coupling): since the variation depends both on the ergy equation of state parameters are not significantly cor-
strength of the coupling and on how fast the scalar field related. This occurs because measurements of typi-
is movingwhich depends on (1+w(z)), cf. Eq. 5to cally span a sufficiently large redshift range (in our case
a first approximation one can increase one and decrease roughly 1 < z < 3) to make the roles of both in the
the other and still get similar variations. On the other redshift dependence of sufficiently distinct. The prac-
hand, the present-day value of the matter density is not tical result of this is that in the case of large values of
significantly correlated with the other parameters, as is these measurements can significantly improve constraints
clear from the right-hand side panels of Figs. 2 and 3. on wa by more than a factor of two for the case of ELT-
Comparing the two models the correlations are some- HIRES, and by about 30% for ESPRESSO ideal data, in
what weaker in the dilaton case, thus leading to a better the case of a large couplingsee the last line in Table 4.
sensitivity on the coupling . Overall, with the range of Thus measurements can ideally complement cosmolog-
assumed couplings the ESPRESSO GTO measurements ical probes in mapping the behavior of dynamical dark
would detect a non-zero at between one and two stan- energy.

Table 2: Results of the Fisher Matrix analysis for the case of the constant dark energy equation of state model. The first three lines show the
correlation coefficients for each pair of parameters, the following three the Figure of Merit for each pair of parameters, and the last two the
one-sigma marginalized uncertainties for the coupling and the present-day value of the dark energy equation of state w0 .


Parameter = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106
(, w0 ) -0.516 -0.984 -0.873 -0.995 -0.961 -0.996
(m , w0 ) 1.3 105 1.3 103 1.1 104 1.1 102 4.5 104 4.1 102
(, m ) -0.039 -0.074 -0.066 -0.067 -0.073 -0.042
FoM(, w0 )/106 3.03 2.77 9.02 5.49 17.6 6.85
FoM(m , w0 ) 46.1 46.3 46.1 47.4 46.2 50.9
FoM(, m )/106 8.66 1.66 14.7 1.72 16.2 1.85
() 5.3 107 2.8 106 3.1 107 2.7 106 2.9 107 2.5 106
(w0 ) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.098 0.100 0.091

Table 3: Same as Table 2 for the case of the dilaton model.


Parameter = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106
(, w0 ) -0.620 -0.991 -0.921 -0.998 -0.978 -0.999
(m , w0 ) 2.7 107 2.7 105 2.7 107 2.7 105 2.7 107 2.7 105
(, m ) -0.027 -0.042 -0.039 -0.043 -0.042 0.043
FoM(, w0 )/106 4.38 4.15 13.1 9.21 25.7 11.6
FoM(m , w0 ) 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.1
FoM(, m )/106 11.4 1.83 17.0 1.84 18.1 1.85
() 4.0 107 2.5 106 2.7 107 2.5 106 2.6 107 2.5 106
(w0 ) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100

Table 4: Results of the Fisher Matrix analysis for the case of the CPL parametrization. The first six lines show the correlation coefficients for each
pair of parameters, the following six the Figure of Merit for each pair of parameters, and the last three the one-sigma marginalized uncertainties for
the coupling and the dark energy equation of state parameters w0 and wa .


Parameter = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106 = 5 107 = 5 106
(, w0 ) -0.412 -0.728 -0.650 -0.822 -0.705 -0.914
(m , w0 ) 1.6 107 1.6 105 4.0 106 3.3 104 1.7 105 1.2 103
(w0 , wa ) 6.2 109 4.6 107 1.8 105 1.3 103 7.9 105 3.4 103
(, m ) -0.057 -0.095 -0.089 -0.080 -0.095 -0.067
(, wa ) -0.395 -0.663 -0.620 -0.557 -0.663 -0.387
(m , wa ) 9.3 105 8.9 103 8.4 104 6.0 102 3.3 103 1.5 101
FoM(, w0 )/106 4.05 0.950 7.65 1.29 8.89 2.04
FoM(m , w0 ) 46.1 46.2 46.1 46.3 46.1 46.5
FoM(w0 , wa ) 4.62 4.86 4.64 6.47 4.70 10.1
FoM(, m )/106 12.3 2.18 19.5 2.47 21.1 2.75
FoM(, wa )/106 1.34 0.305 2.48 0.414 2.86 0.649
FoM(m , wa ) 15.4 16.2 15.5 21.6 15.7 34.1
() 3.8 107 2.1 106 2.4 107 1.9 106 2.2 107 1.7 106
(w0 ) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
(wa ) 0.300 0.285 0.299 0.214 0.294 0.137

2.0 1e-6
w c B
w0 c Bte

w c H
w0 c Hte

1.5 Dilaton B Dilaton B

Dilaton H 0.35 Dilaton H

0.5 0.30


-1.0 1e-6
1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
w 0

Figure 2: Forecasted uncertainties in the w0 and m planes (left and right panels), marginalizing over the remaining model parameters,
for the various choices of fiducial cosmological model (shown in different colors) and dataset of measurements (solid lines for the ESPRESSO
baseline case and dashed lines for ELT-HIRES, cf. the main text), for a fiducial value of the coupling = 5 107 .

10.0 1e-6
w c B te
w c Bte

0 0

w c H
w0 c Hte

8.0 Dilaton B Dilaton B

Dilaton H 0.35 Dilaton H
5.0 0.30

2.0 0.25

0.0 1e-6
1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 2, for a fiducial values of the coupling = 5 106 .

0.35 0.35

0.30 0.30


0.25 0.25

1e-6 1e-6
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

Figure 4: Forecasted uncertainties in the wa plane, marginalizing over the remaining model parameters, for the CPL model, with various choices
of fiducial cosmological dataset of measurements (with solid, dotted and dashed lines respectively depicting ESPRESSO baseline, ESPRESSO
ideal and ELT-HIRES, cf. the main text), for fiducial values of the coupling = 5 107 (left panel) or = 5 106 (right panel) .

5. Discussion and conclusions We emphasize that the analysis we have presented is
conservative in at least one sense: our sample of mea-
We have used standard Fisher Matrix analysis tech- surements consisted only of the 14 measurements in the
niques to study the cosmological impact of short and range 1 < z < 3 foreseen for the fundamental physics part
medium-term astrophysical tests of the stability of theof the ESPRESSO GTO [11, 23]. This is to be compared
fine-structure constant. The ESPRESSO spectrograph to the 293 archival measurements of Webb et al. [4], in the
will be commissioned at the VLT in late 2017, and since it
approximate redshift range 0.5 < z < 4.2. The latter con-
will be located at the combined Coude focus it will be able
tains data gathered over a period of about ten years from
to incoherently combine light from the four VLT unit tele-
two of the worlds largest telescopes, while the 14 GTO
scopes. On the other hand, the European Extremely Largetargets were chosen on the grounds that they are the best
Telescope, with first light expected in 2024, will have a
currently known targets for these measurements (and are
39.3m primary mirror. The larger telescope collecting ar-
visible from the location of the VLT, at Cerro Paranal in
eas are one of the reasons behind the expected improve-Chile) and improving the measurements on these targets
ments in the sensitivity of these measurements (which are
will have a significant impact in the field. Nevertheless it
photon-starved). The other such reason pertains to tech-
is clear that in a time scale of 5-10 years a significantly
nological improvements in the spectrographs themselves,larger dataset could be obtained, leading to even stronger
enabling, among others, higher resolution and stabilityconstraints.
[5, 24]. Although our analysis focused on time (redshift) varia-
Our analysis demonstrates that whether these measure-
tions of , the 14 ESPRESSO GTO measurements will
ments lead to detections of variations or to improved null
also test possible spatial variations. In particular, if
results, they will have important implications for cosmol-
one assumes that varies as a pure spatial dipole with
ogy as well as for fundamental physics. In the scenariothe best-fit parameters given in the analysis of [4], then
where there are no variations, ESPRESSO can improve along the 14 ESPRESSO GTO lines of sight one ex-
current bounds on WEP violations by up to two orders ofpects variations ranging between / = 3.8 106
magnitude: such bounds would be stronger bounds than and / = +4.1 106 . Moreover, in 11 of the 14
those expected from the MICROSCOPE satellite. Simi- lines of sight those best-fit parameters predict variations
larly, constraints from the high-resolution spectrograph at
whose absolute value is larger than the nominal statisti-
the E-ELT should be competitive with those of the pro- cal uncertainty of the ESPRESSO baseline measurements,
/ = 0.6 106 . Thus the measurements will provide
posed STEP satellite (although in this case one should be
mindful of the caveat that both facilities are currently still
a test of such spatial variations at a high level of statisti-
in early stages of development). cal significance, at least at the claimed level of parts-per-
In the opposite case where an variation is detected,
million in amplitude.
and quite apart from the direct implications (direct evi- Finally, although our constraints are mildly dependent
dence of Einstein Equivalence Principle violation, falsi-
on the choice of fiducial cosmological modela result
fying the notion of gravity as a purely geometric phe- that confirms analyses of current data [6, 8, 9]this is
nomenon, and of a fifth interaction in nature [1]) there
actually a desirable feature. Should ESPRESSO or ELT-
HIRES detect variations, these measurements will ide-
are additional implications for cosmology. While the anti-
correlations between the scalar field electromagnetic cou-
ally complement other canonical observables in selecting
pling and the dark energy equation of state parameters
between otherwise indistinguishable cosmological mod-
mean that constraints on will in this case be weaker than
els. A more detailed study of this procedure is left for
in the null case, the new facilities will extend the range
subsequent work.
of couplings that can be meaningfully probed by at least
one order of magnitude. Moreover, these measurements Acknowledgements
are particularly sensitive to the dynamics of dark energy,
and could conceivably improve constraints on wa by more We are grateful to Ana Marta Pinho and Paolo
than a factor of two. Molaro for helpful discussions on the subject

of this work. This work was done in the con- G. Toso, E. Vanzella, M. Viel, M. R. Zapatero Os-
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a Investigacao 2014, grant number 2148613525. CJM Dark energy and Equivalence Principle constraints
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