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Pre Teaching Scheme

CR Examination Scheme ( Marks)
requisite weekly Hours
Progressive End Exam Total
02 -- 04 06 30 25 70 50 -- 175

Diploma holders are also entrepreneurs in this field. In order to take up student must study basic
importance of subjects like SURVEYING. A systematic study of the core subject along with various
principles completed with knowledge of different instruments will be very useful to diploma holder who is
key man on the field.

Students should be able to-
1. To acquaint the students with the principles and the methods of different types of surveys.
2. To develop the ability to apply knowledge of survey to solution of day to day problems on
construction sites.
3. To develop the skill of handling various surveying instruments and accessories on the field.
4. To promote ability to evaluate performance of survey and recommend measures for repairs.
5. Use of minor instruments.

1. Basic Ideas: [02Hrs. 08Marks]
1.1 Definition of surveying, leveling, objects of survey, classification of survey.
1.2 General principles of survey, uses of survey.
1.3 Maps types, scales, R.F.

2. Linear measurements: [07Hrs. 22Marks]

2.1 Accessories for linear measurement, study of types of chains, 20/30 metric chains, testing
and adjustment of chain, Errors due to incorrect in length, area (simple numerical problems).
2.2 Study of tapes metallic, steel invar,fibre glass.
2.3 Instruments for marking stations, ranging rods, offset rods, pegs, arrows, and plumb bob.
2.4 Ranging direct, indirect, uses of line ranger, measurement along the slope method of

3. Chain & cross staff survey: [05Hrs. 15Marks]

3.1 Chain triangulation, survey station , their selection , survey lines, base line, tie line, check
line, ground features, taking offsets, importance and contents to be recorded in field book,
noting of field notes

4. Conventional signs: [02Hrs. 05Marks]

4.1 Cutting, embankment, railways roads, river & bridge, rail road crossing, pipe railing,
transmission lines ,temple, mosques church, stations chain line.
4.2 Introduction to remote sensing and its relation to civil engineering.

5. Chain & compass Survey: [08Hrs. 25Marks]
5.1 Open & closed traverse, construction & use of prismatic compass. Bearing of line, whole
circle and quadrantal bearing ,Fore & back bearing, reduced bearing, conversion of bearing,
magnetic, arbitrary, true meridian, dip of magnetic needle, local attraction, error in compass
5.2 Traversing by chain and compass, included angles, plotting of the traverse, graphical
adjustment by Bowditchs rule.
5.3 Sources of error in prismatic compass, observations precautions to be taken, numerical
problems on above topics.
6. Plane table survey: [05Hrs. 13Marks]
6.1 Principles of plane table survey & accessories required.
6.2 Setting out of plane table, leveling, centering and orientation.
6.3 Methods of plane table surveying- radiation, intersection and traversing.
6.4 Merit and demerits of plane table survey, situations where plane table survey is used.

7. Minor instruments: [03Hrs. 12Marks]

7.1 Amster polar planimeter construction, use & calculation of areas. Area of zero circle.
7.2 Abney level construction & use.
7.3 Hand level construction & use
7.4 Delesles clinometer

Practical shall consist minimum 10 from the following.
1. Unfolding and folding of chain & study of various parts of a chain.
2. Testing the chain.
3. Direct ranging & offsetting
4. Indirect ranging by line ranger and offsetting line ranger, tapes, open cross staff.
5. Cross staff survey.
6. Study of prismatic compass
7. Measurement of bearing with prismatic compass.
8. Traversing with compass by method of included angle.
9. Plane tabling accessories and temporary adjustment of plane table survey.
10 Plane table by radiation method
11. Plane table by intersection method.
12. Plane table by traversing methods.
13. Area calculation by planimeter.
14. Study of digital Planimeter and selection of units, setting scale value.
15, Area calculation by digital planimeter
16 Study and use of Abney level
17. Study and use of hand level


Term work shall consist of the following.
1. Chain & compass survey minimum five sided traverse locating interior details
2. Chain and cross staff survey & plotting the same.
3. Plane table traversing for five sided traverse, locating interior details on drawing sheet.

REFERENCE BOOKS: Title Authors Name Publication

1 Surveying & Levelling A. Kanitkar & Kulkarni Pune Vidyarthigruh
2 Surveying & Levelling Dr. B.C. Punmia Standard Book House
3 Surveying & Levelling V.S. Gajre Nirali Prakashan Pune
4 Surveying & Levelling K.R. Arora Standard Book House
5 Surveying & Levelling S. K. Duggal Tata Mcgra hill
6 Higher Surveying A.M. Chandra

Course Designed by Subject Expert

Head of CED

Approved PBOS committee:

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