Course Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma Unit No. Unit 6 Unit Name Unit Code D/508/0491 Batch 1703

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Student Assignment Covering Form

Course/Unit Information

Course Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma

Unit No. Unit 6

Unit Name Managing a Successful Business Project

Unit code D/508/0491

Batch 1703

Instructor Information

Name Ms. Hawwa Haide

Phone 055 835 1927


Assignment Information

Full/ Part Assignment Full

Date Assignment Issued March 5, 2017

Date Assignment Due April 1, 2017

Turnitin Class ID 14848423

Turnitin Password MSBP1703

Student Information
(To be filled by the student prior submitting the assignment)



Date of Submission 8\4\2017

Student Assignment covering form is an integral part of the assignment document and should
be submitted along with all submissions.

Student Declaration

I, _____MOST___SANJIDA__AKTER______ hereby confirm that this assignment is my own

work and not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any assessment
for this qualification. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this
assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard Referencing format. I further confirm that I have
read and understood the Westford School of Management rules and regulations about plagiarism
and copying and agree to be bound by them.

Students Signature : (signed)sanjida


Date : 8\4\2017

Achievement Feedback Summary

Assessors Name Hawwa Haide

Grades Awarded (P1, P2, P3,

Pass Merit Distinction P4, P5, P6, P7, M1, M2, M3,
M4, D1, D2)

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme

P1 Devise project
aims and P1 Achieved / Not Achieved
objectives for a
chosen scenario.
P2 Produce a M1 Produce a
comprehensive LO1 & 2 P2 Achieved / Not Achieved
management plan project
management plan, D1 Critically
that covers aspects
milestone evaluate the P3 Achieved / Not Achieved
of cost, scope,
time, quality, schedule and project
communication, project schedule management
risk and resources. for monitoring process and
and completing M1 Achieved / Not Achieved
P3 Produce a appropriate
work breakdown the aims and research
structure and a objectives of the methodologies
project. applied.
Gantt Chart to
D1 Achieved / Not Achieved
timeframes and
stages for
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate
knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out M2 Evaluate the

small-scale accuracy and P4 Achieved / Not Achieved
research by reliability of
applying different research
qualitative and methods applied. M2 Achieved / Not Achieved
research methods
appropriate for
meeting project
aims and

D1 Achieved / Not Achieved

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on

meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis
P5 Analyse
research and data LO3 & 4 P5 Achieved / Not Achieved
using appropriate M3 Evaluate the
tools and D2 Critically
selection of evaluate and
techniques. appropriate tools
P6 Communicate reflect on the P6 Achieved / Not Achieved
and techniques
appropriate project outcomes,
for accuracy and
recommendations authenticity to the decision-
as a result of support and making process
research and data justify and changes or M3 Achieved / Not Achieved
analysis to draw recommendations. developments of
valid and the initial project
meaningful management plan D2 Achieved / Not Achieved
conclusions. to support
justification of
LO4 Reflect on the value gained from recommendations
conducting the project and its and learning
usefulness to support sustainable during the
organisational performance project.
P7 Reflect on the M4 Evaluate the
value of value of the
undertaking the project P7 Achieved / Not Achieved
research to meet management
stated objectives process and use of
and own learning quality research
and performance. to meet stated
objectives and
support own
learning and
M4 Achieved / Not Achieved

D2 Achieved / Not Achieved

[To Achieve a PASS, all P grade

PASS/MERIT/ descriptors should be achieved; To
DISTINCTION achieve a MERIT, all P and M grade Date:
Over All Result/Grade /REDO descriptors should be achieved; To
achieve a DISTINCTION, all P, M and
D grade descriptors should be achieved.]
Summative Feedback:

Overall Feedback on
current work with
emphasis on how the
student can improve
and achieve higher
grades in future.
General Guidelines
(Please read the instructions carefully)

1. Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the
student is marked in the declaration form.
2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to the LMS (Use
12 Times New Roman script).
3. Assignment that is not submitted to the LMS by the prescribed deadline will be accepted
ONLY under the REDO and RESIT submission policy of Westford.
4. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of
75% and/or a minimum of 50% under extenuating circumstances approved and ratified by the
Academic Director. The student has to repeat the module (with additional fees applicable) if
the attendance is below 50%.
5. The assignment should not contain any contents including references cited from websites
6. Turnitin report is mandatory and should be attached in the assignment report.
7. Submit the assignment in a MS Word document with the file name being:
First Name Last Name_ abbreviation of the subject.
Example: John Smith_HRM.

Mandatory Quick reference Checklist for the Students before submitting the assignment:
1. Adherence to the deadline of submission date.
2. Original cover sheet and format retained and the Turnitin Report to be attached.
3. Student information and signature intact.
4. Font style and size used as instructed.
5. Harvard Referencing System and Citations are strictly followed.

Managing a Successful Business Project: Assignment Task

Assignment title Case Study: du Telecom Company, UAE

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and timeframes based on the chosen theme.

LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data collection to generate knowledge
to support the project.

LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful
conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis.

LO4 Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support
sustainable organisational performance.

Enabling a Customer-Centric Experience through Project Management Organization:

du Telecom and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Industry


Throughout the United Arab Emirates (UAE), du Telecom provides mobile and fixed telephony,
broadband connectivity and IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) services to people, homes, and
businesses. When it opened for business in 2006, the company boldly entered what was already a
saturated market with 100% penetration. Although du Telecom recognized that the telecom industry
in the Arabian Gulf is fast growing and that the company would face ever increasing competition, it
approached the market as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. Within four years, du had acquired
almost 40% of the regions mobile market share and was maintaining an annual growth rate of more
than 32% in a saturated market.
1 Established in 1987, Huawei is a global leader of ICT solutions and the largest
telecommunications equipment maker in the world. Their telecom network equipment, IT products
and solutions, and smart devices are used in 170 countries and regions.
2. In 2013, du signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.,
a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company.
With this understanding, du and Huawei are working together to better define the best practices in
portfolio and project management concepts, processes and techniques for their industry, including
knowledge transfer and research.
3. du and Huawei are operating what they term a distributed PMO in two countries. This requires
that both understand how a PMO functions in that type of environment. The two companies decided
to work together to exchange best practice industry methodologies, concepts, tools and techniques,
while also better defining best practice portfolio management concepts, processes, and techniques.


du knows that every project takes place in a specific context, be it a stand-alone project or part of a
greater program, or one among a portfolio of projects. A project may also involve a team whose
members have never worked together before, and it may require assigning responsibilities and roles
to people who are new to them. All of these factors are identified and considered as part of a
project. With all of these considerations in mind, du was looking for partners who could help them
overcome these challenges. This provided the trigger to initiate an engagement with Huawei, where
in a region marked by fierce competition, telecom operators contend with constant change and long-
term uncertainty. One key shortcoming that du explored for surmounting these challenges was the
role of project leadershipa capability that delegates and facilitates faster decision making and
improves time to market.


Project leadership is a skill that requires time to developin a person or an organization. Achieving
success requires an analysis of setbacks and failures as a roadmap for improvement. Focusing on
each projects challenges and learning from them helps build a more successful project management
capability. PMIs in-depth report Capturing the Value of Project Management Through Knowledge
Transfer reveals that while capturing lessons learned is critical, what an organization does with that
knowledge once it is captured, is equally important.

As part of the MoU, Huawei and du work together to improve project management practices
between the two companies through knowledge sharing, exchange visits, and other forms of
collaboration. Having robust project management capabilities gives decision makers real-time
visibility on project health, trends on investment returns, and the appropriate control to enable
decision making that reduces uncertainty and opens up opportunities. As part of the process, du and
Huawei use the OPM3 model to accomplish management and control. Organizations turn to
OPM3 because it helps them bridge the gap between strategy and individual projects. It provides a
way to advance strategic interests through the application of project management principles and
practices. This generates consistently successful, high-quality projects that achieve their goals in a
timely manner.


As a result of their collaboration, both companies report a reduction in project failure, an

appropriate level of quality, and results that meet requirements and customer expectations. Both
were also able to free up staff for other assignments and increase efficiency both on the project and
within the business, making things simpler and easier for staff. Du and Huawei instituted a single
point of contact responsible for the management of an overall project. This produces consistent
communications among staff and suppliers and also keeps costs, timeframes, and resources within
budget. Finally, robust project management practices are all about managing customer expectations
with a customer-centric vision. Within the du TelecomHuawei collaboration, project management
practices touched upon the DNA of the telecom business, which is customer experience. Project
management became the enabler for that customer experience.

Scenario: You are expected to read the above given case study on du Telecom and Huawei
Technologies Co. Ltd., and answer the questions that follow. You will also have to refer to other
sources of information in your research to analyse all the questions in more detail. Read the higher
grade descriptors carefully to check out on their specific requirements, which will help you achieve
higher grades. You will have to do your own research on these companies to enable you to do a
holistic examination of the involved project work, and you must completely comply with answering
all the basic requirements stated in the questions below.

du TelecomHuawei collaboration as an entity has set very high benchmark and standards to garner
almost 40 percent of the market share in UAE. To achieve a focused strategy in the Telecom industry,
du is constantly trying to enable a rich customer centric experience in all their projects being
undertaken by them currently. du wants to enhance the customer experience of its existing customers
and desires to carry out a successful business project in this regard which will enable them to drive
strategic continuous improvement programmes, as well as allow them to drive high-impact change
initiatives. They want to collect business intelligence through use of data analytics, give a high quality
service experience and also develop a 360 degrees customer view.
You have been appointed as the Project Manager, du TelecomHuawei, to make this project report
based on certain important criteria which have been given below. The report will encompass all
criteria listed below in the questions, and it will be submitted individually by the given due date.

You are expected to write a project report and incorporate the answers to the following
questions referring to the du caseHuawei study above, in the report itself. You will use other
sources of research work, as well as other secondary material and literature available on the
company and industry.

1. a. Devise your project aims and objectives of duHuawei Company, in line with some of the
customer centric approaches which you desire to undertake to enhance the overall customer
b. You must produce a comprehensive project management plan that will cover aspects of cost,
scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
c. Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages of
completion. [P1, P2, P3, M1, D1]

2. Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods, which
will be appropriate to meet the project aims and objectives set by you. To do this, you will design
a questionnaire to carry out the quantitative research, by taking responses from existing du
customers; minimum sample size chosen must be 30 respondents. You will also carry out
interviews of at least 5 respondents to help you carry out your qualitative research effectively.
[P4, M2, D1]

3. a. You will then use simple statistical tools and techniques like graphs, charts, histograms,
averages, etc. to analyse your data which should help you to come to certain conclusive research
b. Thereafter, you should communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of your
research and data analysis, which will also help you to draw out valid and meaningful
conclusions, which you need to present to the duHuawei Management. [P5, P6, M3, D2]

4. Reflect on the value of undertaking this particular research to meet the stated objectives, as well
as reflect on own learning and performance. [P7, M4, D2]
Your answers should include research well beyond the case study and should be referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3500-4000 words, although you will
not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
DU research

Du is playing an important role in telecommunication network sector in the United Arab
Emirates. They do their best to provide their best services to their valuable customers. They are
the new company in the market but still they are able to manage to have their 40 percent market
share in the market. The reasons I have choose this organization project because this company
have their high chance of growing business in United Arab Emirates and most probably help
them to achieve their objectives. This report will also outline how du will able to achieve their
objectives and aim of this project management in United Arab Emirates.
Table of content

Customer centric approach.17
Customer centric to enhance customer experience...17
Project management plan.18
Project management process29
Work break down structure.32
Gantt chart.35
DU: DU is a telecommunication network in UAE. Du is a public company this company has
founded in 2006. There are two main telecommunication network in UAE one is du and other
one is their big competitors Etisalat telecommunication network. The emirates integrated
telecommunication company has rebranded as du in UAE February 2006. Du have got 40% of
their market share within a 4 years.

Du have their branches around the UAE headquarter of du is Al Salam tower, Dubai United Arab
emirates. Du is present in one country only they are not still take their organization
internationally. The revenue of du is 3.36 billion according to the record of 2015. The key people
of du are Ahmed Bin Byat chairman of du and Osman Sultan the CEO of du organization.

Product of du
Du offer different types of packages to their customers such as they offers fixed line, mobile
telephony, internet and digital television services to their customers around the United Arab
Emirates. The subsidiaries of du is EITC investment holding limited. The number of employees
work for du over 2,000 around the United Arab Emirates. On February 2007 du has launched
their own services which called call traffic which is almost same like ETISALAT. To subscribe
mobile services can be identify by the dialing prefix of 055 and 052.

The product and services promoted by the telecommunication company of du is du live, emirate
plan, prepaid plan call pay as you go, wow recharge card and TV\internet dual service called talk
and surf. Du also give broadband connectivity to individual du also offers carrier services to the

Vision of du
To enhance our customers life, anytime, anywhere.
Mission of du
We want to delight our customers, be the employer of choice for the best talent, create best value
for our shareholders through our business excellent and innovation, and proudly contribute to the
transformation of our community. We do this by using talent, energies and skills to connect,
inspire and reward all we touch, Everyday. (EITC,2017)

Brand promise of du
Add life to life.

Huawei is a private limited company which has found in 1987 in 30 years ago from now. Huawei
is a telecommunication equipment networking equipment semiconductor industry. The founder
of Huawei is Ren Zhengfei and the Huawei headquarter is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong,
china. The key people off Huawei are ren zhengfei (CEO), sun yafang chairwomen and Sabrina
Meng is a CFO. The total revenue of Huawei was US$60.839 billion according to the record of
2015. The number of workers works for Huawei was more than 170,000 in 2015 the subsidiaries
of Huawei is HiSilicon and owner employee owned corporation.

Huawei product and branches are present in worldwide they are present in more than 170
countries and region. Huawei has taken over the largest telecommunication equipment
manufacturing in the world in 2012. Huawei had just mainly focus on to manufacturing switch
and phone at begging and day by day they had expend their business as well as they start
manufacturing more things.

Huawei have their 76,000 employees who are involve in the research and development. They
have their R&D institutes includes the countries china, united states, Pakistan, Canada, united
kingdom, Germany, Colombia and many more countries. Huawei deployed in more than 140
countries and they serving in 45 rank of world largest telecom operators from 50.

Vision of Huawei
Enhance customer life though communication.

Mission of Huawei
To focus on market challenge and needs by providing excellent ICT solution and services in
order to consistently create maximum value of our customers. (Huawei technologies co. Ltd,

Aim of du
Enhance customer experience in the organization.
Objectives of du
1. Introduce new variety of product and services.
2. Provide with high quality services.
3. Increase market share.
4. Increase profitability.

Customer centric approaches

Customers centric is the way of an organization do their business with their potential customers.
And the way organization provide their customers a positives customers services before and after
sales in order to drive a repeat sales and maintain a good customer relationship for customer
loyalty and profits. A customer centric organization is more than an organization which provide
good services. (Superoffice, 2015)

Customer centric to enhance customer experience

Use data to have clear picture of customer relationship: all the organization in all the sector
mainly suffer from the department silos. However, when a customer buy more than one services
this become very important for the organization to make some necessary investment to create
customer 360 degree profits for their customers. Some telecom company want to maintain CRM
in their organization to have more holistic view of their customers and provide best services to

This CRM will help du telecom to have better idea about their customers. The customer
relationship is called as CRM. This will help du to have better relation and connection with their
potential customer. To make their customer satisfy by their product and services and provide
them the better experience from the du organization they can give some special to their important
customer. This will help them to have more-better experience and will satisfy their customers
with the product. They keep some special information about their customers and greeting them in
special occasion such as in birthday, marriage day and many more occasion by messaging them.

Identify the customer with high value and high risk: customers are really valuable for any
organization. While all the customer are important but du need to give more value to some
customer than others. They need to first identify their value customers they can identify their
customer through a robust of their CRM system. The next level of will to identify who among
them will be more important and be end customers. According to that du could give updates of
some special promotion and discount.
Invest in first contact resolution: customers always wants their problem to be addressed and
rectify as fast as possible. Some organization fail to do this they give a poor services when it is
come on the topic of solving any problem this reflect a negative idea about the organization to
customers satisfaction. There are number of step that du can work on to give a best customer
experience when they buy the product and after sales also. This could be invest on giving
training to the employees who work in contact center and also give information about how to talk
to the customers and what they need to talk.

Getting new customer is not easy or inexpensive for any organization and make repeat purchase
from the organization. to keep their new customers organization need to be really careful how to
satisfy with the experience and make sure doing continues business rather jump to the others
brand. Du need to provide a high quality services to satisfy their loyal customer as well as their
new customers. They can also adopting new technology which will be more customer centric. By
building good relation with customers du can earn their trust and become a faithful company.

Project management plan

The key to success in the project is effective planning a good planning will help project team
member to do a successful project. In many project they fail because of failing to do a good
planning. Planning help them to save time, money and others problems. This article will now
give a clear view on what should need to plan to run a successful project planning.

Cost: cost is something that need to give up in order to get something in the business. To run a
business and to startup a business organization need to have some cost. Those cost could be such
as effort, material resources, production, risk taking and more.

Types of cost involve in project management are:

Direct cost: direct cost are those cost which are involve and have direct link to the project when
they work on it. Those cost can be hiring specialist contractor, buying software licences or
renting new building for the project.

Indirect cost: indirect cost are those cost of the project which dont have any direct linked to the
project like direct cost but they are the cost of doing the business overall. Those cost could be
heating, lighting, electricity and coffee machine so on.
Fixed cost: fixed cost are the cost which is unchangeable if the goods and services increase still
project manager will not need to pay more fixed cost. Those fixed cost could be paying money
for one time advertisement to hire a specialist engineer to do some specific task in the project.

Variable cost: variable cost are totally opposite cost of fixed cost. Variable cost are those which
charge change with the time and length of the project. In project management paying salaries of
12 month is more then 6 month one. Machine hire is more expensive of 4 weeks than 8 weeks.

Sunk cost: sunk cost are the cost which has been occurs from before and cannot recover those
cost. Sunk cost could be above those cost or different from those. Sunk cost sometimes can be
prospective if any action are taken than this can be get recover. Sunk cost are forgotten cost in
the business but it is essential to know about those cost.

Cost of DU project
Pre-planning: cost of pre-planning of the project can be different from industry to industry. The
cost of du pre-planning was selecting the potential project manager, hiring staff, employees,
hiring consultant and also conducting marketing research to have some knowledge about this
country also pre-planning cost for du management project. Other cost that du has to maintain
pre-planning project was establishing budget and timeline for the project and securing material
and workspace.

Material cost: all the cost which need to buy the material are material cost. The material cost du
is all the cost which manager need to spend on to buy material in aid to conduct the project.
These cost in the du management project could be cost of paper, computer, printer, electricity
component, and the equipment which is important and necessary to buy in order to run the
project without any conflict.

Human resources: human are essential for any project there could many human resources
involve or it could be just single person involvement. All the employees and project team
member who involve with the du management project all are associated with the cost of human
resources cost. Not just the cost of salary they pay but also in addition with that they give some
benefits to their project group such as cost of insurance as it is applicable in UAE to have
insurance and also those human cost which require to spend for human resources in order to run
the du management project.
Operating cost: operating cost are the cost which need to pay in order to run the project. The
operating cost of du management project are the cost of purchasing project suppliers, paying rent
for the offices and building, associated cost with facility or the location that will take place. And
also the cost of permitting, inspecting and daily operations. There is more cost which du manager
need to manage such as cost of renting, running machinery, picking up the employees who dont
have their car or license and delivering suppliers or customers their product. And many more
operating cost du need to maintain to run a successful business and to supply a best quality
product to their customers.

Scope: scope is space or opportunity which will occur for some business or something have
done. Scope also called benefits those benefits could be for organization, owner, employees or
customers or someone else.

Scope of DU project
Scope is what the project is doing and how they doing it and what is the purpose of the project.
Manager of the DU management project under pressure because manager need to maintain
stakeholder, team member and also himself. Manage project scope tricky for DU project
manager. Du can have a better and successful project if manager can maintain disciples in the
project and do not increase the task.

These could be the scope of the du management project;

Project goal: du need to have a proper project goals what they will do during this project and the
outcome of the project. Their goals should be discuss to their project team members and make
sure their works accordingly.

Project outcome: this outcome is the feature, function, and the characteristic of DU product or
services that DU want to achieve from this project. And those are the scopes of their
management project.

Project boundaries: this is where DU project has been start and where it will get end. In this it
will make sure what DU has include and what they have been exclude from their product or

Product deliverable: after making the product and whatever has exclude and include now
manager of the du management project will now think the scope to deliver their product to their
customers. The process and purpose and training or the final product deliver.
Project limitation: to run a project manager may meet some limitation on their scope. These
limitation could be on time, budget, resources and regulation available for them which will put a
limitation on the project.

Step involve in project management scope

Define the needs: in project management it is really important to know the needs of the project
objectives and the goals of this project that need to achieve from certain project. To move toward
a project they need have a timeline and project resources and so on. On the other hand, its really
important for any project to be defined their scope of the project what scopes they will have from
the project. After they know the scope project team will able to allocated the task and provide
direction to their member who to deliver a project within time and budget.

Understand the objectives of the project: before any organization define their scope of any
project they need to understand their objectives. This objectives could be introduce a new
product, develop an existing product or create a new services in the organization. So this project
objectives will tell them what will be their scope of the project. If project member fail to
establish a proper project scope than the result could as delay of the project.

Time: time is contain of past present and future. To do some work organization need to have a
proper planning on time as time plan an important role to bring success in the business. Without
proper time management every works fail because time never wait for something or anything.

Estimate time
When a project team have full idea and detail of the task they need to done within certain period
of time than it will be clear to them how long a task will take to complete. To make a successful
project they need to also need to allow time for project management administration and task such
as meeting, quality assurance, training and development and supporting documentation.

Project manager also need to have allow time for the other urgent task that need to be carried out
like accident and emergencies and also internal and external meeting. Also the task like giving
important of key stakeholders when they are sick or want to go for holiday. Contacting customer
suppliers and many more task need give more purity in a project than anything else. If time
estimate become difficult those planning will make it easy for project team to maintain time
Time of du project
Define activities: to make sure du project team is not wasting their time manager need to make a
schedules to define their task, milestones and others activities which are needed to complete in
the project. First the du manager need to define those main task which will carry out than slowly
define those activities in detail when their project get fleshed out. To make those activities more
effective the manager could make a Gantt chart and divided the activities according to their

Sequence the activities: after the manager of du management project have define the activities
properly to their project team now manager can put all the activities in order to make everything
more effective. This will save manager from the worry about the project dates. Du project
manager can put all those activities which make more sense to the manager to run the project.
As activities are in order now manager can put dependencies to the each task rather than the
dates this will help du manager to see the true timelines. Those activities could be what types of
product or services they are wises to come up with should make a proper schedules for that first.
After the activities has been completed and they expected some development on their product or
services they can push it in later times.

Develop and control project schedules: as du manager has divided his activities in the Gantt
chart it become easy for him to develop a project schedules for the du management project. The
du manager can show his Gantt chart to everyone who involve in the du management project and
make sure manager has complete the buy-in before they start the project. Everyone should
understand their roles and responsibility on the du management project and committed to the
Controlling the du management project schedules can be must more-harder than for the manager
than planning the schedules. Manager of du management project need to be very careful about
the monitoring the status of the project and make sure that the activities are being to complete on
time and within the scopes.

Managing time play very significant roles in the project to bring success in the project. The more
effective the manager to control the time the more manager can expect to be success in the
project. If du project manager fail to deliver the product within the time that mean manager fail
to serve a product or the services in the market. Which might help Du to capture more market
share in the market and increase number of customer which result as more profits for the du
organization. But an effective time management can do the opposite and bring more success in
the project and business.
Quality: quality is a standard of work which usually measure with others works mainly the
similar work in order to give degree the excellent or good works. Quality also talk about how the
business improve their business day by day.

Quality of du project
Functionality: by which du equipment perform is their project function. Functioning the
equipment is really important for du project specially if the equipment is the client equipment.
The operation process expected from the du project they should function in that way. When du
give a project or services to their customer they need to make sure it is working well and it is
beneficial for the customers. Which will make customer loyal about the du and help to increase
market share.

Reliability: when du management project serve a product or services to their customer they will
definitely expect a better quality product which will not causes any unacceptable failure. The
data or the product they serve to their customers need to make sure it working well. Quality
depends on the person perception who get benefits from that product or services.

Timeliness: du project manager need to make sure how to give a better services to their
customers after and before sales with product. If any problems occurs in their services or product
it is become significant for them to solve it as soon as possible and when needed not after.
Otherwise this will increase number of dissatisfaction customers in the business and fail to make
profit for the du organization.

Quality characters are not just depends on the material, resources or thee equipment. They are
more than that they involve in the service sector too. Du project manager need to make sure they
give good quality project and also come up with the product or the services which will help them
enhance their customer services and increase market share in the market and help to achieve their
desire objectives.

Communication: communication is a transfer of message from one person to other person who
understand the message and acted upon. Communication can be verbal or written and visual
communication. Communication also can be internal and external communication.
The types of communication I use in this project is verbal and written communication as well as
internal and external communication. These communication help me to get the information
which I need to get to complete my project.

Written communication: I use written communication to write report of my day to day works
which I need to done everyday and also to questions for the interviewer. Its really important to
write daily task to do a successful project as this remain what need to do and what have been
already done. Also written communication is use to inform du organization about my work.

Advantage of written communication

There is a hard evidence of the message which can be referred in future if needed.
If any misunderstood occurs written message will help solve the problem.
This also a cheap and quick way to communicate with large number of people.

Disadvantage of written communication

Direct feedback is not possible until using some electric communication.

In written communication its really hard to do two way communication.
Language can be difficult for receiver to understand.
There is no way to use body language to reinforce the message.

Verbal communication: in this project I have use two way communication which need verbal
communication. Where its become easy for the person who gave interview to understand my
requirement as I use my body language. It would become difficult for me to ask my question in
written communication and get the right answer that need to get.

Advantage of verbal communication

Direct feedback can be given.
Easy to give out the information.
Can use body language to express the message properly.
Involve in two way communication.

Disadvantage of verbal communication

Its difficult to communicate with large number of people and ask whether they
understood or not.
Its take longer time when feedback occurs than written.
In case of permanent record for the message occurs such as warning to the workers verbal
communication is inappropriate.

Communication of DU project
Internal communication: in internal communication is a types of communication which occurs
between the project team members. When du need to discussion some of their plan to their staff
and project group they can use internal communication to communicate with them and involve
everyone in the decision.

External communication: this external communication can be uses by the du to communicate

with their team member as well as with other project stakeholders. This external communication
need to be clear from before or prepare before they present in front of other such as customers,
other project and media.

Du can also use other method of communication such as horizontal communication and vertical
communication to communicate with their team member. The more a manager will involve their
staff with the project and planning the more successful project they will able to run and get a
better product for the customers to satisfy them.

Risk: risk is implies of future uncertainty and treats of damage such as loss, liability, and any
negative situation which causes by the external or internal environment this could be solve if
possible action are taken.

Finance: the profitability that a business return to their investor they may get less actually less
return than their expectation. Also having less profits for the business to run successfully.
Finance risk could be divided such as interest rate risk, delivery risk, economic risk,
underwriting risk and many more.

Avoid risk: if the risk are predictable and can be really a consequence for the project its better
for any project team to avoid such risk. For example, if a company are planning to manufacture
some product with the same current process and this will effect on the project timing than its an
intelligent idea to avoid those manufacture.
Mitigate the risk: try to reduce the possibility of any dangerous risk occurs in the project. This
can be done by changing the strategy of the project if it is possible and project team are
comfortable with it. For example, project manager can choose to manufacture the product in
simplifies way if the innovation and costly one take too long time to finish.

Transfer the risk: the best way to deal with the risk is to transfer the risk. risk can be transfer
from internal to external such as if the documentary of computer are too large to scope internally
its best option to transfer them in externally.

Risk of du
The risk of this project could be many the risk could be many risk which may occurs during the
DU management project such as communication, quality, technical, stakeholders, resources and
teams, design, authority, external, user acceptance and many more.

Communication: communication is really important for a project teams and for any business.
Project manager of DU need to communicate with his employees properly and make sure they
understand their task and give feedback on that. Having a broken conversation or a bad
communication can be huge risk for DU project manager. Because bad communication will lead
employees to be confuse about their task and result as huge conflict in work place.
Miscommunication can also lead customers get bad impression about the organization and result
as dissatisfying customers.

Stakeholders: stakeholder can be a huge risk for DU organization if they are not able to meet
their desire wants. And also if the stakeholder have a negative perception about the project and
negative attitude this will ultimately create conflict every step that DU is taking for their project.
To overcome with the negative attitude of the stakeholder manager need to have some meeting
with them and tell all the plan and future thought to them. And also involve them in any kind of
decision making.

Authority: DU manager need to give certain authority to their project team member like the way
they do the job and more. Otherwise this may become risk for the DU because some people are
not willing to work according to others order they like to do the works the way they want to and
meet objectives. So to run a successful business they need to give some kind of authority to their
External: external risk for DU could be laws regulation and the market to do any project
organization need to go through some regulation and follow some laws which has set by the
government of the country. If du refuse to follow those laws they may not able to run their
project in this country.

User acceptance: product are mainly to serve to the customer and if customer are not willing to
accept the project it is become most dangerous risk for any organization. to make sure their
product or the services are accepted by their potential customer DU can make a sample product
before they come up with the product to see customer reaction if they can have sufficient time
for that. This will help DU to have very good project and satisfy their customers.

Resources: resources are the factor which need to accomplish an objectives and activities.
Resources also means to undertake any enterprise and works accordingly to achieve their
business objectives. The main resources of the business are land, labor, capital and many more.

To start up a project manager need to know his main resources which they will need to run the
project successfully. Best way to run a project successfully is gathering all the resources which
will require in the project rather get stuck in half way which can only increase the expenses and
take more time. Three things that a project teams need to have all the time are land, capital and
material goods.

People: human resources are significant for any project that project could a people base or
capital base but there need to be people involve in the project if it is just one person. A project
are maintain by the group of people not just by single person. In project works are divided to the
workers separately and project team may involve in more project rather just one project.

Du management project is a huge project which need to have sufficient people as human
resources to run the project. Manager need to hire the employees who have experience or have
the quality on them to make a successful project. Everything is not possible by equipment and
machine human resources also needed to make project.

Be a manager of the project I have already planned about the human resources how they will
work and what they will do to make this project meet their objectives. There is lots of people for
that work has been given individual separately to each of them. For everything project there is a
duration for this DU project also there is a duration for that as a manager it is significant to
divided the task and make sure workers have understand their task. There might be time where
project expert need to hire for different purpose and this will help DU to run a successful project
and make sure individuals do their work perfectly to meet the objectives and success.

Capital: a project need money for many reasons project team have to pay many expenses during
the project such as hiring workers and many more expenses. Project manager need to manage a
project and for that they need to have sufficient capital. To make this project as a manager I need
have some amount of capital to pay the salary to the staff, rent the offices, to maintain equipment
and resources and need money for many others things.

This capital I need to get as a manager from the investor or from the sponsor who want to invest
on the project. After the planning cost are clear to me how much need to spend in the project and
this will help me to manage a proper budget for my project. To get the du project done there
should be enough capital otherwise as a project manager I will fail to run a successful project.

To avoid such conflict on the project as a manager the things I will do keep the record of all the
expenses as well as plan everything the way that make easy to know how much I need to pay and
for what I will pay. This will help with the project and let know is everything are working
accordingly or not. And keeping a record of the expenses in the software will help me to give a
report to DU management after the project has done once.

Project management process

Initiation: an idea will be given to examine to see if the project will be beneficial for du
organization or not and if it benefits what types of benefits they will get and more. During this
phase a project team will work to identify if the project will be realistically able to complete.

Planning and design: planning is really important for any work it give idea for the work and
how to do the work. DU need to make a high level planning at the start of the project. Than they
can involve their team member to do planning in detail. To make a plan be successful they need
to have enough resources, people, methodology and tools in right place and at the right time. Du
project manager also need to make the planning in this way which can be successful with thee
given budget and given time.

Planning will also define is this project will be benefits for the organization or not. This will
make sure if DU will able to meet their objectives. With the planning design also play a very
significant role in the project. Design how they will done their project and what kind of tools
they need to complete their project and if they will able to meet their desire objectives.

Executing: the manager of du project organization distribute the task between the worker and
project team member and inform their responsibility to make sure they all know their work and
do it properly without making any mistake. When manager distribute the task it is good time to
bring up project related information and discuss with the team.

Monitoring and controlling: after some day of the project manager of du project will compare
the current project status and progress with the actual plan they have made to examine the
situation of the work. And according to the situation manager need to adjust the schedule and
take some action which are necessary to make the project success.

Closing: after the project has been completed and client has approved the project if the project
is successful or the team member need to learn from the history. And finally project are deliver
to their organization.

The initiation will done first in du project management by the manager to see the benefits of the
project because organization will not just waste their money or some product which dont
benefits them also what a project manager is thinking that should be realistic otherwise it would
not be possible for team member to make that project successful. Because they will not able to
make the things or planning for the things which is not possible for them. If the initiation fail that
du project manager will fail to do the planning and designing their work and their product and
services. They cannot plan and design something which is not real and it is not possible for them
to make it come true and make the project successful.

If du manager fail in initiation and planning and designing manager will ultimately fail to
execute their task because they didnt plan properly to execute their task. Manager will fail to
execute those task and responsibility if manager fail in initiation and planning. If manager is not
able execute the task than the project will be not what du organization wanted and they will fail
to come up with a successful goods and services. When manager will fail to distribute the task it
will become very difficult for the manager to control those project team and employees who
involve in the project. Because manager will not know what task have given to some particular
workers and what they are doing and this will confused all the employees. And at the time of
project closing the result will be ultimately bad and they will fail to come up with a product that
satisfy their customer which will be just waste of money for the du organization.

However, all those management process are connected to each other if manager want to be
success in the project manager will need to initiation properly to make sure planning is done
properly after that divided the task among the employee to make project done in time. This will
help manager to control those employees because manager have record of the work and the
employee responsibility. If all this happen properly manager will able to deliver a product or
services to du which will be beneficial for both customer and corporation. Also manager will
able to give a successful project to du organization.

Project management process are vary from industry to industry however those are the common
and traditional project management process which a project teams are carry out in the project.
The goal of this management process is to offer a new product or develop a product to enhance
customer services to get more customer and profitability.

Milestones schedules will do in du management project to specify the task more specifically. In
my project the first thing I will do as a du project manager is research to know customer demand.
This research will done in one week because project need to start early. The second thing will be
planning what to do in the project after get to know the customer demand and this will take one
week totally as there is lots of project team member all together will take less time to plan. The
third thing will be hiring staff who will work for the project to make it successful in the market
and this will take two weeks as they need have right skills to carry out the project so hiring staff
need to be done by HR expert.

Than it will be time to take interview of those people who HR has recruit and select them to
work for the project. Training need to be done after that because some employees may not have
any idea about the project as they are maybe new and fresher also training is important to make
them productive. The second last will be sales of the product and services which will done for
two weeks this will project manager do to see if the du project manager has come up with to see
if the customer like it or not to see if they are become in the project or not and get the positive or
negative feedback at the last and if needed improve the product or services.
To clear the task of the du manager project more clearly I have done a milestones and a project
Milestones and project schedules
Stakeholder Communication Frequency Responsibility Note
Key stakeholder Project kickoff Beginning of Program Project
meeting project management schedules,
office request log
Extranet Ongoing Management Review status,
office milestones met
Client executive Executive Saturday of Account Review project
committee every week manager status
Client sponsor Email Monday 12pm Project manager Review project
Weekly status
Development Email Monday 11 pm Project manager Show input for
team Weekly meeting client

Client manager Email Friday weekly Management

Key client Survey Monthly end of Project manager Informal\ formal
stakeholder every phase

Break down structure

A break down is the tools which use to define and group a project ask in a way which help
manager to organize their total work of the project and the scope of the project. Which will
provide a project manager with a framework of the detail cost element and how to control by
providing a guidance for schedules development and control.

documenting managing

CREATING controlling


Creating: creating is doing some or making something those creating could be planning,
budgeting, and plan to make any services or goods which will be the main objectives of the
project. These creating will done by the whole team of du management project. Help each other
to come up with better idea and run project successfully.
Documenting: documenting is a written or printed paper which an organization keep to have the
record of the some kind of official form, legal form, photograph that can be use to have the
information when they need it.
This document du manager mainly keep to have the record of the work that has been done in the
project. This document talk in detail of the task such as what have been done, who have done the
work and when it has been done. This project will also have the record of du project quality,
foundation and traceability for individuals as well as for entire project. And for this reasons it is
really important for project team to well arrange their document so that it can be easy to read and
adequate. There are four type of documenting in the project.

test document

management documenting


Change management documents: change documents mainly use in the project to keep the
record of their changes in the project plan or any other change made in the system by du project
team. This will help them to linked to the changes which has unanticipated effect on the change.

Test document: this is a document which includes test plan and test cases in the project. Test
case is a detailed document which has been fully test a feature or aspect a feature. In the case of
test plan it is more likely to plan how the test will be perform.
Technical document: in the technical document they record their product definition,
specification, design, quality assurance, product liability and many more things which related to
the technical and du manager need to keep those record to see the end result.
Functional document: functional document is not record of the product or equipment it is the
record of their inner working of the proposal system. It is not a document which define how the
system function but how the function will be implement instead. This is mainly focus on what
system or people will be observe when they interact with the system.

Controlling: it really important in the project to control those controlling could be resources,
risk, employees and many others things which a project manager need to control. The du project
manager need to take the action against any the risk which may occurs in the project. The risk
which can be occurs in the du project could be internal and external risk which need to solve as
early as possible. Controlling the task, time and human resources is really important in the
project this help to make good project.

Controlling quality also an important part in the project. This quality control will be done in du
management project by the quality assurance department. They will make sure du employees are
doing a high quality project in order to supply a high standard services to the du customer.
Controlling of employees and other team member of the project are the responsibility of the du
project manager.

Managing: managing is also an important aspect in the project. Managing human resources are
the most important as well as difficult task. The HR group of the du project will be take care of
the human resources and all the aspect which have interrelation with human. Those can be hiring
staff, training, and interviewing the staff to recruit them for the du management project. HR
people play an important role in the organization and project to handle human resources.
Managing budget will be done by the finance department in the du project. Managing raw
material and production operation department are responsible for that.

To make a good project manager need to distribute the task properly and all the department need
to be very helpful and motivated to make their employees work properly and give good end
results for the du management project. Without help of all the department du manager will not
able to make any good project which will benefits them.

Gantt chart
1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week
hiring staff
Sales product

Research: research is really important for any project or organization before planning any new
product or to open business in the market. The research of DU project will do in first week this
will give more idea about the market and the competitors as well about the market situation.
After research now it is time for the planning a good planning can bring a good result for any
works. On the other hand, this will give idea what product need to launch and how they will give
to their customers.
Furthermore, it is really important to hiring staff to make the project running without people Du
will not be able to do a successful project and hiring staff is the responsibility of the manager.
Before hiring he need to see if the employees are capable of doing what DU what from them.
After hiring staff they need to give training to their staff that can be on the job or off the job.
Give training to the employees who work on the call center and different part in the project.
After the training now DU project manager can see their skills by making them sales some
product in the market those product could a new product which DU has come up or any old
product just to see customer as well as staffs reaction on the product. The last, this will be
feedback from the customers and from the peoples of the project. This will help them to get more
idea about the market and taste of the customer and how they will able to enhance customer
satisfaction. Every work need to be in place and order them in the way that will help the du
management project manager to finish the project on the time and deliver it to the du company
without making any fail.

Methodologies implied more than a simply way to use the method to collect the data. It is
important and necessary to include a consideration or theories which may need to use in order to
collect the data. There are two methods of research which organization and project manager use
to collect the data such as qualitative research and quantitative research.

Qualitative research
Qualitative research is a primary research this research use to have an understanding and
underlying the reasons, motivation, and opinions. It give a clear view of the problems and also
this help to develop an idea and give solution accordingly.

Quantitative research
Quantitative research is use to qualify the problem or the solution by analysis the data. The data
that can be transfer into useful statistic. This use to qualify the opinion, motivation and
understanding in this research messenger always want just to fulfil a quota by the receiver.

Different between quantitative and qualitative research

In qualitative research audience are ask to give their opinions and the reasons behind their
opinions. Whereas in quantitative searchers respondents are always ask to agree or to disagree
they dont have any opinions in this case. Qualitative research always two way communication
and get respond as soon as possible. On the other hand, quantitative research it can be personal
or can use others way to do the research. The quantitative research are much more structure than
the method of qualitative research.

Reliability of quantitative and qualitative research

Reliability and validity are the key aspect of the research method. Giving meticulous attention to
those two method can bring a good or a poor research to the project. This reliability particularly
vital to the qualitative research. As quantitative research have the subject and both interviewer
and interviewee are interrupt with each other with the topic. So to make any research for the
project manager need to concern about the reliability and validity of the research.

To avoid any threats and fail in the research project team need to plan and implement the various
tactics and strategy. The reliability and validity of qualitative research and quantitative research
are not the same that a project manager need to keep in mind. Those qualitative research are not
need to use statistics or calculation like quantitative research. Sometimes project manager use
research team such as credibility, truth, value and conformability and many more rather using the
quantitative and qualitative research.




male female employeed unemployed





du user >3 years <3years

market share


Analysis interview
Quantitative research
Those pie chart are to analysis the quantitative research that need to collect data for the du
management project. This research is to know their market condition to show the result of the
question manager have made some pie chart so that when du see the result they can understand it
easily. The first pie chart is to show the employed and unemployed interviewee from those 30 du
customer and how many are male and female from those. This was mainly to know the
percentage of employed and unemployed customer of du and from thee how many are male and
female so that they know their target market and who is their services mostly.

Everyone from those customer are not connected with du from the beginning some are from
beginning but some customer are connect with du for less than 3 years. Some customer was
etisalat customer before they switch their network to the du to make some changes or for some
effective offers that du give to their customer. The market share of du is 40% in the UAE market
whereas etisalat have their 60% market share. Etisalat still a leading company in the
telecommunication network industry. But as du is a new in the market compare with their
competitors they are still doing really good.
These chart will help du management of project manager to explain about the quantitative
research result. Without saying many thing and wasting manager time any chart or graph make
easy for anyone to understand the topic more easily than seeing a huge paragraph about that
topic. And for this reasons du project manager have make pie chart to show end result of the

Qualitative research

Interviewer is the person who take the interview and interviewer need to be well prepared before
that person take the interview with the questions and all the tools.

There are many reason for qualitative research involve in the project because this help
interviewer to get the honest data that they would not get it otherwise. Qualitative data also
known as primary data as they are the first persons to gather the information before anyone. This
also allow the interviewer ask question in depth and get the information that they want to get.
The main reasons for this qualitative research in this du management project is to get more
information and know the advantage and disadvantage of using du and how much it benefits

There was 5 du customers that I had to take the interview as being the manager of the du
management project. According to the qualitative research there was three person who was really
satisfy with the du before and after sales customer services. Even the data pack they offers to
their customers is really attractive. According to their perception about the du is that they think
du data package is much more- cheap than their competitor etisalat. In addition, those customer
of du also think that the du daily promotional package also really attractive.

Moreover, Du also offer prepaid plan for their customer which is also very useful for their
customer. Du keep on offering and promoting their services and data packages to the customers
and according to those customer. Furthermore, du updates their new promotion and sent
information about their new promotion through messaging which make their customer aware of
their offers. Du is really good when it is come in the term of data package price and subscribe to
those packages also really easy those customer think.

However there is two customer of du from that interview who is not really satisfy about the du
some services. They feel coverage of du is really bad by comparing with their competitors. And
du charge extra when they buy any data packages from them. For example du offers their
customer a data pack 12 GB for 200dhs and end of the month they take more than this price.
Which is unfair to them as they are not remaining honest and loyal to their customers. And also
the social daily data pack of du is also really slow than the etisalat. According to those two
interviewee their after sales experience always bad and the network which is really slow. They
also added that when they need any help and call for du guidance and help they always take more
time to respond than their competitor. According to those customer du need to work on their
employees and their product and services to make sure they satisfy their customers to get more
profit and loyal customer.

To increase their employee productivity du can conduct some training programs. Those can be
on the job or off the job. The employee who work in the call center they need to be very careful
how to handle their different customers in different way. They also need to control their anger
because this will have bad effect on du organization. this will also create bad impression about
their organization to their customer and spoil their brand image.

This qualitative interview help du management project manager what the manager need to come
up with which product and services will make their product successful and beneficial for the
organization as well as for the customer. It is really important to do market research before
because product and services will be for customer so it is really important to know their demand
and desire. And this make project successful and the product because the manager of the project
know which product should be introduce in the market.

Difficulties of the project

The most difficulties that had been face in this project is come up with some product and
services which will differentiate the product from the biggest competitor of du who offer really
effective services and product to their customer. This project was to come up with something
which etisalat still dont introduce in the market or they are really bad in it. But manager need to
realistic they cannot come up with the idea which will not able to show any result after the
project. This was the main difficulties that has been face as being manager of du project. And
also if the customer will be accept their new product or services or not if they accept also it will
be beneficial for them not. Those was really difficult to think for a product and services to
introduce in the market. they also cannot come up with any product for that they need to think
about the risk of that product, maintain the quality, know their scope, and see if they will able to
finish their project in time if they introduce that particular product. And many other things that a
du project manager will need to keep in mind in order to make a good product without harming
environment and regulation.
As a manager my plan was to come up with the 5 GB data pack but that is kind off difficult for
du organization as they are not able to capture some part of the country so it become useless
when du will come up with the 5GB speed of data pack and left most of their area with slow data
and network. Because there is no use of offering their customer with 5 GB data when they cannot
offer fast network to their customer and capture the market where they are not present currently.

So this project was to how to improve their current situation to get more customer, capture more
part of the country area, and mostly increase profits for the du. According to the research du
coverage is really bad than their competitors. So this is a scope where du can improve their
coverage and as project manager I had to do everything which will improve their coverage. And
how to improve their network speed where it is awful also their call center service to make sure
their respond their customer as soon as possible for that they can give training to their employee
which will make them more productive and give knowledge about any new product that du
introduce in the market so that they can inform to their customer.

There was many thing which du need to improve to make sure they can remain competitive and
this will also able to satisfy their customer. This du management project was to ensure how to
overcome with those situation and improve their service quality. And as a manager I had to work
on this so that du can achieve more market share. Learning from this a project manager is
planning is the most important tools in the project because proper planning help project manager
to become success in the project. As the manager know their vision of this project and goals that
they want to achieve in this project. Also to run successful project team member need to be
productive and efficient to reduce wastage of time and raw material. And have sufficient
resources to run the project and deliver the project in time.

As we all already know that du is a new telecommunication network in the market but still they
have already capture the UAE market within less than 3 years and this was only possible because
of their remarkable offers and their promotional strategies. However to remain competitive in
market by doing competition with du one and only competitors etisalat du should either try to
increase their coverage which is the one of the area that du are lack to excel or try to introduce
their market in oversea also to capture more market which will increase their market share and
increase customers loyalty not only in UAE but also in oversea through their attractive
promotional strategy.

Before and after sales

After the purchase stage customers always expect their service giver should give them a good
quality of after sales services. Although, the after sales services of du is pretty good but they
could progress more to give a better after sales services. Du have their pre-recorded support
service on their information number, du could improve this by operating 24 hours in online
which customers can get at any times when they face any difficulties. This one of the weakness
of du because their competitors etisalat cover this agenda. Du can also give some lesson to their
staff and the front desk every monthly or weekly for quality improvement and also ask queries to
make them aware of the new product line. One more biggest weakness of du is customer have to
pay their bills by visiting their office whereas their biggest competitors give the options to pay
the bills through online or automatic machine which is located nearby place.

Service quality
The Du services has to ensure their quality standard are maintain properly. This play an
important role for du to get more loyal customer as well as new customer because if du customer
are likely to satisfy with their quality standard it is more likely that the customer advice other
about du whom they know. The first stage of du mobile services launch situation was really bad.
During their first network launch du outgoing and incoming call network was really awful. And
for this many customers has face this network problems where most of the time network was not
reachable but still du has taken care of their services so nicely that now their network function
really good. However, there is still some part of the country which face the low networking

E -services
Du should introduce and bring into the thoughts of e-services in the market. Although, the
website which give all the details of du services are granted by the telecom provider, should also
consider of bring services like online bills payment, as this give their customers a options to pay
from anywhere and which saves both customer time and corporation.

Wider market share

Du can come up with an agreement with the authority and attempt to strike a treaty to allow the
du to give their data services to everyone in the UAE in all the part. They can also provide data
services to the free zone area this will help du to get wider market shares in the market and large
customer base and help them to get more profits for the organization.

In the du management project du project manager should see all the weakness of them as well as
the weakness of their competitors. This will help the manager to know which will be better for
their organization and able to capture large number of market shares as well as customers. The
manager can also try to introduce some new services which their competitors dont have and
they will be the first one to introduce this services those could be introduce 5GB in the market.
This will help them to give the better data services to their customer. This will also help Du to
achieve their business objectives by enhance customer services and by capture more market

So everything in nutshell it clear that du able to attract their customer with competing with the
established organization called etisalat. Du have achieve a reasonable market share through their
attractive promotion, offers, and by building brand image and also by differentiate their services
and packaging from their competitors. Du have still many things to do long way to go and
achieve many things.

To giving customer centric satisfaction and to enhance their customers services du need to
manage their management project properly. Come up with new idea make sure their project
benefits their customers as well as their organization. du project manager has establish a project
the way which will definitely benefits them. The manager objective was to increase market
share, profitability and provide high quality product to their customers. To achieve this project
objectives manager has planned a way which help them to achieve their objectives.

After seeing everything above and have study about the project I could clearly said that if
everything works properly du will able to introduce a high quality services and product in the
market for their customer. Good quality product and services will help Du to increase more loyal
customer toward their organization. and with the help of research it become more easy to
understand the market situation in the UAE. Mainly the qualitative research as it allow to talk in
depth and involve with the customer this make du project manager to understand their customer
preference and how they will able to improve their services to give a better quality service to
their customer.

Moreover, more loyal customer can also bring more new customer for the organization with the
help of word of mouth as customer satisfaction make them to talk good about some goods and
services. And this will increase customer for du organization which definitely means they will
start earning more profits for the organization. If the customer increase it increase the sales of du
goods and services and this will increase market share.

Lastly, as this du management project objectives are get more profit, increase market share, and
bring more customer towards the du. And their all the objectives are related to their good quality
of goods and services. And this project will help organization to achieve their goals if they work
according to their plan and able to give a better services to their customers. As customer are the
main way to get their objectives achieve. So now can say that customer satisfaction will
ultimately help du management project manager to achieve their objectives.

The learning from this project is that in telecommunication it become difficult to come up with
new idea as it a service sector industry and before introducing any product in the market
organization need to make sure their customer will able to accept their services or their product.
They need to be very careful about their customer opinion and their demand to meet objectives.
Also in the case of telecommunication project manager need to be very creative to serve a
different or a better services to their customer. As they all serve same product and services to
their customer they need to be do something which will make their organization more success.

The performance of the du management project was really good and their all thee team member
was really effective and productive. They all was motivated to provide with some services which
will help du to capture more customer and more market share. Without the help of team member
it would not be possible for du project manager to achieve their project objectives and finish their
project in time. Concluding my project with briefing about the SWOT analysis of the du

As it has mention already du give different promotion strategy and their offers are their main
strength in the market those offers could be pay per second policy and many more.

Du main weakness is they dont have so strong coverage comparing with their competitors
etisalat and for this reasons many customers prefer etisalat over du.

Du still dont have the policy of paying bill in online they can introduce this policy. Cover more
area in this country and give more- better services to their customers.

As etisalat was a establish company in the UAE market and also a monopoly company than du
come to this country so there is high chance for du to get new competitors in the market in near

The du management project manager should work on the strength of du organization to make
their strength to be more strong and differentiate their company from other. Seeing competitor
weakness and work on that also will make them more -strong. Weakness are the point which du
will able to improve and transform as their strength. Du have many opportunity that they need to
work on that which will make them more- strong and help them to get more market share in the
market and more customer. Those threats will inspire and motivate them to work hard to face
any kind of critical situation in future and work effectively to remain competitive in the market.

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